Obama's attorneys file motion: Birth, college records to be withheld from public

The CIA will not get involved in this unless called upon to investigate. From what I understand it is “We the People” (Secretary of State is now “we the people”) that is suppose to verify if a person is qualified to be president. Since he won, my opinion is all people just think he is qualified because he won. So actually “We the People” didn’t get our voices heard because we didn’t scream loud enough or Riot in down town LA.

It’s scary to know that a person applying for a driver license has to produce more documentation then someone who would hold the highest office in the Land. This I think is the reason that if there is any question a TRUE PATRIOT who wants to lead by doing his CIVIC duty should produce all documentation to put it to rest.
Jesus, WE THE PEOPLE ? Really ? So again, what is being asked here is to take the guys birth certificate and pass it around to the literal millions of bone heads who want a look at it and let them get their greasy prints, coffee stains, etc. all over the thing ?

A certified copy from the state of Hawaii was produced, submitted for inspection, photographed, copied, verified as authentic and then that wasn't enough so every hard leg reporter in the country called the poor lady in charge of keeping the records in Hawaii, even called her at home in the middle of the night incessantly and still, here you are.

Hold on a minute...the Illuminati just rang......
Jesus, WE THE PEOPLE ? Really ? So again, what is being asked here is to take the guys birth certificate and pass it around to the literal millions of bone heads who want a look at it and let them get their greasy prints, coffee stains, etc. all over the thing ?

A certified copy from the state of Hawaii was produced, submitted for inspection, photographed, copied, verified as authentic and then that wasn't enough so every hard leg reporter in the country called the poor lady in charge of keeping the records in Hawaii, even called her at home in the middle of the night incessantly and still, here you are.

Hold on a minute...the Illuminati just rang......
Obama had no problems posting a FAKE one up on his website now did he? You see, it's very simple and Obama can end this in a few seconds.
This is fucking idiotic, this is the president of the US you re talking about. You don't just get there unless you meet the qualifications to do so. This is not some of the jobs you just get, you have every fucking intelligence agency of the country who is involved with this. This is one of the highest matters of national security and some of you guys think the best intelligence agencies of the US just might have MISSED SOMETHING?

This is really pathetic, I can't even believe this is even debated.

Exactly who is it that does background checks on presidential candidates? Last time I asked my Congressman's office I was told that officials aren't required to have background checks in order to serve as long as they've been duly elected by the public.
Obama had no problems posting a FAKE one up on his website now did he? You see, it's very simple and Obama can end this in a few seconds.

Summary: On Fox News, Obama Nation author Jerome Corsi claimed that the campaign of Sen. Barack Obama "has a false, fake birth certificate posted on their website." In fact, the Hawaii Department of Health has confirmed that the birth certificate posted online by the Obama campaign is "a valid Hawaii state birth certificate" and has called speculation about Obama's citizenship "pretty ridiculous."

No, you and the teaming masses of conspiracy cases couldn't be silenced in a few seconds. That has been shown already. The certificate has been verified by numerous sources and subsequently rejected by numerous conspiracy theorist. Even if you and everyoen else who believes this theory were given direct access to the actual piece of paper, the majority would still claim it to be a fake. That's why it is sealed. The number of request would overwhelm the Hawaii Health Dept. if they had to try and satisfy every nut job after this piece of paper. If you want to see it, convince a court of a vast conspiracy from Hawaii to Washinton. Then it will be shown to a court. And then the court will be accused of being in on the conspiracy. Then we're back to lining up a hoard of conspiracy nuts to actually handle the document and still reject it.

Is that Nessie ? Better get on your way to loch Ness !
Hypocrite? Wha...? You need to think over what you're listening to hear junior. I said I couldn't care less what you want to put on bush. I probably don't like the ass hat any better than YOU do... so keep your hypocrite name calling crap.

It's a fact, obama has NOT produced an ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, and is attempting to have the ORIGINAL SEALED NEVER TO BE SEEN.... WHY?!

Answer me that.

Obama's Birth Certificate Verified By State - Politics News Story - KITV Honolulu

Here's why you're not allowed to get it yourself:

State law does not allow officials to release the birth certificate of a person to someone outside of the family


Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.

Hawaii has his original birth certificate. And why exactly do you want to see every single piece of Obama's birth certificate? Not like some identify theft couldn't go on or anything. :cuckoo:

They have shown you everything that verify he is the real deal.

Did everyone suddenly forget that Linda Lingle is a Republican? Or that she served as chairman of the 2004 RNC?

