Obamacare lead story on CNN

And taxpayers make up the difference.!

Sorta like tax payers payed for the tax-cuts and wars and...no, we haven't paid for much of anything form the last decade, we just run up the deficit.

The final cost of Obama is an unknown, it was estimated to be revenue neutral (meaning that it will not increase deficit) over 10 year run and to save us 500 billion at 20 year run at the time of it's passing.

It is not known how what happens in 2017 effects these original estimates.
perceived tax money is not the federal government to begin with...

Obama: Under Obamacare, health care will cost less than your cell phone bill

That is some serious bullshit lies coming from Obama there.:badgrin:

Do liberals teach their kids to lie as long as they can get their way by lying?

Most people using the exchanges pay less than $100 per month for premiums.

And taxpayers make up the difference. Funny how you piglets on the tit always leave that part out.

So taxpayers just got 22 percent more weight added to the ObamaCare load they are carrying.

Well done, retards!

If we spent half the time talking about constructive solutions to improve the system, rather than the "repeal and replace" talk, then perhaps we could get somewhere.

All we focus on are the problems so we can demonize the program and those who passed it... they respond defensively. How about proposing rational solutions in a positive tone of respectful debate or collaboration
I think I missed your plan for getting everyone health care.

I've only posted it, like, a ZILLION fucking times on this forum!

That may be. You shouldn't assume that I've read it.
I don't want to hijack the topic, so here is one of my many posts on the subject: You should be buying health insurance the same way...

That didn't take me to a post of yours.
If you wait for it to fully load, it should. Post 84.

Ahhh....the car insurance comparison? How simple!

Please Stop Comparing Health Insurance to Car Insurance
The Federal government fucks everything up at touches... lol
And that is by design.

If they start to actually fix things then the corporations will be mighty upset as that kills their little golden gooses.

So the political pros will never actually fix anything, but instead "declare war" on it while they keep the problems going while they milk the federal funding for all they can.

Hillary Clintons Haiti Relief fraud is the standard example of how these frauds work in BOTH parties.

Obama: Under Obamacare, health care will cost less than your cell phone bill

That is some serious bullshit lies coming from Obama there.:badgrin:

Do liberals teach their kids to lie as long as they can get their way by lying?


2017 Premium Changes and Insurer Participation in the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplaces

note price increases on the left, then note after-subsidy increase on the right. 0% most of them.

What do the words "after tax credit" mean to you? Do you think all that extra money being paid toward premiums comes out of unicorns' asses?

After Tax credit means that for most people AFFORDABILITY hasn't changed.

Obamacare is law with a combination of healthcare spending cuts, new taxes and new healthcare expenses, there are no updated estimates to be able to conclusive say at this time how 2017 changes the mostly "revenue neutral" status of the law, so there isn't an answer to your question yet.

Wow. This kind of innumeracy is mind-boggling.

So you a really DO bleev that extra 22 percent is going to come from unicorns' asses!

Holy SHIT!!!

I don't know what to explain to you except to AGAIN REPEAT that there are numerous components to Obamacare and just because ONE component is changing one way, doesn't mean the other components are not also changing. To know the totality of the cost, you need to have estimates on all of the major components of the law, not one.
Most people using the exchanges pay less than $100 per month for premiums.
And taxpayers make up the difference. Funny how you piglets on the tit always leave that part out.

So taxpayers just got 22 percent more weight added to the ObamaCare load they are carrying.

Well done, retards!

Are you trying to tell us that our taxes are going up to pay for these increases? Please say that you aren't.
Where do you think subsidies come from...unicorns' asses?

Taxes, fool. And the increases will be covered by cuts elsewhere. Our taxes have not gone up to pay for this.Why lie?
So you asked me if I was stupid enough to think our taxes are going to pay for these hikes. And then when I asked you where the subsidies come from, you say..."Taxes, fool."

Are you schizophrenic?

There are no tax increases planned to pay for these increases. You are MISREPRESENTING my words and the facts.

So take a look at that. A $30,000 a year earner from Alabama.

In 2016, his insurance cost $288. He receives an $80 subsidy, courtesy of the taxpayers of America, which reduces his cost to $208 a month.

So much for Obama's promise it would be less than $100 a month.

Now, in 2017 his insurance leaps to $492. In order to keep his share of the cost the same, the American taxpayer now has to pay $285 instead of $80!

