Obama's attorneys file motion: Birth, college records to be withheld from public

What, are you five? Is it possible that I might disagree with someone on something and agree with them on something else? THE HORROR!

It's been a while since I've even looked at any of the 9/11 theories, but there was a lot of logic and coincidence involved.

Neither really answers my question.

1.) We both know that if you offered up such a theory in your own thread, you'd be mostly laughed at by many of the same people who are hardcore believers in this theory.

2.) That doesn't really answer my question.

I'm more so really pointing out the hypocrisy by others by using you as a example if you did what I'm saying.

Obama has produced all the forms possible that he can among everything else. The only reason somebody can doubt it at this point is if they don't trust Obama and therefore think he is lying.

Up until he became President; Obama had no real power. So my question is, in this vast conspiracy of liars, people who are covering up things, etc then why in his whole entire life has nobody came forward with the definitive evidence of him not being a citizen?
My son's BC is from Honolulu, and yes I believe Obama is a fake!

What are you, a fucking broken record?

WHEN is it from and why do you believe it's fake? Post some actual thoughts and not what is parroted to you.

Here, let me parrot out a logic fallacy like you seem to be doing: You don't want him to be President because he's half black. :eek:

But lets remember, I'm not you so I'll be waiting for your claims.
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The eligibility for office of the President is NOT, I repeat NOT up to factcheck.com.

The birth certificate "copy" that was obtained was a crude FAKE...

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/iBgkDSw-wQ0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/iBgkDSw-wQ0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Rd5gm8XKv_w&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Rd5gm8XKv_w&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Now I couldn't care less what you investigate about bush. Bush is NOT the issue here. Obama is.

Ok hypocrite, you ignore politifact and you try to take down my claims with two biased youtube videos. Classic.

Bush is certainly the issue here too, unless of course you save "Making sure the office of President is not being violated" to only the ones you want.

Hypocrite? Wha...? You need to think over what you're listening to hear junior. I said I couldn't care less what you want to put on bush. I probably don't like the ass hat any better than YOU do... so keep your hypocrite name calling crap.

It's a fact, obama has NOT produced an ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, and is attempting to have the ORIGINAL SEALED NEVER TO BE SEEN.... WHY?!

Answer me that.
Neither really answers my question.

You asked only one question. Neither were relevant.

1.) We both know that if you offered up such a theory in your own thread, you'd be mostly laughed at by many of the same people who are hardcore believers in this theory.


2.) That doesn't really answer my question.

Because this isn't a discussion about 9/11.

I'm more so really pointing out the hypocrisy by others by using you as a example if you did what I'm saying.

What you're doing is failing to make a logical argument. First I don't like Democrats, which I proved to be false. Next I'm just as crazy as 9/11 theorists, to which I stated I found some truth to. What next?

Obama has produced all the forms possible that he can among everything else.

No, he has not. That's why his lawyers are withholding them from the public, the title of this very thread. If he could produce all forms possible, he wouldn't be withholding them.

The only reason somebody can doubt it at this point is if they don't trust Obama and therefore think he is lying.

Which is easy to do considering the number of lies he's told over the past two years.

Up until he became President; Obama had no real power. So my question is, in this vast conspiracy of liars, people who are covering up things, etc then why in his whole entire life has nobody came forward with the definitive evidence of him not being a citizen?

I believe this is a rhetorical question.
Hypocrite? Wha...? You need to think over what you're listening to hear junior. I said I couldn't care less what you want to put on bush. I probably don't like the ass hat any better than YOU do... so keep your hypocrite name calling crap.

It's a fact, obama has NOT produced an ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, and is attempting to have the ORIGINAL SEALED NEVER TO BE SEEN.... WHY?!

Answer me that.

Obama's Birth Certificate Verified By State - Politics News Story - KITV Honolulu

Here's why you're not allowed to get it yourself:

State law does not allow officials to release the birth certificate of a person to someone outside of the family


Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.

Hawaii has his original birth certificate. And why exactly do you want to see every single piece of Obama's birth certificate? Not like some identify theft couldn't go on or anything. :cuckoo:

They have shown you everything that verify he is the real deal.

Did everyone suddenly forget that Linda Lingle is a Republican? Or that she served as chairman of the 2004 RNC?
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My son's BC is from Honolulu, and yes I believe Obama is a fake!

What are you, a fucking broken record?

WHEN is it from and why do you believe it's fake? Post some actual thoughts and not what is parroted to you.

Here, let me parrot out a logic fallacy like you seem to be doing: You don't want him to be President because he's half black. :eek:

But lets remember, I'm not you so I'll be waiting for your claims.
Look here MIKE do you have any common sense? Or do you just cut and paste talking points?

Why is it a fake? I told you because my own eyes noticed that it was all wrong. It didn't hold up, even to my naked un-unprofessional documentation expert eyes! Put that along with how Obama went out of his fucking way to deter any advancement of him having to show his BC or his college records. It REEKS!
State law does not allow officials to release the birth certificate of a person to someone outside of the family

If it is needed to clear a legal case, it can be subpoenaed.

Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.

I have no reason to believe these people.

Hawaii has his original birth certificate. And why exactly do you want to see every single piece of Obama's birth certificate? Not like some identify theft couldn't go on or anything.

Birth certificates do not feature social security numbers.

They have shown you everything that verify he is the real deal.

No, they haven't. They are WITHHOLDING it. Have you read the article posted?
Look here MIKE do you have any common sense? Or do you just cut and paste talking points?

Why is it a fake? I told you because my own eyes noticed that it was all wrong. It didn't hold up, even to my naked un-unprofessional documentation expert eyes! Put that along with how Obama went out of his fucking way to deter any advancement of him having to show his BC or his college records. It REEKS!

