Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

Sorry, libbies. Gas is not higher than $5.00/gallon. The price of energy has not skyrocketed. Your Messiah promised you that and you licked it up as tho it were His spittle. But He has (again) failed.

You really should be used to that by now.
Two months and 1247 posts and I have not bumped this stupid thread once

There is a sucker born every minute
many of them fighting to get to the front of the line as well makes the irony delicious rightwinger :D
Have to admit I'm running out of fresh material here. There are only so many ways to beat a dead horse. But you guys keep bumping it and taking it seriously......... thats the humor of the thread

How about we do this kaz, I'll start another thread mocking libertarians and you can post on that one

It took 42 pages for you to realize you are out of fresh material? Seriously?
Well who has enough material to keep it fresh after 42 pages?

RW gets looooooootz of emails telling him what to copy and paste on political boards.

Copy and paste?

I don't get paid for copy and paste. My public demands fresh material
best you're going to get from Avorysuds ;)

Two months and 1247 posts and I have not bumped this stupid thread once

There is a sucker born every minute
many of them fighting to get to the front of the line as well makes the irony delicious rightwinger :D
So your saying Obama brought gas costs down

Either that or when the 2012 Republican candidate claimed the President was responsible for gas prices he was lying and playing politics. You decide.

Ok, I decide? I think they both lied... How about you? Why do you ignorant liberals think everyone that understand your hypocritical bullshit is hypocritical, is a Republican? Oh, I know becaues on average liberals have a lower IQ than Libertarians...
Sorry, libbies. Gas is not higher than $5.00/gallon. The price of energy has not skyrocketed. Your Messiah promised you that and you licked it up as tho it were His spittle. But He has (again) failed.

You really should be used to that by now.

Don't you get it it you dumb ass... Obama said he wanted gas prices to go up so that Republkicans would fight him and make prices go down...

Just like when Obama said Obamacare would make HC affordable and it only got more experiences for less care.

Or like when he said he would get the US out of Iraq, and didn't... then took us back in after Republicans (Bush) got us out.

Or like the time he said he would have the most transparent admin, or when he said ... or when he said... or when he said...
Good for you. Look up the definition of 'average' and get back to us Leftytoon.
No need to throw a hissy fit, you're the one who is arguing that gas prices are too high. Obamagas - thanks, Mr. President. :)
No pointing out Millennial stupidity is not a hissy fit. I said gas was not below $2 a gallon. It is not. With oil at $48 a barrel it should be at best $1.59. So go pull your status quo levers come election day and quit blaming the people with a brain for the results.
Ok, I decide? I think they both lied... How about you?

It was the high price of oil that sparks more exploration that led to more crude oil production. Then when the Saudis decided not to cut back on their production that cause the price to drop. Now exploration is down 30 to 40% from last year and the new fracked wells will have shorter production runs and eventually the price will begin to rise. Rinse and repeat.

But like I said earlier, this isn't reality, this is politics.
Oil & Gasoline price stopped falling after Republicans took over the House & Senate. Since then Oil trading volume has exploded & Wallstreet Banks are hording oil, storing it on tankers hiding it way out in the ocean out of inventory. This is an Enron scam to tie up lots of oil tankers to slow oil transportation until prices rise. US refinery oil inputs slowed last week. Republicans always drive up oil & gas prices to pay back their big oil campaign backers who bought their way into office. We will be forced to pay & pay.

Right again!

Goldman Sachs on oil: "US needs to cut it's oil production, not OPEC"
Oil & Gasoline price stopped falling after Republicans took over the House & Senate. Since then Oil trading volume has exploded & Wallstreet Banks are hording oil, storing it on tankers hiding it way out in the ocean out of inventory. This is an Enron scam to tie up lots of oil tankers to slow oil transportation until prices rise. US refinery oil inputs slowed last week. Republicans always drive up oil & gas prices to pay back their big oil campaign backers who bought their way into office. We will be forced to pay & pay.

Right again!

Goldman Sachs on oil: "US needs to cut it's oil production, not OPEC"

The low price of Obamagas drives Republicans into a blind rage

They will do anything to sabotage it
Oil & Gasoline price stopped falling after Republicans took over the House & Senate. Since then Oil trading volume has exploded & Wallstreet Banks are hording oil, storing it on tankers hiding it way out in the ocean out of inventory. This is an Enron scam to tie up lots of oil tankers to slow oil transportation until prices rise. US refinery oil inputs slowed last week. Republicans always drive up oil & gas prices to pay back their big oil campaign backers who bought their way into office. We will be forced to pay & pay.

Right again!

Goldman Sachs on oil: "US needs to cut it's oil production, not OPEC"

The low price of Obamagas drives Republicans into a blind rage

They will do anything to sabotage it
Have you noticed how much gas has gone up since Republicans took control of the Congress?
I paid $1.97 for my Obamagas over the weekend

Now that the summer surge is over, look for Obama to start lowering the price below $1.75 by Christmas
It's not going to go below $2 in CA, fo shizzle.

And oil is over $48 today.

The one plausible scenario that would get us to $2 is a global recession-depression which craters demand.
this is one of those teachable moments!

remember you saw this loser rightwinger saying very clearly obama is responsible for the movement of gas prices
I paid $1.97 for my Obamagas over the weekend

Now that the summer surge is over, look for Obama to start lowering the price below $1.75 by Christmas
Still $1.15 more than necessary everywhere. Thanks to obama AGW fascism.

Again mathematics (or truth) isn't your friend.

Thank you Mr. President.
You don't know what you're talking about. If not for obama drilling restrictions, the price would be back down to where it was in the early 2000's before Chinese and Indian demand stretched supply. Math and logic are not on your partisan sheeple side.
this is one of those teachable moments!

remember you saw this loser rightwinger saying very clearly obama is responsible for the movement of gas prices

There is ONLY ONE WAY Obama can affect the price of gas.
By signing more federal leases to do exploration on Federal lands. If there is more oil found then that increases the supply which lowers the prices.
THAT's IT though and only recently has Obama agreed to Alaska oil exploration which I credit him!
But prior he has signed 60% fewer federal oil leases then Bush did in the same period.
This is the ONLY real executive action any President can have on INCREASING production which would INCREASE supplies and Obama ....
a) In 6 years new leases under Obama..........9,922 new leases..
b) In 8 years new leases under Bush...........23,569 new leases!

Oil and Gas Statistics

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