Obamacare passed because of"basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter "

the mrs was notified today (as promised by the administration that the new rates would not come out til after the election)

that both her share and her employers share raised quite a bit

exactly! Just as planned (evil laugh) - I have heard estimates from anywhere from 8% to 30%, depending upon several factors including provider, age,general health, pre-existing conditions, sex, state, coverage etc...

withholding the information on next years rates

was just more of the same old leftists playbook

-lies distortions and omissions
Damn, some Obama supporters have what I'd compare to battered person syndrome...they actually defend their abuser. Anyone who accepts such blatant manipulation has serious issues, even if it's just to push forward a political agenda. They don't even seem to recognize how such behavior will backfire, and those chickens will come home to roost...hello Republican majority.
Damn, some Obama supporters have what I'd compare to battered person syndrome...they actually defend their abuser. Anyone who accepts such blatant manipulation has serious issues, even if it's just to push forward a political agenda. They don't even seem to recognize how such behavior will backfire, and those chickens will come home to roost...hello Republican majority.


or they could simply be

Damn, some Obama supporters have what I'd compare to battered person syndrome...they actually defend their abuser. Anyone who accepts such blatant manipulation has serious issues, even if it's just to push forward a political agenda. They don't even seem to recognize how such behavior will backfire, and those chickens will come home to roost...hello Republican majority.

kind of like the vast majority of blacks who stay on the plantation:(
Guys infowars reported this, it's obviously false, please move thread to rubber room Dont Taz Me Bro

In a newly uncovered video, Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admits that a “lack of transparency” was key in getting the Affordable Care Act passed because “the stupidity of the American voter” would have otherwise killed the bill.

I heard the clip played today. It was jaw dropping unfreaking real.

It didn't really come as a surprise to me - when I heard it. Just another faculty lounge communist "nudging" the American people. Remember. These pieces of gutter trash that work in this administration (up to and including the half-breed) believe that THEY and THEY ALONE know what is best for the populace. They want to control EVERY FACET of American life. Liberal fucking nazis.

If this statement from this asshole isn't enough to convince the SCOTUS to reverse their decision on Obamacare - I'm not sure what would ever do it.

Medicare Part D
Were you upset?
yep, only medicare part D passage, especially what went on in the house of representatives, was worse than anything I have ever witnessed in my lifetime....it's when I actually woke up, and saw how corrupt our gvt representatives truly were....it's when I truly lost my faith in my own country for the first time.... :(

Medicare Prescription Drug Bill The Bitter Pill
the Byrd Rule prevents lawmakers from adding anything to the budget that increases the deficit. Since the CBO has already concluded that repealing the ACA would increase the budget deficit by $109 billion,


you're up Mitch.

Always leave it to KKK Progressives to occasionally don their white hoods and worship KKK Grand Wizard Senator Byrd.
he wasn't a grand wizzard, and never was a grand wizzard..... so, if you are trying to cut a person down and diminish them, maybe you should get your facts straight, or at least your terminology.
the Byrd Rule prevents lawmakers from adding anything to the budget that increases the deficit. Since the CBO has already concluded that repealing the ACA would increase the budget deficit by $109 billion,


you're up Mitch.

If I had stuck bad breast implants in my body,
I don't care how much more it is going to cost me
I would want that crap out of my body before it leaks and poisons me.

There are better ways to reform health care.
If it costs more to repeal it then why pass an unconstitutional bill to begin with,
KNOWING it was objected to and KNOWING half the nation was opposed and wanted something else.

So are you going to blame the rape victim
that going to court to fight the rapist is going to cost more taxpayers money than not fighting in court?
Who's to blame: the rape victim or the rapist who committed the rape to begin with????
It's just stunning that they regard their base as so stupid and we still have posters who don't believe they're the ones that Gruber is referring to.


Not one R voted for it. And frankly for all the boards and blogs I've been on all these years I can't think of one conservative who bought in.
Robert Byrd

Senator Robert Byrd was a Kleagle, a Klan recruiter, in his 20s and 30s.
West Virginia's Democratic United States Senator Robert C. Byrd was a recruiter for the Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter. After leaving the group, Byrd spoke in favor of the Klan during his early political career. Though he claimed to have left the organization in 1943, Byrd wrote a letter in 1946 to the group's Imperial Wizard stating "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia." Byrd defended the Klan in his 1958 U.S. Senate campaign when he was 41 years old.[9]

Despite being the only Senator to vote against both African American U.S. Supreme Court nominees (liberal Thurgood Marshall and conservative Clarence Thomas) and filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Byrd has since said joining the Klan was his "greatest mistake." The NAACP gave him a 100% rating on their issues during the 108th Congress.[10] However, in a 2001 incident Byrd repeatedly used the phrase "white *******" on a national television broadcast.[11]
In other words, "Lie your ass off to get your way".

That's their MO. And what is truly remarkable are the number of sons of bitches who actually get off on their party lying to get ahead. They believe that lying is an appropriate tactic.

