Obama's Assurance That Iran Wont Make A Bomb.Has He Been To The Underground Cities To Check?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue::tinfoil::slap: This is just like the time when Bush was sure that Sadam had weapons of Mass Destruction. No one really knew the truth. If Sadam had them, you know they were buried somewhere. And with Iran, how does Obama know what is going on 60 stories under ground, right? Anyone else feel the same way? But Obama supporters would say,,,,ahh,,ok,,,dahh, derr....yah, Obama said that he stopped Iran from making nuclear bombs...ok, i guess then he's right, Obama always tells the truth :stupid:
this is like Bill Clinton saying in 1996,,,I promise never to stare down a hot sexy brunette with big boobs,ass and wears a hat.
:argue::tinfoil::slap: This is just like the time when Bush was sure that Sadam had weapons of Mass Destruction. No one really knew the truth. If Sadam had them, you know they were buried somewhere. And with Iran, how does Obama know what is going on 60 stories under ground, right? Anyone else feel the same way? But Obama supporters would say,,,,ahh,,ok,,,dahh, derr....yah, Obama said that he stopped Iran from making nuclear bombs...ok, i guess then he's right, Obama always tells the truth :stupid:

Got a link for those 60 story underground sites?
The point has been made that Iran moved 98% of its "uranium reserve" to Russia...but nobody bothered to check if there's not another pile of reserve hidden someplace else. Trust but verify...just another slogan to Obabble.
this is also like Hillary promising to give 99% of her money to the suffering children
The point has been made that Iran moved 98% of its "uranium reserve" to Russia...but nobody bothered to check if there's not another pile of reserve hidden someplace else. Trust but verify...just another slogan to Obabble.
the thing about Iran,,,,its a huge country! plenty of room to hide the ingrediants to make bombs!
obama doesnt care, he will be in Hawaii or Kenya when all hell breaks loose
:argue::tinfoil::slap: This is just like the time when Bush was sure that Sadam had weapons of Mass Destruction. No one really knew the truth. If Sadam had them, you know they were buried somewhere. And with Iran, how does Obama know what is going on 60 stories under ground, right? Anyone else feel the same way? But Obama supporters would say,,,,ahh,,ok,,,dahh, derr....yah, Obama said that he stopped Iran from making nuclear bombs...ok, i guess then he's right, Obama always tells the truth :stupid:

What's your better idea?
The point has been made that Iran moved 98% of its "uranium reserve" to Russia...but nobody bothered to check if there's not another pile of reserve hidden someplace else. Trust but verify...just another slogan to Obabble.
the Iran deal.....pretty much as valid as the stimulus and Obama-Care
Making a nuke bomb ain't like making a cheesecake.

You guyz been watchin too many Bond movies .
Did you forget, Obambam knows everything. mark my word. we will be attacked the first year he leaves office, the same we were with Bill Clinton. APPEASMENT never works.

the only thing this time is will it be a NUKE instead airplanes thanks to Obama
Did you forget, Obambam knows everything. mark my word. we will be attacked the first year he leaves office, the same we were with Bill Clinton. APPEASMENT never works.

the only thing this time is will it be a NUKE instead airplanes thanks to Obama
and when Cruz becomes President, Iran will have reason to panic,,,just like when Reagan took over
Did you forget, Obambam knows everything. mark my word. we will be attacked the first year he leaves office, the same we were with Bill Clinton. APPEASMENT never works.

the only thing this time is will it be a NUKE instead airplanes thanks to Obama
and when Cruz becomes President, Iran will have reason to panic,,,just like when Reagan took over

I do like the sound of that my dear. Obama has done us a lot of damage. A lot of it we won't begin to see until he's out off office
So what should we do ? Invade Iran?

Is that the rights Answr to everything ? Bombs away!
Did you forget, Obambam knows everything. mark my word. we will be attacked the first year he leaves office, the same we were with Bill Clinton. APPEASMENT never works.

the only thing this time is will it be a NUKE instead airplanes thanks to Obama
and when Cruz becomes President, Iran will have reason to panic,,,just like when Reagan took over

I do like the sound of that my dear. Obama has done us a lot of damage. A lot of it we won't begin to see until he's out off office
wouldnt u think that at least 70% of all Americans (being about 30% have the IQ of a turkey} figure out that "Something Evil Is Up" with the liberals and the bildeburgs?
has that man ever be right yet? he thinks he can speak and we will fweeel better. well we don't. in fact the majority of the people DISAPPROVES of you and all your lies. so sit down we are tired of you

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