The liberals rush in to say, "Nothing to see here! All is well! The unicorns got this!"
My post from way back when is still relevant today: Tax the rich more!


A lot of ObamaCare recipients are going to find out they are down to just one insurer on their insurance exchange.

Government hostages.

That's the flaw of there not being a public option.
The liberal answer to every government fuckup. "We need MOAR government!!"

The liberal answer to every private sector fuckup. "We need MOAR government!!"

Jesus H. Christ.

I think I missed your plan for getting everyone health care. This conservative plan has some problems....which can be fixed...but it
is an improvement over what we had before it was passed.....isn't it?

I'm for Medicare for all.

What is your plan?
I'm for take care of your own shit plan... it's a shitty thing to do to take other peoples money for your own fuck ups. LOL

How did a poor kid on Medicaid fuck up?
Sins of the parents
So it is just as I said. Taxpayers just got 22 percent more weight added to the ObamaCare load they are carrying.

Well done, retards!

So take a look at that. A $30,000 a year earner from Alabama.

In 2016, his insurance cost $288. He receives an $80 subsidy, courtesy of the taxpayers of America, which reduces his cost to $208 a month.

So much for Obama's promise it would be less than $100 a month.

Now, in 2017 his insurance leaps to $492. In order to keep his share of the cost the same, the American taxpayer now has to pay $285 instead of $80!

The liberals rush in to say, "Nothing to see here! All is well! The unicorns got this!"
It's fine if you want to go that way, keep Obama care. Just leave the rest of us out of it that want nothing to do with it.
My post from way back when is still relevant today: Tax the rich more!


A lot of ObamaCare recipients are going to find out they are down to just one insurer on their insurance exchange.

Government hostages.

That's the flaw of there not being a public option.
The liberal answer to every government fuckup. "We need MOAR government!!"

The liberal answer to every private sector fuckup. "We need MOAR government!!"

Jesus H. Christ.

I think I missed your plan for getting everyone health care. This conservative plan has some problems....which can be fixed...but it
is an improvement over what we had before it was passed.....isn't it?

I'm for Medicare for all.

What is your plan?
I'm for take care of your own shit plan... it's a shitty thing to do to take other peoples money for your own fuck ups. LOL

How did a poor kid on Medicaid fuck up?
Appeal to Emotion fallacy.

"Bring out the cancer lady!"

That's how this rolling ball of shit known as "ObamaCare" was pandered to the rubes.

One third of the "involuntarily uninsured" are high school dropouts. Tell us how that is my fault and I should have to carry them for their rest of their lives.
You can always count on liberals to find a way to justify stealing from other people.

"Do your part".

Holy shit. I'm going to be laughing in utter disgust over that one for a week.
Our taxes have not gone up to pay for this.
More deficit spending, which sooner or later has to be paid for, fool. With interest!

Tax-cutting and Middle east wars sooner or later will also has to be paid for due to reduced revenues, yet you still 100% support it. WITH INTEREST and all.
Federal government had no claim to those taxes from the beginning... tax cuts should be a given

So take a look at that. A $30,000 a year earner from Alabama.

In 2016, his insurance cost $288. He receives an $80 subsidy, courtesy of the taxpayers of America, which reduces his cost to $208 a month.

So much for Obama's promise it would be less than $100 a month.

Now, in 2017 his insurance leaps to $492. In order to keep his share of the cost the same, the American taxpayer now has to pay $285 instead of $80!

The liberals rush in to say, "Nothing to see here! All is well! The unicorns got this!"


1. Certainly not NOW, because taxes are not being raised to pay for it IF INDEED the law's NET costs increase.

2. It is not known at this time that cost HAVE increased. You are taking a single point of data and running wild with it. There is certain long term spending that is projected for subsidieswhile yes, for this particular year costs will go up above trend, prior year costs have been under the projections. Further, cuts and revenue component data is still need to get overall cost change.
Our taxes have not gone up to pay for this.
More deficit spending, which sooner or later has to be paid for, fool. With interest!

Tax-cutting and Middle east wars sooner or later will also has to be paid for due to reduced revenues, yet you still 100% support it. WITH INTEREST and all.
You are making hugely erroneous assumptions about me.

Do a search on my username and "tax expenditures", fool.

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