Obamas Choose Elite Private School for Kids

That's another scam altogether. Remember the feminist movement? Just like the illegal employers use the bleeding heart liberals to keep the borders open, the corporatists suckers the feminists into working.
They were already working the guys 60 hours a week. They couldn't squeeze any more work out of them. So what did they do? They got both the husband and the wife working, and for what?
Our fathers worked and the family of 4 got along fine. Now 2 work and a family of 4 struggles.

So we are working 90 hours combined and in some ways we are worse off!!!!

not me! I don't work! Nobody suckered me! :tongue:
Hey bobo,, I hate to break it to ya but ya need to go see Silence, she assures me we don't pay for abortions.. I asked her who did and she never got back to me.. soo maybe you and she could clear this little matter up for me..

I didn't know that we pay for abortions either. I'm just assuming you guys are right, or aren't lying.

After the last 8 years, I should know better.
Great, another abortion discussion.

But hey, at least sealy admits that abortion is the last option for irresponsible people who can't keep it in their pants. My question is...why should I pay for Joe and Jane Doe to have an abortion just because they couldn't remember to prevent pregnancy? Obama said, "They shouldn't be punished with a baby." My opinion, they should be. Maybe they'll learn some fucking responsibility. If people are that fucking ignorant, we'll probably end up taking care of them for the rest of their life anyway.
I didn't know that we pay for abortions either. I'm just assuming you guys are right, or aren't lying.

After the last 8 years, I should know better.

medicaid funds help women who cannot pay, they also fund pro choice groups! we pay, one way or another we pay.
Those are all great options, but not to replace abortion. Abortion is for people who screw up and forget to take their pill and for women who won't give up a baby once they go through child birth.

Yea, a state tried letting people just turn in their unwanted babies. Guess what? They couldn't handle all the kids people were trying to turn in/give up. So they lowered the age to less than a year old.

How about, if you don't pay for abortions, it is going to cost you more. That's a fact you can't spin your way out of.

Birthcontrol as an option? Great! But not IN PLACE of abortion, because abortion is the last option.

And just look at abusive/sick/molesting parents. They could have put their kids up for adoption too. For some reason they don't.

Okay, here's a thought, we pay for that abortion and sterilize you at the same time so we don't have to pay for another one.

Actually, my Uncle came up with a great idea. Pay every man willing to get a vasectomy, $5,000. Bet you the abortion rate goes down over night.
well then who pays for them? if not tax dollars, who?

the person obtaining the abortion pays for it. it's not a covered medical procedure as far as any insurance or government funding plan that I've ever seen.

Unless of course you're referring to a morning after pill administered after a woman is raped :cuckoo:
the person obtaining the abortion pays for it. it's not a covered medical procedure as far as any insurance or government funding plan that I've ever seen.

Unless of course you're referring to a morning after pill administered after a woman is raped :cuckoo:

I checked it out, medicaid pays and fed funds go to pro choice groups... Look for the Henry Hyde Amendment. there are restrictions but fed money is spent.
Okay, here's a thought, we pay for that abortion and sterilize you at the same time so we don't have to pay for another one.

I've always agreed that any woman who seeks an abortion for a reason other than complications in the pregnancy and rape should be forced to undergo a hystorectomy. If you want to kill a baby now, you don't deserve one later.
the person obtaining the abortion pays for it. it's not a covered medical procedure as far as any insurance or government funding plan that I've ever seen.

Wrong, plenty of insurance companies cover abortion procedures (about 2/3 is the number I've heard), and so do some states' Medicaid programs.
I checked it out, medicaid pays and fed funds go to pro choice groups... Look for the Henry Hyde Amendment. there are restrictions but fed money is spent.

oh wow...so you're bitching about federal funding being used in the cases of rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger? really? are you really that heartless Willow? I'd have never guessed that in a million years.

American Civil Liberties Union : Public Funding for Abortion

Congress has made some exceptions to the funding ban, which have varied over the years. At present, the federal Medicaid program mandates abortion funding in cases of rape or incest, as well as when a pregnant woman's life is endangered by a physical disorder, illness, or injury.

and to put it into perspective...an abortion costs approximately $500.00 while a child born into poverty costs hundreds of thousands of dollars in future medical and financial assistance.

Not that money is a reason to obtain and or advocate abortion but cost wise abortion is much more cost effective in terms of government funding. Why are you even bitching about your tax payer dollars being used since you you said you don't work and therefore don't pay taxes :eusa_whistle:
Wrong, plenty of insurance companies cover abortion procedures (about 2/3 is the number I've heard), and so do some states' Medicaid programs.


My wifes first job in her field after getting her degree was managing a Healthcare office of GYNO's and they also performed abortions there.

Many health plans cover up to 90% of the abortion fee, I just asked her because I didn't know the answer.

Not all plans do, but there are plenty out there that cover
oh wow...so you're bitching about federal funding being used in the cases of rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger? really? are you really that heartless Willow? I'd have never guessed that in a million years.

American Civil Liberties Union : Public Funding for Abortion

and to put it into perspective...an abortion costs approximately $500.00 while a child born into poverty costs hundreds of thousands of dollars in future medical and financial assistance.

Not that money is a reason to obtain and or advocate abortion but cost wise abortion is much more cost effective in terms of government funding. Why are you even bitching about your tax payer dollars being used since you you said you don't work and therefore don't pay taxes :eusa_whistle:

yeah! I'm fucking heartless all right.. that's exactly what I said all right.. :lol::lol::lol:

My wifes first job in her field after getting her degree was managing a Healthcare office of GYNO's and they also performed abortions there.

Many health plans cover up to 90% of the abortion fee, I just asked her because I didn't know the answer.

Not all plans do, but there are plenty out there that cover

if you're talking about private health insurance that's different. Willow is talking about government funded health insurance.
yeah! I'm fucking heartless all right.. that's exactly what I said all right.. :lol::lol::lol:

you're the one bitching about funding for abortions through Medicaid Willow. Laugh all you want but you make yourself look like an asshole with some of the things you say on here.
i am not reading this hwole theread, but how the fuck did it get so off topic from pirvate schools to abortions.
Some states do cover abortions for reasons other than rape, incest, and complications. That's the point.

why is that the point js? only four states voluntarily provide abortion services to low income women, 13 others do so due to court mandated rulings and then the majority do not fund abortions outside the Hyde amendment restrictions.

below is a map showing how funding works in the country.


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