Obamas Choose Elite Private School for Kids

You guys are right, there really is no need to improve public schools.

hey! take heart miss middle class Isolde, the obamalama is going to tell you this morning what furthur sacrifices you get to make!
why shouldn't we ask you?? you make us pay for your abortions.

see this just shows how ridiculous and stupid you really are willow. Abortions aren't federally funded and they never have been.

You lose all credibility when you make a statement like that cuz it shows you're a partisan hack just looking for something to complain about.
see this just shows how ridiculous and stupid you really are willow. Abortions aren't federally funded and they never have been.

You lose all credibility when you make a statement like that cuz it shows you're a partisan hack just looking for something to complain about.

well then who pays for them? if not tax dollars, who?
Here we go again with the 30k schools. The only people talking about 30k schools are you guys.

A concept like vouchers would be simply applying the concepts of free markets and competition to a government held monopoly. Those who build a superior product will survive and those that don't, will fold and rightly so.

I don't know if you and others are trying to be intentionally obtuse or you truly don't appreciate the concept of free markets. Honestly, there is so much intellectual dishonesty in this thread it's getting tiresome.

I really wish you'd stop listening to propaganda from the Rush Limbaugh show.

You are going to have a hell of a time finding a secular, for-profit private school that costs less than 17k a year.

The average-median tuition (which is an average of the median tuition costs of each grade) for a year at independent schools that are not affiliated with a religion is $17,145 for day students and $33,533 for boarding school students, according to 2005-2006 data from the National Association of Independent Schools

How parents pay for private school (Page 1 of 2)

Now, religious private schools are cheaper because they are not run for profit. If you want to send your kid to a Christian Academy, pay for it yourself. I don't want my tax dollars sending muslim kids to Madrassas anymore than I want my tax dollars paying for a Christian Academy. That's the law. The government can't fund religion.
I really wish you'd stop listening to propaganda from the Rush Limbaugh show.

You are going to have a hell of a time finding a secular, for-profit private school that costs less than 17k a year.


Now, religious private schools are cheaper because they are not run for profit. If you want to send your kid to a Christian Academy, pay for it yourself. I don't want my tax dollars sending muslim kids to Madrassas anymore than I want my tax dollars paying for a Christian Academy. That's the law. The government can't fund religion.

Dream a little dream . . .: Public Dollars to Build a Muslim School in New York

oh,, and the tax dollars provide foot baths too..
I really wish you'd stop listening to propaganda from the Rush Limbaugh show.

You are going to have a hell of a time finding a secular, for-profit private school that costs less than 17k a year.


Now, religious private schools are cheaper because they are not run for profit. If you want to send your kid to a Christian Academy, pay for it yourself. I don't want my tax dollars sending muslim kids to Madrassas anymore than I want my tax dollars paying for a Christian Academy. That's the law. The government can't fund religion.

Why are you against exploring options that might improve the public schools and help our kids? Haven't you seen enough money being shittered away with no results?

Your density, deflection and other intellectual dishonesty detracts from what this debate is about and that is, how to fix the public schools. If you don't want to discuss that, I am simply not interested in pursuing this any further.

I really wish some of you Cons would research what you post, instead of just grabbing something you saw off Sean Hannity's website and posting it here.

The school is named after a Lebanese Christian. You don't appear to be aware that arabs can be christians, nor that christianity is a major religion in Lebanon.

Khalil Gibran, the school's namesake, was a Lebanese-American Christian Maronite poet.

I don't know the details of this school, but its reported to be a public school that teaches arab language and culture. And if there's on thing this country needs, is more arabic speakers in our CIA, our State Departement, and our government at large. There's no indication they are an islamic school that indoctrinates children into islam. Which would be kind of weird for a school named after a prominent Christian arab.

But, if you have credible evidence that this is a religious school that is promoting the theology of islam, feel free to post it. Because its bullshit for my tax dollars to fund religious schools.
These morons don't understand that the FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCHES WERE ALL ARABS, of course.

This is what happens when your nation declares war on teaching history.
I really wish some of you Cons would research what you post, instead of just grabbing something you saw off Sean Hannity's website and posting it here.

The school is named after a Lebanese Christian. You don't appear to be aware that arabs can be christians, nor that christianity is a major religion in Lebanon.

I don't know the details of this school, but its reported to be a public school that teaches arab language and culture. And if there's on thing this country needs, is more arabic speakers in our CIA, our State Departement, and our government at large. There's no indication they are an islamic school that indoctrinates children into islam. Which would be kind of weird for a school named after a prominent Christian arab.

But, if you have credible evidence that this is a religious school that is promoting the theology of islam, feel free to post it. Because its bullshit for my tax dollars to fund religious schools.

doh! like I said, a muslim school paid for by American tax dollars..
you can have all the abortions you want, just don't make me pay for them..

