Obama's Economy FAIL- 0.0% GDP Growth In The First Quarter

Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge
You cons are funny. You ignore 10 other forecasts to boast about the worst one ... which is still just a forecast.

I suppose when you're a conservative though, you have to embrace all the bad economic news you can find when the new job numbers are due tomorrow and we are amid a streak of private sector job growth so strong, it's no longer measured in consecutive months but consecutive years.

yawn; RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS ISNT A "FORECAST"; it's the Democrat legacy

own it
Welfare and food stamps don't create jobs and did not contribute to 5 consecutive years of job growth in the private sector.

go argue the point with nancy pelosi leftard; she insists welfare and food stamps "save or create jobs"
Quote her.
Geez you're an idiot. She is well known for saying this.
Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge
You cons are funny. You ignore 10 other forecasts to boast about the worst one ... which is still just a forecast.

I suppose when you're a conservative though, you have to embrace all the bad economic news you can find when the new job numbers are due tomorrow and we are amid a streak of private sector job growth so strong, it's no longer measured in consecutive months but consecutive years.
Part time jobs don't really something to brag about, especially when liberal policies created them. Another failure.
they are mostly full time jobs. Next BS
You cons are funny. You ignore 10 other forecasts to boast about the worst one ... which is still just a forecast.

I suppose when you're a conservative though, you have to embrace all the bad economic news you can find when the new job numbers are due tomorrow and we are amid a streak of private sector job growth so strong, it's no longer measured in consecutive months but consecutive years.

yawn; RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS ISNT A "FORECAST"; it's the Democrat legacy

own it
Welfare and food stamps don't create jobs and did not contribute to 5 consecutive years of job growth in the private sector.

go argue the point with nancy pelosi leftard; she insists welfare and food stamps "save or create jobs"
Quote her.
Geez you're an idiot. She is well known for saying this.
then it should be easy for you to quote her. I'm not familiar with the quote you're talking about, I'd like to see it myself.
of course every single one of the 46 million or so on food stamps in obama's 7th year needs them; "consecutive job growth" or not; because the Left insists nobody is gaming the system. so the left is bragging about minimum wage job growth that leaves people eligible to get food stamps?
Prove the left claims no one is gaming the system.....
Liberals know people are gaming the system. The problem is you don't care as long as they vote democrat.
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.
The whole country was not in the deep freeze,construction has been down for YEARS whole sale hard wood and soft wood prices are down,the industry has been struggling for a long time,and the numbers going forward are poor.
Who's the stupid one here?
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.

Yeah we never even had winter before Obama

lol exactly!!

the Left's excuses are hilarious!!
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.
The whole country was not in the deep freeze,construction has been down for YEARS whole sale hard wood and soft wood prices are down,the industry has been struggling for a long time,and the numbers going forward are poor.
Who's the stupid one here?
We're basically not any better off than the day Bush left office.
of course every single one of the 46 million or so on food stamps in obama's 7th year needs them; "consecutive job growth" or not; because the Left insists nobody is gaming the system. so the left is bragging about minimum wage job growth that leaves people eligible to get food stamps?
Prove the left claims no one is gaming the system.....
Liberals know people are gaming the system. The problem is you don't care as long as they vote democrat.
Great. You just called yourself a liar. You just went from saying liberals claim no one games the system, to, saying liberals know the system is being gamed.
of course every single one of the 46 million or so on food stamps in obama's 7th year needs them; "consecutive job growth" or not; because the Left insists nobody is gaming the system. so the left is bragging about minimum wage job growth that leaves people eligible to get food stamps?
Prove the left claims no one is gaming the system.....
Liberals know people are gaming the system. The problem is you don't care as long as they vote democrat.
Great. You just called yourself a liar. You just went from saying liberals claim no one games the system, to, saying liberals know the system is being gamed.
What? When did I say liberals claim no one games the system?
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.

Oh, that's right... it's global warming...

Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.

Stupid is thinking it was 5 degrees and snowed in all 50 states for two months.

Lefties are pretty dumb aren't they?
Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge
You cons are funny. You ignore 10 other forecasts to boast about the worst one ... which is still just a forecast.

