Obamacare on track to hit 7 million

How many enrolled and actually PAID??

Funny how they do not mention that
Liberal Talk-Radio (the Stephanie Miller Show, others) have been poking fun at people who ask this question.

It's an important question.

The Standard Party Deflection Line is that the website doesn't track that.


Doesn't the website (and the external websites for various State Exchanges) take-in all kinds of personal financial data, as preparation for telling you what kind(s) of coverage you are eligible for - including various subsized or free programs?

Cannot such a number - i.e., How many paid? - be reasonably extrapolated from databases full of such personal financial data, in fairly short order?

Confidence is high that we can answer the 'How many paid?' question on short notice, if not at fingertip-demand.

Our Lib-Prog friends simply aren't sharing that data just yet, methinks...
Yup. I think you will find that its all a bunch of bullshit.

The 850 thousand sounds more like it. I wonder how may of those have actually paid and have gotten a look at their deductables??
Yup. I think you will find that its all a bunch of bullshit.

The 850 thousand sounds more like it. I wonder how may of those have actually paid and have gotten a look at their deductables??

of course it is

until the other day they could not tell how many people

now today they not only know how many

but even the fractional number

seven point two --LOL

ask then how many paid -cant tell ya

how many had insurance and lost it because of obamacare- cant tell ya

how many are the young ones- cant tell ya

Po' 'Conservative' boneheads just got their asses handed to them one more time. The ACA is going to be a success. And just like the 'Conservatives' of yesteryear that said Social Security would crash and burn, you are going to look like idiots a few years from now. Expecially when we seque this into full universal single payer insurance.:badgrin:

Democrats will never get a chance to turn this into universal healthcare. Their chance at total control of our government ever again is over.

lets hope so
with Obama's disapprovals I hope enough people have opened their eyes
Two sources from the white house. Lol.
Some people love being led by the nose.

The Obama propaganda machine. Liberal's suck it up and spew it out as fact:cuckoo:

YEP, and they feel no shame in doing it...
Instead of caring what's happening with millions losing their health insurance from this law and the trillions us taxpayers have had taken from us to set up this monster scam, they take propaganda from the government and the left leaning Pravda media and ram that in our face...

progressive/commies have a name for these people, they call them, useful tools
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7 million, brought to you by a government run by an administration that was caught red handed lying about the unemployment numbers in 2012. Not that any liberal would care, cause we all know they don't.

Census ?faked? 2012 election jobs report | New York Post

In the home stretch of the 2012 presidential campaign, from August to September, the unemployment rate fell sharply — raising eyebrows from Wall Street to Washington.

The decline — from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent in September — might not have been all it seemed. The numbers, according to a reliable source, were manipulated.

And the Census Bureau, which does the unemployment survey, knew it.

Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy.

And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.

“He’s not the only one,” said the source, who asked to remain anonymous for now but is willing to talk
with the Labor Department and Congress if asked.

The Census employee caught faking the results is Julius Buckmon, according to confidential Census documents obtained by The Post. Buckmon told me in an interview this past weekend that he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census.

Ironically, it was Labor’s demanding standards that left the door open to manipulation.


The Chicago political machine at its best. It sure does not hurt them that they have a voting base that has no ability to think for themselves.

I am sure there is nothing to this. Yeah, nothing.

Hell, has any main stream media source reported the number of people that lost their insurance policy that they were promised they could keep? Cause they sure are reporting the white house number of 7 million to the fraction on a regular basis.

How stupid are liberals anyway?
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Isn't it sad that the Obama haters, haters of all liberals, progressives, Democrats, Muslims - need I go on? - were hit in the face with reality. I bet McConnell and Boehner, the Brothers Grimm, err Koch are really pissed off now that ordinary Americans - Oh yeah, such elites hate ordinary folk - for their sabotage in signing up for the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act appears to be an enormous failure.

The failure to make Obama to fail, and his care for ordinary people to be repealed, will fall on those impotent pols who couldn't kill the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act or his reelection in 2012.

How much money do those providers of insurance and hospital administrators give to McConnell, Boehner, et al to slander, libel and in all manner possible attack The Twice Elected President of the United States, simply for doing his duty and protecting the aged, young, and ill American Citizen? Hopefully not enough for those named to be reelected, professional pols who can't perform out to be sent home and get a real job.
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Isn't it sad that the Obama haters, haters of all liberals, progressives, Democrats, Muslims - need I go on? - were hit in the face with reality. I bet McConnell and Boehner, the Brothers Grimm, err Koch are really pissed off now that ordinary Americans - Oh yeah, such elites hate ordinary folk - for their sabotage in signing up for the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act appears to be an enormous failure.

The failure to make Obama to fail, and his care for ordinary people to be repealed, will fall on those impotent pols who couldn't kill the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act or his reelection in 2012.

How much money do those providers of insurance and hospital administrators give to McConnell, Boehner, et al to slander, libel and in all manner possible attack The Twice Elected President of the United States, simply for doing his duty and protecting the aged, young, and ill American Citizen?

Obama cares about his brackets, golf, and parties.

He doesn't care about us.

He doesn't even like us.

He's proved it too many times.

The ACA was designed to destroy healthcare in this country to facilitate a government takeover. It also is designed to watch us, to control how we live, and to sign up millions of Democrat voters.

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