Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?

Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.
Couldn't have put it better myself.

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Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.
Couldn't have put it better myself.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I could and have.
'Do us all a favor - go away. The only thing you can offer as an 'Ex-' is more partisanship and division. You said it yourself - 'Elections have consequences'. Your party lost. Accept that and encourage your part to work WITH the Republicans in the best interest of the country instead of being complete Obstructionists for the good of the DNC, which the current DNC leadership has proclaimed it will do.'
Turnabout is fair play. Obama isn't going anywhere. Deal with it.

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Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.
Couldn't have put it better myself.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I could and have.

Unlikely, given that you are a moron...
In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's
WASHINGTON — Now an elder statesman, Barack Obama is returning to Chicago where he launched his unlikely political career to tell Americans not to lose faith in their future, no matter what they think about their next president.

Obama's final speech as president, before thousands who will gather at McCormick Place, is his last chance to try to define what his presidency meant for America. It's a fitting bookend to what he started eight years ago. It was in Chicago in 2008 that the nation's first black president declared victory, and where over the years he tried to cultivate his brand of optimism in American politics.

Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.
"would of"? LOL.

What is your first language? I ask this because obviously it isn't English.

I bet you are one of those uneducated morons who says this about people who emigrate here from a country where English isn't their native language.

"When dey come here, dey bedder leern how ta speek amerikan".
"Would of been a great leader". That is the proper grammar, but as I can tell, you must be from the Grammar Police, from some public education system who "Thinks" that you are high and righteous. But, and liberals are always big butts, you have just made yourself look the tard that many think you are. By the way, I never completed college as I have seen many morons come out of higher education, without improved communications skills. I laugh at your lack of intelligence.
lol, proper grammar, he writes.
The historical equivalent of last night was Nixon boarding the plane and giving the double V signs over his head in '74. Never saw the guy again except at presidential funerals.......

After next week.......Soetero will be riding waves in Hawaii and smoking some big old Cuban cigars. DUMS back here in the real world will be frivolously searching for ways to remove the extra large bumpy cucumber from the pie hole. Fucking thing is enormous.............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::spinner:
The historical equivalent of last night was Nixon boarding the plane and giving the double V signs over his head in '74. Never saw the guy again except at presidential funerals.......

After next week.......Soetero will be riding waves in Hawaii and smoking some big old Cuban cigars. DUMS back here in the real world will be frivolously searching for ways to remove the extra large bumpy cucumber from the pie hole. Fucking thing is enormous.............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::spinner:

This must still sting, eh?

Our days of
America are over.
Bye bye obummer.

Let's check....

which of these outcomes did YOU enable with your votes?



In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's
WASHINGTON — Now an elder statesman, Barack Obama is returning to Chicago where he launched his unlikely political career to tell Americans not to lose faith in their future, no matter what they think about their next president.

Obama's final speech as president, before thousands who will gather at McCormick Place, is his last chance to try to define what his presidency meant for America. It's a fitting bookend to what he started eight years ago. It was in Chicago in 2008 that the nation's first black president declared victory, and where over the years he tried to cultivate his brand of optimism in American politics.

Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.


The guy has been a class act since day one despite being the target of bigoted conservatives looking to sabatoge his every move .
In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's
WASHINGTON — Now an elder statesman, Barack Obama is returning to Chicago where he launched his unlikely political career to tell Americans not to lose faith in their future, no matter what they think about their next president.

Obama's final speech as president, before thousands who will gather at McCormick Place, is his last chance to try to define what his presidency meant for America. It's a fitting bookend to what he started eight years ago. It was in Chicago in 2008 that the nation's first black president declared victory, and where over the years he tried to cultivate his brand of optimism in American politics.

Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.


The guy has been a class act since day one despite being the target of bigoted conservatives looking to sabatoge his every move .
Instead of typing all of it again, I refer you to the post
Do you have spell check enabled on your computer, their are some spelling and grammar police who would point out your misspelling of sabotage. Also I couldn't care less about Obama the man, but his policies sure were fucked up, and HRC paid for it by losing the election.
In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's
WASHINGTON — Now an elder statesman, Barack Obama is returning to Chicago where he launched his unlikely political career to tell Americans not to lose faith in their future, no matter what they think about their next president.

