Obamacare Never More Popular

than it is now. lol. The GOP walks into a buzzsaw.

On brink of repeal, Obamacare has never been more popular, a new poll finds

As Republicans get closer to repealing it, President Barack Obama's federal health-care law – or Obamacare – has never been more popular, according to results from a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey.

And half of Americans – 50 percent – say they have little to no confidence that Republican proposals to replace the law will make things better.

The poll finds 45 percent of respondents believing that the health-care law is a good idea, which is the highest percentage here since the NBC/WSJ poll began asking the question in April 2009.

By contrast, 41 percent of Americans say the health-care law is a bad idea. It's the first time in the poll since the law's passage in 2010 where more think it is a good idea than a bad idea.
Hilarious ... A Facebook poll..
What a load of crap... Just like the ABC/NBC polls of Obama's approval ratings....
I feel much more positive about Obama, because he is leaving the White House. Go Obama!
LMAO The only people its popular with are the people we are paying for dumbass.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs and they sure weren't able to keep their doctors.

It does not cost you a red cent for the ACA unless you make over 250,000 which you might.

It costs everybody high deductibles and premiums. There is nothing attractive about that other than the freeloaders who think theyre getting something for free and they aren't.
LMAO The only people its popular with are the people we are paying for dumbass.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs and they sure weren't able to keep their doctors.

It does not cost you a red cent for the ACA unless you make over 250,000 which you might.

Also I guess many who had to change doctors, which I doubt, will not have to worry about a dr. now will the.

How many doctors move, die, change practices, and or retire, many and often, so that talking point is MUTE except for the GOP's.
LMAO The only people its popular with are the people we are paying for dumbass.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs and they sure weren't able to keep their doctors.

It does not cost you a red cent for the ACA unless you make over 250,000 which you might.

Only if they are on Medicade and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher premiums.

Those who get their benefits through an employer have seen our costs go up. Mine have gone up 60% in the last two years because of the ACA.

Costs will only go higher on that POS.
"Want it fixed" will lead to the public option which was dropped from ObamaCare.

And the public option will eventually lead to single payer.

Stepping stones.
What utter B.S., My Gawd you folks re stupid. From the poll:

Yet according to the poll, a combined 50 percent of Americans say the law is working well (6 percent) or needs minor modifications to improve it (44 percent).

That's compared with a combined 49 percent who believe it needs a major overhaul (33 percent) or should be totally eliminated (16 percent).

Dumbass 50% is bigger than 49% last I checked.

Not the point. Only 6% say it is working well. All other data states it need minor modifications, major overhaul or repeal.


Republicans are not proposing minor overhaul, they are first and foremost proposing a repeal with some so-far-unidentified afterthought of a replacement, which is even more drastic than major averhaul.

American opinion is not favoring what the repeal crowd wants.

Not the point. 6% say it is working well <> "never more popular". Clearly 94% want it fixed... whatever form that may be.

Maybe to you it comes as a news flash but Democrats have been asking Republicans for a LONG TIME NOW to work with them to implement some fixes to Obamacare.

So no one disagrees that there are still major issues with our healthcare, no one disagrees that there is more work to do, the issue here is Republican REPEAL of Obamacare, which is highly unpopular and what this polling shows is that doing that without a serious replacement will be a huge disaster for Republicans.
LMAO The only people its popular with are the people we are paying for dumbass.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs and they sure weren't able to keep their doctors.

It does not cost you a red cent for the ACA unless you make over 250,000 which you might.

Only if they are on Medicade and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs.

Those who get their benefits through an employer have seen our costs go up. Mine have gone up 60% in the last two years because of the ACA.

Costs will only go higher on that POS.
I don't know how long you have been in the workforce, but the cost of employer sponsored insurance has been rising faster than inflation for decades, and never more than during the Bush Administration.

That's why the American people were ready for ObamaCare.
Only if they are on Medicade and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs.

