Obamacare just ruined my life


You don't owe it to anybody to justify how you are supporting yourself through college. Also, I'd remove the PI. There are people here who are not to be trusted with that type of info.

1) National Health Care

2) Unlimited and Unrestricted Gun Ownership

3) Social Security (Medicare and Medicaid too)

4) Food Stamps

5) Amending the Constituion to overturn Citizens United.

6) Amending the Constitution limit the Commerce Clause (restoration of States Rights)

7) Amending the Constituion to Repeal 17th Amendment.

8) Amending the Constitution so that all federal, state and local government employees are paid no more than twice the median income of the families of United States citizens.

9) The Right to Euthansia

10) A 80% decrease in the size of our military, and training every 18 year old male citizen how to use a standard military issue rifile for 12 weeks and then providing them with a free rifle to take home.

Also, I do not care if you agree, or disagree with my ten, I will not respond to you. I'm not here to discuss anyone's ideas in detail, I simply want to know your ideas, because every person is unique and views life and law differently, as we all experience our own story.

Lots of insight on a profile page

That was a long time ago, I was still dissolving the Libtard disease that was inflicted on me, this should sum it up

Alex Jones will lead you nowhere. Find a new hero.....for your own sake.

Ok, LL. I've had just about enough of your attacks on 2AD. Time for me to raze your sorry liberal butt to the ground.

First of all, you follow Obama like a lost child. For all intents and purposes he is your hero. He leads you by the hand everywhere (or at least you think he should). You would let him decree every step if you could led him. If he speaks it, it must be true. You cry and whine about entitlements and decry the wealthy, nothing but an ingrate. You berate those who don't share your beliefs and you bully those who challenge you. You are not wise enough to count your own blessings instead of being envious of the multitude of blessings others receive. You are intellectually dishonest and habitually twist facts to suit twisted arguments. You take no time in degrading others.

There are people here including 2AD who have way more life experience than you. If it's one thing I cannot stand it's people with not one iota of real life experience attacking the livelihood of another. There are people here on this board who are struggling to make ends meet, and you dare assail them for it?

You are liken to an ant attacking an elephant. The elephant doesn't see you when he tramples you underfoot. The elephant is wise enough to keep moving.

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He is a college student, idiot :rolleyes:

rhetorical question - why are all the libtards on this thread either bigoted haters or retarded liars, or BOTH?

Aside from the fact that I am going to college.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH making $36,000 a year+ at a Catering Hall

Hold on a sec, please.

If you are losing 24K by having your hours cut from 52 to 30 ( 22 hours ).....how is it possible that you only make 36K in total? You only make 12K for the first 30 hours? You should be making over 50K.

Your nose must be a foot long by now.

I said 36,000+

The last tow years I made above 40k.

30hoursx (10.50 + 11.25) = 652


That above assumes that I never take a vacation, since I take two 2-week vacations (unpaid), and I leave the Catering hall each semester during final seasons, I lose 3 months total. so 75% of 31,320 is 23,490

So now I'll be making 23,490 BEFORE taxes.

The extra 20 hours with the overtime generated an additional 23,640

However, that to is subject to the 75% smack so that's actually 17,730

32,640 + 17,730 = 41,200 BEFORE TAXES.

You Libtards make me sick.

This is why central planning by ivory tower Libtards always fails.


Let this thread embarrass you Central Planners for the rest of yo lives.
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You don't owe it to anybody to justify how you are supporting yourself through college. Also, I'd remove the PI. There are people here who are not to be trusted with that type of info.


No, let the Personal Info remain.

I want everyone to see what sociopaths Authoritarian trash "Progressives" are.

Share this thread on facebook and twitter for everyone to see.
Alex Jones will lead you nowhere. Find a new hero.....for your own sake.

Ok, LL. I've had just about enough of your attacks on 2AD. Time for me to raze your sorry liberal butt to the ground.

First of all, you follow Obama like a lost child. For all intents and purposes he is your hero. He leads you by the hand everywhere (or at least you think he should). You would let him decree every step if you could led him. If he speaks it, it must be true. You cry and whine about entitlements and decry the wealthy, nothing but an ingrate. You berate those who don't share your beliefs and you bully those who challenge you. You are not wise enough to count your own blessings instead of being envious of the multitude of blessings other receive. You are intellectually dishonest and habitually twist facts to suit twisted arguments. You take no time in degrading others.

There are people here including 2AD who have way more life experience than you. If it's one thing I cannot stand it's people with not one iota of real life experience attacking the livelihood of another. There are people here on this board who are struggling to make ends meet, and you dare assail them for it?

You are liken to an ant attacking an elephant. The elephant doesn't see you when he tramples you underfoot. The elephant is wise enough to keep moving.


Did you just "raze me to the ground"?

You silly boy. You speak of my life experience.....as if you come close.

I don't "assail" people who struggle.....I call out liars. I especially like to fuck with blowhards like you.

You negged me, did ya? Ouch! Please.......No more! Mercy!
Alex Jones will lead you nowhere. Find a new hero.....for your own sake.

Ok, LL. I've had just about enough of your attacks on 2AD. Time for me to raze your sorry liberal butt to the ground.

