Obamacare passed because of"basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter "

Zeke thinks he is neutral. Classic. Wake and bake zeke? Yeah, wake and bake.

I always love when liberals act like they are all above the political fray.

Meanwhile, it is now a foregone conclusion who was lying. It is beyond clear who the democrats consider to be morons. Just like all of us said! For FOUR FUCKING YEARS! They are fucking caught saying it was a lie and the liberals are hear defending what.....exactly?

Not one republican voted for the fraud. They ask for the alternatives that have been proposed, I provide one of them....and cool mac shluffs it off. Zeke laughs.

"Shluffs it off"?

I took the time to read it.

I took the time to think about it.

I got very specific on specific, critical issues.

As always.

Were you going to answer my specific questions, or schulff them off?



It will not matter to you. Are you really searching for or expecting me to tell you some plan out there that is perfect? Is your devils advocate disposition real, or are you one of those unreal morons who think there is some kind of Utopian solution?

Meaning, no matter what I say, you will point out the imperfections. The bottom line is the left wants control over the masses. They see that as noble. That is their utopia. At least that is what they sell. What the ELITES really want is power, and they need the poor to give it to them. They will automatically give it to them, so long as they are on the government teet.

Here, you want to get down into specifics?

Read all of this.

http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/bf0c9823-29c7-4078-b8af-aa9a12213eca/The Patient CARE Act - LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL.pdf

Not about to post 8 or 9 pages.

Like I said, I doubt it will make a difference to a fence sitter like you. You are too wrapped up in the notion that you think that is a noble place to be.

Not a fence-sitter, never been one. Please see my sig.

When I get to the office, I'll post my specific plan, which I have posted before.

As usual, it is based on independent, original thought. In short supply here.

Zeke thinks he is neutral. Classic. Wake and bake zeke? Yeah, wake and bake.

I always love when liberals act like they are all above the political fray.

Meanwhile, it is now a foregone conclusion who was lying. It is beyond clear who the democrats consider to be morons. Just like all of us said! For FOUR FUCKING YEARS! They are fucking caught saying it was a lie and the liberals are hear defending what.....exactly?

Not one republican voted for the fraud. They ask for the alternatives that have been proposed, I provide one of them....and cool mac shluffs it off. Zeke laughs.

"Shluffs it off"?

I took the time to read it.

I took the time to think about it.

I got very specific on specific, critical issues.

As always.

Were you going to answer my specific questions, or schulff them off?



It will not matter to you. Are you really searching for or expecting me to tell you some plan out there that is perfect? Is your devils advocate disposition real, or are you one of those unreal morons who think there is some kind of Utopian solution?

Meaning, no matter what I say, you will point out the imperfections. The bottom line is the left wants control over the masses. They see that as noble. That is their utopia. At least that is what they sell. What the ELITES really want is power, and they need the poor to give it to them. They will automatically give it to them, so long as they are on the government teet.

Here, you want to get down into specifics?

Read all of this.

http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/bf0c9823-29c7-4078-b8af-aa9a12213eca/The Patient CARE Act - LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL.pdf

Not about to post 8 or 9 pages.

Like I said, I doubt it will make a difference to a fence sitter like you. You are too wrapped up in the notion that you think that is a noble place to be.

Not a fence-sitter, never been one. Please see my sig.

When I get to the office, I'll post my specific plan, which I have posted before.

As usual, it is based on independent, original thought. In short supply here.


You say independent, I say fence sitter.

Keep on patting yourself on your back though.
Damn, some Obama supporters have what I'd compare to battered person syndrome...they actually defend their abuser. Anyone who accepts such blatant manipulation has serious issues, even if it's just to push forward a political agenda. They don't even seem to recognize how such behavior will backfire, and those chickens will come home to roost...hello Republican majority.


or they could simply be


Why is this making the rounds again? This happened more than a year ago.

Did you guys run out of current talking points?
Don't be so touchy. The date is there for all to see, but the time seems right for the fools who were taken in to realize how stupid they knew you were.

That you are ok being called stupid is the point ;)
Zeke thinks he is neutral. Classic. Wake and bake zeke? Yeah, wake and bake.

I always love when liberals act like they are all above the political fray.

Meanwhile, it is now a foregone conclusion who was lying. It is beyond clear who the democrats consider to be morons. Just like all of us said! For FOUR FUCKING YEARS! They are fucking caught saying it was a lie and the liberals are hear defending what.....exactly?

Not one republican voted for the fraud. They ask for the alternatives that have been proposed, I provide one of them....and cool mac shluffs it off. Zeke laughs.

