Obamacare just ruined my life

Lies? What are lies?
That socialized healthcare is absolute shit.
Wanna talk about waiting lists?
Waiting lists to get on official waiting lists?
You are clueless.
Another expert who never experienced socialized medicine.
The British call their NHS the No Hope Service.

England, huh? They still have it don't they?
I experienced single payer in Japan...10 years worth. It was great.
bigoted fakey with his today's portion of lies :lol:

"bigoted" and "lies" from "He is crying because his business decided [to cut his hours], which is businesses' right to do so. // So the hard worker of the far right reactionary work force better put his organic transport to use and go find a better job, or better yet, start his own."

Every statement of mine above is true, and Vox is just attacking personality because she can't attack:

(1) yes, 2dA is crying because his hours were cut (true statement)

(2) yes, it is business right to do so

(3) yes, 2dA claims to be hard core individualist

(4) yes, my opinion that he should "find a better job, or better yet, start his own" is true as well


Lies? What are lies?
That socialized healthcare is absolute shit.
Wanna talk about waiting lists?
Waiting lists to get on official waiting lists?
You are clueless.
Another expert who never experienced socialized medicine.
The British call their NHS the No Hope Service.

England, huh? They still have it don't they?
I experienced single payer in Japan...10 years worth. It was great.

Ask, the good folks in England, Japan, Canada, et. al. if they'd like to dump their horrible socialistic HC systems and have ours. Got a pretty good feeling most will say not only "No", but "Fuck no!"
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

48 plus hours a week. Plus classes, plus study time, plus...plus travel time gettong around campus and the world...lol...plus time to eat, shit and sleep, shop for food or snacks.....

When did we run out of time?
Lies? What are lies?
That socialized healthcare is absolute shit.
Wanna talk about waiting lists?
Waiting lists to get on official waiting lists?
You are clueless.
Another expert who never experienced socialized medicine.
The British call their NHS the No Hope Service.

England, huh? They still have it don't they?
I experienced single payer in Japan...10 years worth. It was great.
Guess what, they've had it for 3 generations.
In recent years criticizing the NHS openly can be considered a SERIOUS AND ORGANIZED CRIME!!
The British do not enjoy the freedom of choice that we have in the USA.

That freedom YOU liberals wish to end.

Japan is a tiny island nation ( several islands) with a dense population.
Not comparable with the USA.
Did you pop in for a quick fix or was it a long term illness?
ER right?

I experienced that shit for years.
You don't know what you are gobshiting about.

Freedom? We allow people like you to breathe the same air as the rest of society.
He/she should be required to post proof of existence. LOL

I noticed the same thing.

If he really lost hours at work, that means he'll be here less because he's using his work computer.

No wonder his employer cut his hours.
Ever heard of a smartphone?
I haven't used a computer more than once a week in the past 4 years unless it was at work!!

Do you steal from your employer by posting all day from your smart phone?
Lies? What are lies?
That socialized healthcare is absolute shit.
Wanna talk about waiting lists?
Waiting lists to get on official waiting lists?
You are clueless.
Another expert who never experienced socialized medicine.
The British call their NHS the No Hope Service.

England, huh? They still have it don't they?
I experienced single payer in Japan...10 years worth. It was great.
Guess what, they've had it for 3 generations.
In recent years criticizing the NHS openly can be considered a SERIOUS AND ORGANIZED CRIME!!
The British do not enjoy the freedom of choice that we have in the USA.

That freedom YOU liberals wish to end.

Japan is a tiny island nation ( several islands) with a dense population.
Not comparable with the USA.
Did you pop in for a quick fix or was it a long term illness?
ER right?

I experienced that shit for years.
You don't know what you are gobshiting about.

10 years. My wife bore three children....her father and her aunt had long bouts with cancer and it did not bankrupt her family. I know what I am talking about. You lose......again.

BTW....I have insurance ..but I still waited for three hours in an ER here with the tip of my index finger hanging by a the skin before I was seen by a doc. I did have a meeting with the billing department after an hour or so, though. Fuck this shit.
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I noticed the same thing.

If he really lost hours at work, that means he'll be here less because he's using his work computer.

No wonder his employer cut his hours.

You all seem to have missed the fact that he always posts here in the evenings, not during the day.

3:49PM is the evening?

It depends on what part of the country you live.
3:49 p.m. on the board time is 6:49 p.m. on the East Coast.

The point is you have no idea when he goes to work or when he gets home, but seeing as how he always posts in late afternoon and evenings means, during the day he is at work.
You all seem to have missed the fact that he always posts here in the evenings, not during the day.

3:49PM is the evening?

It depends on what part of the country you live.
3:49 p.m. on the board time is 6:49 p.m. on the East Coast.

The point is you have no idea when he goes to work or when he gets home, but seeing as how he always posts in late afternoon and evenings means, during the day he is at work.

