Obama's Economy FAIL- 0.0% GDP Growth In The First Quarter

another one:

libs are losers who lie to themselves

pelosi said that for every dollar a person receives in food samps $1.79 is put back into the economy

that's just one source; not very right-wing CNN. THERE ARE HUNDREDS MORE.
nice job idiot; just go ahead and prove the theory that liberals are losers who LIE TO THEMSELVES and wallow in DENIAL
I see, so you were lying again. Figures. :rolleyes: Earlier, you ascribed her of saying food stamps creates or saves jobs. Now you correct that to her saying a portion of food stamps gets spent in the economy.

When do you cons stop lying?

pelosi said that for every dollar a person receives in food samps $1.79 is put back into the economy

that's just one source; not very right-wing CNN. THERE ARE HUNDREDS MORE.
nice job idiot; just go ahead and prove the theory that liberals are losers who LIE TO THEMSELVES and wallow in DENIAL
I see, so you were lying again. Figures. :rolleyes: Earlier, you ascribed her of saying food stamps creates or saves jobs. Now you correct that to her saying a portion of food stamps gets spent in the economy.

When do you cons stop lying?

YAWN; what part is the lie? she is saying food stamps save or create jobs

you're a sad crybaby. the proof is right in front of you and you still deny it
oh and the other article i cited quotes here as saying extending unemployment is one of the best ways to grow the economy. like i said you're a sad loser and somewhat of a clown like the one in your picture. you cant admit reality; which is that the Left considers social safety net programs to be a part of their plan to grow the economy. talk about clueless. you're simply pathetic and the reason nobody takes clowns on the Left seriously anyway
if you bothered actually listening to what your own Party leaders say instead of crying like the babies you are about the Right you would see she is on record saying that keeping people on food stamps is the best way to create jobs. she also said OBAMACARE would create millions of jobs; 400,000 jobs "almost immediately" after passinig it. where are those jobs genius? or do i have to prove she said that too because you arent man enough to admit the truth?
Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge


DEFINITION of 'Recession'
A significant decline in activity across the economy, lasting longer than a few months. It is visible in industrial production, employment, real income and wholesale-retail trade.
The technical indicator of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth as measured by a country's gross domestic product (GDP);
although the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) does not necessarily need to see this occur to call a recession.
Recession Definition Investopedia

Read more: Recession Definition Investopedia
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For much of the country the weather was just brutal it would be ignorant not to factor that into the numbers. Don't be a liberal, don't be ignorant.
while we're discussing liberal self-delusions where are the 3 million "green jobs" obama promised?
Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge

Oh dear!

The economy must fail crowd chimes in

Want to go over all quarters since Obama became President?
Record number of people on welfare? Outspent all presidents combined? Yeah Obama is great lol.

Moving the economic goalpost already?

If you are willing to stand up for the rights of working Americans, I will listen
But to do everything you can to hold down worker protections and wages and then gloating because more workers require welfare does not cut it
No you stating that the economy is great, while record number of people are on welfare is bullshit. I am right for calling you on it.

Again are you willing to do anything but gloat about it?

Supply side economic policies have been in effect for 30 years....seems you are ready to start tearing them down
I'm not gloating, I really think it sucks. I did warn over six years ago that Obama wasn't the solution, and I was right.
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.
The whole country was not in the deep freeze,construction has been down for YEARS whole sale hard wood and soft wood prices are down,the industry has been struggling for a long time,and the numbers going forward are poor.
Who's the stupid one here?
We're basically not any better off than the day Bush left office.
Riiiight .... because positive 2.2% GDP growth is "basically" the same as negative 8.3% GDP growth. Adding 200K+ jobs is "basically" the same as losing 700K+ jobs. A Dow close to 18,000 is "basically" the same as the Dow at 8,000.

This is why so many on the left laugh at the economic "acumen" of rightards like you. You're a fucking imbecile.
Liberals obviously think the queer agenda will help the economy. That's all they have been worried about for the last couple of years.
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.
The whole country was not in the deep freeze,construction has been down for YEARS whole sale hard wood and soft wood prices are down,the industry has been struggling for a long time,and the numbers going forward are poor.
Who's the stupid one here?
We're basically not any better off than the day Bush left office.
Riiiight .... because positive 2.2% GDP growth is "basically" the same as negative 8.3% GDP growth. Adding 200K+ jobs is "basically" the same as losing 700K+ jobs. A Dow close to 18,000 is "basically" the same as the Dow at 8,000.

This is why so many on the left laugh at the economic "acumen" of rightards like you. You're a fucking imbecile.
Yeah all these jobs are great! Part time, when you need three to support your family. Way to go liberals!
oh and the other article i cited quotes here as saying extending unemployment is one of the best ways to grow the economy. like i said you're a sad loser and somewhat of a clown like the one in your picture. you cant admit reality; which is that the Left considers social safety net programs to be a part of their plan to grow the economy. talk about clueless. you're simply pathetic and the reason nobody takes clowns on the Left seriously anyway

Unemployment insurance pays the unemployment checks paid to the unemployed.
Employers pay the premium for unemployment insurance under The Federal Unemployment Tax Act, which began in 1935, requires employers to include unemployment insurance payments to both the state and federal government in their payroll taxes. Unemployment insurance gives qualified employees a check from the time they apply for benefits until they start a new job or the benefit period ends.
Payroll Taxes
You must pay 6 percent of each employee's first $7,000 in income to the federal government to cover unemployment insurance.
If an Employee Files for Unemployment Benefits Does the Company Pay Chron.com

HOW many of the IDIOT LIPs in this country comprehend that the UNEMPLOYMENT CHECK actually comes from their former employers and NOT money from the Federal/state government!