"Shluffs it off"?

I took the time to read it.

I took the time to think about it.

I got very specific on specific, critical issues.

As always.

Were you going to answer my specific questions, or schulff them off?



It will not matter to you. Are you really searching for or expecting me to tell you some plan out there that is perfect? Is your devils advocate disposition real, or are you one of those unreal morons who think there is some kind of Utopian solution?

Meaning, no matter what I say, you will point out the imperfections. The bottom line is the left wants control over the masses. They see that as noble. That is their utopia. At least that is what they sell. What the ELITES really want is power, and they need the poor to give it to them. They will automatically give it to them, so long as they are on the government teet.

Here, you want to get down into specifics?

Read all of this.

http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/bf0c9823-29c7-4078-b8af-aa9a12213eca/The Patient CARE Act - LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL.pdf

Not about to post 8 or 9 pages.

Like I said, I doubt it will make a difference to a fence sitter like you. You are too wrapped up in the notion that you think that is a noble place to be.

Didn't have to go in yet! Here we go:

Ol' Mac's Health Care Act of 2015

Based on what I think would be obvious:
  • It is insane to have six (6) different health care delivery/payment systems, none of which talk to each other. Talk about inefficient.
  • Early and regular preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage before conditions get worse saves significant health care dollars
  • A healthier populace is good, smart economics.
  • Allowing insurance companies to compete for business by creating and offering attractive upgrades is good, smart economics.
  • Freeing employers from costs and regulations of providing health coverage is good, smart economics.
  • Opening the door to the industry that specializes in preventive/diagnostic services, motivating these clinics to pop up faster than Starbucks™, is good, smart economics.

...Scrap this insane, archaic six-piece system (Individual, Group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, indigent) for one two-tier plan for all
...Tort reform that addresses not only the cost of malpractice insurance, but the even higher cost of preventive medicine
...A two-tier, portable, individual health care system based on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis:
...Strong preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage for all to detect problems earlier and keep them from appearing in the first place
...Adoption of Value-Based Insurance Design, VBID, look it up
...Basic medical/hospital coverage at 80% of system rates as a foundation for everyone
...Open up a massive, 330 million person customer base to insurance companies via Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans
...Take a huge administrative monkey off the backs of private insurance companies by eliminating most basic care coverage
...Allow insurance companies to choose between national coverage or state-by-state
...Allow insurance companies to negotiate provider contracts to keep reimbursement acceptable for doctors and hospitals
...Maintain a significant and critical free market competition environment through the supplemental plans
...Watch preventive/diagnostic clinics spring up faster than Starbucks, decreasing the load on doctors and ER's
...Assistance on supplemental plans for low income, assuring even more business to competition-based private insurance companies
...Calculate net costs and add to current Medicare Tax - while freeing businesses and employees from the massive costs & regulations of group plans

Run it for two years and look for tweaks.

As always, independent thought, no politics, specifics. Now, tell me again about how I'm a "fence-sitter".

Last edited:
Why is this making the rounds again? This happened more than a year ago.

Did you guys run out of current talking points?
Don't be so touchy. The date is there for all to see, but the time seems right for the fools who were taken in to realize how stupid they knew you were.

That you are ok being called stupid is the point ;)

He is obfuscating. That is how they deal with their cognitive dissonance. That happens whenever the truth is revealed.

I would have expected them to be used to it by now or acknowledge that they are wrong about everything, but even I underestimate how arrogant they are.
Zeke thinks he is neutral. Classic. Wake and bake zeke? Yeah, wake and bake.

I always love when liberals act like they are all above the political fray.

Meanwhile, it is now a foregone conclusion who was lying. It is beyond clear who the democrats consider to be morons. Just like all of us said! For FOUR FUCKING YEARS! They are fucking caught saying it was a lie and the liberals are hear defending what.....exactly?

Not one republican voted for the fraud. They ask for the alternatives that have been proposed, I provide one of them....and cool mac shluffs it off. Zeke laughs.

"Shluffs it off"?

I took the time to read it.

I took the time to think about it.

I got very specific on specific, critical issues.

As always.

Were you going to answer my specific questions, or schulff them off?



It will not matter to you. Are you really searching for or expecting me to tell you some plan out there that is perfect? Is your devils advocate disposition real, or are you one of those unreal morons who think there is some kind of Utopian solution?

Meaning, no matter what I say, you will point out the imperfections. The bottom line is the left wants control over the masses. They see that as noble. That is their utopia. At least that is what they sell. What the ELITES really want is power, and they need the poor to give it to them. They will automatically give it to them, so long as they are on the government teet.

