Obamacare on track to hit 7 million

Isn't it sad that the Obama haters, haters of all liberals, progressives, Democrats, Muslims - need I go on? - were hit in the face with reality. I bet McConnell and Boehner, the Brothers Grimm, err Koch are really pissed off now that ordinary Americans - Oh yeah, such elites hate ordinary folk - for their sabotage in signing up for the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act appears to be an enormous failure.

The failure to make Obama to fail, and his care for ordinary people to be repealed, will fall on those impotent pols who couldn't kill the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act or his reelection in 2012.

How much money do those providers of insurance and hospital administrators give to McConnell, Boehner, et al to slander, libel and in all manner possible attack The Twice Elected President of the United States, simply for doing his duty and protecting the aged, young, and ill American Citizen?

Obama cares about his brackets, golf, and parties.

He doesn't care about us.

He doesn't even like us.

He's proved it too many times.

The ACA was designed to destroy healthcare in this country to facilitate a government takeover. It also is designed to watch us, to control how we live, and to sign up millions of Democrat voters.

Keep whining, it really makes you appear to be strong. As for your conspiracy theory, save it, only those clinically challenged by reality believe such crap.
Isn't it sad that the Obama haters, haters of all liberals, progressives, Democrats, Muslims - need I go on? - were hit in the face with reality. I bet McConnell and Boehner, the Brothers Grimm, err Koch are really pissed off now that ordinary Americans - Oh yeah, such elites hate ordinary folk - for their sabotage in signing up for the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act appears to be an enormous failure.

The failure to make Obama to fail, and his care for ordinary people to be repealed, will fall on those impotent pols who couldn't kill the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act or his reelection in 2012.

How much money do those providers of insurance and hospital administrators give to McConnell, Boehner, et al to slander, libel and in all manner possible attack The Twice Elected President of the United States, simply for doing his duty and protecting the aged, young, and ill American Citizen?

Obama cares about his brackets, golf, and parties.

He doesn't care about us.

He doesn't even like us.

He's proved it too many times.

The ACA was designed to destroy healthcare in this country to facilitate a government takeover. It also is designed to watch us, to control how we live, and to sign up millions of Democrat voters.

Keep whining, it really makes you appear to be strong. As for your conspiracy theory, save it, only those clinically challenged by reality believe such crap.

So, are any of you morons on the left, who are hopelessly brainwashed, going to even acknowledge that the 7 million figure is flawed if you are not going to factor in the millions that were kicked off of their plans that they were promised they could keep?

Or, are you going to maintain like all of the rest of the brainwashed morons on the left that it makes no difference?

I mean the fact that none of you are even attempting address that factor, let alone letting us know if the left wing MSM is reporting it, is all we ever need to know about you.

The fact the MSM, educators, and entertainment industry are all left leaning with obvious socialist agendas is already lost on you, and perhaps a contributing factor as to how any democrats ever win fraudulent elections. Don't worry, the poor victims who cannot get any of the benefits that are offered by Obama, get a job, open a bank account, cash a check, along many other things with out a photo ID, will continue in their poor state. All because of whitey righty.

Anyway, try making a post that answers our concerns, or are you really saying that it is not a factor? Are you that stupid? <-------rhetorical, cause we all know the answer.
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Isn't it sad that the Obama haters, haters of all liberals, progressives, Democrats, Muslims - need I go on? - were hit in the face with reality. I bet McConnell and Boehner, the Brothers Grimm, err Koch are really pissed off now that ordinary Americans - Oh yeah, such elites hate ordinary folk - for their sabotage in signing up for the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act appears to be an enormous failure.

The failure to make Obama to fail, and his care for ordinary people to be repealed, will fall on those impotent pols who couldn't kill the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act or his reelection in 2012.

How much money do those providers of insurance and hospital administrators give to McConnell, Boehner, et al to slander, libel and in all manner possible attack The Twice Elected President of the United States, simply for doing his duty and protecting the aged, young, and ill American Citizen? Hopefully not enough for those named to be reelected, professional pols who can't perform out to be sent home and get a real job.

Two tells that Obama is lying about the 7.1M (in addition to the third tell that he announced the figure on April Fools' Day):

The first part of the tell was the obvious outright lie told by the president in a &#8220;poor me&#8221; moment of self-pity. From the official transcript:

"And we didn&#8217;t make a hard sell. We didn&#8217;t have billions of dollars of commercials like some critics did."

Billions of dollars of commercials? Even if anyone believed the fairy tales about the Evil Koch Brothers, billions of dollars could not have been spent on anti-Obamacare commercials. That is the budget of an entire presidential campaign, planes, travel, and ubiquitous advertising, the whole nine yards.

The only advertising budget that even approaches that figure is the one spent by the federal and state governments promoting Obamacare. Last summer, the Associated Press tallied up the Obamacare spending plans of the feds and the states, and came up with the figure of $684 million....


The second part of the tell was the body language component. Missing from the platform was HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who now becomes the Official Fall Guy.

