Obamacare just ruined my life

It never went into effect.


are you so damn stupid not to understand that if there is a threat reason even 2 years in advance the threatened business is going to act NOW?

gosh, you libtards, do you ever work in a real world, or are you just welfare-fed from cradle to the grave?

The way they are handling that "threat" now is by cutting employees' hours, so they don't have to provide them insurance. I understand that; but why would they make their employees suffer two years prior them them being affected by the mandate? Why couldn't they say; "As of January 1, 2015 all employees hours will be cut." , and make it effective January 1, 2015?

I have just explained it to you - the change was made a YEAR prior - at the end of 2012 nobody knew the effective year was going to be moved to 2015 - so the effective date was set up to be 1/1/13 for the policies setting up on /1/14.

the change came in the middle of 2013 when the hours have already been cut - nobody is going to be reversing it for 12-16 months - business plans are made AHEAD and so it stays.

you can not blame business for government stupidity

are you so damn stupid not to understand that if there is a threat reason even 2 years in advance the threatened business is going to act NOW?

gosh, you libtards, do you ever work in a real world, or are you just welfare-fed from cradle to the grave?

The way they are handling that "threat" now is by cutting employees' hours, so they don't have to provide them insurance. I understand that; but why would they make their employees suffer two years prior them them being affected by the mandate? Why couldn't they say; "As of January 1, 2015 all employees hours will be cut." , and make it effective January 1, 2015?

I have just explained it to you - the change was made a YEAR prior - at the end of 2012 nobody knew the effective year was going to be moved to 2015 - so the effective date was set up to be 1/1/13 for the policies setting up on /1/14.

the change came in the middle of 2013 when the hours have already been cut - nobody is going to be reversing it for 12-16 months - business plans are made AHEAD and so it stays.

you can not blame business for government stupidity

Read the links will you?


General Rule
In most cases, you must pay estimated tax for 2013 if both
of the following apply.
1. You expect to owe at least $1,000 in tax for 2013,
after subtracting your withholding and refundable credits.
2. You expect your withholding and refundable credits
to be less than the smaller of:
a. 90% of the tax to be shown on your 2013 tax return,
b. 100% of the tax shown on your 2012 tax return.
Your 2012 tax return must cover all 12 months.


See that? Anyone that expects their withholding to be less than the tax paid on their 2012 tax return does not have to pay estimated tax. Although if they expect to owe at least $1000, then they have to pay the amount they expect to owe or else they will incur penalties (but that's not in this handout, that comes when one is audited).

Really, don't play google-fu against experience. I was unclear about the math presented, he clarified, and it's all good. It's a shitty situation and one of the effects of Obamacare and none of the left give a shit about.

But please if you want to talk taxes some more, go for it.

Simple question, why are you ignoring someone speaking from experience? One man may have experience, the other may have more. In this case, 2AD is being directly effected by this. So what gives him reason to lie about something like this? I get the implication you are calling him a liar to his face.

All he actually did, was provide factual information and then receive a personal attack afterward.
You work? :lol: where? You spend so much time posting there is obviously something wrong with you and your story

Watermill Catering Cneter, here' my facebook and my employer's facebook

This was covered already.

Also, most of our hours are crammed on double shifts Friday through Sunday.



I have never seen a caterer work any other way! One of the helpers at work was a caterer...he would work basically 10am-2am Friday & Saturday, usually about 9am to 10pm Sunday. Rest of the week...he usually did 6 hours on Thursday setting up, that's about it.
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The way they are handling that "threat" now is by cutting employees' hours, so they don't have to provide them insurance. I understand that; but why would they make their employees suffer two years prior them them being affected by the mandate? Why couldn't they say; "As of January 1, 2015 all employees hours will be cut." , and make it effective January 1, 2015?

I have just explained it to you - the change was made a YEAR prior - at the end of 2012 nobody knew the effective year was going to be moved to 2015 - so the effective date was set up to be 1/1/13 for the policies setting up on /1/14.

the change came in the middle of 2013 when the hours have already been cut - nobody is going to be reversing it for 12-16 months - business plans are made AHEAD and so it stays.

you can not blame business for government stupidity


liar, get lost
sell some of your guns asswipe.

Over my dead body.

I'd rather be homeless and fully armed in the mountains until I die of a tooth infection.

Is that the Libtard plan? Make every poor, then pass "Gun Sellback" programs and disarm them, before they pull a French Revolution on you?

oh, the ones here are pissing in their pants, they are not going to be the ones to " pull the revolution" :lol:
Obama "ruined your life"??

