Obama's Amercia

this picture should scare the HELL OF you THE PEOPLE

THIS is where your GOVERNMENT is HEADING...

cutting YOU OFF from the things you PAY FOR and our military fought and DIED for
What's so bad about the shutdown (slimdown)? Non-essential jobs should be eliminated anyway, WE CAN'T AFFORD THEM!

you have a child's understanding of 'non-essential'
I understand that this president racked up $6 trillion in additional debt in 4 years. I guess you prefer to just continue on with it and somehow it'll fix itself?
this picture should scare the HELL OF you THE PEOPLE
You have to understand, most of us don't live in Stephanie's bizarro ALL-CAPS world where every tidbit she can find on the internet is end-of-days hyperdramatic content.

Go have a valium, sheesh.
this picture should scare the HELL OF you THE PEOPLE

THIS is where your GOVERNMENT is HEADING...

cutting YOU OFF from the things you PAY FOR and our military fought and DIED for




Republicans own this shutdown. You should be happy. this is what you wanted.

Nope..Dems own it.
Nary a budget has been passed by the dem controlled Senate. Nor has Obama submitted a budget Senate Majority Leader Reid would bring to the floor.
Obama and REid have been given ample opportunity to negotiate. They have refused to entertain the idea.
Both men insist they are the rulers and their word is to be obeyed without question.
Dems own this one.
ACA is not in the country's best interest. Normally supportive organizations and groups aligned with Obama are balking. Many are demanding extensions or exemptions from ACA..
Obama granted a one year stay for small business.
Why not the people?...Obama's ego will not permit that.
Reid obeys his president without wavering.
Here we are. Dems own this thing.
What's so bad about the shutdown (slimdown)? Non-essential jobs should be eliminated anyway, WE CAN'T AFFORD THEM!

you have a child's understanding of 'non-essential'
I understand that this president racked up $6 trillion in additional debt in 4 years. I guess you prefer to just continue on with it and somehow it'll fix itself?

If Obama racked up 6 trillion in debt, what did he spend it on?
this picture should scare the HELL OF you THE PEOPLE

THIS is where your GOVERNMENT is HEADING...

cutting YOU OFF from the things you PAY FOR and our military fought and DIED for

Now we have a better idea why Homeland Security has stockpiled over 2 Billion bullets lately.
was this the transforming of YOU COUNTRY that you all voted for when voting for Obama?

this should be your WAKE UP CALL PEOPLE

Get 'em Stephanie! Your daily theatrics of rage and despair are duly noted! Aaaaeeeaaahhhhhh!


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