Obamacare Never More Popular

More Like Obamacare Now Than Ever Before
January 17, 2017

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds the portion of Americans who think the Affordable Care Act is a “good idea” is 45%, its highest mark since pollsters began asking about President Obama’s vision for a health overhaul in April 2009.

The latest number compares with 41% who think the health law is a “bad idea.”

than it is now. lol. The GOP walks into a buzzsaw.

On brink of repeal, Obamacare has never been more popular, a new poll finds

As Republicans get closer to repealing it, President Barack Obama's federal health-care law – or Obamacare – has never been more popular, according to results from a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey.

And half of Americans – 50 percent – say they have little to no confidence that Republican proposals to replace the law will make things better.

The poll finds 45 percent of respondents believing that the health-care law is a good idea, which is the highest percentage here since the NBC/WSJ poll began asking the question in April 2009.

By contrast, 41 percent of Americans say the health-care law is a bad idea. It's the first time in the poll since the law's passage in 2010 where more think it is a good idea than a bad idea.
Democrats should run on Hopeycare.
Oh wait, they did.

than it is now. lol. The GOP walks into a buzzsaw.

On brink of repeal, Obamacare has never been more popular, a new poll finds

As Republicans get closer to repealing it, President Barack Obama's federal health-care law – or Obamacare – has never been more popular, according to results from a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey.

And half of Americans – 50 percent – say they have little to no confidence that Republican proposals to replace the law will make things better.

The poll finds 45 percent of respondents believing that the health-care law is a good idea, which is the highest percentage here since the NBC/WSJ poll began asking the question in April 2009.

By contrast, 41 percent of Americans say the health-care law is a bad idea. It's the first time in the poll since the law's passage in 2010 where more think it is a good idea than a bad idea.
So popular the government puts a gun to your head to make you buy it.
than it is now. lol. The GOP walks into a buzzsaw.

On brink of repeal, Obamacare has never been more popular, a new poll finds

As Republicans get closer to repealing it, President Barack Obama's federal health-care law – or Obamacare – has never been more popular, according to results from a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey.

And half of Americans – 50 percent – say they have little to no confidence that Republican proposals to replace the law will make things better.

The poll finds 45 percent of respondents believing that the health-care law is a good idea, which is the highest percentage here since the NBC/WSJ poll began asking the question in April 2009.

By contrast, 41 percent of Americans say the health-care law is a bad idea. It's the first time in the poll since the law's passage in 2010 where more think it is a good idea than a bad idea.
So popular the government puts a gun to your head to make you buy it.
Attitudes are changing.

Up to about 2007, more than 60% of Americans said that government has a responsibility to ensure that all Americans have health care coverage.

That changed by 2009 to being a toss up for a number of years - coinciding with the roll out of the ACA and the Republican campaign against "Obamacare".

But, now it's back up to 60% again.
More Americans say government should ensure health care coverage

Republicans are forgetting that a huge percent of Americans LIKE the features of the ACA. (Kaiser health tracking poll of last November). And, their idea that they can dump 20 million Americans is exactly what the majority think the US government should NOT do.

Their hard core campaign scored against the nam "Obamacare", but it hasn't changed minds on what it actually IS.

And, that campaign appears to be losing traction on the idea that the government can take action that will dump people from health care coverage.
Another "new" poll? CNN never admitted that it polled only 24% in their latest pre-inauguration opinion poll on Trump. Why do the same people who claimed to be surprised when the pre-election polls were proved to have been rigged now trust polls again?
Another "new" poll? CNN never admitted that it polled only 24% in their latest pre-inauguration opinion poll on Trump. Why do the same people who claimed to be surprised when the pre-election polls were proved to have been rigged now trust polls again?
The national polls before the election were right on!

Clinton led by a few % and that is what the final results were.

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