I thought Conservatives were all about personal responsibility.
sell some of your guns asswipe.

Over my dead body.

I'd rather be homeless and fully armed in the mountains until I die of a tooth infection.

Is that the Libtard plan? Make every poor, then pass "Gun Sellback" programs and disarm them, before they pull a French Revolution on you?

Shit! You figured it out! Damn. Now how are we gonna get our chicken breast or whitefish at our gay weddings?!
sell some of your guns asswipe.

Over my dead body.

I'd rather be homeless and fully armed in the mountains until I die of a tooth infection.

Is that the Libtard plan? Make every poor, then pass "Gun Sellback" programs and disarm them, before they pull a French Revolution on you?

oh, the ones here are pissing in their pants, they are not going to be the ones to " pull the revolution" :lol:

But you guys are. From right there behind those keyboards.
Your company is fucking you because they are too cheap to provide basic health insurance

Blame Obama

It's not always a matter of being "too cheap." Seriously, we have looked and the most basic plan we could find was about $1000 per month per employee.

What's the amount of the penalty the employer would have to pay if they don't provide health insurance for their employees?
Over my dead body.

I'd rather be homeless and fully armed in the mountains until I die of a tooth infection.

Is that the Libtard plan? Make every poor, then pass "Gun Sellback" programs and disarm them, before they pull a French Revolution on you?

oh, the ones here are pissing in their pants, they are not going to be the ones to " pull the revolution" :lol:

But you guys are. From right there behind those keyboards.

we are going to pull the revolution? maybe, not sure that the revolutionary situation is ready :D

but it does not change the situation and all the libtards are pissing in their pants even on a thought of one :lol:
Over my dead body.

I'd rather be homeless and fully armed in the mountains until I die of a tooth infection.

Is that the Libtard plan? Make every poor, then pass "Gun Sellback" programs and disarm them, before they pull a French Revolution on you?

you're gonna carry 10 rifles into the Catskills?

one man needs one gun. Ok, maybe one rifle and one shotgun.

with that you can hunt for life and protect yourself.
Over my dead body.

I'd rather be homeless and fully armed in the mountains until I die of a tooth infection.

Is that the Libtard plan? Make every poor, then pass "Gun Sellback" programs and disarm them, before they pull a French Revolution on you?

you're gonna carry 10 rifles into the Catskills?

one man needs one gun. Ok, maybe one rifle and one shotgun.

with that you can hunt for life and protect yourself.

You might have a point.

I could sell the semi autos and buy enough 7 birdshot and 00 buckshot (shotgun) to last until 2050
Over my dead body.

I'd rather be homeless and fully armed in the mountains until I die of a tooth infection.

Is that the Libtard plan? Make every poor, then pass "Gun Sellback" programs and disarm them, before they pull a French Revolution on you?

you're gonna carry 10 rifles into the Catskills?

one man needs one gun. Ok, maybe one rifle and one shotgun.

with that you can hunt for life and protect yourself.

You might have a point.

I could sell the semi autos and buy enough ammo to last until 2050

no, don't do that.

it is a great investment.

You are not starving ;)
oh, the ones here are pissing in their pants, they are not going to be the ones to " pull the revolution" :lol:

But you guys are. From right there behind those keyboards.

we are going to pull the revolution? maybe, not sure that the revolutionary situation is ready :D

but it does not change the situation and all the libtards are pissing in their pants even on a thought of one :lol:

You have been asked TWICE now to tell us how much the penalty is for employers who ignore the mandate. But you won't because you can't handle being mocked.

Why would anyone be afraid of you starting a revolution. Liberals are always ready for a righteous fight. Bet on it.
If this whole thing (Obamacare) allegedly (I saw another poster state this) takes place in 2015, why are employers choosing to cut their employees hours now, instead of making it effective in 2015?

our ancillary staff had their hours cut starting January 1st this year.

and there are no insurance for them anymore.

you get what you vote for.

Why would they start it this year, when it allegedly isn't going into effect until 2015?

Not a few, politicians running for office promise the people one thing and then don't come through with it or "do a 180'" on certain issues. Is it the fault of the people who believed them, or is it the fault of the politicians who mislead them?

For the same reasons why when a gas station is told upon the next delivery, the price will be "X", they immediately raise the price on the gas they currently have in inventory. It's called preparing for increased costs.
Obamacare will dramatically increase the cost of doing business. And as any smart business owner will do, he will protect his business in an appropriate manner.

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