Here, you want to get down into specifics?

Read all of this.

http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/bf0c9823-29c7-4078-b8af-aa9a12213eca/The Patient CARE Act - LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL.pdf

Not about to post 8 or 9 pages.

Like I said, I doubt it will make a difference to a fence sitter like you. You are too wrapped up in the notion that you think that is a noble place to be.

Didn't have to go in yet! Here we go:

Ol' Mac's Health Care Act of 2015

Based on what I think would be obvious:
  • It is insane to have six (6) different health care delivery/payment systems, not of which talk to each other. Talk about inefficient.
  • Early and regular preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage before conditions get worse saves significant health care dollars
  • A healthier populace is good, smart economics.
  • Allowing insurance companies to compete for business by creating and offering attractive upgrades is good, smart economics.
  • Freeing employers from costs and regulations of providing health coverage is good, smart economics.
  • Opening the door to the industry that specializes in preventive/diagnostic services, motivating these clinics to pop up faster than Starbucks™, is good, smart economics.

...Scrap this insane, archaic six-piece system (Individual, Group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, indigent) for one two-tier plan for all
...Tort reform that address not only the cost of malpractice insurance, but the even higher cost of preventive medicine
...A two-tier, portable, individual health care system based on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis:
...Strong preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage for all to detect problems earlier and keep them from appearing in the first place
...Adoption of Value-Based Insurance Design, VBID, look it up
...Basic medical/hospital coverage at 80% of system rates as a foundation for everyone
...Open up a massive, 330 million person customer base to insurance companies via Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans
...Allow insurance companies to choose between national coverage or state-by-state
...Allow insurance companies to negotiate provider contracts to keep reimbursement acceptable for doctors and hospitals
...Maintain a significant and critical free market competition environment through the supplemental plans
...Watch preventive/diagnostic clinics spring up faster than Starbucks
...Assistance on supplemental plans for low income, assuring even more business to competition-based private insurance companies
...Calculate net costs and add to current Medicare Tax - while freeing businesses and employees from the massive costs & regulations of group plans

Run it for two years and look for tweaks.

As always, independent thought, no politics, specifics. Now, tell me again about how I'm a "fence-sitter".


I am sure your plan is just perfect. No flaws at all. Now, go get your cookie.
Zeke thinks he is neutral. Classic. Wake and bake zeke? Yeah, wake and bake.

I always love when liberals act like they are all above the political fray.

Meanwhile, it is now a foregone conclusion who was lying. It is beyond clear who the democrats consider to be morons. Just like all of us said! For FOUR FUCKING YEARS! They are fucking caught saying it was a lie and the liberals are hear defending what.....exactly?

Not one republican voted for the fraud. They ask for the alternatives that have been proposed, I provide one of them....and cool mac shluffs it off. Zeke laughs.

"Shluffs it off"?

I took the time to read it.

I took the time to think about it.

I got very specific on specific, critical issues.

As always.

Were you going to answer my specific questions, or schulff them off?



It will not matter to you. Are you really searching for or expecting me to tell you some plan out there that is perfect? Is your devils advocate disposition real, or are you one of those unreal morons who think there is some kind of Utopian solution?

Meaning, no matter what I say, you will point out the imperfections. The bottom line is the left wants control over the masses. They see that as noble. That is their utopia. At least that is what they sell. What the ELITES really want is power, and they need the poor to give it to them. They will automatically give it to them, so long as they are on the government teet.

Here, you want to get down into specifics?

Read all of this.

http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/bf0c9823-29c7-4078-b8af-aa9a12213eca/The Patient CARE Act - LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL.pdf

Not about to post 8 or 9 pages.

Like I said, I doubt it will make a difference to a fence sitter like you. You are too wrapped up in the notion that you think that is a noble place to be.

Didn't have to go in yet! Here we go:

Ol' Mac's Health Care Act of 2015

Based on what I think would be obvious:
  • It is insane to have six (6) different health care delivery/payment systems, not of which talk to each other. Talk about inefficient.
  • Early and regular preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage before conditions get worse saves significant health care dollars
  • A healthier populace is good, smart economics.
  • Allowing insurance companies to compete for business by creating and offering attractive upgrades is good, smart economics.
  • Freeing employers from costs and regulations of providing health coverage is good, smart economics.
  • Opening the door to the industry that specializes in preventive/diagnostic services, motivating these clinics to pop up faster than Starbucks™, is good, smart economics.

