Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?


How many votes have you cast for Supply Side Hucksters?

Never have. The last time I voted was when Reagan ran for a second term - and I didn't vote for Reagan. Go figure.

So why are you bitching?

had you actually gotten off your ass and voted AGAINST Supply Side Hucksters, the nation's debt level would be far less threatening...

Your voting for Obama sure did bring down the debt. You are just too funny Chuckles.

You're a fucking idiot....

I have ONLY voted for POTUS who bequeathed smaller deficits to their successors than those they inherited......
and under Obama federal spending grew at its lowest rate since the 50s....

but you continue NOT voting........don't compromise your principles...
Not at all.....you're just another Drudge fed imbecile......

It is now Jan 2017.......instead of gorging on click bait, you can go to the sources of the data, and be CURRENT......

Here is an example..


You funny little boy. Welfare is still at record highs and the employment participation rate remains at a record low. From the BLS:

"The labor force participation rate, at 62.7 percent, changed little in December and was unchanged over the year."

Employment Situation Summary

If someone stops looking for work they are not counted as unemployed, which sadly makes the employment rate look better. If it weren't for the high numbers of people on welfare it would probably be less noticeable.



Show me your data on welfare...

LFPR is primarily a function of age demographics.....the measure is nominal employment gains, and to a lesser extent, those gains as a share of work force additions.....

As per your request:

"The welfare statistics below represent anyone who receives any of the following government subsidies:
– Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), better known as food stamps
– Housing assistance
– Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
– Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), or cash benefits
– General Assistance
DOES NOT INCLUDE the 70.5 million people enrolled in Medicaid"

"Total number of Americans receiving welfare government assistance 67,891,000"


Graph showing history of welfare can be found here:


Date research was conducted: September 20, 2016
What does it say about "the record high" of welfare, exactly?

What was the increase (in percentage terms) between 2002 and 2009?

What has it been since 2009?

For how long has it been trending up?

Which was the first year since 1992 that we saw a reversal?

You could have done this work before shooting yourself in the face by repeating the headline from Drudge...

The only year welfare spending has been higher is 2010 and by 2016 it has kicked up again; with the labor force participation rate at 62.7 percent and U6 hovering at 9.3% and over 18 trillion in debt it's not what anyone would call a spectacular recovery but don't let that stop you from cheering for those piss poor results Chuckles. The politicians need idiots like you.

So it CANNOT be at "record levels" now, can it?

and why is it that you won't answer the rest of the questions?

Are you innumerate?

And, just for the record, did you know there even was such a thing as "u6" before 2009?

If so, by what percentage did it rise between Feb, 2001 and Feb 2009?

How many votes have you cast for Supply Side Hucksters?

Never have. The last time I voted was when Reagan ran for a second term - and I didn't vote for Reagan. Go figure.

So why are you bitching?

had you actually gotten off your ass and voted AGAINST Supply Side Hucksters, the nation's debt level would be far less threatening...

Your voting for Obama sure did bring down the debt. You are just too funny Chuckles.

You're a fucking idiot....

I have ONLY voted for POTUS who bequeathed smaller deficits to their successors than those they inherited......
and under Obama federal spending grew at its lowest rate since the 50s....

but you continue NOT voting........don't compromise your principles...

You're a fuking clown Chuckles. The debt practically doubled under Obama but of course he had no responsibility for that. How many budgets did he propose or spending Bills did he veto? In fact just about the only thing he vetoed was a Bill to limit his spending in retirement:

"President Obama took steps to preserve the office allowances given to former presidents Friday, by vetoing a measure that would have capped those expenses at $200,000 a year."

Obama vetoes cuts to former presidents' expense accounts

Keep on cheering the results Chuckles.

How many votes have you cast for Supply Side Hucksters?

Never have. The last time I voted was when Reagan ran for a second term - and I didn't vote for Reagan. Go figure.

So why are you bitching?

had you actually gotten off your ass and voted AGAINST Supply Side Hucksters, the nation's debt level would be far less threatening...

Your voting for Obama sure did bring down the debt. You are just too funny Chuckles.

You're a fucking idiot....

I have ONLY voted for POTUS who bequeathed smaller deficits to their successors than those they inherited......
and under Obama federal spending grew at its lowest rate since the 50s....

but you continue NOT voting........don't compromise your principles...

