Obamas Choose Elite Private School for Kids

Of course not. Voting yourself benefit packages that are above and beyond any private-sector or government-level employee is.

so what you're saying is that everyone in government is an elitist? I can live with that :clap2:
How many of you predicted he would be assassinated? And you wonder why he chose private school?

We understand that. What you and yours fail to understand is that Obama denies the same choice to other families. Do you believe for one minute that a parent would ever actually choose to send their child to a DC hell hole when a private (yes, in some cases, parochial) school might be an option? For the rest of us slobs, vouchers are the only way we might get an option like that.

So what's the problem sealy? Why is Obama anti-choice when it comes to education?
We understand that. What you and yours fail to understand is that Obama denies the same choice to other families. Do you believe for one minute that a parent would ever actually choose to send their child to a DC hell hole when a private (yes, in some cases, parochial) school might be an option? For the rest of us slobs, vouchers are the only way we might get an option like that.

So what's the problem sealy? Why is Obama anti-choice when it comes to education?

so...are you willing to pay higher taxes to make it possible for TAX DOLLARS to be used for ALL parents who so desire to send their children to private school instead of public school? you act as if that shit would be free and Obama just just wave a magic wand and the money will appear. Remind us again, which party is the party of big intrusive government and overspending? :eusa_hand:
so...are you willing to pay higher taxes to make it possible for TAX DOLLARS to be used for ALL parents who so desire to send their children to private school instead of public school? you act as if that shit would be free and Obama just just wave a magic wand and the money will appear. Remind us again, which party is the party of big intrusive government and overspending? :eusa_hand:

he's already promised us that hasn't he??? He's going to do all kinds of miraculous things and still lower the taxes on 95% of us.. jeez louise,, let's all sacrifice just a little and get these kids educated whydon'twe?
I never predicted his assination and pray it dosen't happen.. But again, if obamalama's children aren't safe in public schools with the secret service all around them then what are your kids doing there?

Did you ever hear anyone else say something to the affect that, "he won't live to see his second term". No? :eusa_liar:

This is just another bullshit issue you guys are trying to make out of nothing. No one, except people like you, ever said anything negative about someone sending their kids to private school. Where did Bush's kids go to school?

If Obama wants to pay for private school, he's more than welcome to do so. My brother sends his kid to private school too. He can afford it.

But as for tax dollars going towards private schools? Tax dollars should only go towards public schools. Private schools can discriminate.

And I don't really care what they do because they are private. Just don't ask me to put my tax dollars towards them. Instead, why don't we fix our public schools?
so...are you willing to pay higher taxes to make it possible for TAX DOLLARS to be used for ALL parents who so desire to send their children to private school instead of public school? you act as if that shit would be free and Obama just just wave a magic wand and the money will appear. Remind us again, which party is the party of big intrusive government and overspending? :eusa_hand:

Not raising taxes at all. It costs $16k/kid in a DC public school. I say let $10k go with the kid to whatever school a parent chooses. The next part is VERY IMPORTANT so listen up. Let the DC hell hole keep $6k/kid for doing NOTHING (note that they pocket $6k/kid not attending their school). Perhaps they could take that $6k/non-kid to come up with creative ways to educate the kids they have.

It's a win win situation. The only problem is you have to commit yourself do what is right for the kids..... novel, eh?

And please let me know how I made government big or intrusive with my plan.
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Did you ever hear anyone else say something to the affect that, "he won't live to see his second term". No? :eusa_liar:

This is just another bullshit issue you guys are trying to make out of nothing. No one, except people like you, ever said anything negative about someone sending their kids to private school. Where did Bush's kids go to school?

If Obama wants to pay for private school, he's more than welcome to do so. My brother sends his kid to private school too. He can afford it.

But as for tax dollars going towards private schools? Tax dollars should only go towards public schools. Private schools can discriminate.

And I don't really care what they do because they are private. Just don't ask me to put my tax dollars towards them. Instead, why don't we fix our public schools?

cry us a river bobo,, you guys wanted to send Bush's girls to Iraq for chrisssake!
Did you ever hear anyone else say something to the affect that, "he won't live to see his second term". No? :eusa_liar:

This is just another bullshit issue you guys are trying to make out of nothing. No one, except people like you, ever said anything negative about someone sending their kids to private school. Where did Bush's kids go to school?

If Obama wants to pay for private school, he's more than welcome to do so. My brother sends his kid to private school too. He can afford it.

But as for tax dollars going towards private schools? Tax dollars should only go towards public schools. Private schools can discriminate.

