Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

From a certain POV he's guilty of nothing, because his entire presidency has essentially been negated.

It's almost as if he never happened, except for his current squalling.
If only that were true. Thousands are dead thanks to O. Libya and Syria are destroyed nations, thanks to O. All Americans are spied on by their government, Manning was imprisoned and tortured. Guns were run to the cartels killing hundreds. Tax cuts for the rich were enacted. habeas corpus was terminated. Criminal bankers were protected, enriched, and empowered. Opposing political groups were harassed by the IRS. Journalists were terrorized and silenced. It goes on and on.
It’s difficult to overstate the extent to which a scandal around this "Obamagate" canard is baseless. A number of high-ranking Obama admin officials asked to learn the identity of American citizens picked up in intelligence reports, thereby "unmasking" Flynn. This past week Trump hack, acting DNI Grenell, declassified the list of Obama administration officials. All of this has led to a hullabaloo on the right, expressly because Joe Biden was among the officials (which is why the list was released).

But the whole batshyte crazy conspiracy theory conveniently ignores a lot and completely mischaracterizes the process that it purports to describe. By law, the intelligence community redacts the names of U.S. citizens who appear in intelligence reports. High-ranking officials can then ask for the identity of a particular redacted name. The fact of the request means that the officials who are asking don’t know the identity of the target. Such requests themselves are incredibly common. The NSA releases data on these types of requests, and it shows that there were 9,217 requests from 09/2015 to 08/2016.

Why ask for the unmasking. Because the then unidentified person had made contacts with Russian nationals, one of which was Kislyak.

Why go to all these lengths to save the confessed criminal Michael Flynn?

Simple. Joe Biden's name is on the list. The smear campaign has begun in earnest and duped, knuckle dragging Trump cultists are along for the ride.
Scenario Narratives
A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback
isn't that exactly what Trump is doing and his goal to accomplish??
He is? Isn't Trump the one that said that opening up the country was up to the Governors? Does that strike you as tighter, top-down control?
It’s difficult to overstate the extent to which a scandal around this "Obamagate" canard is baseless. A number of high-ranking Obama admin officials asked to learn the identity of American citizens picked up in intelligence reports, thereby "unmasking" Flynn. This past week Trump hack, acting DNI Grenell, declassified the list of Obama administration officials. All of this has led to a hullabaloo on the right, expressly because Joe Biden was among the officials (which is why the list was released).

But the whole batshyte crazy conspiracy theory conveniently ignores a lot and completely mischaracterizes the process that it purports to describe. By law, the intelligence community redacts the names of U.S. citizens who appear in intelligence reports. High-ranking officials can then ask for the identity of a particular redacted name. The fact of the request means that the officials who are asking don’t know the identity of the target. Such requests themselves are incredibly common. The NSA releases data on these types of requests, and it shows that there were 9,217 requests from 09/2015 to 08/2016.

Why ask for the unmasking. Because the then unidentified person had made contacts with Russian nationals, one of which was Kislyak.

Why go to all these lengths to save the confessed criminal Michael Flynn?

Simple. Joe Biden's name is on the list. The smear campaign has begun in earnest and duped, knuckle dragging Trump cultists are along for the ride.


The link is just a small sample, but the evidence is overwhelming. President Obama is guilty of:

Speaking in complete and coherent sentences.
Being loved and respected around the world.
Making factual statements, supported by science and, where necessary, by medical experts.
Being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Reading books.
Neglecting to praise the current President and making statements that are unflattering of him.
Golfing very infrequently when he was in office.

Among others.
.....he is undeniably a racist who hates cops/America/whites--and you DEFEND him????!!!!!!!
It’s difficult to overstate the extent to which a scandal around this "Obamagate" canard is baseless. A number of high-ranking Obama admin officials asked to learn the identity of American citizens picked up in intelligence reports, thereby "unmasking" Flynn. This past week Trump hack, acting DNI Grenell, declassified the list of Obama administration officials. All of this has led to a hullabaloo on the right, expressly because Joe Biden was among the officials (which is why the list was released).

But the whole batshyte crazy conspiracy theory conveniently ignores a lot and completely mischaracterizes the process that it purports to describe. By law, the intelligence community redacts the names of U.S. citizens who appear in intelligence reports. High-ranking officials can then ask for the identity of a particular redacted name. The fact of the request means that the officials who are asking don’t know the identity of the target. Such requests themselves are incredibly common. The NSA releases data on these types of requests, and it shows that there were 9,217 requests from 09/2015 to 08/2016.