You're a fuking clown Chuckles. The debt practically doubled under Obama but of course he had no responsibility for that. How many budgets did he propose or spending Bills did he veto? In fact just about the only thing he vetoed was a Bill to limit his spending in retirement:

"President Obama took steps to preserve the office allowances given to former presidents Friday, by vetoing a measure that would have capped those expenses at $200,000 a year."

Obama vetoes cuts to former presidents' expense accounts

Keep on cheering the results Chuckles.

We have established that you're a moron, but apparently the evidence keeps pouring in...

In jan 2009, well before Obama was inaugrated, CBO projected cumulative deficits over the next decade totaling more than 5 trillion (that was while they still misunderestimated the scale of the disaster wrought by Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux)......

To figure out where the problem is, take a look at the rate of growth of federal revenues compared to federal spending for any of the administrations since 1980....

Unless you need my help to do so, please share your results when you are done...
Never have. The last time I voted was when Reagan ran for a second term - and I didn't vote for Reagan. Go figure.

So why are you bitching?

had you actually gotten off your ass and voted AGAINST Supply Side Hucksters, the nation's debt level would be far less threatening...

Your voting for Obama sure did bring down the debt. You are just too funny Chuckles.

You're a fucking idiot....

I have ONLY voted for POTUS who bequeathed smaller deficits to their successors than those they inherited......
and under Obama federal spending grew at its lowest rate since the 50s....

but you continue NOT voting........don't compromise your principles...

You're a fuking clown Chuckles. The debt practically doubled under Obama but of course he had no responsibility for that. How many budgets did he propose or spending Bills did he veto? In fact just about the only thing he vetoed was a Bill to limit his spending in retirement:

"President Obama took steps to preserve the office allowances given to former presidents Friday, by vetoing a measure that would have capped those expenses at $200,000 a year."

Obama vetoes cuts to former presidents' expense accounts

Keep on cheering the results Chuckles.

We have established that you're a moron, but apparently the evidence keeps pouring in...

In jan 2009, well before Obama was inaugrated, CBO projected cumulative deficits over the next decade totaling more than 5 trillion (that was while they still misunderestimated the scale of the disaster wrought by Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux)......

To figure out where the problem is, take a look at the rate of growth of federal revenues compared to federal spending for any of the administrations since 1980....

Unless you need my help to do so, please share your results when you are done...

In Obama's first term he missed the deadline to submit a budget 3 out of 4 years, more than any president in history. CBO projections don't speak to the fact that Obama failed in his duty by not submitting a budget proposal.

You just keep the laughs coming. Thanks.

Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide than at any other time since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, a shattered Ukraine and Syria, and anxious, angry allies, everywhere...

Never mind phukking-up the healthcare system even more than it already was, for everyone else, just to cover several million who were un-covered...

Never mind floating a disasterous TPP that would have harmed even more Americans than have already been harmed by greedy corporatists off-shoring jobs...

Mister Hopey-Changey...


I would care, but you're no more tethered than the overt Trumpkins....

Did white people not take any of the more than 11 million net new jobs since Feb 2009?

Did they not get any part of the largest annual increase in real median household income since the stat was first tracked?

Were they not among the millions who now have health insurance?

If not, maybe these people should turn off FOX and Rush, put down the banjo, get off the fucking porch and take one of the 5 million jobs currently going begging.
Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years
Two-thirds of those who have found employment under President Obama are immigrants, both legal and illegal, according to an analysis that suggests immigration has soaked up a large portion of what little job growth there has been over the past three years.
Did you have a thrill run up your leg(like Chris Mathews) when Obama took over the office of the president? Because if you did, no matter what we show you, like Chris Mathews, you would suck Obama's penis if he presented it to you, you are such a goose stepping, kool aid drinking. low information, mind numbed, useful idiot. The reason why HRC(the vagina candidate) lost was because more working class US citizens were tired of being treated like 2nd or worse 3rd class, so they went out and voted against 4 more years of Obama's failed policies. So continue to suck his penis, he has loved it for those 8 years, and if you don't like what is being said, Cuba is open, freely take your sorry ass, and leave for that socialist utopian paradise, as the US Citizens have spoken, we don't want you here.

The reason you are a fucking moron is the crap you read.....

The reason why HRC(the vagina candidate) lost was because more working class US citizens were tired of being treated like 2nd or worse 3rd class, so they went out and voted against 4 more years of Obama's failed policies.