And I don't really care what they do because they are private. Just don't ask me to put my tax dollars towards them. Instead, why don't we fix our public schools?

why shouldn't we ask you?? you make us pay for your abortions.
We understand that. What you and yours fail to understand is that Obama denies the same choice to other families. Do you believe for one minute that a parent would ever actually choose to send their child to a DC hell hole when a private (yes, in some cases, parochial) school might be an option? For the rest of us slobs, vouchers are the only way we might get an option like that.

So what's the problem sealy? Why is Obama anti-choice when it comes to education?

Who's denying anyone a choice? If you want to send your kids to private school, pay.

But, that won't allow you or the rich who typically send their kids to private schools to avoid paying taxes that go to public schools.

And what an attitude. You know DC schools suck yet your primary focus is not to fix the problem, but to cut and run. Since everyone can't cut and run, rather than your bad idea of vouchers, how about we fix the public schools. That way all of the kids get good educations, not just yours.

And remember, the GOP aren't in charge anymore. The times where all we here is "NO WE CAN'T" are over.

D.C. Schools Chief Institutes Tough Changes, Weathers Controversy | Online NewsHour | July 23, 2008 | PBS

Education Week: D.C.'s Chancellor Makes Her Case

Silence, so why the education gap between the elites and the rest of the classes? People talk about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. One of the correlation could be education (between the haves = i can pay for the tuition of the best school <VS> the have nots = i can only rely to public education). If the rich can afford the best education, they continue the cycle of getting richer. Of course, not everyone who receives the top notch education (see Bush + Ivy League School) will pan out well. It's not like public education is going to be a barrier to success since in our country, you have mobility to move up the economic ladder (dependent on factors like developing a product that becomes a cash cow to becoming a chairman of a company and running the business successful to government positions to you named it). However, looking at the gap in the people who hold the wealth, why do the rich people buy the best education money can buy? I believe education should be equal among all economic classes. Education to a whole population would lead to better productivity. Look at the performance of our students versus countries in Asia. We are lagging behind.

If we can provide education to ALL AMERICANS like the one Obama's kids are receiving, are nation will be better off. But not everyone has $100,000s of dollars to spend. So why are they restricted in education. If you gave everyone the same quality of education, you'll get more out of it than restricting it to a limited amount of people. Unless, of course, Obama paying higher tuition for the same education (is it really the same?).

But then again, i guess we need to segregate people into segments of the population. If you are rich, go here. If you are poor, stay there.

Sealybobo, money follows power. If they can buy the GOPs, they won't have any problem buying the Democrats. That's how Washington works. Ear-marks. Show me the money. Loop holes. Buddy system. The people you know. Whoever is in majority, will get the invisible handshake.

who the fuck said Obama was middle class? he's not, even HE says he's not. ya'll are making statements that just don't prove truthful.

and when "poor" people spend their time getting educated and building a better life for themselves then they CAN send their kids to better schools. Do you think the Government is going to pay for his kids tutition? did they when they were in private school in Chicago? NO. He will pay for it through his salary and earnings from the books he's sold and I'm guessing they have a savings account from when Michelle worked and earned a six figure income as well.

It's so funny to me that ya'll are bitching about this because IF Obama put forth a plan that said he would offer tutition assistance to any low income student who had the grades and desire to attend a school like his daughters ya'll would be screaming to high heaven about him being a freakin socialist and commie.

ya'll are ridiculous in the things you seem to cling onto to bitch about.
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Who's denying anyone a choice? If you want to send your kids to private school, pay.

But, that won't allow you or the rich who typically send their kids to private schools to avoid paying taxes that go to public schools.

And what an attitude. You know DC schools suck yet your primary focus is not to fix the problem, but to cut and run. Since everyone can't cut and run, rather than your bad idea of vouchers, how about we fix the public schools. That way all of the kids get good educations, not just yours.

And remember, the GOP aren't in charge anymore. The times where all we here is "NO WE CAN'T" are over.

D.C. Schools Chief Institutes Tough Changes, Weathers Controversy | Online NewsHour | July 23, 2008 | PBS

Education Week: D.C.'s Chancellor Makes Her Case


My plan for improving DC schools is in post #146.
why shouldn't we ask you?? you make us pay for your abortions.

You'd pay more if abortions were illegal.

Oh, by the way, did you see the news from one of those red states who want to ban abortion? I heard this story over the weekend. Made me crack up.

The state, and I forgot which one, but there is a state and they passed a law that any parent can drop off their kids if they don't want them. So people were dropping off their kids, all the way up until 17 years of age. LOL. The state could not handle the influx of kids, so they just changed it to 1 year olds and younger only.

So if you don't want your kid, you better turn them in before they reach 1 year old. Because the state will not pay for them after that.

