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Obamacare sticker shock

ObamaCare will probably end up hurting more people then helping...

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have u noticed that whenever Democrat guests on Fox are questioned about this matter, they always dodge the issue, and then make up an excuse like, "Well, health-care were going to rise anyway",,,yah, that's a great one. They were going to go up anyway whether we had Obama-Care or not.
have u noticed that whenever Democrat guests on Fox are questioned about this matter, they always dodge the issue, and then make up an excuse like, "Well, health-care were going to rise anyway",,,yah, that's a great one. They were going to go up anyway whether we had Obama-Care or not.

Yeah, they (including the host) conveniently ignore the fact that "going up anyway" is not what THE BARACKETEER promised...

The Obamacare exchanges have been open for 72 hours. And that’s how long some people have been trying to log on… The Obama Administration hailed the widespread crashes and delays of the Obamacare websites as good, because it means so many people want to buy health insurance. Or it could just be pure incompetence. A reporter for the Tennessean tried for six hours to no avail, and even the help line navigators didn’t know what to do. She finally drove to the help center’s address, only to find it was a vacant building. In some states, less than 1 percent of visitors actually signed up. In Louisiana, it was zero percent. That’s an ominous sign because young Americans are the cash cow for Obamacare. If they don’t get milked, the program will go bankrupt. And a recent study found that they’ll start surging away from YouTube if a video doesn’t start playing within two seconds. Even if the glitches are ironed out eventually, good luck getting them to return to a website that kept them waiting for six hours when they could’ve been on YouTube.
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Traj, have you ever bought insurance privately?

If you're shocked about the exchange prices, you should see what a lot of us have had to pay for a long time now.

No I haven't but I stayed at a holiday inn........:eusa_shhh:

No, but I know what my employer paid and what my wife's employer pays.

I am not Shocked at the prices , I am shocked at the difference in prices, that is if , this is a big if , your plans are very very close together- you're getting the same coverage same access same deductibles, copays out-of-pocket cap and someone is saving $3200 a year ask yourself doc, does that sound right to you?

I know care and I trust you, you're not loons, but I want you to ask yourself seriously , doesn't that sound a little too good to be true ?

I'm not saying that you're not seeing what you're seeing, what I'm saying is somewhere along the line someone's going to take the pipe so that folks can get these deductions in their rates, it's got to come out somewhere somehow, there is no free lunch...... This all can't be on account of insurance companies losing the ability to deduct administrative costs etc....... And enough people haven't signed up yet to float the relative values so you can adjust the system up and down according to demand and how much cost is being spread....

3200 bucks? That's great but.......:doubt:

This clown readily believes the derp squad's BS about Obamacare yet calls into question testimony from someone he allegedly trusts - because it goes against the narrative he has fooled himself into believing.

It's called no longer being an Island and now being part of a pool, jackass. Welcome to the concept of group insurance.

Make sure to take an extra cognative disonnance pill before bed tonight - the last thing you want to remember in the morning is this thread.

:lol: you're still trying to hard Art.........:doubt:

I am not sure what I beleive or don't, that why I am discussing it now that the plans are out...you know what that is, right art, actually having a discussion?Absent bouts of coprolalia ? well, no, you don't....

or, wait are you hallucinating again? I mean , here, its- 'cognitive dissonance' dopey, if you're going to show up for a once a month guest appearance and play super fly, make the effort at least, I know you must have heard your doctor discussing these terms with you, least you could do is use the lousy spell check.......:eusa_pray:......

and, yes the notion one would see an increase so large, to 1800 a month from roughly a quarter of that? Yes, I question it, if I were a member of the derp squad, I would have ranted how obamacare was screwing him over and its redistributionist hackage etc. that may yet come, but we'll see.....I still don't see a near quadrupling as accurate.

(and some dessert- since you're not around much and all...... here Art, a blast from the past-
derp squad= a asylum escapee who believes abandoning ones duly elected/sworn political post to hide in another state to avoid having to vote is totally cool:rolleyes: talk about forgetting something...

hey, c u round bro:))
sna jose mecury article, well done.....obamcare apparently giveth and taketh......