So post the popular vote totals for both candidates......just the numbers, I'll figure out which is larger and tell you...
HildaBeast won the Inner City Plantation Blacks, and HIspanics, along with enough culturally-suicidal Whites to delude her into thinking she still owned that demographic, too.

She was wrong.

Now she's history.
He referred to himself 75 times.
He said 'I' 33 times.
He said 'My' 20 times.
He said 'Me' 10 times.
He said 'I'm' or 'I've' 12 times.

Last night was no different from most of his speeches:

'The president made a habit of focusing large chunks of his speeches on himself during his eight years in office.'

Obama Refers To Himself 75 Times In Farewell Address

Did Tucker Carlson's flunky make any reference to the number of words in the ENTIRE speech, you know, so a credulous slack jawed cretin like yourself could at least TRY to figure out if it was disproportionate (cut&paste it and find see what it means)?

4,300.........part of which included him PERSONALLY thanking a large number of people who served with him.
So why are you bitching?

had you actually gotten off your ass and voted AGAINST Supply Side Hucksters, the nation's debt level would be far less threatening...

Your voting for Obama sure did bring down the debt. You are just too funny Chuckles.

You're a fucking idiot....

I have ONLY voted for POTUS who bequeathed smaller deficits to their successors than those they inherited......
and under Obama federal spending grew at its lowest rate since the 50s....

but you continue NOT voting........don't compromise your principles...

You're a fuking clown Chuckles. The debt practically doubled under Obama but of course he had no responsibility for that. How many budgets did he propose or spending Bills did he veto? In fact just about the only thing he vetoed was a Bill to limit his spending in retirement:

"President Obama took steps to preserve the office allowances given to former presidents Friday, by vetoing a measure that would have capped those expenses at $200,000 a year."

Obama vetoes cuts to former presidents' expense accounts

Keep on cheering the results Chuckles.

We have established that you're a moron, but apparently the evidence keeps pouring in...

In jan 2009, well before Obama was inaugrated, CBO projected cumulative deficits over the next decade totaling more than 5 trillion (that was while they still misunderestimated the scale of the disaster wrought by Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux)......

To figure out where the problem is, take a look at the rate of growth of federal revenues compared to federal spending for any of the administrations since 1980....

Unless you need my help to do so, please share your results when you are done...

In Obama's first term he missed the deadline to submit a budget 3 out of 4 years, more than any president in history. CBO projections don't speak to the fact that Obama failed in his duty by not submitting a budget proposal.

You just keep the laughs coming. Thanks.


OK....can't do the math....no problem...you're just repeating what you've been told to think......

All you need to do is get the revenue and expenditures data, and plug them into a TVM calculator.......of course, you would need to know the number of years and which of the two amounts was the beginning or the ending value.
Since you are STILL going to find that much too daunting, I will spare you the suspense and tell you that it was not going to work out your way......

I'd laugh, but that's really kind of sad...being someone's useful idiot.
Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide than at any other time since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, a shattered Ukraine and Syria, and anxious, angry allies, everywhere...

Never mind phukking-up the healthcare system even more than it already was, for everyone else, just to cover several million who were un-covered...

Never mind floating a disasterous TPP that would have harmed even more Americans than have already been harmed by greedy corporatists off-shoring jobs...

Mister Hopey-Changey...


I would care, but you're no more tethered than the overt Trumpkins....

Did white people not take any of the more than 11 million net new jobs since Feb 2009?

Did they not get any part of the largest annual increase in real median household income since the stat was first tracked?

Were they not among the millions who now have health insurance?

If not, maybe these people should turn off FOX and Rush, put down the banjo, get off the fucking porch and take one of the 5 million jobs currently going begging.
Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years
Two-thirds of those who have found employment under President Obama are immigrants, both legal and illegal, according to an analysis that suggests immigration has soaked up a large portion of what little job growth there has been over the past three years.
Did you have a thrill run up your leg(like Chris Mathews) when Obama took over the office of the president? Because if you did, no matter what we show you, like Chris Mathews, you would suck Obama's penis if he presented it to you, you are such a goose stepping, kool aid drinking. low information, mind numbed, useful idiot. The reason why HRC(the vagina candidate) lost was because more working class US citizens were tired of being treated like 2nd or worse 3rd class, so they went out and voted against 4 more years of Obama's failed policies. So continue to suck his penis, he has loved it for those 8 years, and if you don't like what is being said, Cuba is open, freely take your sorry ass, and leave for that socialist utopian paradise, as the US Citizens have spoken, we don't want you here.

