Obamacare - the Democrats' 2014 Albatross

Well, they actually may find those people, but if the Dems response is "if you elect them they'll put you back were you were, but if you return the congress to us we'll raise revenue to increase the premium support for you" it may work out for the dems.

I mean if the best the gop can do is the Coburn-RINO proposal which wouldn't make it through the House ....

They believed one lie. Heck, they would surely believe another.

Both parties play bait and switch. But the fact is that a supermajority of voters thought the lack of HC to some workers was something the fed govt needed to address. You and/or I may not like Obamacare. But the gop has never put forth a serious proposal. And, it cannot so long as the base of the party believes govt should not have a role. And, even it the gop came to its senses and entered the 21st century as to what the maj want from the govt, they could not defy the Kochs to actually raise the money, not from business and employers directly, but from those increasing their fortunes with passive income that adds nothing to growth. That is, there ain't no TR, and there isn't even a Taft or Nixon in the bunch.

Of course they do and we're all the beneficiaries of this kabuki theatre. In reference to an alternative plan, why should one even be proffered since the caretakers of such a plan are woefully inadequate at even the simplest task of administering it. Is the populace that dependent on the state to make their most Intimate decisions?
Not always. Some people got better policies than they had before. Those with junk policies that cost alot andpaid for little had to upgrade

I don't think Republicans will find many people demanding to return to junk policies in November

Junk, crappy, shitty are just derogatory subjective terms heaped onto pre obamacare health coverages to try to elevate the travesty that ocare is.

Junk, crappy, shitty is all Republicans have to offer once they kill Obamacare

Where is your plan?

The govt isn't even qualified to offer such complex designs. Look no further than obamacare as proof.
And were offered multiple alternatives

Republicans are offering nothing once they kill Obamacare

At higher prices and coverages that they didnt need.

Not always. Some people got better policies than they had before. Those with junk policies that cost alot andpaid for little had to upgrade

I don't think Republicans will find many people demanding to return to junk policies in November

You are so out of touch with reality its not funny,people like you have zero integrity,junk policy is a very disingenuous angle fuck sticks like yourself are now spewing out in defense of the indefensible.

There is a real world out there,and many are not happy
Junk, crappy, shitty are just derogatory subjective terms heaped onto pre obamacare health coverages to try to elevate the travesty that ocare is.

Junk, crappy, shitty is all Republicans have to offer once they kill Obamacare

Where is your plan?

The govt isn't even qualified to offer such complex designs. Look no further than obamacare as proof.

So you got nothing

Run on that in November
Junk, crappy, shitty is all Republicans have to offer once they kill Obamacare

Where is your plan?

The govt isn't even qualified to offer such complex designs. Look no further than obamacare as proof.

So you got nothing

Run on that in November

Ive got nothing and its magnitudes better than obamacare. Since the dems have crafted such a magnificent law why aren't they running specifically and entirely on that platform rather than running away from it? Why are the dems that voted for obamacare in deep trouble this November?
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The govt isn't even qualified to offer such complex designs. Look no further than obamacare as proof.

So you got nothing

Run on that in November

Ive got nothing and its magnitudes better than obamacare. Since the dems have crafted such a magnificent law why aren't they running specifically and entirely on that platform rather than running away from it? Why are the dems that voted for obamacare in deep trouble this November?

That remains to be seen

Let their Republican opponent run on taking peoples insurance away
People can now start their own businesses and not be trapped in a job they don't like.

Republicans call this a "disaster". They believe prosperity comes with below minimum wage jobs with no benefits.

oh yea, start up your own business in this economy. see how that goes for you. tighten the noose around your neck a little tighter while you are at it.

Mitt Romney ran on "start up your own business". Remember "borrow 20 grand from dad"?
By November millions will have settled into policies that Republicans now say they want to take away and replace with nothing

Throw millions back into the open market with pre-existing conditions, small businesses or dickhead employers who don't provide insurance

Run on that Republicans

extortion at one time was against the law,and no I don't expect you to understand

It is the law of the land. Far from extortion

Go ahead Republicans ....take away peoples insurance
Run on that


What will we do when Republicans take away our insurance?

Millions who had it already lost it and they can't afford the new rates, thanks to Obamacare. Even the CBO is predicting millions more jobs lost. Obamacare killed jobs and took away people's insurance. Most who signed up on Obamacare website already had insurance before and were looking for better rates.

The supposed millions without insurance who wanted Obamacare to pass have yet to sign up. Funny that the very people the Dems claimed to do this for have said 'no thanks.'

Costs are up for everyone, at least everyone who actually has to pay.