...Scrap this insane, archaic six-piece system (Individual, Group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, indigent) for one two-tier plan for all
...Tort reform that address not only the cost of malpractice insurance, but the even higher cost of preventive medicine
...A two-tier, portable, individual health care system based on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis:
...Strong preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage for all to detect problems earlier and keep them from appearing in the first place
...Adoption of Value-Based Insurance Design, VBID, look it up
...Basic medical/hospital coverage at 80% of system rates as a foundation for everyone
...Open up a massive, 330 million person customer base to insurance companies via Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans
...Allow insurance companies to choose between national coverage or state-by-state
...Allow insurance companies to negotiate provider contracts to keep reimbursement acceptable for doctors and hospitals
...Maintain a significant and critical free market competition environment through the supplemental plans
...Watch preventive/diagnostic clinics spring up faster than Starbucks
...Assistance on supplemental plans for low income, assuring even more business to competition-based private insurance companies
...Calculate net costs and add to current Medicare Tax - while freeing businesses and employees from the massive costs & regulations of group plans

Run it for two years and look for tweaks.

As always, independent thought, no politics, specifics. Now, tell me again about how I'm a "fence-sitter".


I am sure your plan is just perfect. No flaws at all. Now, go get your cookie.

Thank you!

Anyone else?

Zeke thinks he is neutral. Classic. Wake and bake zeke? Yeah, wake and bake.

I always love when liberals act like they are all above the political fray.

Meanwhile, it is now a foregone conclusion who was lying. It is beyond clear who the democrats consider to be morons. Just like all of us said! For FOUR FUCKING YEARS! They are fucking caught saying it was a lie and the liberals are hear defending what.....exactly?

Not one republican voted for the fraud. They ask for the alternatives that have been proposed, I provide one of them....and cool mac shluffs it off. Zeke laughs.

"Shluffs it off"?

I took the time to read it.

I took the time to think about it.

I got very specific on specific, critical issues.

As always.

Were you going to answer my specific questions, or schulff them off?



It will not matter to you. Are you really searching for or expecting me to tell you some plan out there that is perfect? Is your devils advocate disposition real, or are you one of those unreal morons who think there is some kind of Utopian solution?

Meaning, no matter what I say, you will point out the imperfections. The bottom line is the left wants control over the masses. They see that as noble. That is their utopia. At least that is what they sell. What the ELITES really want is power, and they need the poor to give it to them. They will automatically give it to them, so long as they are on the government teet.

Here, you want to get down into specifics?

Read all of this.

http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/bf0c9823-29c7-4078-b8af-aa9a12213eca/The Patient CARE Act - LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL.pdf

Not about to post 8 or 9 pages.

Like I said, I doubt it will make a difference to a fence sitter like you. You are too wrapped up in the notion that you think that is a noble place to be.

Didn't have to go in yet! Here we go:

Ol' Mac's Health Care Act of 2015

Based on what I think would be obvious:
  • It is insane to have six (6) different health care delivery/payment systems, not of which talk to each other. Talk about inefficient.
  • Early and regular preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage before conditions get worse saves significant health care dollars
  • A healthier populace is good, smart economics.
  • Allowing insurance companies to compete for business by creating and offering attractive upgrades is good, smart economics.
  • Freeing employers from costs and regulations of providing health coverage is good, smart economics.
  • Opening the door to the industry that specializes in preventive/diagnostic services, motivating these clinics to pop up faster than Starbucks™, is good, smart economics.

...Scrap this insane, archaic six-piece system (Individual, Group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, indigent) for one two-tier plan for all
...Tort reform that address not only the cost of malpractice insurance, but the even higher cost of preventive medicine
...A two-tier, portable, individual health care system based on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis:
...Strong preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage for all to detect problems earlier and keep them from appearing in the first place
...Adoption of Value-Based Insurance Design, VBID, look it up
...Basic medical/hospital coverage at 80% of system rates as a foundation for everyone
...Open up a massive, 330 million person customer base to insurance companies via Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans
...Allow insurance companies to choose between national coverage or state-by-state
...Allow insurance companies to negotiate provider contracts to keep reimbursement acceptable for doctors and hospitals
...Maintain a significant and critical free market competition environment through the supplemental plans
...Watch preventive/diagnostic clinics spring up faster than Starbucks
...Assistance on supplemental plans for low income, assuring even more business to competition-based private insurance companies
...Calculate net costs and add to current Medicare Tax - while freeing businesses and employees from the massive costs & regulations of group plans

Run it for two years and look for tweaks.

