Obamacare passed because of"basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter "

Again.. Gruber WAS RIGHT! To pass it by the "stupid American Voter" they had to lie there were 46 million "uninsured" knowing full well as I did that
1) 10 million counted as part of the 46 million by the Census were NOT Citizens!
2) Knowing as the Census admitted that 14 million were undercounted but they WERE covered by Medicaid/SCHIP
3) 18 million never wanted, could afford but still counted as part of what Obama said:
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today.
In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

Such a gigantic LIE and it was used to pass by just 7 votes!

They did everything they could to mislead,raise bait and switch to an art form so well that they made the best used car salesman weep in awe....
And we the voters are the dumbasses....

Fucking Democrats.

Where are the 48 million uninsured that this was made for...
As obamacare came closer to passage they kept dropping the numbers, I think it ended up at 13 million.
The real number of people that wanted health insurance is 4 million after subtracting:
1)10 million the Census admits are not citizens..
2) 14 million the Census admits were eligible for Medicaid/SCHIP
3) 18 million under 34 hence no need, make over $50,000 hence could afford employers' plans but didn't want!
That is 42 million bogus of the 46 million.
Those are the facts.
he was an architect of ROMNEYCARE, and was one of the consultants hired on obamacare, due to his experience with the creation of Romneycare....the system used to model obama care after...

If the video was not cut off...and we heard what he was answering, or in context, it could give a better understanding of the quip...
^ that.

R.D. . having a disingenuous OP? Quelle surprise!!! :doubt:
I'm with this guy. Let's see some people in orange before this is over.

Damn what a disgusting corrupt batch of assholes that shoved this down America's throat.

"During the intense debate over ACU, the Republicans were denigrated and vilified for being opposed to the legislation that very few, if any, lawmaker read

In fact, one congressman, Alan Grayson of Florida, told the American people that Republicans 'want you to die' because they opposed Obama's monstrosity," said former hospital security director and police chief, Tony Arcadian.

"I believe these people should face criminal charges for perpetrating a fraud. Eric Holder prosecuted businessmen for less," Arcadian added."

Breaking Obamacare architect admits Obama lied about his signature law - National Law Enforcement Examiner.com

It was reported today that Rush Limbaugh is suing the crap out of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for defamation. It looks like he has them cold with a 9th circuit court precedent on his side so they are going to get spanked for who knows how many millions of dollars.

If anybody knows about defamation, that'd be Rush! :cool-45:
Wrong. No Republican voted for it and slinging shit as far as you can see still doesn't make you look smart.

And the same holds true for you being an obedient little partisan ideologue.

So what? Who cares?

Why do you always have to make this personal?


Hi asshole. Not one republican voted for obamacare.

You are not impressing anyone by saying all politicians lie. Really, you are not at all.

You folks always have to make things personal.

Where is my post wrong, specifically?


We all know all politicians lie. We all know that. This is about the fraud of obamacare. Not one republican voted for it.

You use any issue as a poignant opportunity to brow beat us on what you think is so wise, as if no one knows it.

It is tired. This about obamacare, and what was passed. Want me repeat that not one republican voted for it? Not even one rhino.

Dishonest, narcissistic partisan ideologues are causing my country great damage, that seems pretty important to me. So I'm comfy pointing it out at every opportunity.

Okay, I agree they didn't vote for the ACA, so what is their plan, specifically?

What is YOUR plan? Map it out.

Well here is MY suggestion.
90% of physicians report they send claims totaling over $850 billion a year for duplicate tests, referrals,etc... all because they fear being sued!
What group causes these lawsuits? Lawyers!
So tax lawyers 10% of their $270 billion a year and use the $27 billion to pay a $5,000 annual premium for each of the 4 million that truly want and need insurance!
After all ACA taxed tanning salons 10% because tanning causes cancer, tax lawyers 10% because they file the lawsuits that cause doctors
to fear being sue so they double, duplicate tests, send referrals etc...all out of fear of lawsuits...thus creating $850 billion in totally wasted money!
Use the $27 billion to pay the premium for the 4 million that want insurance.
Last edited:
"Not transparent" in an out of context talking point all over the giant Pub Propanda Machine lol....what about transparent Pub lies. that's no problem. see sig pp3. And I still don't know what this idiot is talking about- and neither do you.
I heard the clip played today. It was jaw dropping unfreaking real.

It didn't really come as a surprise to me - when I heard it. Just another faculty lounge communist "nudging" the American people. Remember. These pieces of gutter trash that work in this administration (up to and including the half-breed) believe that THEY and THEY ALONE know what is best for the populace. They want to control EVERY FACET of American life. Liberal fucking nazis.

If this statement from this asshole isn't enough to convince the SCOTUS to reverse their decision on Obamacare - I'm not sure what would ever do it.
“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” says the MIT economist who helped write Obamacare. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO didn’t score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies.

…If you made it explicit that healthy people pay in [and] sick people get money it would not have passed.”

Could you give the credentials of this person and a supply a link that indicates he was one of the authors of ACA?

he was an architect of ROMNEYCARE, and was one of the consultants hired on obamacare, due to his experience with the creation of Romneycare....the system used to model obama care after...

If the video was not cut off...and we heard what he was answering, or in context, it could give a better understanding of the quip...


