Obama's 13 impeachable offenses

The Obama cover-up of IRS scandal is impeachable. During the Nixon years not one individual was targeted by the IRS. Idea was kicked around but never acted upon. Article 2 of House committee impeachment recommendation stated that Nixon "endeavored" to use audits against political enemies. Obama DID use IRS against political opponents.

If anyone has proof that President Obama ordered the IRS to target his opposition they would be filing the motions necessary for impeachment. But they don't because the proof doesn't exist. What you have is a clusterfuck created by the CU case. Where there was a huge influx of suspicious applications for 501 c organizations and career bureaucrats were trying to sort out the ones that looks suspicious, without any directions from Congress on the criteria they should be using to audit the applications.

Of course it exists.

Will it come to light? Not now.
No, I think you can impeach a president for failing to uphold the constitution, for engaging in illegal activities, for administrative incompetence, and deliberately taking action meant to undermine the welfare of the American people.

So now we can impeach based on conservative opinion and hyperbole

Amazing, isn't it? You know, when W was President, I learned to hate left wing reactionaries who spewed absolute nonsense based on nothing more than emotion. It is embarrassing to see imbeciles like Koshercunt do the same. At first, I found people like her to be humorous...thinking they were just repaying the liberal effort during Bush's tenure. I was wrong.

It sucks to be stuck in the middle of donkey dick and elephant dung...watching and listening to ignorant hacks on both sides ripping apart the Constitution and the American way in the name of dumbed down politics, personal vendettas, racism, and absolute ignorance.
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You should try complete sentences. I have no idea what thought you're trying to convey.
This thread is a joke. That's not surprising since the modern-day American conservative movement has become a joke once it was hijacked by ignorant (at best) and ill-informed and immature reactionaries (at best) who exhibit behavior reminiscent of a child in the throes of a temper tantrum.

If conservatives were children (not a bad comparison since they act like spoiled kids), they would be given a time out. If this was 40 years ago, they'd get a spanking, and deservedly so.

At any rate, this incessant and insipid nonsense is like a damn carnival show or a WWE wrestling match where the people who run the show make money off the stupidity of the the followers who swear by every utterance of media loons like Mark Levin who manages to feather his nest quite nicely on the gullibility of his listeners who hang on his every word like he isn't merely the partisan hack he accuses everyone else of being when they don't subscribe to his ridiculous views. That's when other people become the focus of Levin's rambling tirades very much like a Mussolini or that Austrian fella with the funny mustache.

For the most part, these yahoos are lily-livered chicken-shits who don't have the courage of their convictions because they make a lot of noise but never do anything but stir the pot. However, if this crowd ever managed to organize themselves into some kind of real threat to the nation by staging some kind of a coop, any president would be duty bound under the US Constitution (that conservatives claim to revere even though they're always talking about changing it) to protect and defend the US Constitution and public safety by arresting these people and putting them on trial for treason which is basically exactly what they're guilty of advocating with all their talk of succession and revolution.

Come on, folks. Let's get some bang for our tax dollars out of those FEMA camps. Let's round these disgruntled pissants up and send them to Alaska where they can bow at the feet of Sarah Palin close up like they so often do when she releases one of her statements in the mass media. Then the lot of them can join the Alaskan Independence Party and start their conservative Utopia where they will finally get the chance of fulfilling their dream of becoming the rugged individualists they seem to perceive themselves to be. I just wonder how long it would be before they called wanting to come back home to the good ol' USA like a bunch of kids who are homesick while away at summer camp. Undoubtedly it wouldn't take any longer than the first time they find there's no city services or perhaps when their satellite feed fails due to a blizzard and FOX News stops being broadcast into their homes and someone has the temerity to suggest that they actually read a book that has literary merit.

There's something else that could do it too. Once some of the policies they support were finally put into place, they would find how much different life would be once large oil companies like Exxon/Mobile stopped paying taxes into the Alaskan treasury for the rights to exploit the vast Alaskan oil and gas reserves which actually belong to the people of Alaska (and the USA). That drop in State revenue would be a boon for the profits of big oil, but it wouldn't do shit for the average Alaskan because it would decimate public services and educational opportunities for the future generations. Just watch what would happen if and when these new immigrants found out they actually relied on the public services which that always used to lampoon as wasteful spending.

At any rate, my opinion is that the rest of us should just tell them to pound sand, buck up, and stop their incessant whining because they finally got what they wanted.