The reason you are a fucking moron is the crap you read.....

The reason why HRC(the vagina candidate) lost was because more working class US citizens were tired of being treated like 2nd or worse 3rd class, so they went out and voted against 4 more years of Obama's failed policies.

So post the popular vote totals for both candidates......just the numbers, I'll figure out which is larger and tell you...
HildaBeast won the Inner City Plantation Blacks, and HIspanics, along with enough culturally-suicidal Whites to delude her into thinking she still owned that demographic, too.

She was wrong.

Now she's history.

And history will note that she won the votes of nearly 3 million more Americans than Trump.....and it will surely ask why the so called greatest nation on Earth can still look like a banana republic....
...history will note that she won the votes of nearly 3 million more Americans than Trump..
May that thought be of great comfort to you as you throw empty husks from the peanut gallery along with the rest of the arrogant, politically impotent Left...

Enjoy your well-deserved exile from power...

How many votes have you cast for Supply Side Hucksters?

Never have. The last time I voted was when Reagan ran for a second term - and I didn't vote for Reagan. Go figure.

So why are you bitching?

had you actually gotten off your ass and voted AGAINST Supply Side Hucksters, the nation's debt level would be far less threatening...

Your voting for Obama sure did bring down the debt. You are just too funny Chuckles.

You're a fucking idiot....

I have ONLY voted for POTUS who bequeathed smaller deficits to their successors than those they inherited......
and under Obama federal spending grew at its lowest rate since the 50s....

but you continue NOT voting........don't compromise your principles...
What liberal morons use are rates, so when Obama increased his Deficit spending to 1 trillion dollars the first year, he then started spending 6 billion dollars and the "rate" went down but the costs were still higher than other previous presidents. Otherwise, the debt that Obama inherited(unpatriotically from Bush) 9 trillion dollars, would not now be over 19.9 trillion dollars. But again, liberals lie, people die, 10 trillions of new debt have now been forced upon our children and grandchildren in the hope of a New World Order, but once again, the US citizens, white, black, brown, and any other color, woke up and told the socialist faggots, not in our backyard. Don't like the fact that we don't want you here, you sorry ass liberals, then Cuba is open, please leave your passport at the border and head to your Socialist Utopian Paradise.

http://www.nationaldebtclocks.org/debtclock/United States
National Debt of United States

$ 19,957,393,324,719
Last edited:
Your voting for Obama sure did bring down the debt. You are just too funny Chuckles.

You're a fucking idiot....

I have ONLY voted for POTUS who bequeathed smaller deficits to their successors than those they inherited......
and under Obama federal spending grew at its lowest rate since the 50s....

but you continue NOT voting........don't compromise your principles...

You're a fuking clown Chuckles. The debt practically doubled under Obama but of course he had no responsibility for that. How many budgets did he propose or spending Bills did he veto? In fact just about the only thing he vetoed was a Bill to limit his spending in retirement:

"President Obama took steps to preserve the office allowances given to former presidents Friday, by vetoing a measure that would have capped those expenses at $200,000 a year."

Obama vetoes cuts to former presidents' expense accounts

Keep on cheering the results Chuckles.

We have established that you're a moron, but apparently the evidence keeps pouring in...

In jan 2009, well before Obama was inaugrated, CBO projected cumulative deficits over the next decade totaling more than 5 trillion (that was while they still misunderestimated the scale of the disaster wrought by Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux)......

To figure out where the problem is, take a look at the rate of growth of federal revenues compared to federal spending for any of the administrations since 1980....

Unless you need my help to do so, please share your results when you are done...

In Obama's first term he missed the deadline to submit a budget 3 out of 4 years, more than any president in history. CBO projections don't speak to the fact that Obama failed in his duty by not submitting a budget proposal.

You just keep the laughs coming. Thanks.


OK....can't do the math....no problem...you're just repeating what you've been told to think......

All you need to do is get the revenue and expenditures data, and plug them into a TVM calculator.......of course, you would need to know the number of years and which of the two amounts was the beginning or the ending value.
Since you are STILL going to find that much too daunting, I will spare you the suspense and tell you that it was not going to work out your way......

