Obamas Choose Elite Private School for Kids

I didn't say throw more money at it ...

I want higher standards and requirements.

And a risk/reward deal for the teachers. Ok ... TECHNICALLY that part could involve giving more money to bad schools. But I wouldn't characterize it as just throwing money at a problem.

And you were going to get higher standards and requirements without motivation how, precisely?
Whatever ...

I've already said what I wanted to do about it.

It sounds to me like you are giving back the tax money to the tax payer and letting them determine how to spend their (others) money.

So you better start building.

Cry me a river, sweetie.

No, I don't but your hyperbole is noted.

It sure sounds like it to me.

Stats like the ones that say that the majority of of vouchers are used for religious schools?

And I don't give a rats what you think of my grammar, etc. I post at my own pleasure.

No, I thought it was a retarded point.

They should get a better job and move up the ladder. I know, how capitalistic of me ...

Right back at ya, sis.

Move or make more money, toots ... I'm already flipping the bill for kids to go to school and I don't even have any.

Well I am a pretty funny guy.

So okay. You're a sexist and an elitist and damned nosy, with an inflated opinion of your role and importance in the lives of others. Now that we understand exactly where you're coming from . . .
I was tired of the backhanded insults.

They weren't backhanded. They were quite straightforward. You're muddling along in a subject you know very little about, making high-handed pronouncements about what you do and don't want and will and won't allow despite the fact that you have absolutely no stake in the issue, you have trouble even understanding English if it's not dumbed-down enough for you, you espouse an arrogant elitism that suggests that poor people have no right to expect a good education or a say in their children's lives, and when your woeful lack in these departments is pointed out to you, the best response you can come up with is "You're just a silly, hormonal female". Maybe you ought to join us in the 21st century and realize that having a penis doesn't make you smarter. It just diverts blood flow from your brain.

Those weren't backhanded, either, by the way.
I'm glad I was able to catalyze your little hormonal fit.

Enjoy your day, sweetie.
Of course not, because public school is sub-standard education.

He should support vouchers so that the little people might be able to send their kids to the schools they choose.

any thought of the kids safety etc....he wants his kids in the safest enviroment he can put them in...and who would blame him....

people can send kids to the schools they choose...as long as they can afford it...even with public schools you can pick out the best one and try to get your child in it...how much do you think a voucher is gonna be worth?

you think you are gonna get a 28 k voucher....get real....so you get a 800 buck voucher can you cough up the 27 k needed to fill in? my point being if you can afford private schools you can afford them without a voucher....if you cant afford them...no voucher is gonna change that...along with the private schools comes other costs...hell a voucher wont cover the laptop or wardrobe needed...
any thought of the kids safety etc....he wants his kids in the safest enviroment he can put them in...and who would blame him....

people can send kids to the schools they choose...as long as they can afford it...even with public schools you can pick out the best one and try to get your child in it...how much do you think a voucher is gonna be worth?

you think you are gonna get a 28 k voucher....get real....so you get a 800 buck voucher can you cough up the 27 k needed to fill in? my point being if you can afford private schools you can afford them without a voucher....if you cant afford them...no voucher is gonna change that...along with the private schools comes other costs...hell a voucher wont cover the laptop or wardrobe needed...

Here we go again with the 30k schools. The only people talking about 30k schools are you guys.

A concept like vouchers would be simply applying the concepts of free markets and competition to a government held monopoly. Those who build a superior product will survive and those that don't, will fold and rightly so.

I don't know if you and others are trying to be intentionally obtuse or you truly don't appreciate the concept of free markets. Honestly, there is so much intellectual dishonesty in this thread it's getting tiresome.
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If you want to fix schools, fix the economy and they'll fix themselves.

When I was a kid 1 in 8 mothers worked full time outside the home.

Now, it's more like 7 in 8 mothers working full time to help keep the family going.

Yeah, that's right, folks, I'm telling you that the major problem isn't the schools, it's the kids.
If you want to fix schools, fix the economy and they'll fix themselves.

When I was a kid 1 in 8 mothers worked full time outside the home.

Now, it's more like 7 in 8 mothers working full time to help keep the family going.

Yeah, that's right, folks, I'm telling you that the major problem isn't the schools, it's the kids.

I would go further and say the family needs to be strengthened as well. There are an obscene number of single/divorced parents raising children and the best economy in the world will not allow those parents to stay home and raise kids.
so how much is the average private school? fyi the article is discussing a 28 k school...i am well aware there are more affordable private schools but i still do not think a voucher will allow most to use private schools...since i do understand the free market...i understand the cost of running a private school.. can tutition alone truly pay for a private school?
so how much is the average private school? fyi the article is discussing a 28 k school...i am well aware there are more affordable private schools but i still do not think a voucher will allow most to use private schools...since i do understand the free market...i understand the cost of running a private school.. can tutition alone truly pay for a private school?

The idea is that a portion of the money follows the child, it could very well follow the child to another public school. In most cases it probably will. But, at the heart of the matter, the parent is allowed to choose a school which best meets their child's needs.

Schools will re-prioritize and focus on doing what is required to attract and retain students by offering a product that people want.
[QUOTEA concept like vouchers would be simply applying the concepts of free markets and competition to a government held monopoly. Those who build a superior product will survive and those that don't, will fold and rightly so.][/QUOTE]

First, show me that data that says these schools are doing better just like the charter schools?

Second, if your short of money and want to improve the current system,take more money out of the budget for private vouchers. Go Jeb Bush.

The public schools system raised multiple generations of students who have been able to compete on a global market. It brought US to the space age. I helped produce at one time the greatest economy in the world, and at one time the greatest auto industry.

It is a problem in our society that goes beyond the actual school system that is making US less competitive. We have parents who are pushed out of the home having to work, we have parents who don't know shit about parenting, and we have parents who don't give a damn about anything but themself. We also have some good parents, but I have no idea what percent they make up anymore.

When I broke the rules, my dad held me accountable. Today, too many parents don't take the time to do this.

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