Obamas Choose Elite Private School for Kids

Their landlords still pay property tax.

Their landlords still charge them extra rent to cover the property tax, and then pass it along to the city. We all know perfectly well that their landlords are winding up with exactly the same amount in their own pockets whether there are property taxes or not.
I homeschool my children so that they won't grow up to be like Joy Behar. And it must be working, because my son just turned 13 a couple of days ago, and he's already smarter and more charming than she is.

LOL! Good for you. But to be honest, it doesn't take much to be smarter and more charming than Joy Behar.
Well, what less would you expect from an elitist, Democrat.
Who say we cling to our religeion and our Guns, when things get bad in Americna society?
Well, what less would you expect from an elitist, Democrat.
Who say we cling to our religeion and our Guns, when things get bad in Americna society?

Well, of COURSE we cling to our guns when things get bad in American society. That's when you're most likely to need to shoot yourself some leftist voters . . . I mean, criminals. And you have to cling to your religion, because you need to pray for a clear shot.
Well, of COURSE we cling to our guns when things get bad in American society. That's when you're most likely to need to shoot yourself some leftist voters . . . I mean, criminals. And you have to cling to your religion, because you need to pray for a clear shot.

They do. Jillian and all the other voices in her head erroneously imagine that Congress and the President are Medicare/Medicaid recipients.

No. I didn't. I'm fairly certain I know more about their benefits than you do...which you'd know if you actually read with comprehension...an apparent problem for you, notwithstanding your pretense at divining what others think, know or should do. :cuckoo:
I don't notice anyone else having a problem with it.

Nobody else repsonded to it. It was posted at me ... "anyone else" is irrelevant.

Doesn't matter, because it's not a matter of opinion. The schools ARE broken. Our students DO underperform the rest of the world, some countries of which can't even provide clean drinking water to their citizens, but can educate them better than we can. Our tech base IS being taken over by immigrants because Americans simply don't have the education base to compete for the jobs.

And it's a matter of opinion that vouchers are the solution.

No one's talking about sending out checks. We currently fund public schools according to the number of students enrolled there. All that is being proposed is that that funding be directed to wherever the students happen to be enrolled. It's not a "throwing money at it" sort of solution, because the money is ALREADY being spent. It's a matter of changing the target at which the money is being thrown, and that WILL solve the problem.

No, you are talking about privatizing the education system.

You say that as though you believe there are only a handful of good private schools in the country, which isn't true. And there is absolutely no economic basis for believing that schools would price their prospective customers out of shopping there.

Why do I suspect that everything you "know" about private schools comes from watching "Facts of Life" reruns?

There are plenty of good private schools in the country. But there are nowhere near as many private schools as there are public.

What business is it of yours where and how someone chooses to educate a child you didn't create and don't support, so long as that child has the basic academic accomplishments required to become a productive, employed adult citizen? Tell me, if Obama's plan for universal healthcare comes about, do you think I should be entitled to a vote concerning which doctor YOU see and what treatments you get? Do you subscribe to the idea that no one should have any say in a woman's abortion except her and her doctor, regardless of whether or not it's funded with tax dollars?

Because religious indoctrination isn't what tax dollars should be spent on. If you want your kid to go to Jesus school then pay up.

I don't think that abortions should be paid with my tax dollars either.

And what I am telling YOU is that public schools are not about increasing standards, nor do they have clue one of how to accomplish that even if they wanted to. Which they don't. The NEA and their Democrat butt buddies are virulently opposed to ANY attempt to require higher standards or accountability from schools.

And that sucks. I don't agree with it but I'm not about to privatize the school system because of it.

And don't think I haven't noticed that you've utterly bypassed the question of why even the children who are said to be achieving and getting their work done are still woefully uneducated.

So? What are you grading me now?

I graduated from a public high school. I have had no trouble handling college level courses. I know countless others just like me.

Nor have I missed the way you glossed right over my earlier question of why it is you're so quick to blame parents for not being involved enough, but are flatly against letting them become TOO involved in terms of actually choosing an effective school they can work with successfully.

I didn't gloss over it I just thought it was a retarded point.

Yeah, but only with the school WE choose for you, and the curriculum WE want, and the priorities WE set, and otherwise, sit down and shut up and stop thinking you have any input here. Oh, what's that? Your local school is dead last in the national rankings and couldn't teach your dog to beg for a pork chop? Too bad, loser. You should just spend more time with your kid. It's all YOUR fault.

If you don't like your school district, move.