Why ask for the unmasking. Because the then unidentified person had made contacts with Russian nationals, one of which was Kislyak.

Why go to all these lengths to save the confessed criminal Michael Flynn?

Simple. Joe Biden's name is on the list. The smear campaign has begun in earnest and duped, knuckle dragging Trump cultists are along for the ride.
right! along with trump's never ending goal to make people believe the lie, that Russia did nothing to help him or support him, it was all a hoax bulloney!

The NSA has a procedure for unmasking.... only certain higher ups, are even eligible to make the request, the request has to include why the person needs to know.... the NSA legal team has to agree with the request.... then, it can be released to that person, in a SCIF.... IN A TOP SECRET ROOM.... not via email etc....

the Obama admin, requested 9200 unmaskings in 2016

the Trump admin, requested 22000 unmaskings in 2016

why have they more than doubled under Trump, if trumpers think it is nefarious?
we do not even know if those who have contracted the virus, are now immune from getting it again.....

and if they are immune, we don't know if it is for 3 weeks, 3 months or 3 years......

this certificate thingy ain't gonna happen

The fact that 5 or 8 of the sailor's returned to the USS Roosevelt have tested positive again says there probably isn't much or any immunity..
From a certain POV he's guilty of nothing, because his entire presidency has essentially been negated.

It's almost as if he never happened, except for his current squalling.

Keep trying. 3+ years of Trump and his minions trying desperately to erase Obama's legacy have only made the guy more popular.
It will be Trump that will be forgotten..in short order too. Like a bad nightmare of incompetence and ignorance.
Obamagate is just the latest Hail Mary for the right wing....and it's losing steam...quickly. So, better pick up something else to throw against the wall.
Keep trying. 3+ years of Obama and his minions trying desperately to erase Mr Trump's legacy have only made the guy more popular.
It will be Obama that will be forgotten..in short order too. Like a bad nightmare of incompetence and ignorance.
C19 is just the latest Hail Mary for the left wing....and it's losing steam...quickly. So, better pick up something else to throw against the wall.
From a certain POV he's guilty of nothing, because his entire presidency has essentially been negated.

It's almost as if he never happened, except for his current squalling.
If only that were true. Thousands are dead thanks to O. Libya and Syria are destroyed nations, thanks to O. All Americans are spied on by their government, Manning was imprisoned and tortured. Guns were run to the cartels killing hundreds. Tax cuts for the rich were enacted. habeas corpus was terminated. Criminal bankers were protected, enriched, and empowered. Opposing political groups were harassed by the IRS. Journalists were terrorized and silenced. It goes on and on.

Shit most or all Americans have been spied upon since Hoover.
It’s difficult to overstate the extent to which a scandal around this "Obamagate" canard is baseless. A number of high-ranking Obama admin officials asked to learn the identity of American citizens picked up in intelligence reports, thereby "unmasking" Flynn. This past week Trump hack, acting DNI Grenell, declassified the list of Obama administration officials. All of this has led to a hullabaloo on the right, expressly because Joe Biden was among the officials (which is why the list was released).

But the whole batshyte crazy conspiracy theory conveniently ignores a lot and completely mischaracterizes the process that it purports to describe. By law, the intelligence community redacts the names of U.S. citizens who appear in intelligence reports. High-ranking officials can then ask for the identity of a particular redacted name. The fact of the request means that the officials who are asking don’t know the identity of the target. Such requests themselves are incredibly common. The NSA releases data on these types of requests, and it shows that there were 9,217 requests from 09/2015 to 08/2016.

Why ask for the unmasking. Because the then unidentified person had made contacts with Russian nationals, one of which was Kislyak.

Why go to all these lengths to save the confessed criminal Michael Flynn?

Simple. Joe Biden's name is on the list. The smear campaign has begun in earnest and duped, knuckle dragging Trump cultists are along for the ride.
right! along with trump's never ending goal to make people believe the lie, that Russia did nothing to help him or support him, it was all a hoax bulloney!

