Obama's budget is obliterated in the Senate

You guys are seriously hilarious.

Obama sent a budget plan earlier this year. It's a "blue print". The "beginning of negotiations". Republicans wouldn't vote on the Ryan Plan unless the unfinished Obama budget was also brought up for a vote.

No one has even heard of the Obama budget, but EVERYONE has heard of the disastrous Ryan budget.

Now, all but 5 Senators are ON RECORD to destroy Medicare. "No one voted for the unfinished Obama budget" may be news tonight, but from now until the 2012 elections, EVERYONE will know and remember the Republican Budget to end Medicare.

See? It's no longer the "Ryan" budget. Because the majority of Republicans have ENDORSED it, it's now the "Republican budget". Hilarious!

Can you show us your birth certificate from the 51st State of Denial?
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Why do democcrats hate this country with all their heart and soul?

It's not Democrats who want to throw grandma over a cliff or move the wealth of the nation to the top 3% or apologize to BP. Those surely can't be "signs of love".

No. you just want to deny them medical coverage. Much much better.
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Can anyone answer this question?

With the millions of babyboomers starting to retire....how will medicare survive as it stands now?

It can't. It needs to be fixed. But you think those who oppose Ryan's plan give a damn about the elderly? These are the people that want government panels to determine who gets medical treatment if it costs the government too much.
Can anyone answer this question?

With the millions of babyboomers starting to retire....how will medicare survive as it stands now?

It can't. It needs to be fixed. But you think those who oppose Ryan's plan give a damn about the elderly? These are the people that want government panels to determine who gets medical treatment if it costs the government too much.

How did this get turned to Jan Brewer?

The truth is, if the unemployment rate was around 4 or 5% and the trillions from the unpaid for Bush tax cuts was collected, it wouldn't be an issue. But Republicans have moved so many jobs overseas and cut so many taxes on the uberwealthy, what wasn't an issue is now an issue. What is wrong with them? Sycophants!
You guys are seriously hilarious.

Obama sent a budget plan earlier this year. It's a "blue print". The "beginning of negotiations". Republicans wouldn't vote on the Ryan Plan unless the unfinished Obama budget was also brought up for a vote.

No one has even heard of the Obama budget, but EVERYONE has heard of the disastrous Ryan budget.

Now, all but 5 Senators are ON RECORD to destroy Medicare. "No one voted for the unfinished Obama budget" may be news tonight, but from now until the 2012 elections, EVERYONE will know and remember the Republican Budget to end Medicare.

See? It's no longer the "Ryan" budget. Because the majority of Republicans have ENDORSED it, it's now the "Republican budget". Hilarious!

So the Dems won't vote for anything. Their grand plan to win elections is to let the big boys who want to try to solve problems to fail, all while Dems sit and do nothing to tackle the deficit crisis.

And what exactlly are you libs hoping for if Dems win the next election? A 30 trillion dollar deficit? Hyperinflation, worthless dollar, 20% unemployment? But hey at least we'll still have medicare from our all-caring government! And Social Security recipients will still be able to hit the casinos!
Ryan 40, Obama 0 - By Andrew Stiles - The Corner - National Review Online

97 to 0 vote. He couldnt even get his own party to vote for it.

That's got to hurt.

It wasn't Obama's budget.... It was the rightwingnut budget. The right just got it's butt kicked and probably has no shot in 2012.

Facts, dear... not fantasy... Try it sometime.

Politics is not faith based.

It was Obama's budget. The "rightwingnut budget" got some more votes than Obama's.
You guys are seriously hilarious.

Obama sent a budget plan earlier this year. It's a "blue print". The "beginning of negotiations". Republicans wouldn't vote on the Ryan Plan unless the unfinished Obama budget was also brought up for a vote.

No one has even heard of the Obama budget, but EVERYONE has heard of the disastrous Ryan budget.

Now, all but 5 Senators are ON RECORD to destroy Medicare. "No one voted for the unfinished Obama budget" may be news tonight, but from now until the 2012 elections, EVERYONE will know and remember the Republican Budget to end Medicare.

See? It's no longer the "Ryan" budget. Because the majority of Republicans have ENDORSED it, it's now the "Republican budget". Hilarious!

Are you and Jillian both living in the same mental facility?
Why do democcrats hate this country with all their heart and soul?

It's not Democrats who want to throw grandma over a cliff or move the wealth of the nation to the top 3% or apologize to BP. Those surely can't be "signs of love".

I guess that depends on which Democrat we are talking about. A former president you greatly admire seems to be willing to throw grandma and even his brother off that cliff.

Bill Clinton: We've Got to Deal with Medicare - NYTimes.com

He even wants to work with Ryan himself to fix the problems that exist in Medicare.

"So anyway, I told them before you got here, I said I’m glad we won this race in New York," Clinton told Ryan, when the two met backstage at a forum on the national debt held by the Pete Peterson Foundation. But he added, “I hope Democrats don't use this as an excuse to do nothing.”
Ryan told Clinton he fears that now nothing will get done in Washington.
“My guess is it’s going to sink into paralysis is what’s going to happen. And you know the math. It’s just, I mean, we knew we were putting ourselves out there. You gotta start this. You gotta get out there. You gotta get this thing moving,” Ryan said.
Clinton told Ryan that if he ever wanted to talk about it, he should “give me a call.” Ryan said he would.