I'd laugh, but that's really kind of sad...being someone's useful idiot.

I'm sorry for your loss and that you will miss Mr. Obama when he leaves Washington but your desperate attempt to credit the man and glorify his presidency is a sign of......not to be mean,.... I'll say wishful thinking.

Leadership has been a problem for Mr. Obama. We talk about the debt but the fact is that the president of the United States is required to submit a budget to Congress no later than the first Monday in February. The statutory deadline is set out in the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921. Presidents historically use this to try and guide the country's spending and show the country where they stand.

What is hard to believe is that Mr. Obama failed to submit a budget by the statutory deadline for 6 out of his 8 years in office. No other president in history has failed as often to submit a budget.

Mr. Obama demonstrated a lack of leadership in this and many other areas.

Is it true he says "I" 123,456 times?
Just as many times as Reagan said "well"..
"Well" is a situational reference.

"I" is a narcissistic personal reference.

Big difference.
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
Is it true he says "I" 123,456 times?
Just as many times as Reagan said "well"..
"Well" is a situational reference.

"I" is a narcissistic personal reference.

Big difference.
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
Obama proved deficits do matter, when he DOUBLED the national debt in just 8 years on cronyism, lies, and corrupt.
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999
Gross Debt
As of the end of Fiscal Year

(in millions)

1981 - 997,855

1989 - 2,857,430

1993 - 4,411,488

Reagan increased the Gross Debt by a factor of 2.7 in 8 years....

The consequences of Supply Side Idiocy, Part One would increase the Gross Debt by a factor of 4.42 by the time Clinton was elected to slay the deficit dragon.....

Any questions, Gip?
You're a fucking idiot....

I have ONLY voted for POTUS who bequeathed smaller deficits to their successors than those they inherited......
and under Obama federal spending grew at its lowest rate since the 50s....

but you continue NOT voting........don't compromise your principles...

You're a fuking clown Chuckles. The debt practically doubled under Obama but of course he had no responsibility for that. How many budgets did he propose or spending Bills did he veto? In fact just about the only thing he vetoed was a Bill to limit his spending in retirement:

"President Obama took steps to preserve the office allowances given to former presidents Friday, by vetoing a measure that would have capped those expenses at $200,000 a year."

Obama vetoes cuts to former presidents' expense accounts

Keep on cheering the results Chuckles.

We have established that you're a moron, but apparently the evidence keeps pouring in...

In jan 2009, well before Obama was inaugrated, CBO projected cumulative deficits over the next decade totaling more than 5 trillion (that was while they still misunderestimated the scale of the disaster wrought by Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux)......

To figure out where the problem is, take a look at the rate of growth of federal revenues compared to federal spending for any of the administrations since 1980....

Unless you need my help to do so, please share your results when you are done...

In Obama's first term he missed the deadline to submit a budget 3 out of 4 years, more than any president in history. CBO projections don't speak to the fact that Obama failed in his duty by not submitting a budget proposal.

You just keep the laughs coming. Thanks.


OK....can't do the math....no problem...you're just repeating what you've been told to think......

All you need to do is get the revenue and expenditures data, and plug them into a TVM calculator.......of course, you would need to know the number of years and which of the two amounts was the beginning or the ending value.
Since you are STILL going to find that much too daunting, I will spare you the suspense and tell you that it was not going to work out your way......

I'd laugh, but that's really kind of sad...being someone's useful idiot.

I'm sorry for your loss and that you will miss Mr. Obama when he leaves Washington but your desperate attempt to credit the man and glorify his presidency is a sign of......not to be mean,.... I'll say wishful thinking.

Leadership has been a problem for Mr. Obama. We talk about the debt but the fact is that the president of the United States is required to submit a budget to Congress no later than the first Monday in February. The statutory deadline is set out in the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921. Presidents historically use this to try and guide the country's spending and show the country where they stand.

What is hard to believe is that Mr. Obama failed to submit a budget by the statutory deadline for 6 out of his 8 years in office. No other president in history has failed as often to submit a budget.

Mr. Obama demonstrated a lack of leadership in this and many other areas.

Is there a context which might tell us something?

Your subjective interpretation of selective issues is of little concern to me.

I'd much prefer to resolve what can be arrived at through OBJECTIVE analysis....
Is it true he says "I" 123,456 times?
Just as many times as Reagan said "well"..
"Well" is a situational reference.