'nuff said!
This thread is a joke. That's not surprising since the modern-day American conservative movement has become a joke once it was hijacked by ignorant (at best) and ill-informed and immature reactionaries (at best) who exhibit behavior reminiscent of a child in the throes of a temper tantrum.

If conservatives were children (not a bad comparison since they act like spoiled kids), they would be given a time out. If this was 40 years ago, they'd get a spanking, and deservedly so.

At any rate, this incessant and insipid nonsense is like a damn carnival show or a WWE wrestling match where the people who run the show make money off the stupidity of the the followers who swear by every utterance of media loons like Mark Levin who manages to feather his nest quite nicely on the gullibility of his listeners who hang on his every word like he isn't merely the partisan hack he accuses everyone else of being when they don't subscribe to his ridiculous views. That's when other people become the focus of Levin's rambling tirades very much like a Mussolini or that Austrian fella with the funny mustache.

For the most part, these yahoos are lily-livered chicken-shits who don't have the courage of their convictions because they make a lot of noise but never do anything but stir the pot. However, if this crowd ever managed to organize themselves into some kind of real threat to the nation by staging some kind of a coop, any president would be duty bound under the US Constitution (that conservatives claim to revere even though they're always talking about changing it) to protect and defend the US Constitution and public safety by arresting these people and putting them on trial for treason which is basically exactly what they're guilty of advocating with all their talk of succession and revolution.

Come on, folks. Let's get some bang for our tax dollars out of those FEMA camps. Let's round these disgruntled pissants up and send them to Alaska where they can bow at the feet of Sarah Palin close up like they so often do when she releases one of her statements in the mass media. Then the lot of them can join the Alaskan Independence Party and start their conservative Utopia where they will finally get the chance of fulfilling their dream of becoming the rugged individualists they seem to perceive themselves to be. I just wonder how long it would be before they called wanting to come back home to the good ol' USA like a bunch of kids who are homesick while away at summer camp. Undoubtedly it wouldn't take any longer than the first time they find there's no city services or perhaps when their satellite feed fails due to a blizzard and FOX News stops being broadcast into their homes and someone has the temerity to suggest that they actually read a book that has literary merit.

There's something else that could do it too. Once some of the policies they support were finally put into place, they would find how much different life would be once large oil companies like Exxon/Mobile stopped paying taxes into the Alaskan treasury for the rights to exploit the vast Alaskan oil and gas reserves which actually belong to the people of Alaska (and the USA). That drop in State revenue would be a boon for the profits of big oil, but it wouldn't do shit for the average Alaskan because it would decimate public services and educational opportunities for the future generations. Just watch what would happen if and when these new immigrants found out they actually relied on the public services which that always used to lampoon as wasteful spending.

At any rate, my opinion is that the rest of us should just tell them to pound sand, buck up, and stop their incessant whining because they finally got what they wanted.

'nuff said!
Regretfully, you are no better if you give idiots like Koshercunt credibility. She does not represent conservatives or the GOP. You have to realize, USMB is a hate site and caters to her ilk...so the discussions are dumbed down to their mental abilities.

K is one drop in a fairly substantial bucket of conservative malcontents who aren't happy unless they're tearing America down any way they can. It's here and on countless other forums. It exists across the AM band from sea to sea. It's on TV. It shows up on the airwaves in the form of political speech by both so-called pundits AND politicians who can't wait to mimic whatever the latest reactionary talking points might be. It exists in virtually countless 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations that are started and funded by powerful interests. Hell, it's everywhere. K may very well just be a useful idiot to the powers that be, but she's not alone.
I think these far RW bastards just need something to complain about...it makes them feel good somehow.

The self-proclaimed party of "personal responsibility" has an INNATE and INSATIABLE need to blame others for all the ails, woes and troubles in their life. Somebody has to be blamed you see, SOMEBODY. Obama is the perfect moving target for that.

It's elementary you see.

Don't you want to complain about people complaining, what a freakin hoot you are.

How about Climate Change got some bitchin' to do about that? LOL

How about bitchin some more about poor little Obama being picked on in Washington that never happened to a president before. I realize by the color of his skin he is automatically a victim but really can your defense be any more pathetic?
This thread is a joke. That's not surprising since the modern-day American conservative movement has become a joke once it was hijacked by ignorant (at best) and ill-informed and immature reactionaries (at best) who exhibit behavior reminiscent of a child in the throes of a temper tantrum.

If conservatives were children (not a bad comparison since they act like spoiled kids), they would be given a time out. If this was 40 years ago, they'd get a spanking, and deservedly so.

