Obamacare - the Democrats' 2014 Albatross

Millions have lost their health insurance due to obamacare. Who are you kidding. I'd definitely keep that ad running 24 hours a day.

And were offered multiple alternatives

Republicans are offering nothing once they kill Obamacare

At higher prices and coverages that they didnt need.

Not always. Some people got better policies than they had before. Those with junk policies that cost alot andpaid for little had to upgrade

I don't think Republicans will find many people demanding to return to junk policies in November
Surprisingly to me, Obamacare seems to be doing what it was supposed to do. Workers w/o healthcare are getting healthcare, and because of structural changes in our economy and increased productivity, there are fewer "hours" that people can work, but now they seem to be having as much income as before, and even having a net gain because they now have healthcare.

POLITICALLY, I don't know if the dems can sell that or whether the GOP will again succeed with a propaganda line "they are socializing your medicare and installing death panels."

Problem for republicans is that people will be insured. Some will have policies they like, others will not

But Republicans are offering nothing better. In fact, they are offering to take away your policy and trust them to someday get you something to replace it
And were offered multiple alternatives

Republicans are offering nothing once they kill Obamacare

At higher prices and coverages that they didnt need.

Not always. Some people got better policies than they had before. Those with junk policies that cost alot andpaid for little had to upgrade

I don't think Republicans will find many people demanding to return to junk policies in November

Well, they actually may find those people, but if the Dems response is "if you elect them they'll put you back were you were, but if you return the congress to us we'll raise revenue to increase the premium support for you" it may work out for the dems.

I mean if the best the gop can do is the Coburn-RINO proposal which wouldn't make it through the House ....
Healthcare costs what it does. Private health care insurance costs that + about 20%.

Where is Obamacare in that equation?
Surprisingly to me, Obamacare seems to be doing what it was supposed to do. Workers w/o healthcare are getting healthcare, and because of structural changes in our economy and increased productivity, there are fewer "hours" that people can work, but now they seem to be having as much income as before, and even having a net gain because they now have healthcare.

POLITICALLY, I don't know if the dems can sell that or whether the GOP will again succeed with a propaganda line "they are socializing your medicare and installing death panels."

Problem for republicans is that people will be insured. Some will have policies they like, others will not

But Republicans are offering nothing better. In fact, they are offering to take away your policy and trust them to someday get you something to replace it

Exactly. I just don't see this as a gamechanger. The dems will not take the house for a few more years, and if the gop takes the Senate it'll be about the economy. Of course, the gop might possibly pull out another propaganda win as they did with "socializing medicare and death panels."

But, the US has been undergoing a structural change in the econ since 1980. We don't use mimograph machines, and we don't do teeshirts. The Gop proved incapable of addressing the structural changes duing W's presidency. It's the dems turn at bat. We'll see.
By November millions will have settled into policies that Republicans now say they want to take away and replace with nothing

Throw millions back into the open market with pre-existing conditions, small businesses or dickhead employers who don't provide insurance

Run on that Republicans

Millions have lost their health insurance due to obamacare. Who are you kidding. I'd definitely keep that ad running 24 hours a day.

:lol: Here is their latest one, using animals to make people understand why they need to signup. :lol: Talk about condescending to women, ( who it is designed to appeal to...birdbrains...are they suggesting? ) as more young men are risk-takers than women.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE5b6VBHUTE]Enroll America - Today :30 - YouTube[/ame]
People can now start their own businesses and not be trapped in a job they don't like.

Republicans call this a "disaster". They believe prosperity comes with below minimum wage jobs with no benefits.
Again, we have another stuck up right-wing politician.

Obamacare will ultimately provide quality healthcare to those who can't afford it. Obamacare will not bankrupt America. Rather, corporations will ultimately bankrupt America for their own needs because they must fulfill their demands first. Corporations are outsourcing jobs to China, and it needs to be stopped.

-rep, I thought you were a patriot.
Again, we have another stuck up right-wing politician.