As always, independent thought, no politics, specifics. Now, tell me again about how I'm a "fence-sitter".


I am sure your plan is just perfect. No flaws at all. Now, go get your cookie.

Thank you!

Anyone else?


have you sent it to your senators and congressmen? You and I could probably come up with a very good and workable plan is a couple of days, but we would do it by talking to each other reasonably with no partisan animosity. Good luck getting congress to do that. Where are Reagan and O'Neill when we need them, for that matter, where are Clinton and Newt?
"Shluffs it off"?

I took the time to read it.

I took the time to think about it.

I got very specific on specific, critical issues.

As always.

Were you going to answer my specific questions, or schulff them off?



It will not matter to you. Are you really searching for or expecting me to tell you some plan out there that is perfect? Is your devils advocate disposition real, or are you one of those unreal morons who think there is some kind of Utopian solution?

Meaning, no matter what I say, you will point out the imperfections. The bottom line is the left wants control over the masses. They see that as noble. That is their utopia. At least that is what they sell. What the ELITES really want is power, and they need the poor to give it to them. They will automatically give it to them, so long as they are on the government teet.

Here, you want to get down into specifics?

Read all of this.

http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/bf0c9823-29c7-4078-b8af-aa9a12213eca/The Patient CARE Act - LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL.pdf

Not about to post 8 or 9 pages.

Like I said, I doubt it will make a difference to a fence sitter like you. You are too wrapped up in the notion that you think that is a noble place to be.

Didn't have to go in yet! Here we go:

Ol' Mac's Health Care Act of 2015

Based on what I think would be obvious:
  • It is insane to have six (6) different health care delivery/payment systems, not of which talk to each other. Talk about inefficient.
  • Early and regular preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage before conditions get worse saves significant health care dollars
  • A healthier populace is good, smart economics.
  • Allowing insurance companies to compete for business by creating and offering attractive upgrades is good, smart economics.
  • Freeing employers from costs and regulations of providing health coverage is good, smart economics.
  • Opening the door to the industry that specializes in preventive/diagnostic services, motivating these clinics to pop up faster than Starbucks™, is good, smart economics.

...Scrap this insane, archaic six-piece system (Individual, Group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, indigent) for one two-tier plan for all
...Tort reform that address not only the cost of malpractice insurance, but the even higher cost of preventive medicine
...A two-tier, portable, individual health care system based on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis:
...Strong preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage for all to detect problems earlier and keep them from appearing in the first place
...Adoption of Value-Based Insurance Design, VBID, look it up
...Basic medical/hospital coverage at 80% of system rates as a foundation for everyone
...Open up a massive, 330 million person customer base to insurance companies via Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans
...Allow insurance companies to choose between national coverage or state-by-state
...Allow insurance companies to negotiate provider contracts to keep reimbursement acceptable for doctors and hospitals
...Maintain a significant and critical free market competition environment through the supplemental plans
...Watch preventive/diagnostic clinics spring up faster than Starbucks
...Assistance on supplemental plans for low income, assuring even more business to competition-based private insurance companies
...Calculate net costs and add to current Medicare Tax - while freeing businesses and employees from the massive costs & regulations of group plans

Run it for two years and look for tweaks.

As always, independent thought, no politics, specifics. Now, tell me again about how I'm a "fence-sitter".


I am sure your plan is just perfect. No flaws at all. Now, go get your cookie.

Thank you!

Anyone else?


have you sent it to your senators and congressmen? You and I could probably come up with a very good and workable plan is a couple of days, but we would do it by talking to each other reasonably with no partisan animosity. Good luck getting congress to do that. Where are Reagan and O'Neill when we need them, for that matter, where are Clinton and Newt?

Couldn't agree more.

Tried twice to find some support locally to get some momentum, but everyone is too paralyzed by their politics. You can see it in their face - the moment you say something that doesn't suit them politically, they shut down.


It will not matter to you. Are you really searching for or expecting me to tell you some plan out there that is perfect? Is your devils advocate disposition real, or are you one of those unreal morons who think there is some kind of Utopian solution?

Meaning, no matter what I say, you will point out the imperfections. The bottom line is the left wants control over the masses. They see that as noble. That is their utopia. At least that is what they sell. What the ELITES really want is power, and they need the poor to give it to them. They will automatically give it to them, so long as they are on the government teet.

Here, you want to get down into specifics?

Read all of this.

http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/bf0c9823-29c7-4078-b8af-aa9a12213eca/The Patient CARE Act - LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL.pdf

Not about to post 8 or 9 pages.