At any rate, this incessant and insipid nonsense is like a damn carnival show or a WWE wrestling match where the people who run the show make money off the stupidity of the the followers who swear by every utterance of media loons like Mark Levin who manages to feather his nest quite nicely on the gullibility of his listeners who hang on his every word like he isn't merely the partisan hack he accuses everyone else of being when they don't subscribe to his ridiculous views. That's when other people become the focus of Levin's rambling tirades very much like a Mussolini or that Austrian fella with the funny mustache.

For the most part, these yahoos are lily-livered chicken-shits who don't have the courage of their convictions because they make a lot of noise but never do anything but stir the pot. However, if this crowd ever managed to organize themselves into some kind of real threat to the nation by staging some kind of a coop, any president would be duty bound under the US Constitution (that conservatives claim to revere even though they're always talking about changing it) to protect and defend the US Constitution and public safety by arresting these people and putting them on trial for treason which is basically exactly what they're guilty of advocating with all their talk of succession and revolution.

Come on, folks. Let's get some bang for our tax dollars out of those FEMA camps. Let's round these disgruntled pissants up and send them to Alaska where they can bow at the feet of Sarah Palin close up like they so often do when she releases one of her statements in the mass media. Then the lot of them can join the Alaskan Independence Party and start their conservative Utopia where they will finally get the chance of fulfilling their dream of becoming the rugged individualists they seem to perceive themselves to be. I just wonder how long it would be before they called wanting to come back home to the good ol' USA like a bunch of kids who are homesick while away at summer camp. Undoubtedly it wouldn't take any longer than the first time they find there's no city services or perhaps when their satellite feed fails due to a blizzard and FOX News stops being broadcast into their homes and someone has the temerity to suggest that they actually read a book that has literary merit.

There's something else that could do it too. Once some of the policies they support were finally put into place, they would find how much different life would be once large oil companies like Exxon/Mobile stopped paying taxes into the Alaskan treasury for the rights to exploit the vast Alaskan oil and gas reserves which actually belong to the people of Alaska (and the USA). That drop in State revenue would be a boon for the profits of big oil, but it wouldn't do shit for the average Alaskan because it would decimate public services and educational opportunities for the future generations. Just watch what would happen if and when these new immigrants found out they actually relied on the public services which that always used to lampoon as wasteful spending.

At any rate, my opinion is that the rest of us should just tell them to pound sand, buck up, and stop their incessant whining because they finally got what they wanted.

'nuff said!
Regretfully, you are no better if you give idiots like Koshercunt credibility. She does not represent conservatives or the GOP. You have to realize, USMB is a hate site and caters to her ilk...so the discussions are dumbed down to their mental abilities.

K is one drop in a fairly substantial bucket of conservative malcontents who aren't happy unless they're tearing America down any way they can. It's here and on countless other forums. It exists across the AM band from sea to sea. It's on TV. It shows up on the airwaves in the form of political speech by both so-called pundits AND politicians who can't wait to mimic whatever the latest reactionary talking points might be. It exists in virtually countless 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations that are started and funded by powerful interests. Hell, it's everywhere. K may very well just be a useful idiot to the powers that be, but she's not alone.

I am sorry you see it that way. The way I see it, there is - without a doubt - valid criticism of Obama and progressives. It is regrettable the message gets skewed by pundits. The left misinterprets and molests the words of anyone that criticizes them while imbecilic, pseudo-conservatives like KosherCunt rape conservative ideology with sophomoric arguments, hate and deceit.

The perfect example...reducing entitlements does not equal racism. Pointing out a crisis in traditional family values in the black community (or any community) is not racist. But if someone makes that point (without the vitriol, hyperbole and nonsense), the left calls it hate. It is not hate...it is an attempt to solve the core issue as opposed to putting a band-aid on an obvious problem.

There is nothing the matter with opposing opinions. Presentation is everything...whether it is the original argument or the opposing opinion.
Such tripe. When W who had committed no crimes (high or otherwise) did anything to which the left wing fubars objected, they often responded with a chorus of demands for his impeachment.

I happen not to believe that President Obumbler has done anything that warrants impeachment (yet).

But it's suddenly offensive to these libbies to make an unfounded call for an impeachment?

"I happen not to believe that President Obumbler has done anything that warrants impeachment (yet)."​


here ya go..