If women have kids and can't afford them, guess what? We pay.

So it is your choice. Pay for abortions, or pay 100 times more for the babies. Consider all the taxes you will pay for all those births. Or do you think storks bring babies?

There is no choice C. You not paying is not an option.

So, checkmate! End of argument. You WILL pay for abortions and you will like it, because the alternative is Much worse.

Now we know why Roe v Wade was overturned.
Now we know why Roe v Wade was overturned.

Well that and we had to put our women-folk to work to make up for the decliining wages of their men, of course.
As a fellow homeschooler, I understand.

BTW, people like Joy Behar is perpetuating the myth that homeschoolers are "demented" and unsocialized. I do not watch the View, but her remarks were sent to me by other homeschoolers. Joy Behar is so uninformed about the world, she was previously fired from a radio talk show in New York.

Fast forward to 7:11 mark for Joy's comments.

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I homeschooled my son for 5th and 6th grade, I wish I'd continued. My next door neighbor homeschools her kids and they are wonderful. Her oldest son is now married and they've adopted on crack baby and are fostering two more. I hosted a student from Japan that was very short. I don't know exactly what it was, but she had a birth defect. She said her doctor's expected her to lose her ability to walk by the time she was 10. Here she was 18 years old and still walking and planned to see as much of the world as possible before she lost the use of her legs completely. She would play games with the kids next door and she told me how wonderful American children are as they don't make a big deal about her being short, they just accept her as she is. I didn't have the heart to tell her, it's not all American kids, but the ones next door that are like that.

Another friend of mine homeschooled her kids and they are all in college, last I heard.

My cousin's daughter attended a private school and was accepted to a prestigious university when she got out. She flunked out the first year. I really think that even private schools, in many cases are failing our kids.

Homeschooling is one of the best options I've seen. Oh, and yes, my next door neighbors are strong Christians. They are also well schooled and well mannered.
If women have kids and can't afford them, guess what? We pay.

So it is your choice. Pay for abortions, or pay 100 times more for the babies. Consider all the taxes you will pay for all those births. Or do you think storks bring babies?

There is no choice C. You not paying is not an option.

So, checkmate! End of argument. You WILL pay for abortions and you will like it, because the alternative is Much worse.

Now we know why Roe v Wade was overturned.

How about we provide free birthcontrol instead? How about adoption? There are many, many Americans who can't have children of their own and would love to adopt a baby.

When exactly was Roe V Wade overturned?
Well that and we had to put our women-folk to work to make up for the decliining wages of their men, of course.

That's another scam altogether. Remember the feminist movement? Just like the illegal employers use the bleeding heart liberals to keep the borders open, the corporatists suckers the feminists into working.

They were already working the guys 60 hours a week. They couldn't squeeze any more work out of them. So what did they do? They got both the husband and the wife working, and for what?

Our fathers worked and the family of 4 got along fine. Now 2 work and a family of 4 struggles.

So we are working 90 hours combined and in some ways we are worse off!!!!
I think he meant enacted, not overturned.


Well, did you know the person responsible for Roe V Wade is now one of the leaders of the anti abortion groups? Yep, she changed her mind.

I know some women who've had abortions, all except one have regretted it. That one had 5 abortions at last count. It was the only method of birthcontrol she used.
If women have kids and can't afford them, guess what? We pay.

So it is your choice. Pay for abortions, or pay 100 times more for the babies. Consider all the taxes you will pay for all those births. Or do you think storks bring babies?

There is no choice C. You not paying is not an option.

So, checkmate! End of argument. You WILL pay for abortions and you will like it, because the alternative is Much worse.

Now we know why Roe v Wade was overturned.

Hey bobo,, I hate to break it to ya but ya need to go see Silence, she assures me we don't pay for abortions.. I asked her who did and she never got back to me.. soo maybe you and she could clear this little matter up for me..
How about we provide free birthcontrol instead? How about adoption? There are many, many Americans who can't have children of their own and would love to adopt a baby.

Those are all great options, but not to replace abortion. Abortion is for people who screw up and forget to take their pill and for women who won't give up a baby once they go through child birth.

Yea, a state tried letting people just turn in their unwanted babies. Guess what? They couldn't handle all the kids people were trying to turn in/give up. So they lowered the age to less than a year old.

How about, if you don't pay for abortions, it is going to cost you more. That's a fact you can't spin your way out of.

Birthcontrol as an option? Great! But not IN PLACE of abortion, because abortion is the last option.

And just look at abusive/sick/molesting parents. They could have put their kids up for adoption too. For some reason they don't.

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