Like I said, I doubt it will make a difference to a fence sitter like you. You are too wrapped up in the notion that you think that is a noble place to be.

Didn't have to go in yet! Here we go:

Ol' Mac's Health Care Act of 2015

Based on what I think would be obvious:
  • It is insane to have six (6) different health care delivery/payment systems, not of which talk to each other. Talk about inefficient.
  • Early and regular preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage before conditions get worse saves significant health care dollars
  • A healthier populace is good, smart economics.
  • Allowing insurance companies to compete for business by creating and offering attractive upgrades is good, smart economics.
  • Freeing employers from costs and regulations of providing health coverage is good, smart economics.
  • Opening the door to the industry that specializes in preventive/diagnostic services, motivating these clinics to pop up faster than Starbucks™, is good, smart economics.

...Scrap this insane, archaic six-piece system (Individual, Group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, indigent) for one two-tier plan for all
...Tort reform that address not only the cost of malpractice insurance, but the even higher cost of preventive medicine
...A two-tier, portable, individual health care system based on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis:
...Strong preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage for all to detect problems earlier and keep them from appearing in the first place
...Adoption of Value-Based Insurance Design, VBID, look it up
...Basic medical/hospital coverage at 80% of system rates as a foundation for everyone
...Open up a massive, 330 million person customer base to insurance companies via Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans
...Allow insurance companies to choose between national coverage or state-by-state
...Allow insurance companies to negotiate provider contracts to keep reimbursement acceptable for doctors and hospitals
...Maintain a significant and critical free market competition environment through the supplemental plans
...Watch preventive/diagnostic clinics spring up faster than Starbucks
...Assistance on supplemental plans for low income, assuring even more business to competition-based private insurance companies
...Calculate net costs and add to current Medicare Tax - while freeing businesses and employees from the massive costs & regulations of group plans

Run it for two years and look for tweaks.

As always, independent thought, no politics, specifics. Now, tell me again about how I'm a "fence-sitter".


I am sure your plan is just perfect. No flaws at all. Now, go get your cookie.

Thank you!

Anyone else?


have you sent it to your senators and congressmen? You and I could probably come up with a very good and workable plan is a couple of days, but we would do it by talking to each other reasonably with no partisan animosity. Good luck getting congress to do that. Where are Reagan and O'Neill when we need them, for that matter, where are Clinton and Newt?

Couldn't agree more.

Tried twice to find some support locally to get some momentum, but everyone is too paralyzed by their politics.


IMHO I think you guys are under a misconception. The Fed gov is not about solving the nations problems. It is about garnering more power and wealth for itself.
Didn't have to go in yet! Here we go:

Ol' Mac's Health Care Act of 2015

Based on what I think would be obvious:
  • It is insane to have six (6) different health care delivery/payment systems, not of which talk to each other. Talk about inefficient.
  • Early and regular preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage before conditions get worse saves significant health care dollars
  • A healthier populace is good, smart economics.
  • Allowing insurance companies to compete for business by creating and offering attractive upgrades is good, smart economics.
  • Freeing employers from costs and regulations of providing health coverage is good, smart economics.
  • Opening the door to the industry that specializes in preventive/diagnostic services, motivating these clinics to pop up faster than Starbucks™, is good, smart economics.

...Scrap this insane, archaic six-piece system (Individual, Group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, indigent) for one two-tier plan for all
...Tort reform that address not only the cost of malpractice insurance, but the even higher cost of preventive medicine
...A two-tier, portable, individual health care system based on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis:
...Strong preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage for all to detect problems earlier and keep them from appearing in the first place
...Adoption of Value-Based Insurance Design, VBID, look it up
...Basic medical/hospital coverage at 80% of system rates as a foundation for everyone
...Open up a massive, 330 million person customer base to insurance companies via Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans
...Allow insurance companies to choose between national coverage or state-by-state
...Allow insurance companies to negotiate provider contracts to keep reimbursement acceptable for doctors and hospitals
...Maintain a significant and critical free market competition environment through the supplemental plans
...Watch preventive/diagnostic clinics spring up faster than Starbucks
...Assistance on supplemental plans for low income, assuring even more business to competition-based private insurance companies
...Calculate net costs and add to current Medicare Tax - while freeing businesses and employees from the massive costs & regulations of group plans

Run it for two years and look for tweaks.

As always, independent thought, no politics, specifics. Now, tell me again about how I'm a "fence-sitter".


I am sure your plan is just perfect. No flaws at all. Now, go get your cookie.

Thank you!