None of the problems were addressed, just made worse. Go ahead and praise it. I take it you're not one who lost a plan and doctor you liked and it's not costing you like it is the rest of us.
extortion at one time was against the law,and no I don't expect you to understand

It is the law of the land. Far from extortion

Go ahead Republicans ....take away peoples insurance
Run on that


What will we do when Republicans take away our insurance?

Millions who had it already lost it and they can't afford the new rates, thanks to Obamacare. Even the CBO is predicting millions more jobs lost. Obamacare killed jobs and took away people's insurance. Most who signed up on Obamacare website already had insurance before and were looking for better rates.

The supposed millions without insurance who wanted Obamacare to pass have yet to sign up. Funny that the very people the Dems claimed to do this for have said 'no thanks.'

Costs are up for everyone, at least everyone who actually has to pay.

None of the problems were addressed, just made worse. Go ahead and praise it. I take it you're not one who lost a plan and doctor you liked and it's not costing you like it is the rest of us.

CBO did not predict jobs lost. They predicted workers working fewer hours to keep their low cost healthcare subsidies

What are Republicans offering that is better?

If Obamacare is so bad, should be easy
The govt isn't even qualified to offer such complex designs. Look no further than obamacare as proof.

So you got nothing

Run on that in November

Ive got nothing and its magnitudes better than obamacare. Since the dems have crafted such a magnificent law why aren't they running specifically and entirely on that platform rather than running away from it? Why are the dems that voted for obamacare in deep trouble this November?

No offense, but your ideology prevents you from supporting a simplified plan that would tax HC providers and equity owners, who benefit from more customers and cheap labor, and simply provide tax credits to workers w/o HC, and have no mandate. Additionally, the govt could support high risk pools to protect people who are denied coverage when they change insurors. There was a way to provide access for workers, but the gop cannot ideologically support it, and prior to the TPM, they were open and even admitted there was a growing problem of inequitable distribution of benefits. (I realize u are not strictly a goper, but the gop is not unlike you on this issue)

There's no reason to take the Wal-Mart stock from the Waltons, in fact even the dems have no interest in doing. There's no wealth redistribution going on in this country. But so long as its heresey in the gop to raise taxes to provide a benefit like HC or education from people who are willign to work, the gop will have difficulty in winning natl elections.
So you got nothing

Run on that in November

Ive got nothing and its magnitudes better than obamacare. Since the dems have crafted such a magnificent law why aren't they running specifically and entirely on that platform rather than running away from it? Why are the dems that voted for obamacare in deep trouble this November?

No offense, but your ideology prevents you from supporting a simplified plan that would tax HC providers and equity owners, who benefit from more customers and cheap labor, and simply provide tax credits to workers w/o HC, and have no mandate. Additionally, the govt could support high risk pools to protect people who are denied coverage when they change insurors. There was a way to provide access for workers, but the gop cannot ideologically support it, and prior to the TPM, they were open and even admitted there was a growing problem of inequitable distribution of benefits. (I realize u are not strictly a goper, but the gop is not unlike you on this issue)

There's no reason to take the Wal-Mart stock from the Waltons, in fact even the dems have no interest in doing. There's no wealth redistribution going on in this country. But so long as its heresey in the gop to raise taxes to provide a benefit like HC or education from people who are willign to work, the gop will have difficulty in winning natl elections.

None taken and I happen to agree with your no mandate proposal along with tax credits to low income families. I'm not against a better idea. The healthcare insurance industry is by far from great but better than what's been trotted out. Aside from that, I have no confidence that the R's could do any better than pre-obamacare. Just throwing out a plan that isn't substantive and claiming that you care is unacceptable.
That's positive. And another criticism of Obamacare that hasn't got any traction because of internal gop politics is the crazy way the HC insurance system works. The exchanges were actually a gop idea until the party turned on itself. Why should shopping for HC insurance be any different from property or auto coverage? Insurance companies would still be regulated by insurance commissioners to prevent fraud. And suppose I want to get a knee replacement. The way it works now is that my primary care MD sends me to a guy in his network, and I have little choice where I get it done. But, there are 3 major non-public hospital systems in my state. I have no ability to compare prices or % of successful outcomes at other hospitals.

So, its NOT that there weren't market solutions to this problem. And even now nothing, except it's own internal politics, would prevent the gop from running on a platform of "amending obamacare" to make it market oriented.
In 2014, Americans have a choice. More of the same big government, high taxes, and job losses. More of the same business as usual, with record debt and a dysfunctional healthcare law that will cost millions of jobs. Or we can choose a new direction. We know where the Democrats want to take us. They support bigger government, higher taxes, and more failure. Let's vote GOP for a different, better way. To stop Obama's healthcare law from bankrupting America. For lower taxes and more freedom. And most of all, to stop this idea that America's best days are behind her. We can reclaim America. It's time to fight.
NRSC | National Republican Senatorial Committee

The brainwashing is complete. Your masters are pleased.

