Obamacare navigators/ACORN misused tax money to recruit union members


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
What is it with some of these extremists that they think they can use any resources to their advantage? This is a gross abuse of power, but I'm sure the idiots will insist that it was just a few low level employees and that no one of importance knew anything about it. If not for this guy filing a lawsuit, it would have gone unreported. No way did they do this without knowledge of higher ups. Some people need to end up in jail for this shit.

HOUSTON—A federal lawsuit filed by an organizer for Battleground Texas accuses a labor group established by ACORN founder Wade Rathke of instructing an Obamacare navigator to spend time recruiting union members.

The complaint echoes decades-old criticisms of Rathke and ACORN that they use federal money meant for services in pursuit of their own labor organizing activities.

Cedric Anthony, who worked for the Democratic Party’s Texas recruitment operation, filed a wage-and-hour lawsuit in June against two groups he says jointly employed him as a "federal navigator assisting people with the Affordable Care Act"—Southern United Neighborhoods and Local 100 United Labor Unions.

Both groups were founded by former ACORN organizers, the latter by Rathke. In his suit, Anthony alleges that although he worked as a federal navigator from Dec. 12, 2013, to April 1, 2014, in the Houston area, his "responsibilities included traveling to school campuses to register cafeteria workers to the labor union and attending community events to register individuals for the Affordable Care Act."
The left has avoided this thread. None of them even came by to bash the source or throw accusations of racism.
Leftwing group gets money to hire navigators for Obamacare, then they use the money for their own organizations as well. Corruption is deep and the left ignores this.

The group notes Southern United Neighborhoods has received $1.4 million from HHS to employ Obamacare navigators, and its sub-grantee United Labor Unions spent $189,000 in 2013 as part of its contract to provide navigators to enroll people in Obamacare.
Anthony says he was hired by Southern United Neighborhoods, which holds the navigator contract, and later directed to enroll union members for United Labor Unions. Although he worked for both groups, he said his instructions came from the same person. His complaint depicts blurred lines between the two groups, which “shared the same offices in Houston, Dallas, New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Little Rock.”
Yea, ACORN is being dishonest again. Some of these leftists groups got their hands on tax payer money and decided to use some for their own purposes. They are just imitating their idols. No surprise there. Libs don't want to talk about this.

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