Interesting that they certify that they have the original document and yet never state that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Hawaii Revised Statute 338-17.8 allows registration of birth in Hawaii for a child that was born outside of Hawaii to parents who, for a year preceding the childs birth, claimed Hawaii as their place of residence. The parents would be issued a Certification of Live Birth.
What a crock. If the original was released from the department in Hawaii and passed around for personal viewing by evey whacko conspiracy theorist in the country, this still wouldn't go away. Get over it.

I bet we have some Bigfoot believers in on this discussion. Flat Earth people ? Moon hoax ? Show of hands ?

Oh really PEE, you don't mind if I call you PEE do you?

If there's nothing to hide, then why is obama hiding it? You got an answer, or just more liberal partisan forget it bull shit?

I don't mind.

I don't see that anything is being hidden. The birth certificate has been confirmed by all concerned parties and the law suits about it have been dismissed as frivilous. A certified copy has been made public and the original has been confirmed over and over by the department in Hawaii that holds it. I mean, it's not like you can just request to see someone's birth certificate, personally, and expect to get a hold of it. I have a copy of mine but the original is on file with the registar of deeds and I surely hope they won't be handing it over to the next Bigfoot researcher that ask for it.

Got any leads on the big fella anyway ? Footprints ? A pile of crap ? Oh, I see, you left it here.
"It's not like you can just request to see someones birth certificate, personally, and expect to get a hold of it?"

Do you practice, or were you just born that fucking stupid? We're not talking about getting a fishing license or something as mundane as that, we're talking about applying to be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! Doesn't that mean anything to you? Well it probably doesn't, so long as you have your messiah as President so you can lick the shit off his ass and come in here and talk your fucking absolute, moronic, idiotic, bull shit.

Keep protecting him PEE, keep making up excuses, but this will NOT go away. There are people in America that are NOT satisfied with some phony fucking photoshop forgery. We want and WILL see the real thing, or this story will continue until we do.

Your little dog eared twat hussein wants SOMETHING hidden, that's why his lawyers are working overtime to KEEP it hidden. What is it? Answer that or shut your fucking imbecilic cake hole dumb ass.

I've admitted when I'm wrong in the past on here, that much everyone here can admit. However, I highly doubt you'll say you're wrong and rather slink off. The argument would rather just turn into what everything Obama has done wrong so far according to you; rather then your apology for being wrong.

It's "rather THAN", not "rather THEN."

You have my word I'll admit it if I'm wrong. Take it or leave, but one thing I won't do, is slink off fucking anywhere. I've been here a long time, if you haven't noticed already, and I'm not going anywhere.

He's been told that a million times.
Well, he's just a little eighteen year old punk who probably flunked out of high school, and now he's got free time on his hands in mommy's trailer to come on here and talk like the ignorant, know nothing, moron he is.

It seems to me BO would want to end the controversey, instead he's doing what Kerry did, hiding records.
You'd think. But hussein is doing the opposite. He's got something to hide, or his lawyers wouldn't be working overtime to hide it.

We beg to differ. FactCheck.org staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false.

The Associated Press quoted Chiyome Fukino as saying that both she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.

Fukino also was quoted by several other news organizations. The Honolulu Advertiser quoted Fukino as saying the agency had been bombarded by requests, and that the registrar of statistics had even been called in at home in the middle of the night.

FactCheck.org: Born in the U.S.A.

When the birth certificate arrived from the Obama campaign it confirmed his name as the other documents already showed it. Still, we took an extra step: We e-mailed it to the Hawaii Department of Health, which maintains such records, to ask if it was real.

"It's a valid Hawaii state birth certificate," spokesman Janice Okubo told us.

PolitiFact | Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter

Here is a picture of the damned thing:


But that doesn't matter. The faux controversy isn't going to go away soon. Yes, Obama was born in Hawaii, and yes, he is eligible to be president. But according to several experts in conspiracy theories, and in the psychology of people who believe in conspiracy theories, there's little chance those people who think Obama is barred from the presidency will ever be convinced otherwise.

Sorry, you don't get to personally hold and inspect the Presidents birth certificate. The state has satisfied that it exist and is proper, a certified copy has been released and published all over the place and there actual people who have actually touched it, examined it and verified it's authenticity.

OOO....look....it's a UFO. Shouldn't you folks be heading off to area 51 ?
The eligibility for the President of the United States of America is NOT, and I repeat for all you IDIOTS out there that keep regurgitating this IDIOTIC factcheck BULL SHIT, is NOT determined by factcheck. As far as we know george sorros owns factcheck, whatever, but they can be bought off and lying like a mother fucker.

This is all water under the bridge. Obama is our president and let's deal with that. The more people that focus on a non-issue is less people to focus on the real issues.
No, it's nothing of the sort. This story will keep snow balling until someone gets their hands on what hussein is trying to hide, period. If he has illegally obtained the office of the President of the United States of America, then we're going to have a SERIOUS fucking problem, and that's what his lawyers are trying to hide.
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There is no point to move to hide the records if there isnt something there they dont want the public to see.