And he said what he said. Liberals constantly trying to run interference getting old

yes he did say what he said....not certain what was said before the quip, to make him say it, in the manner he seemed so 'proud' of......?

But, the point is, that in this guy's opinion, it was better to conceal that healthy people pay for sick people etc so people wouldn't get upset, so the law would pass, and he could add that to his accomplishments i suppose? Well, he probably did the same with getting Romneycare passed as well, would be a solid guess....

IT stinks to high heaven, but I would guess this is precisely what IS DONE on ALL legislation passed by Congress and State Legislatures....nothing is clear and transparent on anything they pass...until the nitty gritty details come out, after legislation is passed....much like the Medicare Pill Bill.........and it does piss me off....
The Democrats are still committed to it, despite the fact it raised costs to the user of 0bamacare through the roof, despite then fact doctors are bailing, despite all its issues.

to get 0bamacare repealed you need 13 democrats to sign off on it. Not going to happen. <sniff>
I heard the clip played today. It was jaw dropping unfreaking real.

It didn't really come as a surprise to me - when I heard it. Just another faculty lounge communist "nudging" the American people. Remember. These pieces of gutter trash that work in this administration (up to and including the half-breed) believe that THEY and THEY ALONE know what is best for the populace. They want to control EVERY FACET of American life. Liberal fucking nazis.

If this statement from this asshole isn't enough to convince the SCOTUS to reverse their decision on Obamacare - I'm not sure what would ever do it.

Medicare Part D
Were you upset?
I heard the clip played today. It was jaw dropping unfreaking real.

It didn't really come as a surprise to me - when I heard it. Just another faculty lounge communist "nudging" the American people. Remember. These pieces of gutter trash that work in this administration (up to and including the half-breed) believe that THEY and THEY ALONE know what is best for the populace. They want to control EVERY FACET of American life. Liberal fucking nazis.

If this statement from this asshole isn't enough to convince the SCOTUS to reverse their decision on Obamacare - I'm not sure what would ever do it.

Medicare Part D
Were you upset?
:popcorn: RandallFlagg
ObamaCare passed more than 50 times.

Why don't you ask the mods to put this thread in the correct forum and then

What do you mean it passed more then 50 times?
If it was right the first time why were there 49 more times?
I'm with this guy. Let's see some people in orange before this is over.

Damn what a disgusting corrupt batch of assholes that shoved this down America's throat.

"During the intense debate over ACU, the Republicans were denigrated and vilified for being opposed to the legislation that very few, if any, lawmaker read

In fact, one congressman, Alan Grayson of Florida, told the American people that Republicans 'want you to die' because they opposed Obama's monstrosity," said former hospital security director and police chief, Tony Arcadian.

"I believe these people should face criminal charges for perpetrating a fraud. Eric Holder prosecuted businessmen for less," Arcadian added."

Breaking Obamacare architect admits Obama lied about his signature law - National Law Enforcement Examiner.com

It was reported today that Rush Limbaugh is suing the crap out of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for defamation. It looks like he has them cold with a 9th circuit court precedent on his side so they are going to get spanked for who knows how many millions of dollars.

Long overdue. The constant bullshit they spew is unreal but this really did cross the line.

I hope he freaking pulverizes them.

This parts the killer. The fools actually put it in a fundraising letter. I had fun lifting it from the DU :)

“Mr. Limbaugh clearly, unambiguously, and emphatically condemned the notion that ‘no’ means ‘yes.’” “Let’s be clear: Rush Limbaugh is advocating for the tolerance of rape” the DCCC stated in a September fundraising email"

Rush Limbaugh Threatens To Sue Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Democratic Underground
there is a reason why this travesty comes in waves and implemented in precise stages; it would cripple the economy if unleashed all at once.
the public, the states, the congress , the supreme court, or the president, can strike down this law as unconstitutional, which it is.
it's their job to do so.

they won't do it because there is a corrupt code to the way they do things, and business and profits is always first
ClosedCaption... You won't I'm sure respond as I've totally embarrassed you and I apologize for that.

I generally don't like to get that snippy but your defense of Obamacare while ignoring even the simple spell checker just struck me what
Obama et.al. were counting on...i.e. people being too stupid or too lazy to comprehend this 2,000+ monstrosity that Pelosi said
“But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it.... "
Pelosi et.al. were counting on your laziness and stupidity NOT to ask simple questions like:
How can there be 46 million uninsured when
1) 10 million PER the census of the 46 million are not citizens!
2) 14 million Per the Census were undercounted and should not be included in the 46 million!
3) 18 million under 34, make over $50,000 don't want,don't need even though can afford employers' health plan.. WHY were they bogusly counted?
Because Obama et.al. had to pass the bill and if the truth there were less the 4 million that truly needed and wanted... would not have passed by just 7 votes!
But Obama et.al. were counting on people being lazy and stupid!

I'd like to see us bump this thread all the way till 2016. :)

good idea

the mrs was notified today (as promised by the administration that the new rates would not come out til after the election)

that both her share and her employers share raised quite a bit

exactly! Just as planned (evil laugh) - I have heard estimates from anywhere from 8% to 30%, depending upon several factors including provider, age,general health, pre-existing conditions, sex, state, coverage etc...

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