Obamas Choose Elite Private School for Kids


I haven't seen one person in this thread claim that public education is the bees knees.

With the exception of sealy, nobody in this thread feels compelled to fix it either. Go read some of jillian's gems, she seems committed to upholding the status quo, broken as it were.
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Didn't say they had. I said Obama's supporters insist on pointing to the security issue as though that is the only reason they chose a private school.

It's certainly a factor but I would say the best education possible is the Obama's ultimate goal.
With the exception of sealy, nobody in this thread feels compelled to fix it either. Go read some of jillian's gems, she seems committed to upholding the status quo, broken as it were.

I'm all for reforming the public school system.


Not so much.
With the exception of sealy, nobody in this thread feels compelled to fix it either. Go read some of jillian's gems.

Well, I'm here and I would love to fix it. You're just in serious trouble any time you put yourself in a position of needing efficiency and competent achievement from the government.
So because we don't make as much money as you do, you don't want your kids associating with mine? And here I thought this was America where everyone is created equally.

My point is that I don't want the government destroying private schools like they've destroyed public schools. Vouchers will enable the government to do just that. (And, of course, nobody is treated equally in America.)
It's certainly a factor but I would say the best education possible is the Obama's ultimate goal.

What a coincidence. That's the ultimate goal of a lot of other parents, but Obama thinks THEY should settle for public school for THEIR kids.

It's kinda like Rosie O'Donnell, who doesn't think anyone should own guns . . . except for the bodyguards protecting HER children. The peasants should make do with the education and crime-preventing abilities of the appropriate government agencies.
Didn't say they had. I said Obama's supporters insist on pointing to the security issue as though that is the only reason they chose a private school.

They have to come up with something. The Clintons said that Chelsea made the decision to go to private school.

I'm always impressed with politicians who want to fix Public Schools AND actually send their kids to Public Schools. It takes a special person to do that. (The governor of Arkansas - before the current one - did that.)
They have to come up with something. The Clintons said that Chelsea made the decision to go to private school.

I'm always impressed with politicians who want to fix Public Schools AND actually send their kids to Public Schools. It takes a special person to do that. (The governor of Arkansas - before the current one - did that.)

It never mattered to me if Bill and Hillary picked the school or Chelsea did it, because the point was that they didn't want MY kid to be able to make that same decision. So we were still back to the question of why they felt that my kid was less important and deserving than theirs.
Did you ever hear anyone else say something to the affect that, "he won't live to see his second term". No? :eusa_liar:

This is just another bullshit issue you guys are trying to make out of nothing. No one, except people like you, ever said anything negative about someone sending their kids to private school. Where did Bush's kids go to school?

If Obama wants to pay for private school, he's more than welcome to do so. My brother sends his kid to private school too. He can afford it.

But as for tax dollars going towards private schools? Tax dollars should only go towards public schools. Private schools can discriminate.

And I don't really care what they do because they are private. Just don't ask me to put my tax dollars towards them. Instead, why don't we fix our public schools?

Well, I would have said that if Hilary was his Vice President. Come to think of it, as Secretary of State, how many people have to die before she becomes president?

As for "fixing" our public schools. I used to think that, but after years in this district, I've come to the conclusion it's impossible. The people in charge don't want to "fix" the problem.
What a coincidence. That's the ultimate goal of a lot of other parents, but Obama thinks THEY should settle for public school for THEIR kids.


The Obama's can afford private school. Money gives you advantages and allows you to open doors for your children. Good for them.

Some people can't and they send their kids to public school. Those kids can work hard, get good grades, do all the right things, and go to college.

I don't see the problem.

It's kinda like Rosie O'Donnell, who doesn't think anyone should own guns . . . except for the bodyguards protecting HER children. The peasants should make do with the education and crime-preventing abilities of the appropriate government agencies.

No, it's not.
It never mattered to me if Bill and Hillary picked the school or Chelsea did it, because the point was that they didn't want MY kid to be able to make that same decision. So we were still back to the question of why they felt that my kid was less important and deserving than theirs.