Anyone else?


have you sent it to your senators and congressmen? You and I could probably come up with a very good and workable plan is a couple of days, but we would do it by talking to each other reasonably with no partisan animosity. Good luck getting congress to do that. Where are Reagan and O'Neill when we need them, for that matter, where are Clinton and Newt?

Couldn't agree more.

Tried twice to find some support locally to get some momentum, but everyone is too paralyzed by their politics.


IMHO I think you guys are under a misconception. The Fed gov is not about solving the nations problems. It is about garnering more power and wealth for itself.


Re-election. Fundraising.

Didn't have to go in yet! Here we go:

Ol' Mac's Health Care Act of 2015

Based on what I think would be obvious:
  • It is insane to have six (6) different health care delivery/payment systems, not of which talk to each other. Talk about inefficient.
  • Early and regular preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage before conditions get worse saves significant health care dollars
  • A healthier populace is good, smart economics.
  • Allowing insurance companies to compete for business by creating and offering attractive upgrades is good, smart economics.
  • Freeing employers from costs and regulations of providing health coverage is good, smart economics.
  • Opening the door to the industry that specializes in preventive/diagnostic services, motivating these clinics to pop up faster than Starbucks™, is good, smart economics.

...Scrap this insane, archaic six-piece system (Individual, Group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, indigent) for one two-tier plan for all
...Tort reform that address not only the cost of malpractice insurance, but the even higher cost of preventive medicine
...A two-tier, portable, individual health care system based on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis:
...Strong preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage for all to detect problems earlier and keep them from appearing in the first place
...Adoption of Value-Based Insurance Design, VBID, look it up
...Basic medical/hospital coverage at 80% of system rates as a foundation for everyone
...Open up a massive, 330 million person customer base to insurance companies via Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans
...Allow insurance companies to choose between national coverage or state-by-state
...Allow insurance companies to negotiate provider contracts to keep reimbursement acceptable for doctors and hospitals
...Maintain a significant and critical free market competition environment through the supplemental plans
...Watch preventive/diagnostic clinics spring up faster than Starbucks
...Assistance on supplemental plans for low income, assuring even more business to competition-based private insurance companies
...Calculate net costs and add to current Medicare Tax - while freeing businesses and employees from the massive costs & regulations of group plans

Run it for two years and look for tweaks.

As always, independent thought, no politics, specifics. Now, tell me again about how I'm a "fence-sitter".


I am sure your plan is just perfect. No flaws at all. Now, go get your cookie.

Thank you!

Anyone else?


have you sent it to your senators and congressmen? You and I could probably come up with a very good and workable plan is a couple of days, but we would do it by talking to each other reasonably with no partisan animosity. Good luck getting congress to do that. Where are Reagan and O'Neill when we need them, for that matter, where are Clinton and Newt?

Couldn't agree more.

Tried twice to find some support locally to get some momentum, but everyone is too paralyzed by their politics.


IMHO I think you guys are under a misconception. The Fed gov is not about solving the nations problems. It is about garnering more power and wealth for itself.

exactly, thats why we need term limits.
Zeke thinks he is neutral. Classic. Wake and bake zeke? Yeah, wake and bake.

I always love when liberals act like they are all above the political fray.

Meanwhile, it is now a foregone conclusion who was lying. It is beyond clear who the democrats consider to be morons. Just like all of us said! For FOUR FUCKING YEARS! They are fucking caught saying it was a lie and the liberals are hear defending what.....exactly?

Not one republican voted for the fraud. They ask for the alternatives that have been proposed, I provide one of them....and cool mac shluffs it off. Zeke laughs.

"Shluffs it off"?

I took the time to read it.

I took the time to think about it.

I got very specific on specific, critical issues.

As always.

Were you going to answer my specific questions, or schulff them off?



It will not matter to you. Are you really searching for or expecting me to tell you some plan out there that is perfect? Is your devils advocate disposition real, or are you one of those unreal morons who think there is some kind of Utopian solution?

Meaning, no matter what I say, you will point out the imperfections. The bottom line is the left wants control over the masses. They see that as noble. That is their utopia. At least that is what they sell. What the ELITES really want is power, and they need the poor to give it to them. They will automatically give it to them, so long as they are on the government teet.

Here, you want to get down into specifics?

Read all of this.

http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/bf0c9823-29c7-4078-b8af-aa9a12213eca/The Patient CARE Act - LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL.pdf

Not about to post 8 or 9 pages.

Like I said, I doubt it will make a difference to a fence sitter like you. You are too wrapped up in the notion that you think that is a noble place to be.