Obamacare's winners and losers in Bay Area

Updated: 10/05/2013 08:41:04 PM PDT

Cindy Vinson and Tom Waschura are big believers in the Affordable Care Act. They vote independent and are proud to say they helped elect and re-elect President Barack Obama.

Yet, like many other Bay Area residents who pay for their own medical insurance, they were floored last week when they opened their bills: Their policies were being replaced with pricier plans that conform to all the requirements of the new health care law.

Vinson, of San Jose, will pay $1,800 more a year for an individual policy, while Waschura, of Portola Valley, will cough up almost $10,000 more for insurance for his family of four.

"Welcome to the club," said Robert Laszewksi, a prominent health care consultant and president of Health Policy and Strategy Associates in Virginia..


"There's going to be a number of people surprised" by their bills, said Jonathan Wu, a co-founder of ValuePenguin, a consumer finance website. "The upper-middle class are the people who are essentially being asked to foot the bill, and that's true across the country."

Even those who don't qualify for the tax subsidies could see their rates drop because Obamacare doesn't allow insurers to charge people more if they have pre-existing conditions such as diabetes and cancer, he said.

People like Marilynn Gray-Raine.

The 64-year-old Danville artist, who survived breast cancer, has purchased health insurance for herself for decades. She watched her Anthem Blue Cross monthly premiums rise from $317 in 2005 to $1,298 in 2013. But she found out last week from the Covered California site that her payments will drop to about $795 a month.

But people with no pre-existing conditions like Vinson, a 60-year-old retired teacher, and Waschura, a 52-year-old self-employed engineer, are making up the difference.

"I was laughing at Boehner -- until the mail came today," Waschura said, referring to House Speaker John Boehner, who is leading the Republican charge to defund Obamacare.

"I really don't like the Republican tactics, but at least now I can understand why they are so pissed about this. When you take $10,000 out of my family's pocket each year, that's otherwise disposable income or retirement savings that will not be going into our local economy."

Both Vinson and Waschura have adjusted gross incomes greater than four times the federal poverty level -- the cutoff for a tax credit. And while both said they anticipated their rates would go up, they didn't realize they would rise so much.

"Of course, I want people to have health care," Vinson said. "I just didn't realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally."

more at-

Obamacare's winners and losers in Bay Area - San Jose Mercury News
Cindy Vinson and Tom Waschura are big believers in the Affordable Care Act. They vote independent and are proud to say they helped elect and re-elect President Barack Obama.

"Of course, I want people to have health care," Vinson said. "I just didn't realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally."

the quintessential low-information voter at it's best :lol:
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Shelly Ross of San Francisco was looking forward to the opening of the new health insurance marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act because she was hoping to get a better deal.

But now that she's seen her options, Ross is disappointed. Turns out she earns slightly too much money to qualify for federal financial aid to help her buy coverage in the state's exchange, called Covered California. And because policies have to be upgraded to comply with the new law, her rates are going up nearly 10 percent.

"Every plan is going to cost more than what I pay now. And what I pay now is ridiculous," said Ross, 47, who owns a cat-sitting business called Tales of the Kitty and pays more than $400 a month for her insurance. "It's a great thing for some people, but it's certainly not helping me."

Health insurance shoppers suffer sticker shock - SFGate

this law is horrible and should be repealed, hopefully the gop will win and get at least a year delay

$400 per month in California for a 47 year old is very reasonable. I get so sick of everyone talking about how expensive insurance is. Of course it's fucking expensive. Do you have any idea how much we spend on healthcare every year? This year it's going to be around $2.7 trillion. Now do some math you God Damned geniuses. Divide that number by 310 million Americans. What do you get? Let me help you. It's around $8700. That is $8700 per year for every single fucking breathing mammal that walks on two feet. Got that. Now understand that the average person lives 78 years, so the total cost for every single breathing person, regardless of how stupid they might be, comes to over $675,000 for their lifetime. And you all want health insurance for $99 a month or less. LMFAO!!!!!!

People who don't take care of themselves add to that expense. People who sue everytime an operation doesn't turn out the way they want it to add to that expense. Money grubbing lawyers and judges that seek only to line their pockets add to that expense. Crooks and swindlers add to that expense.

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