Obamacare will ultimately provide quality healthcare to those who can't afford it. Obamacare will not bankrupt America. Rather, corporations will ultimately bankrupt America for their own needs because they must fulfill their demands first. Corporations are outsourcing jobs to China, and it needs to be stopped.

There is also no such thing as "wealth inequality'. Ultimately people get EXACTLY what they have earned, and deserved. No less no more. Any supposed "inequality" that arises from that is due to YOU, and your laziness! Hell even if the top 0.5% were to own 99% of the wealth, stealing would still not be justified! Neither can the stratification of freedom trade!

Damn you libs. The free market is the single most important institution in the world, and to stop it is to stop the very foundation of America. You sir are going to hell.
People can now start their own businesses and not be trapped in a job they don't like.

Republicans call this a "disaster". They believe prosperity comes with below minimum wage jobs with no benefits.

oh yea, start up your own business in this economy. see how that goes for you. tighten the noose around your neck a little tighter while you are at it.
And were offered multiple alternatives

Republicans are offering nothing once they kill Obamacare

At higher prices and coverages that they didnt need.

Not always. Some people got better policies than they had before. Those with junk policies that cost alot andpaid for little had to upgrade

I don't think Republicans will find many people demanding to return to junk policies in November

Junk, crappy, shitty are just derogatory subjective terms heaped onto pre obamacare health coverages to try to elevate the travesty that ocare is.
At higher prices and coverages that they didnt need.

Not always. Some people got better policies than they had before. Those with junk policies that cost alot andpaid for little had to upgrade

I don't think Republicans will find many people demanding to return to junk policies in November

Well, they actually may find those people, but if the Dems response is "if you elect them they'll put you back were you were, but if you return the congress to us we'll raise revenue to increase the premium support for you" it may work out for the dems.

I mean if the best the gop can do is the Coburn-RINO proposal which wouldn't make it through the House ....

They believed one lie. Heck, they would surely believe another.

We'll probably have the best picture of the ACA's real popularity from mid October on. By that time, the Democrats' internal polling will be telling them to either distance themselves from it or embrace it. Same probably true for the Republicans. Should be interesting.

Not always. Some people got better policies than they had before. Those with junk policies that cost alot andpaid for little had to upgrade

I don't think Republicans will find many people demanding to return to junk policies in November

Well, they actually may find those people, but if the Dems response is "if you elect them they'll put you back were you were, but if you return the congress to us we'll raise revenue to increase the premium support for you" it may work out for the dems.

I mean if the best the gop can do is the Coburn-RINO proposal which wouldn't make it through the House ....

They believed one lie. Heck, they would surely believe another.

Both parties play bait and switch. But the fact is that a supermajority of voters thought the lack of HC to some workers was something the fed govt needed to address. You and/or I may not like Obamacare. But the gop has never put forth a serious proposal. And, it cannot so long as the base of the party believes govt should not have a role. And, even it the gop came to its senses and entered the 21st century as to what the maj want from the govt, they could not defy the Kochs to actually raise the money, not from business and employers directly, but from those increasing their fortunes with passive income that adds nothing to growth. That is, there ain't no TR, and there isn't even a Taft or Nixon in the bunch.
Surprisingly to me, Obamacare seems to be doing what it was supposed to do. Workers w/o healthcare are getting healthcare, and because of structural changes in our economy and increased productivity, there are fewer "hours" that people can work, but now they seem to be having as much income as before, and even having a net gain because they now have healthcare.

POLITICALLY, I don't know if the dems can sell that or whether the GOP will again succeed with a propaganda line "they are socializing your medicare and installing death panels."

What you need to remember, Ben is that implementation of the employer mandate has been delayed...as this latest CBO report illustrates when that does kick in people are going to lose full time jobs. The CBO's estimate are job losses of over 2 million by 2025. That may very well be an underestimation of the problem.

As for the "death panel" thing? You can call them whatever you like...but health care will have to be rationed in the future...there's no other way this system can work. Some panel will be deciding who gets care and who doesn't. That's reality...not propaganda.
By November millions will have settled into policies that Republicans now say they want to take away and replace with nothing

Throw millions back into the open market with pre-existing conditions, small businesses or dickhead employers who don't provide insurance

Run on that Republicans

Millions have lost their health insurance due to obamacare. Who are you kidding. I'd definitely keep that ad running 24 hours a day.