Too funny, I am on the phone all day everyday with John Q Public, you are NOT going to be happy in November.
By November?

Most of the bugs will be worked out and it will be as popular as Medicare part D.

But it won't stop Conservatives from vomiting up year old horror stories that got proved false time and time again.

Your ignorance is astounding :)

The unhappiness is NOT with the website, it is with the plans themselves.
Couple that with ALL of the remaining Individual Grandfathered plans dying...and the small group market just now getting hit and you have a Tsunami headed your way.

But then hey, you STILL think it was budget cuts that caused Benghazi ;)
So you got nothing

Run on that in November

Ive got nothing and its magnitudes better than obamacare. Since the dems have crafted such a magnificent law why aren't they running specifically and entirely on that platform rather than running away from it? Why are the dems that voted for obamacare in deep trouble this November?

No offense, but your ideology prevents you from supporting a simplified plan that would tax HC providers and equity owners, who benefit from more customers and cheap labor, and simply provide tax credits to workers w/o HC, and have no mandate. Additionally, the govt could support high risk pools to protect people who are denied coverage when they change insurors. There was a way to provide access for workers, but the gop cannot ideologically support it, and prior to the TPM, they were open and even admitted there was a growing problem of inequitable distribution of benefits. (I realize u are not strictly a goper, but the gop is not unlike you on this issue)

There's no reason to take the Wal-Mart stock from the Waltons, in fact even the dems have no interest in doing. There's no wealth redistribution going on in this country. But so long as its heresey in the gop to raise taxes to provide a benefit like HC or education from people who are willign to work, the gop will have difficulty in winning natl elections.

This does not HAVE to depend on taxes or other expenses passed to the taxpayer.

What is wrong with business or educational loans to teach financial responsibility and planning?

If this takes work to manage, that creates more jobs for people to manage existing resources BETTER to PAY for health care and education. (instead of wasting twice as much public money SPENT per state on failed prison systems after the fact, when these resources could be LENT into education on the preventative side) Why not create campuses around jobs and education, training nurses and doctors and other service providers in exchange for serving the public to earn credits or money toward their education? Why not create jobs for lawyers or law school interns collecting debts and damages owed to taxpayers for crime or corruption, and use that money to fund services?
Ive got nothing and its magnitudes better than obamacare. Since the dems have crafted such a magnificent law why aren't they running specifically and entirely on that platform rather than running away from it? Why are the dems that voted for obamacare in deep trouble this November?

No offense, but your ideology prevents you from supporting a simplified plan that would tax HC providers and equity owners, who benefit from more customers and cheap labor, and simply provide tax credits to workers w/o HC, and have no mandate. Additionally, the govt could support high risk pools to protect people who are denied coverage when they change insurors. There was a way to provide access for workers, but the gop cannot ideologically support it, and prior to the TPM, they were open and even admitted there was a growing problem of inequitable distribution of benefits. (I realize u are not strictly a goper, but the gop is not unlike you on this issue)

There's no reason to take the Wal-Mart stock from the Waltons, in fact even the dems have no interest in doing. There's no wealth redistribution going on in this country. But so long as its heresey in the gop to raise taxes to provide a benefit like HC or education from people who are willign to work, the gop will have difficulty in winning natl elections.

This does not HAVE to depend on taxes or other expenses passed to the taxpayer.

What is wrong with business or educational loans to teach financial responsibility and planning?

If this takes work to manage, that creates more jobs for people to manage existing resources BETTER to PAY for health care and education. (instead of wasting twice as much public money SPENT per state on failed prison systems after the fact, when these resources could be LENT into education on the preventative side) Why not create campuses around jobs and education, training nurses and doctors and other service providers in exchange for serving the public to earn credits or money toward their education? Why not create jobs for lawyers or law school interns collecting debts and damages owed to taxpayers for crime or corruption, and use that money to fund services?

Because since the 1960s, we've chosen to operate on a system whereby HC insurance is part of a worker's benefits. In the 1960s, we came close to single payor, as that was what the rest of the industrial economies were going to, but the Big 3 automakers said, no, this is an employer's responsibilty to his employees.

In 2000, we had an election. One issue was whether this system was broken. The gop proposed, as do you, that employees should now pay out of pocket. The dems countered that no, this was a grab by the Kochs to engage in class warfare, and workers shouldn't have to pay on their own. 60% agreed with the dems on that issue.

I suggest that if the gop wants to win, they need to accept the will of the voters.

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