Ive been skeptical of this whole birth certificate argument from the beginning. I certainly dont believe Pres. Obama was born elsewhere. Im more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Yet for some odd reason Obama keeps fighting to prevent these documents from being made public. The only reason to do that is because there is something to hide. I dont know what exactly, but you dont go through all this effort to protect nothing.

I think this is the quote that really got me:

"In order to avoid the needless expense of our bringing and litigating a Motion to Quash the subpoena, I am writing to ask whether you would be willing to agree voluntarily to cancel or withdraw the subpoena."

I mean of course, why on earth would the people requesting the documents want more publicity created by a fight. And of course, they include a threat that they are suing for legal fees. Thats something no court would give them because the suit isnt frivolous and they cant prove it is frivolous until they produce the documentation they are trying to hide.

If Obama's camp is so worried about spending money, dont quash the order. Release the documents to the public and show the case is frivolous.
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I don't believe that any of you folks even exist. You're all fake posters dreamed up by a single, ill minded terrorist sent to destroy my tiny little brain. Prove you exist ! I demand it. Every last one of you send your original birth certificate to me. Don't send a certified copy (which is all you can get from the registar), I want the real thing. Break in and rob the original certificate from the office and send it. They will no longer have any record of your birth though because you took the original from them. Which, of course, is why you only get a copy unless you steal the original. You could leave them a copy but then no one would believe you exist because the record of your birth is only a copy !

Guess what ? You don't get to see it. The people who need to see it already have and they have certified it's validity. That's all you're going to get.

Hey....is that the magic bullet that just flew by ? Better go warn the Kennedys !
Hypocrite? Wha...? You need to think over what you're listening to hear junior. I said I couldn't care less what you want to put on bush. I probably don't like the ass hat any better than YOU do... so keep your hypocrite name calling crap.

It's a fact, obama has NOT produced an ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, and is attempting to have the ORIGINAL SEALED NEVER TO BE SEEN.... WHY?!

Answer me that.

Obama's Birth Certificate Verified By State - Politics News Story - KITV Honolulu

Here's why you're not allowed to get it yourself:


Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.

Hawaii has his original birth certificate. And why exactly do you want to see every single piece of Obama's birth certificate? Not like some identify theft couldn't go on or anything. :cuckoo:

They have shown you everything that verify he is the real deal.

Did everyone suddenly forget that Linda Lingle is a Republican? Or that she served as chairman of the 2004 RNC?

Interesting that they certify that they have the original document and yet never state that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Hawaii Revised Statute 338-17.8 allows registration of birth in Hawaii for a child that was born outside of Hawaii to parents who, for a year preceding the childs birth, claimed Hawaii as their place of residence. The parents would be issued a Certification of Live Birth.

Hey... What is HYSTERICAL here is that these idiots go to ALL THIS EFFORT to project compliance... making public statements which on their surface appear to settle the issue... but as was pointed out above... actually do not.

When all that WOULD satisfy the issue is the governor sign an official affidavit, placing herself legally liable to the veracity of her word, which would of course extend to her liability inherent in her executive post regarding abuse of power and obstruction... ala: Bubba... and which bears on the same document a certified copy of the original document; all under witness, who would also be subject to the same liabilities regarding their veracity.

Yet they do not... and that they do not is not the actions of reasonable people; thus it is reasonable to conclude that Hussein is NOT a natural born American Citizen and enjoys citizenship or the post birth variety... I expect the fact is that he was born in Kenya, as his grandmother stated; given there is no reason on the table which would provide a basis for her to state such, if it was not what she knew to be true.

Now there is a long standing debate, on what 'natural born citizen' means; which as usual is fed by chronic left-think appeal to the 'intentions of the founders;' intentions which of course are said to be wholly distinct from the words they used to express their intentions...

The fact is that if conclusive indisputable evidence came out that Hussein was born in the Soviet Union, planted in the US with the backstory we've been treated to and was trained to subvert US national security through his training which was designed to equip him to seek and aquire high government office... the left wouldn't give two shits about it.

So... that he may simply have been born in an African shit hole, was raised as a Muslim, spent his youth snortin' coke and smokin' the dope, advanced his political career on the backs of dead comminust agitators and activists, along with convicted domestic terrorists and their husbands that narrowly escaped convictions due to the dismissal of evidence on eggregeously subjective interpretations of technical violations of evidencery laws; that he spent 20 years with regular attendance in a church which holds Islam in the highest regard and which preaches and teaches anti-American, pro-terrorist rhetoric/philosophy... that isn't gonna impress 'em much.