I suppose when you're a conservative though, you have to embrace all the bad economic news you can find when the new job numbers are due tomorrow and we are amid a streak of private sector job growth so strong, it's no longer measured in consecutive months but consecutive years.

yawn; RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS ISNT A "FORECAST"; it's the Democrat legacy

own it
Welfare and food stamps don't create jobs and did not contribute to 5 consecutive years of job growth in the private sector.

go argue the point with nancy pelosi leftard; she insists welfare and food stamps "save or create jobs"
Quote her.

yawn; obama, steny hoyer, and others said the same thing. how much time do you have?
We have Euro style socialist policies implemented in the first 4 years of Obozo's rein so we get Euro style socialist economies to go with them.
I don't really disagree with that point. My guess is that, if they would just be honest, the Left would say "yeah, I'm willing to trade a more dynamic, powerful macro economy for a bigger and wider safety net". And that would be an interesting conversation. Either way, it's pretty clear we're headed in that direction, primarily because the culture is.

Regarding inflation, I'm not quite convinced. The same economic forces that are moving us away from a more dynamic economy may keep inflation in check for quite a while. Still not sure on this. But it wouldn't surprise me if both growth and inflation stayed subdued for another 15 to 25 years. That's not a prediction, by the way. I look at bond markets every day, this is pretty fascinating stuff.

We have Euro style socialist policies implemented in the first 4 years of Obozo's rein so we get Euro style socialist economies to go with them.
I don't really disagree with that point. My guess is that, if they would just be honest, the Left would say "yeah, I'm willing to trade a more dynamic, powerful macro economy for a bigger and wider safety net". And that would be an interesting conversation. Either way, it's pretty clear we're headed in that direction, primarily because the culture is.

Regarding inflation, I'm not quite convinced. The same economic forces that are moving us away from a more dynamic economy may keep inflation in check for quite a while. Still not sure on this. But it wouldn't surprise me if both growth and inflation stayed subdued for another 15 to 25 years. That's not a prediction, by the way. I look at bond markets every day, this is pretty fascinating stuff.

Since leftists dont understand the role of profits in an economy, and take every chance to disparage them and make them harder to obtain, it is no surprise we get little to no growth. We see what these policies have produced inEurope--social unrest and the like.
I disagree we are doomed to this. A GOP president with a concerned Congress will repeal much of the crap regulation and taxation policies and restore dynamism to the economy.

pelosi said that for every dollar a person receives in food samps $1.79 is put back into the economy

that's just one source; not very right-wing CNN. THERE ARE HUNDREDS MORE.
nice job idiot; just go ahead and prove the theory that liberals are losers who LIE TO THEMSELVES and wallow in DENIAL
Prove the left claims no one is gaming the system.....

how about you prove it is NOT !!
You can put away your white flag now, your surrender is noted. I need not prove anyone wrong who cannot prove themselves right. And while I'm sure bed appreciates you giving him a reach-around, it was a complete waste as he has already confessed to bullshitting with that ridiculous comment.
Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge

Oh dear!

The economy must fail crowd chimes in

Want to go over all quarters since Obama became President?
Record number of people on welfare? Outspent all presidents combined? Yeah Obama is great lol.

Moving the economic goalpost already?

If you are willing to stand up for the rights of working Americans, I will listen
But to do everything you can to hold down worker protections and wages and then gloating because more workers require welfare does not cut it
No you stating that the economy is great, while record number of people are on welfare is bullshit. I am right for calling you on it.

Again are you willing to do anything but gloat about it?

Supply side economic policies have been in effect for 30 years....seems you are ready to start tearing them down
Prove the left claims no one is gaming the system.....

how about you prove it is NOT !!
You can put away your white flag now, your surrender is noted. I need not prove anyone wrong who cannot prove themselves right. And while I'm sure bed appreciates you giving him a reach-around, it was a complete waste as he has already confessed to bullshitting with that ridiculous comment.

YAWN. i already provided on example of PROOF. there hundreds more of Pelosi saying food stamps and/or welfare "save or create jobs".

YOU can surrender now. but everybody knows left-wing losers are far too intellectually cowardly to admit the truth
Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge

Oh dear!

The economy must fail crowd chimes in

Want to go over all quarters since Obama became President?
Record number of people on welfare? Outspent all presidents combined? Yeah Obama is great lol.

Moving the economic goalpost already?

If you are willing to stand up for the rights of working Americans, I will listen
But to do everything you can to hold down worker protections and wages and then gloating because more workers require welfare does not cut it
No you stating that the economy is great, while record number of people are on welfare is bullshit. I am right for calling you on it.

Again are you willing to do anything but gloat about it?

Supply side economic policies have been in effect for 30 years....seems you are ready to start tearing them down

you're right genius; they are responsible for the greatest growth in our economic history

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