Apparently our leftist loons don't know what impeachment is. Time for some schooling:

"Abuse of power or failure to uphold these responsibilities cannot be tolerated. The Constitution gives the House of Representatives the right to impeach the president. Impeachment means that a charge of misconduct is filed against the president. A majority of the members of the House must vote for these charges in order to impeach the president.

"After the charges of misconduct are filed, the Senate has the power to try impeachment cases like a court. Two-thirds of the senators must vote for conviction. The president may be removed from office and never allowed to hold a government position again if he is found guilty."

Congress for Kids: [Executive Branch]: Impeachment

All it takes is a charge of misconduct, and a determination of the majority that he's guilty.

Pretty basic stuff. All the nebulous "but you can't impeach for..." and "You don't even know what impeachment IS" is nothing more than smoke and mirrors meant to disguise the fact that impeachment is simply a determination made by the House of Representatives that the pres is failing in his duties. Once he is impeached, he can be removed from office by a 2/3 Senate majority decision.

Again. The only thing required to impeach a president is for the House of Reps to decide he needs to be impeached.

The next step, removal from office requires 2/3 Senate vote.

Again: The only thing required to impeach a president is for the House of Reps to determine he should be impeached.

Is it sinking in?
Impeachment requires that the man have committed high crimes or misdemeanors.

Monumentally bad policies and judgment are not the same thing.

I think that, as President, he simply sucks.

But I am not on board with a call for impeachment even though he has been a spectacular flop as President.
"Abuse of power or failure to uphold these responsibilities cannot be tolerated. The Constitution gives the House of Representatives the right to impeach the president. Impeachment means that a charge of misconduct is filed against the president. A majority of the members of the House must vote for these charges in order to impeach the president

and I ask you early in the thread where were the Republicans Lawmakers ?

well, where are they ?
Impeachment requires that the man have committed high crimes or misdemeanors.

Monumentally bad policies and judgment are not the same thing.

I think that, as President, he simply sucks.

But I am not on board with a call for impeachment even though he has been a spectacular flop as President.

So what's a high crime?
President Johnson was impeached and one of the 11 charges was that he yelled at the Congress--in a loud voice. An impeachable crime is what the House of Representatives say is an impeachable crime. Impeachment is a political process not a trial of breaking the law. If the president or civil officer broke the law he or she can be tried in a regular court after the impeachment trial.
Impeachment doesn't require a *high crime*.

It requires a consensus by the House of Representatives that the POTUS is derelict in his duties.
Impeachment requires that the man have committed high crimes or misdemeanors.

Monumentally bad policies and judgment are not the same thing.

I think that, as President, he simply sucks.

But I am not on board with a call for impeachment even though he has been a spectacular flop as President.

So what's a high crime?
President Johnson was impeached and one of the 11 charges was that he yelled at the Congress--in a loud voice. An impeachable crime is what the House of Representatives say is an impeachable crime. Impeachment is a political process not a trial of breaking the law. If the president or civil officer broke the law he or she can be tried in a regular court after the impeachment trial.


And impeachment, and removal from office are two separate things.

I'm so glad we're on hand to explain these things to the loons who don't get it, but keep crowing "there are no grounds for impeachment!" and "you cited a blog so there are no grounds for impeachment!" and "you don't understand impeachment so there are no grounds for impeachment!" and "there is no evidence so there can be no impeachment!".
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Impeachment doesn't require a *high crime*.

It requires a consensus by the House of Representatives that the POTUS is derelict in his duties.

She is correct. But does KosherCunt want Obama impeached or removed from office? Bill Clinton is an impeached US President, but he was not removed from office. There is a difference.
Wow, nutz, you were paying attention! Awesome!

I know there is a difference. You can know I know there's a difference because I'm the one who delineated it for you bozos.
Wow, nutz, you were paying attention! Awesome!

I know there is a difference. You can know I know there's a difference because I'm the one who delineated it for you bozos.

Actually, I don't think you really knew the difference until you were challenged and were forced to Google your thoughts.
My sister's a judge. This is the sort of thing we talk about over dinner.

I was hired as a journalist based on the fact that I was the only applicant who actually understood and could explain to the editor the three different branches of government.

But you loons don't believe anything unless it's filtered through a statist filter..which is why I'm always handy with links and quotes.

It was obvious to me, based on the number of times the retards of this thread said that I didn't understand impeachment, that you guys don't understand the impeachment process.

Which is why I came through for you.

You're welcome, and I am happy that now you're just a little better educated about the way our system works. Perhaps you will make less of a fool of yourself in future threads. Though I doubt it.

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