Obama's "amnesty" Executive Order


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

So I keep reading that Obama's going to drop some kind of immigration EO bomb by the end of the year.

Does anyone have any clues as to what he may actually do?

I keep hearing about "amnesty", but it's highly unlikely he's just going to turn all the illegals into voting citizens.

Any ideas?

It basically applies to illegal immigrants that were brought here as young children and raised as Americans.

The thing with deportation is that there are so many illegals and so few government resources to chase them all down. It's a better idea to use the resources to get rid of the criminal illegals first, then the non-sanctuary border jumpers. Those two classes in themselves use up most of the funding.

Giving amnesty to those that spent nearly all of their lives here frees up funding to chase after more bad guys.

However, they aren't "given" amnesty, they have to jump through some hoops and apply for citizenship.
I think it's also about giving some legal status to both those who have been here for some extended time and also for those raising citizens or kids with legal status. I'm not sure about a path to citizenship, but I can't imagine the dems giving that up.

Obama on Immigration How He Could Foul It Up - Yahoo News
Basically, it seems to me he's demanding the gop not try and lowball him on "how much" reform they'll pass.
i heard he is going to sign an EO making them legal and part of his brown shit army to throw conservatives into fema camps.
If he does, he should be impeached for treason. But then, he has done a number of things which could be impeachable.

If the Rs were truly interested in the rule of law, individual liberty, and limited government they would be writing articles of impeachment right now.

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