First of all, you follow Obama like a lost child. For all intents and purposes he is your hero. He leads you by the hand everywhere (or at least you think he should). You would let him decree every step if you could led him. If he speaks it, it must be true. You cry and whine about entitlements and decry the wealthy, nothing but an ingrate. You berate those who don't share your beliefs and you bully those who challenge you. You are not wise enough to count your own blessings instead of being envious of the multitude of blessings other receive. You are intellectually dishonest and habitually twist facts to suit twisted arguments. You take no time in degrading others.

There are people here including 2AD who have way more life experience than you. If it's one thing I cannot stand it's people with not one iota of real life experience attacking the livelihood of another. There are people here on this board who are struggling to make ends meet, and you dare assail them for it?

You are liken to an ant attacking an elephant. The elephant doesn't see you when he tramples you underfoot. The elephant is wise enough to keep moving.


Did you just "raze me to the ground"?

You silly boy. You speak of my life experience.....as if you come close.

I don't "assail" people who struggle.....I call out liars. I especially like to fuck with blowhards like you.

You negged me, did ya? Ouch! Please.......No more! Mercy!

A liar accusing other people of lying. How cute.

I am unemployed no thanks to the "savior" you call Obama. He has literally done nothing to help me improve my prospects of employment. I've been in and out four different jobs since he became president. He is too busy starting wars to keep his promises and ensure my job security.

No telling what you meant by "I like to fuck with blowhards like you" although it may suggest an unnatural perversion you need to have checked out by the nearest mental health professional. It could also mean you are lashing out because someone called you on your bullshit and won't back down.

I'm battle hardened boy. I'm only 25 but I've lived through more hell than you would care to imagine.
Did you just "raze me to the ground"?

You silly boy. You speak of my life experience.....as if you come close.

I don't "assail" people who struggle.....I call out liars. I especially like to fuck with blowhards like you.

You negged me, did ya? Ouch! Please.......No more! Mercy!

You and [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] have been razed to the ground.

I provided all the information proving my existence as Edward Solomon and divulged and revealed lots of personal information.

Your smear attack is done.

Your nothing but propaganda filth.


Politics if my life faggot. Here I am talking at a meeting, and here I am on the radio:


I even say that I'm waiter on the national radio, listen at 2:35

Here I am at 20:00

here's the link to my job:


Here's my facebook:



Hold on a sec, please.

If you are losing 24K by having your hours cut from 52 to 30 ( 22 hours ).....how is it possible that you only make 36K in total? You only make 12K for the first 30 hours? You should be making over 50K.

Your nose must be a foot long by now.

I said 36,000+

The last tow years I made above 40k.

30hoursx (10.50 + 11.25) = 652


That above assumes that I never take a vacation, since I take two 2-week vacations (unpaid), and I leave the Catering hall each semester during final seasons, I lose 3 months total. so 75% of 31,320 is 23,490

So now I'll be making 23,490 BEFORE taxes.

The extra 20 hours with the overtime generated an additional 23,640

However, that to is subject to the 75% smack so that's actually 17,730

32,640 + 17,730 = 41,200 BEFORE TAXES.

You Libtards make me sick.

This is why central planning by ivory tower Libtards always fails.


Let this thread embarrass you Central Planners for the rest of your lives.
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2dA, you are responsible for yourself, no one else.

Grow up, get out there, and get a job.
Ok, LL. I've had just about enough of your attacks on 2AD. Time for me to raze your sorry liberal butt to the ground.

First of all, you follow Obama like a lost child. For all intents and purposes he is your hero. He leads you by the hand everywhere (or at least you think he should). You would let him decree every step if you could led him. If he speaks it, it must be true. You cry and whine about entitlements and decry the wealthy, nothing but an ingrate. You berate those who don't share your beliefs and you bully those who challenge you. You are not wise enough to count your own blessings instead of being envious of the multitude of blessings other receive. You are intellectually dishonest and habitually twist facts to suit twisted arguments. You take no time in degrading others.

There are people here including 2AD who have way more life experience than you. If it's one thing I cannot stand it's people with not one iota of real life experience attacking the livelihood of another. There are people here on this board who are struggling to make ends meet, and you dare assail them for it?

You are liken to an ant attacking an elephant. The elephant doesn't see you when he tramples you underfoot. The elephant is wise enough to keep moving.


Did you just "raze me to the ground"?

You silly boy. You speak of my life experience.....as if you come close.

I don't "assail" people who struggle.....I call out liars. I especially like to fuck with blowhards like you.

You negged me, did ya? Ouch! Please.......No more! Mercy!

A liar accusing other people of lying. How cute.

I am unemployed no thanks to the "savior" you call Obama. He has literally done nothing to help me improve my prospects of employment. I've been in and out four different jobs since he became president. He is too busy starting wars to keep his promises and ensure my job security.

No telling what you meant by "I like to fuck with blowhards like you" although it may suggest an unnatural perversion you need to have checked out by the nearest mental health professional. It could also mean you are lashing out because someone called you on your bullshit and won't back down.