Once the true numbers for Obamacare are uncovered, she will be blamed. Consider new data from the RAND Corporation, still unpublished, but shared with the Los Angeles Times (which used them in flattering piece on Obamacare) and teased out by the UK Daily Mail:

" ..just 23 per cent of new enrollees had no insurance before signing up.

And of those newly insured Americans, just 53 per cent have paid their first month's premiums.

If those numbers hold, the actual net gain of paid policies among Americans who lacked medical insurance in the pre-Obamacare days would be just 858,298.

That would amount to roughly 2% of the 46 million uninsured claimed by President Obama to be the compelling reason for Obamacare&#8217;s disruption of the health insurance system in the United States.

Blog: Obama's Rose Garden phony numbers 'tell'
I just love the way the cons are having a hissy fit over the success of healthcare for the common people. They're going to need a diaper change. Wahhhhhhhhh! Oh BTW, the majority of voters now favor Obamacare 49% to 48%. By November it will be 70% in favor. Better crank up that con propaganda machine. But your con lies won't work, because they already know you're full of shit. Na na na na na!!!!!!!
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rw hate in this thread is strong but when is it not?

Another one that will not even acknowledge or answer the question.

They feel that asking questions in regards to the official number put out by this white house is hate.

They of course even know that this administration has been caught a bunch of lies. Oh, wait. They are all phony, right? I forgot.

They ignore that the unemployment numbers put out in 2012 were proven to be lies? They sure do ignore that. Most of them do not even know about it, cause they spend their times in between bong hits watching MSNBS.

So, how would they know?

Anyway, here is another one that is ignoring the factors, and making a significant contribution to the debate.

Right wingers win again.
I just love the way the cons are having a hissy fit over the success of healthcare for the common people. They're going to need a diaper change. Wahhhhhhhhh! Oh BTW, the majority of voters now favor Obamacare 49% to 48%. By November it will be 70% in favor. Better crank up that con propaganda machine. But your con lies won't work, because they already know you're full of shit. Na na na na na!!!!!!!

Clearly you are outmatched here. Do any of you have anything to say, other than nanny nanny boo boo, stick your head in doo doo?

Do you have the factual numbers of how many people lost their insurance plans due to Obamacare?

Not a factor in that 7 million total?

Children. That is all liberals are. Well, more like brainwashed sheep. Either way, they have nothing. No debate skills. No facts. They refute facts, but they have no idea they cannot do that. They then think their OPINIONS are facts.

Now, go buy a carbon credit. Make Al Gore a little more rich.
Do you have the factual numbers of how many people lost their insurance plans due to Obamacare?

I do: ZERO.

Yeah, uhhh, if you are trying to make a clever point here, you failed miserably.

most of the signups are either getting major subsidies or are signing up for free medicaid.

Come on libs, someone has to pay for this stupidity, who is it going to be?

Many will just pay the penalty and sign up if they get sick. The whole thing is a ponzi scheme and a farse.
I just love the way the cons are having a hissy fit over the success of healthcare for the common people. They're going to need a diaper change. Wahhhhhhhhh! Oh BTW, the majority of voters now favor Obamacare 49% to 48%. By November it will be 70% in favor. Better crank up that con propaganda machine. But your con lies won't work, because they already know you're full of shit. Na na na na na!!!!!!!



That's why congress excluded themselves from it, and the most damaging mandates were pushed beyond the next two elections. If left in place those mandates would have tens of millions of angry voters pissed of over such a success.
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I just love the way the cons are having a hissy fit over the success of healthcare for the common people. They're going to need a diaper change. Wahhhhhhhhh! Oh BTW, the majority of voters now favor Obamacare 49% to 48%. By November it will be 70% in favor. Better crank up that con propaganda machine. But your con lies won't work, because they already know you're full of shit. Na na na na na!!!!!!!



That's why congress excluded themselves from it, and the most damaging mandates were pushed beyond the next two elections. If left in place those mandates would have tens of millions of angry voters pissed of over such a success.
These people seem oblivious to how badly they're going to lose.
most of the signups are either getting major subsidies or are signing up for free medicaid.

Come on libs, someone has to pay for this stupidity, who is it going to be?

Many will just pay the penalty and sign up if they get sick. The whole thing is a ponzi scheme and a farse.

They thought it was going to be the YOUNG that were going to pay for it...THEY are opting to pay the penalty...THEY aren't signing up at all.
We could of put those most of those 6million on Medicaid and not have to PAY FOR HIS government sham...instead we've shelled out over, 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, hired 16.000 NEW IRS agents, etc all for 6million people OUT OF 360MILLION

in Obama and liberal la la land, that's some success .................THE HELL the rest of us who PAYED FOR IT

and for this the left applauds Obama...this country is frikken hopeless
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We could of put those most of those 6million on Medicaid and not have to PAY FOR HIS government sham...instead we've shelled out over, 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, hired 16.000 NEW IRS agents, etc

and for this the left applauds Obama...this country is frikken hopeless
Indeed. They have stated they've created jobs...they have...yes...in Government...while they destroy the private sector, growing the ranks of the unemployed, and the ranks getting food stamps and other assistance that is supposed to pay for it all. Their logic escapes me.

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