That is false, ACA clearly sets up means based subsidies so that everyone can afford healthcare.
Stand by for lots and lots of smoke and mirrors, boys and girls.
LMAO The only people its popular with are the people we are paying for dumbass.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs and they sure weren't able to keep their doctors.

It does not cost you a red cent for the ACA unless you make over 250,000 which you might.

Only if they are on Medicade and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs.

Those who get their benefits through an employer have seen our costs go up. Mine have gone up 60% in the last two years because of the ACA.

Costs will only go higher on that POS.

My deductibles went up 1000 percent and premiums 100 percent. I dropped my insurance, created exemptions so I dont have to pay the penalty and opened a health savings acct which can be deducted through a business venture.
LMAO The only people its popular with are the people we are paying for dumbass.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs and they sure weren't able to keep their doctors.

It does not cost you a red cent for the ACA unless you make over 250,000 which you might.

Only if they are on Medicade and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs.

Those who get their benefits through an employer have seen our costs go up. Mine have gone up 60% in the last two years because of the ACA.

Costs will only go higher on that POS.
I don't know how long you have been in the workforce, but the cost of employer sponsored insurance has been rising faster than inflation for decades, and never more than during the Bush Administration.

That's why the American people were ready for ObamaCare.

Not by 60% buddy.
The best thing about ObamaCare is that its lead to the near total defeat of the Progressives and their failed ideas
LMAO The only people its popular with are the people we are paying for dumbass.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs and they sure weren't able to keep their doctors.

It does not cost you a red cent for the ACA unless you make over 250,000 which you might.

Only if they are on Medicade and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs.

Those who get their benefits through an employer have seen our costs go up. Mine have gone up 60% in the last two years because of the ACA.

Costs will only go higher on that POS.

My deductibles went up 1000 percent and premiums 100 percent. I dropped my insurance, created exemptions so I dont have to pay the penalty and opened a health savings acct which can be deducted through a business venture.

And how will Obamacare repeal help you?
What utter B.S., My Gawd you folks re stupid. From the poll:

Yet according to the poll, a combined 50 percent of Americans say the law is working well (6 percent) or needs minor modifications to improve it (44 percent).

That's compared with a combined 49 percent who believe it needs a major overhaul (33 percent) or should be totally eliminated (16 percent).

Dumbass 50% is bigger than 49% last I checked.

Not the point. Only 6% say it is working well. All other data states it need minor modifications, major overhaul or repeal.
According to Pew Research, 60% of Americans believe government has the respondibility to ensure that all Americans have health care coverage.

That seems consistent with the fact that a significant majority want the ACA fixed, not repealed.

I find it disturbing that Trump and Ryan are moving forward on repeal without even being consistent on what their OBJECTIVES are or where they are in terms of moving beyond what Ryan called agreement on "ideas" only a week ago.

Plus, making this kind of sweeping change, affecting most Americans, even those with employee plans, in a totally partisan and secretive process is simply not acceptable - not previously seen 9n ANY topic.
Only if they are on Medicade and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs.

That is false, ACA clearly sets up means based subsidies so that everyone can afford healthcare.
The subsidies only apply to those earning below a certain income. Those who do not qualify for subsidies are paying higher deductibles and costs. That's a fact.

At the same time, those subsidies are getting bigger and bigger because of rising costs. And that is coming out of the taxpayers' pockets. The same people who don't qualify for subsidies and are paying higher costs are also being shown a bigger government outlay which they have to pay for.
LMAO The only people its popular with are the people we are paying for dumbass.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs and they sure weren't able to keep their doctors.

It does not cost you a red cent for the ACA unless you make over 250,000 which you might.

Only if they are on Medicade and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

Everyone else has high deductables and higher costs.

Those who get their benefits through an employer have seen our costs go up. Mine have gone up 60% in the last two years because of the ACA.

Costs will only go higher on that POS.
I don't know how long you have been in the workforce, but the cost of employer sponsored insurance has been rising faster than inflation for decades, and never more than during the Bush Administration.

That's why the American people were ready for ObamaCare.

Not by 60% buddy.



Can you spot Obamacare difference?

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