I'm battle hardened boy. I'm only 25 but I've lived through more hell than you would care to imagine.

There you go again.

"Battle hardened". You are very lame.

Fucking with you.....like I am doing now. I am enjoying it.

What hell have you been through? Did your bosses tell you what to do at work?

Four jobs since Obama became President? That sounds like you have spoiled the opportunity that exists. You must be a real hard working guy. Indispensable.
I am pro business. Which is why I want single payer. Businesses remove the shackles of employer sponsored health care.and...get healthy employees. Workers get more mobility.

A win-win.


And with single payer, health insurance companies can go back to being health insurance companies, not health maintenance providers, at which they suck.

It’s a win all the way around.
Alex Jones will lead you nowhere. Find a new hero.....for your own sake.

Ok, LL. I've had just about enough of your attacks on 2AD. Time for me to raze your sorry liberal butt to the ground.

Careful LoneLaugher, he might throw a bible or two at you.

Templar Tantrum Kormac, you're here every day, ranting like a loon. You come across as a very young person. My bet is that almost every person here has more "life experience" than you do.
Alex Jones will lead you nowhere. Find a new hero.....for your own sake.

Ok, LL. I've had just about enough of your attacks on 2AD. Time for me to raze your sorry liberal butt to the ground.

Careful LoneLaugher, he might throw a bible or two at you.

Templar Tantrum Kormac, you're here every day, ranting like a loon. You come across as a very young person. My bet is that almost every person here has more "life experience" than you do.

What, you're afraid to include his entire post in the quote?

Are you the one who cheers at the death of babies so you can push gun control propaganda?

Look at the pleasure this Gun Grabber takes in the death of babies:
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You're an hourly worker in a catering hall?

If that's your idea of a viable career in Suffolk County, then your life was ruined way before Obamacare took effect.

He is a college student, idiot :rolleyes:

rhetorical question - why are all the libtards on this thread either bigoted haters or retarded liars, or BOTH?

Aside from the fact that I am going to college.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH making $36,000 a year+ at a Catering Hall

absolutely nothing.

but you can not convince people who are lying themselves that you tell the truth.
He/she should be required to post proof of existence. LOL

I noticed the same thing.

If he really lost hours at work, that means he'll be here less because he's using his work computer.

No wonder his employer cut his hours.

You all seem to have missed the fact that he always posts here in the evenings, not during the day.

and never on the weekends

plus 20+ posts per day is NOTHING for the young and emotional :D look at the speed they text on a phone :lol:
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Ok, LL. I've had just about enough of your attacks on 2AD. Time for me to raze your sorry liberal butt to the ground.

Careful LoneLaugher, he might throw a bible or two at you.

Templar Tantrum Kormac, you're here every day, ranting like a loon. You come across as a very young person. My bet is that almost every person here has more "life experience" than you do.

What, you're afraid to include his entire post in the quote?

Are you the one who cheers at the death of babies so you can push gun control propaganda?

Look at the pleasure this Gun Grabber takes in the death of babies:

Here you go. Read it and you'll see why I c/p'd onnly what I was addressing. Is that against the rules? Are you a moderator or admin? If not, tattle and let them decide.

Ok, LL. I've had just about enough of your attacks on 2AD. Time for me to raze your sorry liberal butt to the ground.

First of all, you follow Obama like a lost child. For all intents and purposes he is your hero. He leads you by the hand everywhere (or at least you think he should). You would let him decree every step if you could led him. If he speaks it, it must be true. You cry and whine about entitlements and decry the wealthy, nothing but an ingrate. You berate those who don't share your beliefs and you bully those who challenge you. You are not wise enough to count your own blessings instead of being envious of the multitude of blessings other receive. You are intellectually dishonest and habitually twist facts to suit twisted arguments. You take no time in degrading others.

There are people here including 2AD who have way more life experience than you. If it's one thing I cannot stand it's people with not one iota of real life experience attacking the livelihood of another. There are people here on this board who are struggling to make ends meet, and you dare assail them for it?

You are liken to an ant attacking an elephant. The elephant doesn't see you when he tramples you underfoot. The elephant is wise enough to keep moving.


What I posted was to hold adults legally responsible for their guns so yeah, its the opposite of you nutters want. Wuit whining and act like an adult. That's more than Templar Tantrum and phony little 2nd amendment can do.
He is a college student, idiot :rolleyes:

rhetorical question - why are all the libtards on this thread either bigoted haters or retarded liars, or BOTH?

Aside from the fact that I am going to college.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH making $36,000 a year+ at a Catering Hall

Why whine about having 4 jobs in five years then? When I was in college, I worked two and three jobs at the same time.

Make up your mind cuz the way you change your story when someone questions you ... well, let's just say it makes you look like you just might be .... Oh never mind. :rolleyes:
I am pro business. Which is why I want single payer. Businesses remove the shackles of employer sponsored health care.and...get healthy employees. Workers get more mobility.

A win-win.


And with single payer, health insurance companies can go back to being health insurance companies, not health maintenance providers, at which they suck.

It’s a win all the way around.

Thanked for being on topic...

which I wasn't.

sorry 'bout that.

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