The NSA has a procedure for unmasking.... only certain higher ups, are even eligible to make the request, the request has to include why the person needs to know.... the NSA legal team has to agree with the request.... then, it can be released to that person, in a SCIF.... IN A TOP SECRET ROOM.... not via email etc....

the Obama admin, requested 9200 unmaskings in 2016

the Trump admin, requested 22000 unmaskings in 2016

why have they more than doubled under Trump, if trumpers think it is nefarious?
You do realize that the Mueller investigation was going on, and more than likely those unmaskings were done trying to prove something that was not.
It’s difficult to overstate the extent to which a scandal around this "Obamagate" canard is baseless. A number of high-ranking Obama admin officials asked to learn the identity of American citizens picked up in intelligence reports, thereby "unmasking" Flynn. This past week Trump hack, acting DNI Grenell, declassified the list of Obama administration officials. All of this has led to a hullabaloo on the right, expressly because Joe Biden was among the officials (which is why the list was released).

But the whole batshyte crazy conspiracy theory conveniently ignores a lot and completely mischaracterizes the process that it purports to describe. By law, the intelligence community redacts the names of U.S. citizens who appear in intelligence reports. High-ranking officials can then ask for the identity of a particular redacted name. The fact of the request means that the officials who are asking don’t know the identity of the target. Such requests themselves are incredibly common. The NSA releases data on these types of requests, and it shows that there were 9,217 requests from 09/2015 to 08/2016.

Why ask for the unmasking. Because the then unidentified person had made contacts with Russian nationals, one of which was Kislyak.

Why go to all these lengths to save the confessed criminal Michael Flynn?

Simple. Joe Biden's name is on the list. The smear campaign has begun in earnest and duped, knuckle dragging Trump cultists are along for the ride.
It’s difficult to overstate the extent to which a scandal around this Russian Collusion/C19/etc canard is baseless

The link is just a small sample, but the evidence is overwhelming. President Obama is guilty of:

Speaking in complete and coherent sentences.
Being loved and respected around the world.
Making factual statements, supported by science and, where necessary, by medical experts.
Being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Reading books.
Neglecting to praise the current President and making statements that are unflattering of him.
Golfing very infrequently when he was in office.

Among others.
And he makes delusional and poorly educated shitolini shake like a leaf every time he talks...
Scenario Narratives
A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback
isn't that exactly what Trump is doing and his goal to accomplish??
He is? Isn't Trump the one that said that opening up the country was up to the Governors? Does that strike you as tighter, top-down control?
oh please!

he mouthed it was up to the governors then sent his trumpers out to protest what the governors chose to do..... :rolleyes:


The link is just a small sample, but the evidence is overwhelming. President Obama is guilty of:

Speaking in complete and coherent sentences.
Being loved and respected around the world.
Making factual statements, supported by science and, where necessary, by medical experts.
Being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Reading books.
Neglecting to praise the current President and making statements that are unflattering of him.
Golfing very infrequently when he was in office.

Among others.

Fake news.

What's with the Cyrillic writing?
You do realize that the Mueller investigation was going on, and more than likely those unmaskings were done trying to prove something that was not.

If you are talking with foreign nationals you are going to be recorded. Unmasking does nothing but let intel folks know WHO is on this end of the conversation.

The link is just a small sample, but the evidence is overwhelming. President Obama is guilty of:

Speaking in complete and coherent sentences.
Being loved and respected around the world.
Making factual statements, supported by science and, where necessary, by medical experts.
Being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Reading books.
Neglecting to praise the current President and making statements that are unflattering of him.
Golfing very infrequently when he was in office.

Among others.
And he makes delusional and poorly educated shitolini shake like a leaf every time he talks...
and he make you people suffer from TDS
you people are just babbling --babbling a lot of crap
Scenario Narratives
A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback
isn't that exactly what Trump is doing and his goal to accomplish??
He is? Isn't Trump the one that said that opening up the country was up to the Governors? Does that strike you as tighter, top-down control?
oh please!

he mouthed it was up to the governors then sent his trumpers out to protest what the governors chose to do..... :rolleyes:

I don't see things that aren't actually there.
From a certain POV he's guilty of nothing, because his entire presidency has essentially been negated.

It's almost as if he never happened, except for his current squalling.
If only that were true. Thousands are dead thanks to O. Libya and Syria are destroyed nations, thanks to O. All Americans are spied on by their government, Manning was imprisoned and tortured. Guns were run to the cartels killing hundreds. Tax cuts for the rich were enacted. habeas corpus was terminated. Criminal bankers were protected, enriched, and empowered. Opposing political groups were harassed by the IRS. Journalists were terrorized and silenced. It goes on and on.

Shit most or all Americans have been spied upon since Hoover.
No. Whistleblowers have confirmed since the war criminal W imposed all manner of unconstitutional acts, all Americans are now spied on. J Edgar was a major asshole, but he didn’t have the technology to spy on us all.

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