President Hussein isn't going anywhere, until 2012, where he will take the same exist that Jimma Cahtta took... as the worst example of a US executive that ever walked the earth... until he was relieved by Bubba... who is no dounbt breathing a sigh of relief as he watches this train begin what has to become a run-away catastrophe...
By the way, I'm not an Obama supporter. See, I know horse shit when I smell it.

Someone's at the door. Shit....it's D.B. Cooper.
This is fucking idiotic, this is the president of the US you re talking about. You don't just get there unless you meet the qualifications to do so. This is not some of the jobs you just get, you have every fucking intelligence agency of the country who is involved with this. This is one of the highest matters of national security and some of you guys think the best intelligence agencies of the US just might have MISSED SOMETHING?

This is really pathetic, I can't even believe this is even debated.

Exactly who is it that does background checks on presidential candidates? Last time I asked my Congressman's office I was told that officials aren't required to have background checks in order to serve as long as they've been duly elected by the public.

You really think that a foreigner and someone that is not qualified could become president of the US without the best intelligence agency of the world knowing it?

If you guys are scared from Obama, you can just say so.
There is no need to debate about bullshit like this to prove that.
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You know unless is records have been destroyed it is only a matter of time before someone will be able to make public those records. Someone on the inside illegally attaining the information is what I'm thinking is how it will come out.
And it's sad it has to come to that. Obama and his cohorts could just abide by the goddamn law.
It won't matter. He is already President, and now no matter what the evidence he'll be just fine. How many things of quesionable legitimacy have you seen done by Obama's appointees that have been "forgiven" rather than allow an issue be made, in recent days? No reporter has even felt comfortable raising such a sticky question as his birth certificate.

The 'defense' is that "they all do it" an maybe so, but only one side pays a price for their actions. Remember the liberal credo: "It's better to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission" (that's just effective gamesmanship if you're a member of the party of goverment in elective politics)

The birth of Obama, if it was in Kenya, and there is good reason to believe is the case falls under a complicated legal status in effect at the time, regarding his mother's age.
This is fucking idiotic, this is the president of the US you re talking about. You don't just get there unless you meet the qualifications to do so. This is not some of the jobs you just get, you have every fucking intelligence agency of the country who is involved with this. This is one of the highest matters of national security and some of you guys think the best intelligence agencies of the US just might have MISSED SOMETHING?

This is really pathetic, I can't even believe this is even debated.

Exactly who is it that does background checks on presidential candidates? Last time I asked my Congressman's office I was told that officials aren't required to have background checks in order to serve as long as they've been duly elected by the public.

You really think that a foreigner and someone that is not qualified could become president of the US without the best intelligence agency of the world knowing it?

If you guys are scared from Obama, you can just say so.
There is no need to debate about bullshit like this to prove that.

All I'm looking for is someone to answer WHO authorizes and does the background checks on presidential candidates. Does anyone have the information?
Exactly who is it that does background checks on presidential candidates? Last time I asked my Congressman's office I was told that officials aren't required to have background checks in order to serve as long as they've been duly elected by the public.

You really think that a foreigner and someone that is not qualified could become president of the US without the best intelligence agency of the world knowing it?

If you guys are scared from Obama, you can just say so.
There is no need to debate about bullshit like this to prove that.

All I'm looking for is someone to answer WHO authorizes and does the background checks on presidential candidates. Does anyone have the information?

I think it's here: Virginia Bigfoot Research
All I'm looking for is someone to answer WHO authorizes and does the background checks on presidential candidates. Does anyone have the information?

From information I've been able to glean from the past, candidates for the highest offices (Congress/Senate/President) are pretty much immune from security checks. They will be given security clearances commensurate with their duties, and the only check on their backgrounds, particulary for Presidential Candidates is expected to be done by the "information media", with the public making the decision. If they speak about or divulge "classified" information in public venues, there may be political ramifications. (affect their electibility) If they sell or surrepticiously pass classified information to foreign agents, they would be subject to treason laws.

A Congressperson or a Senator may be excluded from serving on Congressional Committees by Colleagues, and as always classified information is disseminated on a "need to know basis".

To apply security checks to politicians and exclude them from public service for that reason would amount to denying their constituents their 'freedom of expression' by depriving them of their choice of representation.

That's the best I've been able to understand it over the years. I'm an ex military who held a Secret/Crypto Security clearance, and I've always been interested in issues of security classifications, paying attention to how it has worked out in the 'real world', and as a practical matter that's just about it.
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I googled this question:
What level of security clearance is required of a presidential candidate?
What level of clearance must they have before tossing their hat in the ring, or, in the case of winning an election, before inauguration?



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