Obama's Constant Failures

Only on pub propaganda bizarro planet...doing fine considering the disaster Booosh gave him...

Oh give it up. Nobody's buying what you libs are selling anymore. He's a failed presidency. Get used to it.
Took Bush and the GOP 8 years to downgrade and ruin the economy and destabilize the middle east and make the entire world hate us.

And then they complain Obama isn't cleaning up their mess fast enough? Really?

Can't you get some new material????

He's a failure. Tonight was the last nail in his coffin.
Took Bush and the GOP 8 years to downgrade and ruin the economy and destabilize the middle east and make the entire world hate us.

And then they complain Obama isn't cleaning up their mess fast enough? Really?

Are you REALLY this stupid, or just fucking with everyone?

S P downgrades U.S. credit rating for first time - The Washington Post
Thanks for the phony crisis, Pub a-holes and hater dupes....can't possible raise tax rates 4% on your bloated greedy idiot megarich heroes EVER...
Took Bush and the GOP 8 years to downgrade and ruin the economy and destabilize the middle east and make the entire world hate us.

And then they complain Obama isn't cleaning up their mess fast enough? Really?

Are you REALLY this stupid, or just fucking with everyone?

S P downgrades U.S. credit rating for first time - The Washington Post
Thanks for the phony crisis, Pub a-holes and hater dupes....can't possible raise tax rates 4% on your bloated greedy idiot megarich heroes EVER...

Yes, Francostein, you subversive dupes just love those tax hikes, and the UNEMPLOYMENT that they cause... If you had a brain, you'd be tied with milkweed in intelligence!
Ain't it great the way your greedy idiot Pubs give you all this A-V - so you don't have to think? I'm not the subversive idiot calling the president pure evil.
Took Bush and the GOP 8 years to downgrade and ruin the economy and destabilize the middle east and make the entire world hate us.

And then they complain Obama isn't cleaning up their mess fast enough? Really?

Only RDerp could characterize what Obama has done in the Middle East as "cleaning" something up!

I honestly didn't think things could get much worse in the Middle East but then Barry took office and he's showed me that I was completely WRONG!
They don't mention the Booosh World Depression or the Reagan-Booosh destruction of the ME on Fox? I'm shocked....or 5 years of mindless Pub obstruction? Hater dupes! Can't mention that lol...idiots. Born yesterday...literally.
Are you still here?

Go take a fucking nap.

You fucking deluded bi-polar manic piece of shit.

OMG that's funny, H. Can I use that line??? Love to use it on NotFooledbyBush. That describes him to a T.

And to add a line about the topic to stay out of trouble.....OBAMA IS ONE BIG FAILURE. (H, you may want to edit your post too....a mod got on me about it yesterday. )
Roger that. I will also apologize to Frankie. :beer:

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