This is why abortion is kept legal. You won't pay for all the unwanted kids if abortion is made illegal.
Not raising taxes at all. It costs $16k/kid in a DC public school. I say let $10k go with the kid to whatever school a parent chooses. The next part is VERY IMPORTANT so listen up. Let the DC hell hole keep $6k/kid for doing NOTHING (note that they pocket $6k/kid not attending their school). Perhaps they could take that $6k/non-kid to come up with creative ways to educate the kids they have.

It's a win win situation. The only problem is you have to commit yourself do what is right for the kids..... novel, eh?

And please let me know how I made government big or intrusive with my plan.

Not bad!!!
It is in the midwest. It is called the safe haven law. It is in Nebraska. Breakdown of morality in society leads to severe consequences. Our country is bound to fall. And when it does, one should look at the behavior of its own citizens.

You'd pay more if abortions were illegal.

Oh, by the way, did you see the news from one of those red states who want to ban abortion? I heard this story over the weekend. Made me crack up.

The state, and I forgot which one, but there is a state and they passed a law that any parent can drop off their kids if they don't want them. So people were dropping off their kids, all the way up until 17 years of age. LOL. The state could not handle the influx of kids, so they just changed it to 1 year olds and younger only.

So if you don't want your kid, you better turn them in before they reach 1 year old. Because the state will not pay for them after that.

This is why abortion is kept legal. You won't pay for all the unwanted kids if abortion is made illegal.
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Silence, so why the education gap between the elites and the rest of the classes? People talk about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. One of the correlation could be education (between the haves = i can pay for the tuition of the best school <VS> the have nots = i can only rely to public education). If the rich can afford the best education, they continue the cycle of getting richer. Of course, not everyone who receives the top notch education (see Bush + Ivy League School) will pan out well. It's not like public education is going to be a barrier to success since in our country, you have mobility to move up the economic ladder (dependent on factors like developing a product that becomes a cash cow to becoming a chairman of a company and running the business successful to government positions to you named it). However, looking at the gap in the people who hold the wealth, why do the rich people buy the best education money can buy? I believe education should be equal among all economic classes. Education to a whole population would lead to better productivity. Look at the performance of our students versus countries in Asia. We are lagging behind.

If we can provide education to ALL AMERICANS like the one Obama's kids are receiving, are nation will be better off. But not everyone has $100,000s of dollars to spend. So why are they restricted in education. If you gave everyone the same quality of education, you'll get more out of it than restricting it to a limited amount of people. Unless, of course, Obama paying higher tuition for the same education (is it really the same?).

But then again, i guess we need to segregate people into segments of the population. If you are rich, go here. If you are poor, stay there.

Sealybobo, money follows power. If they can buy the GOPs, they won't have any problem buying the Democrats. That's how Washington works. Ear-marks. Show me the money. Loop holes. Buddy system.

Read my post right before yours where I provided links. I love that story. The women went in an just FIRED bad teachers. She even closed some of the schools that were HORRIBLE.

Anyways, there are people that will tell you why it can't be done. THat woman is not listening to those nay sayers. She's getting it done. And the kids are now all of the sudden listening and acting like human beings, not wild animals.

In many inner city/poor schools, the parents suck, the teachers suck and have given up, and the kids don't give a shit. They don't think anyone gives a shit about them. It's not any one person's fault either. It's just a mess.

Ever hear of scorched earth? That's where you just burn everything down and start over from scratch. That's pretty much what this woman is doing, and I'm rooting for her.

Education Week: D.C.'s Chancellor Makes Her Case
You'd pay more if abortions were illegal.

Oh, by the way, did you see the news from one of those red states who want to ban abortion? I heard this story over the weekend. Made me crack up.

The state, and I forgot which one, but there is a state and they passed a law that any parent can drop off their kids if they don't want them. So people were dropping off their kids, all the way up until 17 years of age. LOL. The state could not handle the influx of kids, so they just changed it to 1 year olds and younger only.

So if you don't want your kid, you better turn them in before they reach 1 year old. Because the state will not pay for them after that.

This is why abortion is kept legal. You won't pay for all the unwanted kids if abortion is made illegal.

you can have all the abortions you want, just don't make me pay for them..
Read my post right before yours where I provided links. I love that story. The women went in an just FIRED bad teachers. She even closed some of the schools that were HORRIBLE.

Anyways, there are people that will tell you why it can't be done. THat woman is not listening to those nay sayers. She's getting it done. And the kids are now all of the sudden listening and acting like human beings, not wild animals.

In many inner city/poor schools, the parents suck, the teachers suck and have given up, and the kids don't give a shit. They don't think anyone gives a shit about them. It's not any one person's fault either. It's just a mess.

Ever hear of scorched earth? That's where you just burn everything down and start over from scratch. That's pretty much what this woman is doing, and I'm rooting for her.

Education Week: D.C.'s Chancellor Makes Her Case

She should be appointed to Secretary of Education.

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