"I" is a narcissistic personal reference.

Big difference.
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
Just as many times as Reagan said "well"..
"Well" is a situational reference.

"I" is a narcissistic personal reference.

Big difference.
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
Obama proved deficits do matter, when he DOUBLED the national debt in just 8 years on cronyism, lies, and corrupt.
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999
Gross Debt
As of the end of Fiscal Year

(in millions)

1981 - 997,855

1989 - 2,857,430

1993 - 4,411,488

Reagan increased the Gross Debt by a factor of 2.7 in 8 years....

The consequences of Supply Side Idiocy, Part One would increase the Gross Debt by a factor of 4.42 by the time Clinton was elected to slay the deficit dragon.....

Any questions, Gip?
Agreed and even as huge as the national debt was in 2009, Big Ears doubled it. He is the greatest spender of all time.
Is it true he says "I" 123,456 times?
Just as many times as Reagan said "well"..
"Well" is a situational reference.

"I" is a narcissistic personal reference.

Big difference.
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
"Well" is a situational reference.

"I" is a narcissistic personal reference.

Big difference.
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
Obama proved deficits do matter, when he DOUBLED the national debt in just 8 years on cronyism, lies, and corrupt.
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999
Gross Debt
As of the end of Fiscal Year

(in millions)

1981 - 997,855

1989 - 2,857,430

1993 - 4,411,488

Reagan increased the Gross Debt by a factor of 2.7 in 8 years....

The consequences of Supply Side Idiocy, Part One would increase the Gross Debt by a factor of 4.42 by the time Clinton was elected to slay the deficit dragon.....

Any questions, Gip?
Agreed and even as huge as the national debt was in 2009, Big Ears doubled it. He is the greatest spender of all time.

Apparently we need to review some basic math...

To double is to increase something by a factor of


Got it?

here's the tricky part....

Is 2 GREATER than, LESS than or EQUAL TO 2.7?

(take all the time you need)

but don't use up your lifelines, cause the next question is going to involve the relationship between 2 and 4.42...

Agreed and even as huge as the national debt was in 2009, Big Ears doubled it.

Uh, no........Even before he was inaugurated the CBO projected future cumulative deficits of 5 trillion.........and that was BEFORE the Wages of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux, had been fully recognized.....

So with this in mind, why don't you post the debt levels for




then we can determine the scale of your innumeracy...

He is the greatest spender of all time.

Which POTUS since Eisenhower DID NOT spend more than his predecessors?
Is it true he says "I" 123,456 times?
Just as many times as Reagan said "well"..
"Well" is a situational reference.

"I" is a narcissistic personal reference.

Big difference.
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
"Well" is a situational reference.

"I" is a narcissistic personal reference.

Big difference.
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
Obama proved deficits do matter, when he DOUBLED the national debt in just 8 years on cronyism, lies, and corrupt.
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999
Gross Debt
As of the end of Fiscal Year

(in millions)

1981 - 997,855

1989 - 2,857,430

1993 - 4,411,488

Reagan increased the Gross Debt by a factor of 2.7 in 8 years....

The consequences of Supply Side Idiocy, Part One would increase the Gross Debt by a factor of 4.42 by the time Clinton was elected to slay the deficit dragon.....

Any questions, Gip?
Agreed and even as huge as the national debt was in 2009, Big Ears doubled it. He is the greatest spender of all time.
Congress didn't help since they allow the spending ability of the president..
Just as many times as Reagan said "well"..
"Well" is a situational reference.

"I" is a narcissistic personal reference.

Big difference.
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
Obama proved deficits do matter, when he DOUBLED the national debt in just 8 years on cronyism, lies, and corrupt.
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999
Gross Debt
As of the end of Fiscal Year

(in millions)

1981 - 997,855

1989 - 2,857,430

1993 - 4,411,488

Reagan increased the Gross Debt by a factor of 2.7 in 8 years....

The consequences of Supply Side Idiocy, Part One would increase the Gross Debt by a factor of 4.42 by the time Clinton was elected to slay the deficit dragon.....

Any questions, Gip?
Agreed and even as huge as the national debt was in 2009, Big Ears doubled it. He is the greatest spender of all time.
Congress didn't help since they allow the spending ability of the president..
Don't let Gipper muddle the debate....

Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment

notice something different about the period FY 2009 - now?

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