The employers pay $420 a year for each employed person.
Based on the national statistics:
This statistic shows the unadjusted number of full-time employees in the United States. In line with the definition of the BLS, full-time workers are persons who usually work 35 hours or more per week. In February 2015, about 119.3 million people were employed on a full-time basis.
At $420 per year this is $50 billion a year in premiums.

Based on the payment $430/week or for 99 weeks that is $42,570 and the above $50 billion in premiums covers 1,177,026 unemployed.
from this site: http://www.dol.gov/ui/data.pdf
The advance number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending March 21,2015 was 2,325,000,

Who is paying the difference????
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.
The whole country was not in the deep freeze,construction has been down for YEARS whole sale hard wood and soft wood prices are down,the industry has been struggling for a long time,and the numbers going forward are poor.
Who's the stupid one here?
We're basically not any better off than the day Bush left office.
Riiiight .... because positive 2.2% GDP growth is "basically" the same as negative 8.3% GDP growth. Adding 200K+ jobs is "basically" the same as losing 700K+ jobs. A Dow close to 18,000 is "basically" the same as the Dow at 8,000.

This is why so many on the left laugh at the economic "acumen" of rightards like you. You're a fucking imbecile.

WHAT'S EVEN MORE LAUGHABLE is an idiot bragging about the DOW; nothing more than a collection of "greedy corporations, (actually the "greediest" since they are the top corps) that the Left wanted to shut down and "OCCUPY" not that long ago before they failed at THAT TOO; and still can be found any other day ranting about.

libs are comical losers who lie to themselves!
You cons are funny. You ignore 10 other forecasts to boast about the worst one ... which is still just a forecast.

I suppose when you're a conservative though, you have to embrace all the bad economic news you can find when the new job numbers are due tomorrow and we are amid a streak of private sector job growth so strong, it's no longer measured in consecutive months but consecutive years.

yawn; RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS ISNT A "FORECAST"; it's the Democrat legacy

own it
Welfare and food stamps don't create jobs and did not contribute to 5 consecutive years of job growth in the private sector.

go argue the point with nancy pelosi leftard; she insists welfare and food stamps "save or create jobs"
Quote her.
Geez you're an idiot. She is well known for saying this.
Suuuure, it is. It's so well known, that bed changed her quote to something else as she apparently didn't say that "well known" comment.


You lyin' cons crack me up!
left-wing cities and states are tottering on the brink of financial disaster. brainwashed; talking poit spewing idiots like the ones on these boards like to call attention to the fiscal problems of a state like Kansas under a Republican Governor; but just the CITY OF CHICAGO has a looming shortfall of like $30 BILLION because of a pension fund trainwreck.
it is comical for the Left to try to ridicule others on matters of the economy!!
yawn; RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS ISNT A "FORECAST"; it's the Democrat legacy

own it
Welfare and food stamps don't create jobs and did not contribute to 5 consecutive years of job growth in the private sector.

go argue the point with nancy pelosi leftard; she insists welfare and food stamps "save or create jobs"
Quote her.
Geez you're an idiot. She is well known for saying this.
Suuuure, it is. It's so well known, that bed changed her quote to something else as she apparently didn't say that "well known" comment.


You lyin' cons crack me up!

um no; i didnt change it. my point was and still is she has made statements saying she believes welfare and food stamps are key to saving or creating jobs. i proved that beyond all doubt that she said it

you just arent a man
For much of the country the weather was just brutal it would be ignorant not to factor that into the numbers. Don't be a liberal, don't be ignorant.

LISTEN... where was this "Understanding" and compassion when it came to Bush?
NO President in history had the 4 monumental events occur as:
1) Recession that started under Clinton
2) Dot.com bust that greeted Bush and a loss of $5 trillion in market value i.e. tax revenue!
3) Oh and that little event 9/11 that cost $1 trillion in lost business, 18,000 businesses , airlines closed 3 days, wall street 10 days... WHERE WAS THE understanding THEN!
4) And not ONE president ever had the worst hurricane seasons...not just hurricanes but years of top ten worst hurricanes that cost 1,835 lives $81 billion, 400,000 jobs
Where was the "understanding" of those events?
YET we constantly were barraged by MSM and other totally ignorant LIPs that Bush was a dummy!

And you excuse this penny ass winter period????
of course every single one of the 46 million or so on food stamps in obama's 7th year needs them; "consecutive job growth" or not; because the Left insists nobody is gaming the system. so the left is bragging about minimum wage job growth that leaves people eligible to get food stamps?
Prove the left claims no one is gaming the system.....
Liberals know people are gaming the system. The problem is you don't care as long as they vote democrat.
Great. You just called yourself a liar. You just went from saying liberals claim no one games the system, to, saying liberals know the system is being gamed.
What? When did I say liberals claim no one games the system?
Sorry, y'all look the same to me
Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge

Oh dear!

The economy must fail crowd chimes in

Want to go over all quarters since Obama became President?
Record number of people on welfare? Outspent all presidents combined? Yeah Obama is great lol.

one day, people will look back and wonder why somebody didn't shoot that bastard in the head.just saying.

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