Didn't have to go in yet! Here we go:

Ol' Mac's Health Care Act of 2015

Based on what I think would be obvious:
  • It is insane to have six (6) different health care delivery/payment systems, none of which talk to each other. Talk about inefficient.
  • Early and regular preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage before conditions get worse saves significant health care dollars
  • A healthier populace is good, smart economics.
  • Allowing insurance companies to compete for business by creating and offering attractive upgrades is good, smart economics.
  • Freeing employers from costs and regulations of providing health coverage is good, smart economics.
  • Opening the door to the industry that specializes in preventive/diagnostic services, motivating these clinics to pop up faster than Starbucks™, is good, smart economics.

...Scrap this insane, archaic six-piece system (Individual, Group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, indigent) for one two-tier plan for all
...Tort reform that address not only the cost of malpractice insurance, but the even higher cost of preventive medicine
...A two-tier, portable, individual health care system based on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis:
...Strong preventive/diagnostic/drug coverage for all to detect problems earlier and keep them from appearing in the first place
...Adoption of Value-Based Insurance Design, VBID, look it up
...Basic medical/hospital coverage at 80% of system rates as a foundation for everyone
...Open up a massive, 330 million person customer base to insurance companies via Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans
...Allow insurance companies to choose between national coverage or state-by-state
...Allow insurance companies to negotiate provider contracts to keep reimbursement acceptable for doctors and hospitals
...Maintain a significant and critical free market competition environment through the supplemental plans
...Watch preventive/diagnostic clinics spring up faster than Starbucks
...Assistance on supplemental plans for low income, assuring even more business to competition-based private insurance companies
...Calculate net costs and add to current Medicare Tax - while freeing businesses and employees from the massive costs & regulations of group plans

Run it for two years and look for tweaks.

As always, independent thought, no politics, specifics. Now, tell me again about how I'm a "fence-sitter".


You have NO idea how complicated health system is!
Here let me give you a quick example of what happens at least 10,000 times a day through a system our company submits that tells JUST
Medicare providers if they will be paid.

And this is just ONE of 2 billion inquiries per year submitted by providers through vendors to Medicare.

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*99aa9999 *ZZ*CMS *141111*0559*^*00501*999999999*0*T*:~
NM1*1P*2*Some ??OLOGIST, PLLC*****XX*9999999999~
And this is just a simple 270 eligibility inquiry... for Medicare which due to PHI restrictions I've changed any identifying information..(again something obviously you have NO idea as to what each of the above data elements mean!)

How about the EDI transaction 837 which is the claim document.
NOW how does this EDI transaction GET from the desktop to the Medicare Administrative Contractors data centers of which there are dozens around the country that are private for profit contractors that process the 1.1 billion Medicare claims... of which Medicare doesn't process one single claim by the way.

So with YOUR BIG BIG PLAN how will you integrate the 1996 HIPAA laws that required all health payers including Medicare to transmit electronically the claims using EDI transactions?
Again it was the stupid american such as you that have NO idea of the complexity of what is done but you bought into the big lie there
were 46 million "uninsured" which was the fabricated made up "health care crisis"!
It was 'passed' because of the corruption of the obama administration and the rest of the democrats.
thats why we need term limits.

We already have them. They are called elections.

Damn....where have you been?

Elections are to be bought by corrupt politicians and the rest of the power elite. A good percentage of the voters can be counted on to be fooled repeatedly.

Proof of this is incumbents win re-election over 90% of the time.
You have NO idea how complicated health system is!
Yep. A Canadian doctor might have two office workers to an American counterpart's five. We had too much government interference and they double downed on stupidity.
First of all I do agree! Too much rules and regulations throughout entire country and not just healthcare!

Over the past decade, the federal government has issued almost 38,000 new final rules, according to the draft of the 2011 annual report to Congress on federal regulations by the Office of Management and Budget. That brought the total at the end of 2011 to 169,301 pages.

Seventy percent of the regulations were economic, accounting for $1.236 trillion of the annual cost. The other regulations were, in order of cost, environment regulations ($281 billion), tax compliance ($160 billion) and occupational safety and health and homeland security ($75 billion).

“I think these kinds of figures, if you put yourself in the place of a business person you’ll find them fairly mindboggling,” Johnson said.

Economists with the Chamber also analyzed the OBM’s report on the study, calculating that if every U.S. household paid an equal share
of the federal regulatory burden, it would mean a $15,586 tab for each household in 2008.
Under Obama 11 327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added CNS News

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