That old "means to an end" crap.
Wasn't it Josef Stalin who said, "The truth? Truth is whatever serves the Soviet Union!"

His disciples in this country have learned well.
just wondering what would really happened if it were repealed?

would employers that reduced the hours of workers raise their hours again, when they know now the same job can be done with less hours of workers to pay?

would insurance at your work, just go back to your old plan that was in place back 4 years ago and would the price be what it was back then or not?

Would companies that dropped insurance as a bennie and dumped their employees on to the exchange go back to covering their employees with insurance again?

Would insurance costs rise double digits each year like the hubby and mine have the past 20 years?

would insurance companies go back to taking more profits for themselves and give less in actual medical care?

Would pre existing conditions allow them to deny you again?

would they cap their yearly/lifetime payouts again?

Will the insurance companies with employers still persue Higher deductibles and out of pockets which had started with Matt and my insurance thru his employer before obamacare.....?

There is no putting the rabbit back in the hat, or the Genie back in the bottle....imo.....so only reform can fix this...or a replacement.... but just plain repeal will NOT.
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Robert Byrd

Senator Robert Byrd was a Kleagle, a Klan recruiter, in his 20s and 30s.
West Virginia's Democratic United States Senator Robert C. Byrd was a recruiter for the Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter. After leaving the group, Byrd spoke in favor of the Klan during his early political career. Though he claimed to have left the organization in 1943, Byrd wrote a letter in 1946 to the group's Imperial Wizard stating "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia." Byrd defended the Klan in his 1958 U.S. Senate campaign when he was 41 years old.[9]

Despite being the only Senator to vote against both African American U.S. Supreme Court nominees (liberal Thurgood Marshall and conservative Clarence Thomas) and filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Byrd has since said joining the Klan was his "greatest mistake." The NAACP gave him a 100% rating on their issues during the 108th Congress.[10] However, in a 2001 incident Byrd repeatedly used the phrase "white *******" on a national television broadcast.[11]
so, was he a GRAND WIZARD?

the answer is NO.

NO he was not the Grand Wizard.
just wondering what would really happened if it were repealed?

People would get their insurance back.

would employers that reduced the hours of workers raise their hours again, when they know now the same job can be done with less hours of workers to pay?

This has what to do with healthcare?

would insurance at your work, just go back to your old plan that was in place back 4 years ago and would the price be what it was back then or not?

What if that plan was better than the one you got through Obamacare? I guarantee the premiums would be lower.

Would companies that dropped insurance as a bennie and dumped their employees on to the exchange go back to covering their employees with insurance again?

Of course.

Would insurance rates rise double digits each year like the hubby and mine have the past 20 years?

They are rising even faster no thanks to Obamacare.

would insurance companies go back to taking more profits for themselves and give less in actual medical care?

See my first response.

Would pre existing conditions allow them to deny you again?

Could you allow for the possibility that the replacement would employ the parts of Obamacare that made sense?

Will the insurance companies with employers still persue Higher deductibles and out of pockets which had started with Matt and my insurance thru his employer before obamacare.....?

With deductibles exceeding $11,000 in some cases, what you paid previously would be chump change in comparison.

There is no putting the rabbit back in the hat, or the Genie back in the bottle....imo.....so only reform can fix this...or a replacement.... but just plain repeal will NOT.

Reform? Okay then, lets hear some of your suggestions. All ears, er eyes.
just wondering what would really happened if it were repealed?

would employers that reduced the hours of workers raise their hours again, when they know now the same job can be done with less hours of workers to pay?

would insurance at your work, just go back to your old plan that was in place back 4 years ago and would the price be what it was back then or not?

Would companies that dropped insurance as a bennie and dumped their employees on to the exchange go back to covering their employees with insurance again?

Would insurance rates rise double digits each year like the hubby and mine have the past 20 years?

would insurance companies go back to taking more profits for themselves and give less in actual medical care?

Would pre existing conditions allow them to deny you again?

would they cap their yearly/lifetime payouts again?

Will the insurance companies with employers still persue Higher deductibles and out of pockets which had started with Matt and my insurance thru his employer before obamacare.....?

There is no putting the rabbit back in the hat, or the Genie back in the bottle....imo.....so only reform can fix this...or a replacement.... but just plain repeal will NOT.

This has been a dog's breakfast from the get go. The rush to get it thru for a Democrat legacy has turned into a nightmare.

Instead of truly taking the time to reform and here is the key to improve America's health care system the Dems have botched this so badly.

I'm a mega proponent of two tier. Been pushing really hard to get changes made up here because we do not as a populace get what we pay for here in Canada.

My two favorite models are France and Switzerland. Here the US government had a chance of a lifetime to examine the bad (Britain's NHS which is just so over the top horrid I have nothing at all good to say about them) to the best IMHO which again is the French and the Swiss.

They had a chance and they blew it for glory.

*sigh* You are very right. The genie is out of the bottle. Too sad because this could have been done properly.
Democrats are obviously too fat and stupid to understand the truth of Obamacare. They need a Comic book!!



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