And were offered multiple alternatives

Republicans are offering nothing once they kill Obamacare

I like what I had,and there have been many ideas and plan,but they jsut never got past the Dems.

This turd was passed by JUST DEMS,in no shape or from was it a bipartisan agreement,not even close
At higher prices and coverages that they didnt need.

Not always. Some people got better policies than they had before. Those with junk policies that cost alot andpaid for little had to upgrade

I don't think Republicans will find many people demanding to return to junk policies in November

Junk, crappy, shitty are just derogatory subjective terms heaped onto pre obamacare health coverages to try to elevate the travesty that ocare is.

Junk, crappy, shitty is all Republicans have to offer once they kill Obamacare

Where is your plan?
In 2014, Americans have a choice. More of the same big government, high taxes, and job losses. More of the same business as usual, with record debt and a dysfunctional healthcare law that will cost millions of jobs. Or we can choose a new direction. We know where the Democrats want to take us. They support bigger government, higher taxes, and more failure. Let's vote GOP for a different, better way. To stop Obama's healthcare law from bankrupting America. For lower taxes and more freedom. And most of all, to stop this idea that America's best days are behind her. We can reclaim America. It's time to fight.
NRSC | National Republican Senatorial Committee

The brainwashing is complete. Your masters are pleased.

You are correct and your master is very very pleased with you. :eusa_whistle:
Millions have lost their health insurance due to obamacare. Who are you kidding. I'd definitely keep that ad running 24 hours a day.

And were offered multiple alternatives

Republicans are offering nothing once they kill Obamacare

I like what I had,and there have been many ideas and plan,but they jsut never got past the Dems.

This turd was passed by JUST DEMS,in no shape or from was it a bipartisan agreement,not even close

Look...Here is the deal

People have insurance and you are trying to convince them it is shit. But when asked what will I have available to replace it....Republicans offer less than shit

If Republicans are running an "Obamacare sucks" platform in 2014, they better have something better to replace it
Surprisingly to me, Obamacare seems to be doing what it was supposed to do. Workers w/o healthcare are getting healthcare, and because of structural changes in our economy and increased productivity, there are fewer "hours" that people can work, but now they seem to be having as much income as before, and even having a net gain because they now have healthcare.

POLITICALLY, I don't know if the dems can sell that or whether the GOP will again succeed with a propaganda line "they are socializing your medicare and installing death panels."

What you need to remember, Ben is that implementation of the employer mandate has been delayed...as this latest CBO report illustrates when that does kick in people are going to lose full time jobs. The CBO's estimate are job losses of over 2 million by 2025. That may very well be an underestimation of the problem.

As for the "death panel" thing? You can call them whatever you like...but health care will have to be rationed in the future...there's no other way this system can work. Some panel will be deciding who gets care and who doesn't. That's reality...not propaganda.

I have no doubt that Obamacare is a top down governmental solution. But, the central planner perspective seems to be that there WILL BE LESS DEMAND FOR LABOR, and thus fewer fulltime jobs. That change in the economy is real and has been accellerating since the technical revolution began. I would prefer to see more of a response by private markets, but the gop intentionlly ignored this issue for 8 years, and instead propped up a bubble market.

If people work 30 hours a week instead of 40, and recieve HC via subsidies paid for by taxes on HC providers and those who own equity stocks in companines but provide no labor, I'm not bothered at all. To the extent obamacare taxes one employee to provide a subsidy to another employee, I think that's bad policy.

I find your 'death panel' reference disengenous. The gop flat out lied. Of course there's rationing. I know a young man who has a significant brain injury and Blue Cross told his family the only long term care was a nursing home (eventually turning to medicaid) or they care for him at home. Under any HC financing scheme, we will have to limit the amt of GNP going to HC. All first world economies have to do that.

But, the point is we have a two party system, and only one party is even marginally functionable at governing.

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