Obama's final speech as president, before thousands who will gather at McCormick Place, is his last chance to try to define what his presidency meant for America. It's a fitting bookend to what he started eight years ago. It was in Chicago in 2008 that the nation's first black president declared victory, and where over the years he tried to cultivate his brand of optimism in American politics.

Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.


The guy has been a class act since day one despite being the target of bigoted conservatives looking to sabatoge his every move .
Instead of typing all of it again, I refer you to the post
Do you have spell check enabled on your computer, their are some spelling and grammar police who would point out your misspelling of sabotage. Also I couldn't care less about Obama the man, but his policies sure were fucked up, and HRC paid for it by losing the election.

Lol. That's an old joke when I would use "sabataaaaaage" ( it's from a Captain Kirk audio). The phone learned the new spelling .
In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's
WASHINGTON — Now an elder statesman, Barack Obama is returning to Chicago where he launched his unlikely political career to tell Americans not to lose faith in their future, no matter what they think about their next president.

Obama's final speech as president, before thousands who will gather at McCormick Place, is his last chance to try to define what his presidency meant for America. It's a fitting bookend to what he started eight years ago. It was in Chicago in 2008 that the nation's first black president declared victory, and where over the years he tried to cultivate his brand of optimism in American politics.

Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.


The guy has been a class act since day one despite being the target of bigoted conservatives looking to sabatoge his every move .
Instead of typing all of it again, I refer you to the post
Do you have spell check enabled on your computer, their are some spelling and grammar police who would point out your misspelling of sabotage. Also I couldn't care less about Obama the man, but his policies sure were fucked up, and HRC paid for it by losing the election.
Show me "fucked up"...

In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's
WASHINGTON — Now an elder statesman, Barack Obama is returning to Chicago where he launched his unlikely political career to tell Americans not to lose faith in their future, no matter what they think about their next president.

Obama's final speech as president, before thousands who will gather at McCormick Place, is his last chance to try to define what his presidency meant for America. It's a fitting bookend to what he started eight years ago. It was in Chicago in 2008 that the nation's first black president declared victory, and where over the years he tried to cultivate his brand of optimism in American politics.

Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.

Don't let the door hit you you America hating racist piece of shit.
You must not like the fact that the line goes up in the chart that I posted. Just for you I'll give you one where the line goes down. Hope that helps.

Not at all.....you're just another Drudge fed imbecile......

It is now Jan 2017.......instead of gorging on click bait, you can go to the sources of the data, and be CURRENT......

Here is an example..


You funny little boy. Welfare is still at record highs and the employment participation rate remains at a record low. From the BLS:

"The labor force participation rate, at 62.7 percent, changed little in December and was unchanged over the year."

Employment Situation Summary

If someone stops looking for work they are not counted as unemployed, which sadly makes the employment rate look better. If it weren't for the high numbers of people on welfare it would probably be less noticeable.



Show me your data on welfare...

LFPR is primarily a function of age demographics.....the measure is nominal employment gains, and to a lesser extent, those gains as a share of work force additions.....

As per your request:

"The welfare statistics below represent anyone who receives any of the following government subsidies:
– Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), better known as food stamps
– Housing assistance
– Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
– Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), or cash benefits
– General Assistance
DOES NOT INCLUDE the 70.5 million people enrolled in Medicaid"

"Total number of Americans receiving welfare government assistance 67,891,000"


Graph showing history of welfare can be found here:


Date research was conducted: September 20, 2016
What does it say about "the record high" of welfare, exactly?

What was the increase (in percentage terms) between 2002 and 2009?

What has it been since 2009?

For how long has it been trending up?

Which was the first year since 1992 that we saw a reversal?

You could have done this work before shooting yourself in the face by repeating the headline from Drudge...

The only year welfare spending has been higher is 2010 and by 2016 it has kicked up again; with the labor force participation rate at 62.7 percent and U6 hovering at 9.3% and over 18 trillion in debt it's not what anyone would call a spectacular recovery but don't let that stop you from cheering for those piss poor results Chuckles. The politicians need idiots like you.


How many votes have you cast for Supply Side Hucksters?

Never have. The last time I voted was when Reagan ran for a second term - and I didn't vote for Reagan. Go figure.

So why are you bitching?

had you actually gotten off your ass and voted AGAINST Supply Side Hucksters, the nation's debt level would be far less threatening...

Your voting for Obama sure did bring down the debt. You are just too funny Chuckles.


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