Obamas Choose Elite Private School for Kids

I never predicted his assination and pray it dosen't happen.. But again, if obamalama's children aren't safe in public schools with the secret service all around them then what are your kids doing there?

In truth, the Secret Service probably DOES find security a lot easier to manage at a small private institution than at a public school.

On the other hand, what was the excuse BEFORE Obama became President? His kids weren't attending public school then, either.
I think the last president to do that was Carter. Think about it, if our government official's kids had to attend public schools, what do you want to bet our educational system would get better overnight?

Hmmm, so I wonder why the mayor of our town sends his kids to the most exclusive private school in the state, yet the schools in our town are Blue Ribbon winners and in the Top 3 every year in academics.............:confused:
Are you really suggesting the government give millions of parents thirty thousand dollars a year for their kids to attend private school? ROTFLMAO

Tell you what, when you, and your family are subject of a record number of death threats, and when crowds are being whipped into a frenzy of hate against you by a dim witted republican vice presidential candidate, I will consider voting for school vouchers so that you can send your kids to a school that offers your kids more securirty.

So only the wealthy are entitled to a good education? Is that what you are saying?
sounds like the Republican party to me. Aren't they the ones who constantly criticized Obama for actually working hard and rising above his less than privileged background?


wow..thanks...I find Jillian to be quite smart so if you want to put us in the same category I'm flattered, however, she's much more informed than I am...most of the time I'm just spouting off my opinions without much factual evidence to back it up.

I never realized mental illness was a communicable disease. Please, if it's been your experience with Jillian that the mental illness was, in fact, a sexually-transmitted disease, I BEG you not to share the info with us.

again, sounds like the Republican party to me cuz correct me if I'm wrong but Obama's platform was that ALL people should be able to afford to send their kids to college and that ALL people should have affordable health care and I believe McCain called Obama a socialist for that attitude.

No, Obama's platform is that ALL people should pay to have as much of everyone's lives as possible put under leftist elite control. Anything that smacks of independent thinking is to be smacked down immediately.

I applaud you for falling in line with his policy in this regard so quickly. :clap2:

not all about Bush but he is President currently and he didn't send his daughter's to community college now did he!

The difference being that he didn't espouse one plan for his kids and another for everyone else's, a difference that you so stubbornly and steadfastly refuse to even acknowledge despite the multiple times it has been said, I can only assume that you know yourself to be pathetically and hypocritically wrong about it, and are too chickenshit to just admit it.

So we'll just call this your surrender on the subject, and let you get back to your regularly-scheduled Bush Derangement Syndrome.

you really are a fucking retard aren't you?

Brilliant riposte. I say, you have cut me to the quick with your devastating rapier wit. :lol:

have you even listened to one speech or read one policy proposal by Obama? Obama is all about personal responsibility and making your own way in this world, without excuses and without complaint.

I've listened to all his speeches that have been available in the media, and read all of his proposals. And unlike you, I wasn't chugalugging KoolAid by the gallon jug, which is why I'm not spouting lies and lunacy like this.

You can join your ranting, raving girlfriend in Lobotomized Limbo now. Maybe they'll give you a cozy straightjacket for two. Dismissed.
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Are you nuts? His kids are going to be prime targets. No way in hell would he let his kids go to public school.

The guy is a millionaire. He wants his kids to receive the best education possible - which we all know is NOT public school.

Carter sent HIS daughter to public school. The Secret Service went with her.

Yes, we know that the public schools aren't the best, I think that's our point.
Carter sent HIS daughter to public school. The Secret Service went with her.

Yes, we know that the public schools aren't the best, I think that's our point.

I just love the pretense that the only reason the Obamas chose a private school was because of security concerns. As though they'd be THRILLED to utilize the DC public school system if it just wasn't for that pesky danger thing.
I just love the pretense that the only reason the Obamas chose a private school was because of security concerns. As though they'd be THRILLED to utilize the DC public school system if it just wasn't for that pesky danger thing.

doh dee doh doh doh! we have a winnah! :clap2:
Government isn't going to eviscerate the public schools and give people money to send their kids to parochial schools, which is really what we're talking about when we talk about vouchers.

Not one bit. When my son was in elementary school, his original diagnoses was ADHD. The school had never heard of it. There was a school in the area that specialized in teaching ADHD kids, but of course, the PUBLIC school wouldn't send my kid there because it cost too much. Guess what I found out? At the time, a child with a health impairment (such as ADHD) generated an ADDITIONAL $7800 for the school district, this was over and above the already nearly $5000 they got for him. That private school, cost $7500 a year. Yep, they still would have made money off of my son and he would have gotten a more appropriate education.

A learning disability generated $2000 at the time and a behavioral disability $6000. This was nearly 20 years ago. One just has to wonder how much the schools now get for kids like my son.

I would have preferred to use the money earmarked for my son on my son's education, instead only God and the school district know where all that money went.