Working well over (by his/her own words) 40 hoirs a week while going to school?

Okay. Okie dokie.
1) National Health Care

2) Unlimited and Unrestricted Gun Ownership

3) Social Security (Medicare and Medicaid too)

4) Food Stamps

5) Amending the Constituion to overturn Citizens United.

6) Amending the Constitution limit the Commerce Clause (restoration of States Rights)

7) Amending the Constituion to Repeal 17th Amendment.

8) Amending the Constitution so that all federal, state and local government employees are paid no more than twice the median income of the families of United States citizens.

9) The Right to Euthansia

10) A 80% decrease in the size of our military, and training every 18 year old male citizen how to use a standard military issue rifile for 12 weeks and then providing them with a free rifle to take home.

Also, I do not care if you agree, or disagree with my ten, I will not respond to you. I'm not here to discuss anyone's ideas in detail, I simply want to know your ideas, because every person is unique and views life and law differently, as we all experience our own story.

Lots of insight on a profile page
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Ever heard of a smartphone?
I haven't used a computer more than once a week in the past 4 years unless it was at work!!

Do you steal from your employer by posting all day from your smart phone?
I have lived in the USA for a little over 10 years.
For 9+ of those I had no employer.

Now that I have retired, I post freely.
The American way is great, to earn is easy, to profit too!!
If you fail in America you have only yourself to blame.
However, America isn't the same America anymore.
It's heading, like a trainwreck down the tracks to socialism!
really? You are an immigrant? Ptooe! I think the last thing America needs is more immigrants like you. You take and then shit on us
Guess what, they've had it for 3 generations.
In recent years criticizing the NHS openly can be considered a SERIOUS AND ORGANIZED CRIME!!
The British do not enjoy the freedom of choice that we have in the USA.

That freedom YOU liberals wish to end.

Japan is a tiny island nation ( several islands) with a dense population.
Not comparable with the USA.
Did you pop in for a quick fix or was it a long term illness?
ER right?

I experienced that shit for years.
You don't know what you are gobshiting about.

10 years. My wife bore three children....her father and her aunt had long bouts with cancer and it did not bankrupt her family. I know what I am talking about. You lose......again.
33 years, I fucking win knob rash!!
I had cancer, would have died in the UK.

Cured in a very short time here.
Didn't go bankrupt, strange huh?

My freind right now has estrogen reactive breast cancer, mastectomy done.
Mets to her upper L arm, bone removed and replaced, last week it was discovered in her liver. Treatment begins immediately!!
In the UK Treatment would have begun and ended with the mastectomy.

She is far from going bankrupt.

Your entire destruction of our healthcare SYSTEMS is based on dogma nothing else.
Your lies can never prevail!!
Freedom shall prevail!!

33 years, huh? How did you survive?

You need to stop lying.
In the previously deleted thread, all the Authoritarian scumbags were delighted that I'd be forced to get foodstamps and medicaid.

Instead of trying to create a prosperous America, they revealed their hate, spite and contempt for the working people, and made their intentions known, that they wish to drag us down with them.

Forced? When you need It its forced...When others its because they are lazy.

Stop being lazy

Until I can find a second job, it is forced.

No its not it's because you are lazy and shiftless.
The Watermill Catering Center is one of the most successful Catering Hals on the EAST COAST.

Peter King, Steve Israel, Gov Cuomo, and former Prez Clinton are regular guests.

Giant Mercedes Benz Christmas parties and the like.

You're an hourly worker in a catering hall?

If that's your idea of a viable career in Suffolk County, then your life was ruined way before Obamacare took effect.

He is a college student, idiot :rolleyes:

rhetorical question - why are all the libtards on this thread either bigoted haters or retarded liars, or BOTH?

Aside from the fact that I am going to college.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH making $36,000 a year+ at a Catering Hall
You're an hourly worker in a catering hall?

If that's your idea of a viable career in Suffolk County, then your life was ruined way before Obamacare took effect.

He is a college student, idiot :rolleyes:

rhetorical question - why are all the libtards on this thread either bigoted haters or retarded liars, or BOTH?

Aside from the fact that I am going to college.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH making $36,000 a year+ at a Catering Hall

Hold on a sec, please.

If you are losing 24K by having your hours cut from 52 to 30 ( 22 hours ).....how is it possible that you only make 36K in total? You only make 12K for the first 30 hours? You should be making over 50K.

Your nose must be a foot long by now.
48 plus hours a week. Plus classes, plus study time, plus...plus travel time gettong around campus and the world...lol...plus time to eat, shit and sleep, shop for food or snacks.....

When did we run out of time?


Politics if my life faggot. Here I am talking at a meeting, and here I am on the radio:


I even say that I'm waiter on the national radio, listen at 2:35

Here I am at 20:00

here's the link to my job:


Here's my facebook:


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