If you can't afford private school, work two jobs.

If you want nuns teaching your kids send them to Jesus school.

One wonders if this is a preview of the choice and control Obama Care would give us over our healthcare. Will we have assigned hospital and clinic districts, and if you want a doctor who went to Harvard Medical School instead of Guadalajara Tech, well, you should just work harder and earn more money so you can move? You have PLENTY of control over your health care. Just get more involved and diagnose yourself.


Stupid but funny.
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You should see what they say when the parents are so upset with the school district, they decide to homeschool their kids.

Mixed up a bunch of things in there, Sheila....

1. Under no child left behind, if your child's school is underperforming, you have the right to send them to a better-performing school in the district. So your problem isn't with the education given by the district, it's with something else.

2. Homeschooling? I think there's a lot to say about homeschooling and the people who do it. I don't have a lot good to say about it for a myriad of reasons, including the fact that parents are not teachers. Frankly, I don't see lots of home-schooled kids being properly prepared for college. And mostly, I think it's kind of creepy to isolate your kids that way because you're afraid that they'll be taught...what? Tolerance for things that are not like them? That science and religion are not the same thing and aren't to be confused with each other? If I'm wrong about that, I'd love to know, but that's how it seems.
Mixed up a bunch of things in there, Sheila....

1. Under no child left behind, if your child's school is underperforming, you have the right to send them to a better-performing school in the district. So your problem isn't with the education given by the district, it's with something else.

2. Homeschooling? I think there's a lot to say about homeschooling and the people who do it. I don't have a lot good to say about it for a myriad of reasons, including the fact that parents are not teachers. Frankly, I don't see lots of home-schooled kids being properly prepared for college. And mostly, I think it's kind of creepy to isolate your kids that way because you're afraid that they'll be taught...what? Tolerance for things that are not like them? That science and religion are not the same thing and aren't to be confused with each other? If I'm wrong about that, I'd love to know, but that's how it seems.

Homeschooling is one of the great abominations of modern American society. Home schooling is predominantly the prerogative of mostly evangelical religious extremists who can't afford private religious schools to insulate their children from all the "social evils" of modern society. Instead of teaching children about how to confront and deal with all the social pressures confronting them parents elect to hide their kids from it. And heaven forbid, a kid learns the science has absolutely NOTHING to do with religion. All taught by people who have NO qualifications to teach anything.

What you get is a pack of kids who at 19 have NO social skills and no idea how to confront people of different backgrounds and belief systems from their own or the ability to learn how to tolerate and still maintain your core belief system.

And God knows how hard it is for me to ever tolerate someone who is as completely braindead, politically as you are. And if I were single, i would still love to take you out to dinner.....
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vouchers would be one way to go about the reform
just because parents would choose where to send their kids to school, doesnt mean it wouldnt be another public school system that was doing a better job at educating the kids than the one that was local

Then you are going to run into a logistical problem.

Most parents will want to send their kid to the top school or school district.

Like I said ... move.
Then you are going to run into a logistical problem.

Most parents will want to send their kid to the top school or school district.

Like I said ... move.
not really, the parent(s) that dont live within the district would have to be responsible for transportation to and from the school
not really, the parent(s) that dont live within the district would have to be responsible for transportation to and from the school

Which would flood the district.

Class sizes would increase, the teacher to student ratio would increase, and the level of education would decrease.
Which would flood the district.

Class sizes would increase, the teacher to student ratio would increase, and the level of education would decrease.
and the money would increase to cover it

sounds like it works to me

and of course, the schools could have standards that would have to be met also
and the money would increase to cover it

sounds like it works to me

and of course, the schools could have standards that would have to be met also

It sounds to me like you would end up with long waiting lists as new schools are built and staffed otherwise you still have a teacher to student problem. There would be no guarantee that they would be as good as the first "good school." You speak of standards being met but aren't these the standards similar if not the same as the ones you earlier said the NEA wouldn't let happen?

And who would build the new schools?
It sounds to me like you would end up with long waiting lists as new schools are built and staffed otherwise you still have a teacher to student problem. There would be no guarantee that they would be as good as the first "good school." You speak of standards being met but aren't these the standards similar if not the same as the ones you earlier said the NEA wouldn't let happen?

And who would build the new schools?
not to worry, the money would go to school systems that do it right and actually teach the kids
not to worry, the money would go to school systems that do it right and actually teach the kids

And it would leave some school districs woefully underfunded forcing parents to send their children to schools many miles from where they live.

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