I know several Clinton supporters who are dedicated to sending their kids to Public Schools, even though the schools are poor. Of course, they put the Clintons on a pedestal, so they would never question where their elected politicians send their kids to school. Obviously, Obama supporters are the same way.
Well, I would have said that if Hilary was his Vice President. Come to think of it, as Secretary of State, how many people have to die before she becomes president?

That would be Obama, Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and whoever the President Pro Tempore of the Senate is.

As for "fixing" our public schools. I used to think that, but after years in this district, I've come to the conclusion it's impossible. The people in charge don't want to "fix" the problem.

Yup. And who's that number one "person in charge" who doesn't want to fix the problem? Oh, yeah. Barack Obama. Now I remember.
And what would you suggest? What brilliant method do you have for making the government effective and achievement-oriented?

I don't have some elaborate plan. But I would like to see test standards raised and graduations requirements more difficult. I would like to see more oversight on teachers. I would support a program that rewards teachers for doing good and loses the deadbeats.

But ultimately nothing can replace what a parent can do for their child's education. Getting involved. Make sure that homework and studying comes first and all that jazz.

The Obama's can afford private school. Money gives you advantages and allows you to open doors for your children. Good for them.

Some people can't and they send their kids to public school. Those kids can work hard, get good grades, do all the right things, and go to college.

I don't see the problem.

Only the fact that public schools don't even remotely offer the same quality of education as private schools, and Obama and his acolytes vigorously fend off any attempt to MAKE them do so while simultaneously blocking any and all attempts by parents who aren't them to give their own children good educations, despite the fact that we are all currently paying for the education Obama doesn't want our kids to have.

You don't see a problem with the hypocrisy and elitism of Obama saying, "Public schools are great, and everyone should send their kids there and be prevented from having any say in the matter . . . and by the way, MY kids are going to private school"?

The only reason I can see that you DON'T see the problem is because the view is so bad with your eyes tightly shut.

No, it's not.

Yeah, it is. "This is what I'm doing for my kids, but I am completely against anyone ELSE doing the same for theirs. Let them eat cake!"
I don't have some elaborate plan. But I would like to see test standards raised and graduations requirements more difficult. I would like to see more oversight on teachers. I would support a program that rewards teachers for doing good and loses the deadbeats.

But ultimately nothing can replace what a parent can do for their child's education. Getting involved. Make sure that homework and studying comes first and all that jazz.

The NEA will not allow that to happen.
I don't have some elaborate plan. But I would like to see test standards raised and graduations requirements more difficult. I would like to see more oversight on teachers. I would support a program that rewards teachers for doing good and loses the deadbeats.

But ultimately nothing can replace what a parent can do for their child's education. Getting involved. Make sure that homework and studying comes first and all that jazz.

Ahh, the old "it's not OUR fault that your kid is stupid after we waste the entire day on multiculturalism, political correctness, and empty self-esteem-building. It's YOUR fault for not doing our job after coming home from yours!" argument.

It's always ironic to me that the same people who insist that the failure of our education system rests with a lack of parental involvement are the same ones who are outraged and bewildered by the idea that parents should be involved enough to actually choose which school their children attend.
Only the fact that public schools don't even remotely offer the same quality of education as private schools, and Obama and his acolytes vigorously fend off any attempt to MAKE them do so while simultaneously blocking any and all attempts by parents who aren't them to give their own children good educations, despite the fact that we are all currently paying for the education Obama doesn't want our kids to have.

Sorry, I have no idea what you are saying here.

You don't see a problem with the hypocrisy and elitism of Obama saying, "Public schools are great, and everyone should send their kids there and be prevented from having any say in the matter . . . and by the way, MY kids are going to private school"?

Yeah, I don't see that problem.

Once again, the Obama's can afford to send their kids to a better private school. Others can't and their kids go to public school.

So what?

Does everyone who goes to public school end up working a fryolater? Or maybe, just maybe, those students who take their education seriously and get good grades end up succeeding ... and those who don't will struggle more through life.

The only reason I can see that you DON'T see the problem is because the view is so bad with your eyes tightly shut.

Whatever ...

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