Obamacare - the Democrats' 2014 Albatross


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
In 2014, Americans have a choice. More of the same big government, high taxes, and job losses. More of the same business as usual, with record debt and a dysfunctional healthcare law that will cost millions of jobs. Or we can choose a new direction. We know where the Democrats want to take us. They support bigger government, higher taxes, and more failure. Let's vote GOP for a different, better way. To stop Obama's healthcare law from bankrupting America. For lower taxes and more freedom. And most of all, to stop this idea that America's best days are behind her. We can reclaim America. It's time to fight.
NRSC | National Republican Senatorial Committee
IMHO, the genie is out of the bottle...

There now exists, an expectation of a National Healthcare System of some kind or another...

For everyone, regardless of financial or medical condition...

To 'fight' requires popular support...

Popular support requires the Plebian vote...

Pleb votes require a promise to fulfill expecations...

Which circles back around to the recently created and rapidly solidifying expectation of a National Healthcare System of some kind...

If you wanna kill ObamaCare, yer gonna have to field a viable substitute...

I don't think it will prove practical to kill ObamaCare and put nothing useful in its place...

There are probably a thousand-and-one ways to do National Healthcare better than ObamaCare...

But the genie may very well be out of the bottle now, and, once out, it can't be stuffed back in...

Trying to do so may require the services of St. Jude - the patron saint of Lost Causes...

I could be wrong, but I think it's too late for that now...

The next couple of years should tell us that story...

Beginning with the 2014 mid-terms...
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In 2014, Americans have a choice. More of the same big government, high taxes, and job losses. More of the same business as usual, with record debt and a dysfunctional healthcare law that will cost millions of jobs. Or we can choose a new direction. We know where the Democrats want to take us. They support bigger government, higher taxes, and more failure. Let's vote GOP for a different, better way. To stop Obama's healthcare law from bankrupting America. For lower taxes and more freedom. And most of all, to stop this idea that America's best days are behind her. We can reclaim America. It's time to fight.
NRSC | National Republican Senatorial Committee

The brainwashing is complete. Your masters are pleased.
By November?

Most of the bugs will be worked out and it will be as popular as Medicare part D.

But it won't stop Conservatives from vomiting up year old horror stories that got proved false time and time again.
Again, we have another stuck up right-wing politician.

Obamacare will ultimately provide quality healthcare to those who can't afford it. Obamacare will not bankrupt America. Rather, corporations will ultimately bankrupt America for their own needs because they must fulfill their demands first. Corporations are outsourcing jobs to China, and it needs to be stopped.
In 2014, Americans have a choice. More of the same big government, high taxes, and job losses. More of the same business as usual, with record debt and a dysfunctional healthcare law that will cost millions of jobs. Or we can choose a new direction. We know where the Democrats want to take us. They support bigger government, higher taxes, and more failure. Let's vote GOP for a different, better way. To stop Obama's healthcare law from bankrupting America. For lower taxes and more freedom. And most of all, to stop this idea that America's best days are behind her. We can reclaim America. It's time to fight.
NRSC | National Republican Senatorial Committee

The brainwashing is complete. Your masters are pleased.

As an American, I'm concerned when my country drops to #12 in economic freedom under Obama's rule. As an American, I'm concerned when the labor force participation rate is the lowest it's been in 40 years. As an America, I'm concerned about a healthcare law that will kill jobs and dis-incentivize work. I'm no one's servant. I'm a citizen like you. And it's time for a change.
In 2014, Americans have a choice. More of the same big government, high taxes, and job losses. More of the same business as usual, with record debt and a dysfunctional healthcare law that will cost millions of jobs. Or we can choose a new direction. We know where the Democrats want to take us. They support bigger government, higher taxes, and more failure. Let's vote GOP for a different, better way. To stop Obama's healthcare law from bankrupting America. For lower taxes and more freedom. And most of all, to stop this idea that America's best days are behind her. We can reclaim America. It's time to fight.
NRSC | National Republican Senatorial Committee

When you go to college are you going to stay on Mommy and Daddy's health insurance plan or conservative that you are, are you going to buck up and pay for it yourself?
In 2014, Americans have a choice. More of the same big government, high taxes, and job losses. More of the same business as usual, with record debt and a dysfunctional healthcare law that will cost millions of jobs. Or we can choose a new direction. We know where the Democrats want to take us. They support bigger government, higher taxes, and more failure. Let's vote GOP for a different, better way. To stop Obama's healthcare law from bankrupting America. For lower taxes and more freedom. And most of all, to stop this idea that America's best days are behind her. We can reclaim America. It's time to fight.
NRSC | National Republican Senatorial Committee

The brainwashing is complete. Your masters are pleased.

As an American, I'm concerned when my country drops to #12 in economic freedom under Obama's rule. As an American, I'm concerned when the labor force participation rate is the lowest it's been in 40 years. As an America, I'm concerned about a healthcare law that will kill jobs and dis-incentivize work. I'm no one's servant. I'm a citizen like you. And it's time for a change.