Yup, you're a fucking idiot.

I don't believe your own eyes with any evidence because you're a partisan fuck.

And Obama has a right to a little thing called privacy; it's so awesome you just want to take that away from him. It shouldn't and doesn't have to jump through hoops for people like you.
And Obama has a right to a little thing called privacy.

It's not a privacy issue. We, the American people, deserve to know if the person leading our country is legal to do so. If you don't see that, I don't know what else to tell you.
Look here MIKE do you have any common sense? Or do you just cut and paste talking points?

Why is it a fake? I told you because my own eyes noticed that it was all wrong. It didn't hold up, even to my naked un-unprofessional documentation expert eyes! Put that along with how Obama went out of his fucking way to deter any advancement of him having to show his BC or his college records. It REEKS!

Yup, you're a fucking idiot.

I don't believe your own eyes with any evidence because you're a partisan fuck.

And Obama has a right to a little thing called privacy; it's so awesome you just want to take that away from him. It shouldn't and doesn't have to jump through hoops for people like you.
You're such a non-partisan fuck right Mikey?
Hypocrite? Wha...? You need to think over what you're listening to hear junior. I said I couldn't care less what you want to put on bush. I probably don't like the ass hat any better than YOU do... so keep your hypocrite name calling crap.

It's a fact, obama has NOT produced an ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, and is attempting to have the ORIGINAL SEALED NEVER TO BE SEEN.... WHY?!

Answer me that.

Obama's Birth Certificate Verified By State - Politics News Story - KITV Honolulu

Here's why you're not allowed to get it yourself:

State law does not allow officials to release the birth certificate of a person to someone outside of the family


Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.

Hawaii has his original birth certificate. And why exactly do you want to see every single piece of Obama's birth certificate? Not like some identify theft couldn't go on or anything. :cuckoo:

They have shown you everything that verify he is the real deal.

Did everyone suddenly forget that Linda Lingle is a Republican? Or that she served as chairman of the 2004 RNC?

If any of this crap your just typed out here was worth the bandwidth it's taking to display it, then TELL ME WHY OBAMA WANTS HIS RECORDS, INCLUDING ****ORIGINAL**** BIRTH CERTIFICATE SEALED NEVER TO BE SEEN????!!!!

What's he hiding mikey? C'mon, tell us.... :eusa_eh:
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I notice you didn't answer the part about Linda Lingle huh J?

And holy shit! Look at this! :eusa_whistle:

Democrat sues Sen. Obama over 'fraudulent candidacy'

A separate WND investigation into Obama's birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren't originally there

Even if Obama produced authenticated proof of his birth in Hawaii, however, the suit claims that the U.S. Nationality Act of 1940 provided that minors lose their American citizenship when their parents expatriate. Since Obama's mother married an Indonesian citizen and moved to Indonesia, the suit claims, she forfeited both her and Barack's American citizenship.

However, there doesn't seem to be any evidence Ann Dunham expatriated. Also, consulting citizenship experts contend that if Obama indeed obtained Indonesian citizenship, it simply would not have been recognized by the U.S., but the presidential candidate would retain his American citizenship

Jeez, it's like 1984 Double speak. You say one thing one moment, and the next you say the exact opposite.
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You're such a non-partisan fuck right Mikey?

Why call me Mikey? Just wondering? And you're using logic fallacies by trying to attack my character instead of simply answering my question.

And yes, I am non-partisan. If there was any shred of evidence that Obama is not legally the U.S President, I'd say it's wrong he was still in office.

However, you refuse to answer my claims and continue to throw out attacks.
And Obama has a right to a little thing called privacy; it's so awesome you just want to take that away from him. It shouldn't and doesn't have to jump through hoops for people like you.

It's not jumping through hoops moonbat, it's the LAW, and apparently oblahblah AND you think he's above it.

Who's a hypocrite now?
The fact that Lingle is a Republican does not mean that she is not a supporter of Obama. Not everyone is a partisan idiot. Only an idiot would make such a claim.

I'm also well aware of the previous lawsuit by Berg, and the outcome of such suit. That does not negate the fact that Obama and his lawyers are going through great measures to protect the secrecy of this document, which only makes it all even more suspicious. Why hide something when there's nothing to hide?
you're such a non-partisan fuck right mikey?

why call me mikey? Just wondering? And you're using logic fallacies by trying to attack my character instead of simply answering my question.

And yes, i am non-partisan. If there was any shred of evidence that obama is not legally the u.s president, i'd say it's wrong he was still in office.

However, you refuse to answer my claims and continue to throw out attacks.

you refuse to answer my questions...

...why has obama ordered all his records sealed never to be seen? What's he hiding?
And you're using logic fallacies by trying to attack my character instead of simply answering my question.

Says the guy who said, and I quote, "J, honestly; the whole reason you don't like the guy is because he still runs the president office as a Democrat," and "You guys are acting no better then the 9/11 Conspiracy people that you laugh at and who's words you swat away as fast as they come out."

Please, kid, I know you can do better than this, but you're embarrassing yourself with your hypocrisy and ignorance.
oblahblah.... THE MOST TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION EVER... MY ACHING ASS!!! ... :talktothehand:

The mother fucker is as big of a liar and cheat as any fucking politician that's come before him.
you refuse to answer my questions...

...why has obama ordered all his records sealed never to be seen? What's he hiding?

I'd answer such claims but I am no mind reader. However, you seem to ignore this:

Democrat sues Sen. Obama over 'fraudulent candidacy'

A separate WND investigation into Obama's birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren't originally there.

The website you're using to try and verify your claims; already verified Obama's birth certificate back in August.

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