Bill Clinton to Paul Ryan on Medicare Election:

My guess is your head just exploded. Come back when it is working again and you have thought up some more ways to deny reality.

Why do democcrats hate this country with all their heart and soul?

why are you a compulsively lying hack troll?

Why do you make a completely false comment (calling Obama's Budget the "rightwingnut" Budget.) Then completely ignore everyone who calls you on it.

Either you are an idiot and didn't know they voted on Ryan's Budget, and Obama's Budget. Or you knew and were attempting to mislead people with your response.


The only budget voted on today was the Ryan plan. In fact, the righties are all over the news saying the dems should put forth their own budget instead of being the party of no.

but that wasn't the point of yesterday's vote. yesterday's vote it was a given they wouldn't vote to turn medicare into a voucher system.
why are you a compulsively lying hack troll?

Why do you make a completely false comment (calling Obama's Budget the "rightwingnut" Budget.) Then completely ignore everyone who calls you on it.

Either you are an idiot and didn't know they voted on Ryan's Budget, and Obama's Budget. Or you knew and were attempting to mislead people with your response.


The only budget voted on today was the Ryan plan. In fact, the righties are all over the news saying the dems should put forth their own budget instead of being the party of no.

but that wasn't the point of yesterday's vote. yesterday's vote it was a given they wouldn't vote to turn medicare into a voucher system.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww....did pooooooor Pauly get "beaten" with.....

......his own baseball-bat??!!!!!


The Democrat plan to fix the budget is simple:

do nothing

It's because they are blocked over and over again by Republicans. Even you have to admit that.
And the Republican plan? It went from "jobs, jobs, jobs" to abortion and gay rights.
why are you a compulsively lying hack troll?

Why do you make a completely false comment (calling Obama's Budget the "rightwingnut" Budget.) Then completely ignore everyone who calls you on it.

Either you are an idiot and didn't know they voted on Ryan's Budget, and Obama's Budget. Or you knew and were attempting to mislead people with your response.


The only budget voted on today was the Ryan plan. In fact, the righties are all over the news saying the dems should put forth their own budget instead of being the party of no.

but that wasn't the point of yesterday's vote. yesterday's vote it was a given they wouldn't vote to turn medicare into a voucher system.
Sorry, but you're wrong. They voted on moving forward with OBAMA's 2012 budget. It was defeated with 97 opposed 0 in favor. It is all over the internet - Google is your friend. :lol: Don't take my word for it - here is a link to the congressional record.....

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Can anyone answer this question?

With the millions of babyboomers starting to retire....how will medicare survive as it stands now?

they'll tell you in 2024 Meister, when the Molotov cocktails are flying through storefronts ( if there are any left) in Cleveland or some other Democratic urban wonderland....

...they'll tell you; "you didn't tax the rich enough........"

who here thinks I am kidding?
why are you a compulsively lying hack troll?

Why do you make a completely false comment (calling Obama's Budget the "rightwingnut" Budget.) Then completely ignore everyone who calls you on it.

Either you are an idiot and didn't know they voted on Ryan's Budget, and Obama's Budget. Or you knew and were attempting to mislead people with your response.


The only budget voted on today was the Ryan plan. In fact, the righties are all over the news saying the dems should put forth their own budget instead of being the party of no.

but that wasn't the point of yesterday's vote. yesterday's vote it was a given they wouldn't vote to turn medicare into a voucher system.

see Zanders post, you're ill informed.

I'll ask directly;

where is the democratic 2012 budget plan Jillian?

where is the democratic plan to close on the debt ceiling?

where is the democratic plan to deal with the budget deficit going forward ala entitlements etc. ?
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But in an attempt to turn the tables on Democrats, Republicans then forced a procedural vote on President Obama’s budget submission from February. That measure failed by a vote of 0-97, with all the Democrats voting against it because they believe it is now outdated.

Senate Shoots Down Controversial Ryan Budget & President Obama's Plan, Too - The Note

Yeah, those dumb Dems, not following the GOoPers in committing political suicide.


In a procedural vote this evening, five GOP senators opposed the Ryan budget: Scott Brown of Massachusetts, Susan Collins of Maine, Olympia Snowe of Maine, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Every Democrat opposed the measure. The final vote tally was 40-57, sending the House-passed Ryan plan down to defeat.

Why do Republicans want to kill grandma?
But in an attempt to turn the tables on Democrats, Republicans then forced a procedural vote on President Obama’s budget submission from February. That measure failed by a vote of 0-97, with all the Democrats voting against it because they believe it is now outdated.

Senate Shoots Down Controversial Ryan Budget & President Obama's Plan, Too - The Note

Yeah, those dumb Dems, not following the GOoPers in committing political suicide.


In a procedural vote this evening, five GOP senators opposed the Ryan budget: Scott Brown of Massachusetts, Susan Collins of Maine, Olympia Snowe of Maine, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Every Democrat opposed the measure. The final vote tally was 40-57, sending the House-passed Ryan plan down to defeat.

Why do Republicans want to kill grandma?
MediSCARE .....pathetic. I suppose you like the Democrat plan. Do nothing. It ends Medicare a lot faster and with much more pain.

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