I'm all for vouchers, as long as it's for the entire amount of money the school district gets for each kid.

BTW, that private school I was talking about, it wasn't religious and even if it was, who cares? Are you so dead set against kids getting religion that you would deny them a decent education just to make sure they get indoctrinated to hate Christians like they do in our public schools?
Assuming the woefully uninformed Isolde is even a homeowner, what he's really asking for is a massive handout from the government.

Schools are overwhelmingly funded by property taxes. And only about 50% of property taxes are diverted to school funding.

What does the average person actually pay a year in property taxes? A couple grand?

So Isolde, wants the government to make up the difference, and give him over 25,000 dollars for a private school.

Good luck with trying to get that hand out dude.

Our property taxes were over $4,000 this year and they will be even more next year.

Here's an idea, let everyone keep their tax money and provide their own kids with an education, even at that, I think we'd be better off than we are with the public schools.
I'm with you. My kids go to private schools. There is NO WAY IN HELL I'm going to allow the government let losers from Public Schools invade private schools. If they don't have the money, they don't go. PERIOD!

So because we don't make as much money as you do, you don't want your kids associating with mine? And here I thought this was America where everyone is created equally.
Not one bit. When my son was in elementary school, his original diagnoses was ADHD. The school had never heard of it. There was a school in the area that specialized in teaching ADHD kids, but of course, the PUBLIC school wouldn't send my kid there because it cost too much. Guess what I found out? At the time, a child with a health impairment (such as ADHD) generated an ADDITIONAL $7800 for the school district, this was over and above the already nearly $5000 they got for him. That private school, cost $7500 a year. Yep, they still would have made money off of my son and he would have gotten a more appropriate education.

A learning disability generated $2000 at the time and a behavioral disability $6000. This was nearly 20 years ago. One just has to wonder how much the schools now get for kids like my son.

I would have preferred to use the money earmarked for my son on my son's education, instead only God and the school district know where all that money went.

I'm all for vouchers, as long as it's for the entire amount of money the school district gets for each kid.

BTW, that private school I was talking about, it wasn't religious and even if it was, who cares? Are you so dead set against kids getting religion that you would deny them a decent education just to make sure they get indoctrinated to hate Christians like they do in our public schools?

Last time I checked - and it was a couple of years ago - the state of Arizona spent something like $8000 a year on each kid in the public schools. One of the best private schools in my city only cost $3000 for that same school year, and their students consistently outscore the public schoolers on academic tests. And no, they don't have any entry requirements regarding intelligence and academic achievement. Most of the kids who attend there are from just average, everyday middle-class and lower-middle-class households.
For real.

If you paid enough in taxes so that you were ACTUALLY ENTIRELY PAYING for your children's public school education then chances are you would have already put them in private school. You'd have plenty of cash on hand.

If you buy a house before your kids are born and keep it until you die, chances are you have more than paid for your kids to have a private education, except that money went to the public schools for everyone else's kids instead.
So because we don't make as much money as you do, you don't want your kids associating with mine? And here I thought this was America where everyone is created equally.

Personally, I homeschool my kids, and I like the fact that some voucher programs that have been proposed would allow homeschoolers to apply that money toward the cost of teaching their own children. I would even be willing to trade hauling my kid in two or three times a year to take the Stanford 9, the AIMS test, and whatever other academic achievement tests they'd like for that.
If you buy a house before your kids are born and keep it until you die, chances are you have more than paid for your kids to have a private education, except that money went to the public schools for everyone else's kids instead.

And what of all those city renters?
I just love the pretense that the only reason the Obamas chose a private school was because of security concerns. As though they'd be THRILLED to utilize the DC public school system if it just wasn't for that pesky danger thing.

Why debate facts when you can deflect and distract?
I just love the pretense that the only reason the Obamas chose a private school was because of security concerns. As though they'd be THRILLED to utilize the DC public school system if it just wasn't for that pesky danger thing.


I haven't seen one person in this thread claim that public education is the bees knees.
If you buy a house before your kids are born and keep it until you die, chances are you have more than paid for your kids to have a private education, except that money went to the public schools for everyone else's kids instead.

As if all I'm paying toward the cost of my local school system is the property taxes on my own house. Puhleeze. You think the supermarket down the street where I do my grocery shopping pays its property taxes itself? Or the Circle K a block from my house where I buy gas? Or the Walgreens where I fill my prescriptions? Or any of the other gazillion businesses I spend money at every day of my life? Hell, no. They tack the cost of their property taxes onto the price of the goods and services they sell to me.

Besides, it's not like someone is proposing some brand-new, never-before-been-in-the-budget expenditure. We're ALREADY paying to educate the nation's children. That tax has already been collected, that cash has already been laid out, that ship has already sailed. So if we're going to pay for it anyway, why is it such a radical idea to pay the exact same damned money, but in a different way that actually gets results?

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