Does it also concern you that our middle class is shrinking, while our poor population expands and our rich, get richer? Does that concern you at all?
By November millions will have settled into policies that Republicans now say they want to take away and replace with nothing

Throw millions back into the open market with pre-existing conditions, small businesses or dickhead employers who don't provide insurance

Run on that Republicans
By November millions will have settled into policies that Republicans now say they want to take away and replace with nothing

Throw millions back into the open market with pre-existing conditions, small businesses or dickhead employers who don't provide insurance

Run on that Republicans

extortion at one time was against the law,and no I don't expect you to understand
By November millions will have settled into policies that Republicans now say they want to take away and replace with nothing

Throw millions back into the open market with pre-existing conditions, small businesses or dickhead employers who don't provide insurance

Run on that Republicans

Millions have lost their health insurance due to obamacare. Who are you kidding. I'd definitely keep that ad running 24 hours a day.
By November millions will have settled into policies that Republicans now say they want to take away and replace with nothing

Throw millions back into the open market with pre-existing conditions, small businesses or dickhead employers who don't provide insurance

Run on that Republicans

extortion at one time was against the law,and no I don't expect you to understand

It is the law of the land. Far from extortion

Go ahead Republicans ....take away peoples insurance
Run on that


What will we do when Republicans take away our insurance?
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By November millions will have settled into policies that Republicans now say they want to take away and replace with nothing

Throw millions back into the open market with pre-existing conditions, small businesses or dickhead employers who don't provide insurance

Run on that Republicans

Millions have lost their health insurance due to obamacare. Who are you kidding. I'd definitely keep that ad running 24 hours a day.

Losing health insurance and changing plans to something else are two different things. Let's be honest now.
Surprisingly to me, Obamacare seems to be doing what it was supposed to do. Workers w/o healthcare are getting healthcare, and because of structural changes in our economy and increased productivity, there are fewer "hours" that people can work, but now they seem to be having as much income as before, and even having a net gain because they now have healthcare.

POLITICALLY, I don't know if the dems can sell that or whether the GOP will again succeed with a propaganda line "they are socializing your medicare and installing death panels."
In 2014, Americans have a choice. More of the same big government, high taxes, and job losses. More of the same business as usual, with record debt and a dysfunctional healthcare law that will cost millions of jobs. Or we can choose a new direction. We know where the Democrats want to take us. They support bigger government, higher taxes, and more failure. Let's vote GOP for a different, better way. To stop Obama's healthcare law from bankrupting America. For lower taxes and more freedom. And most of all, to stop this idea that America's best days are behind her. We can reclaim America. It's time to fight.
NRSC | National Republican Senatorial Committee

The brainwashing is complete. Your masters are pleased.

As an American, I'm concerned when my country drops to #12 in economic freedom under Obama's rule. As an American, I'm concerned when the labor force participation rate is the lowest it's been in 40 years. As an America, I'm concerned about a healthcare law that will kill jobs and dis-incentivize work. I'm no one's servant. I'm a citizen like you. And it's time for a change.

You mean the Heritage Foundation dropped the US to 12th in their latest "economic freedom" poll? Color me shocked. 2007-2008 they had us a 5th. Hmmmm I wonder what changed. No agenda there, right? Forgive me if I disregard anthything comming out of the Heritage Foundation studies or polls.
By November millions will have settled into policies that Republicans now say they want to take away and replace with nothing

Throw millions back into the open market with pre-existing conditions, small businesses or dickhead employers who don't provide insurance

Run on that Republicans

Millions have lost their health insurance due to obamacare. Who are you kidding. I'd definitely keep that ad running 24 hours a day.

And were offered multiple alternatives

Republicans are offering nothing once they kill Obamacare
In 2014, Americans have a choice. More of the same big government, high taxes, and job losses. More of the same business as usual, with record debt and a dysfunctional healthcare law that will cost millions of jobs. Or we can choose a new direction. We know where the Democrats want to take us. They support bigger government, higher taxes, and more failure. Let's vote GOP for a different, better way. To stop Obama's healthcare law from bankrupting America. For lower taxes and more freedom. And most of all, to stop this idea that America's best days are behind her. We can reclaim America. It's time to fight.
NRSC | National Republican Senatorial Committee

I think it will be a considerable albatross when folks get a load of their deductables and business begin hiring part time only workers.
By November millions will have settled into policies that Republicans now say they want to take away and replace with nothing

Throw millions back into the open market with pre-existing conditions, small businesses or dickhead employers who don't provide insurance

Run on that Republicans

Millions have lost their health insurance due to obamacare. Who are you kidding. I'd definitely keep that ad running 24 hours a day.

And were offered multiple alternatives

Republicans are offering nothing once they kill Obamacare

At higher prices and coverages that they didnt need.
In 2014, Americans have a choice. More of the same big government, high taxes, and job losses. More of the same business as usual, with record debt and a dysfunctional healthcare law that will cost millions of jobs. Or we can choose a new direction. We know where the Democrats want to take us. They support bigger government, higher taxes, and more failure. Let's vote GOP for a different, better way. To stop Obama's healthcare law from bankrupting America. For lower taxes and more freedom. And most of all, to stop this idea that America's best days are behind her. We can reclaim America. It's time to fight.
NRSC | National Republican Senatorial Committee

I think it will be a considerable albatross when folks get a load of their deductables and business begin hiring part time only workers.

Thats the decision that I'll be making in a few months concerning healthcare/hours/number of employees.

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