Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?

Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, and anxious, angry allies...

Mister Hopey-Changey...

Yes...when you have the entire corporate media behind Big Ears and blasting favorable propaganda into the heads of Americans, his wins were ordained. Of course, the Rs ran two big dumb asses against him, which sure helped.

funny how Ds like to cite BO's wins, but never cite how he lost majorities in both Houses quickly...and the D party is wiped out in many states around the country...and if he were so great, his chosen successor, the Criminal Hillary, would have easily won.

It clearly escaped your notice, but I'm not the one in the habit of relying on opinion pieces from Partisan media.....I just put up the objective evidence and challenge people to reconcile it with the slogans they've been told to bleat...

You Idiots never fare well...
Better look now, tard, but your side lost big, not only for the president, but seats in the senate and congress, and many state governorships. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, you would of seen such a landslide election of 2016.

View attachment 106196

"Would of"?

Fucking idiot...

a landslide election of 2016

By what measure was it a "landslide"?
Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide than at any other time since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, a shattered Ukraine and Syria, and anxious, angry allies, everywhere...

Never mind phukking-up the healthcare system even more than it already was, for everyone else, just to cover several million who were un-covered...

Never mind floating a disasterous TPP that would have harmed even more Americans than have already been harmed by greedy corporatists off-shoring jobs...

Mister Hopey-Changey...


I would care, but you're no more tethered than the overt Trumpkins....

Did white people not take any of the more than 11 million net new jobs since Feb 2009?

Did they not get any part of the largest annual increase in real median household income since the stat was first tracked?

Were they not among the millions who now have health insurance?

If not, maybe these people should turn off FOX and Rush, put down the banjo, get off the fucking porch and take one of the 5 million jobs currently going begging.
Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years
Two-thirds of those who have found employment under President Obama are immigrants, both legal and illegal, according to an analysis that suggests immigration has soaked up a large portion of what little job growth there has been over the past three years.
Did you have a thrill run up your leg(like Chris Mathews) when Obama took over the office of the president? Because if you did, no matter what we show you, like Chris Mathews, you would suck Obama's penis if he presented it to you, you are such a goose stepping, kool aid drinking. low information, mind numbed, useful idiot. The reason why HRC(the vagina candidate) lost was because more working class US citizens were tired of being treated like 2nd or worse 3rd class, so they went out and voted against 4 more years of Obama's failed policies. So continue to suck his penis, he has loved it for those 8 years, and if you don't like what is being said, Cuba is open, freely take your sorry ass, and leave for that socialist utopian paradise, as the US Citizens have spoken, we don't want you here.

The reason you are a fucking moron is the crap you read.....

The reason why HRC(the vagina candidate) lost was because more working class US citizens were tired of being treated like 2nd or worse 3rd class, so they went out and voted against 4 more years of Obama's failed policies.

So post the popular vote totals for both candidates......just the numbers, I'll figure out which is larger and tell you...
Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, and anxious, angry allies...

Mister Hopey-Changey...

Yes...when you have the entire corporate media behind Big Ears and blasting favorable propaganda into the heads of Americans, his wins were ordained. Of course, the Rs ran two big dumb asses against him, which sure helped.

funny how Ds like to cite BO's wins, but never cite how he lost majorities in both Houses quickly...and the D party is wiped out in many states around the country...and if he were so great, his chosen successor, the Criminal Hillary, would have easily won.

It clearly escaped your notice, but I'm not the one in the habit of relying on opinion pieces from Partisan media.....I just put up the objective evidence and challenge people to reconcile it with the slogans they've been told to bleat...

You Idiots never fare well...
You put up fake news, from liberal propaganda machines who are in the tank for the dictator in chief who loved to golf, more than his country.

View attachment 106195

He says.......shortly before citing.....

The Moonie Times....

I wish I was kidding.......
One thing that troubled me, reading the transcript, was that the president made no mention of the successful outcome of the "fish on a treadmill" studies. These are key studies that could affect future relations with the Islamic world and give impetus to Muslim immigration without Trump's bothersome call for extreme vetting.
Our days of
America are over.
Bye bye obummer.
One thing that troubled me, reading the transcript, was that the president made no mention of the successful outcome of the "fish on a treadmill" studies. These are key studies that could affect future relations with the Islamic world and give impetus to Muslim immigration without Trump's bothersome call for extreme vetting.
Ok, that's funny as heyall! :p
Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, and anxious, angry allies...

Mister Hopey-Changey...

Yes...when you have the entire corporate media behind Big Ears and blasting favorable propaganda into the heads of Americans, his wins were ordained. Of course, the Rs ran two big dumb asses against him, which sure helped.

funny how Ds like to cite BO's wins, but never cite how he lost majorities in both Houses quickly...and the D party is wiped out in many states around the country...and if he were so great, his chosen successor, the Criminal Hillary, would have easily won.

It clearly escaped your notice, but I'm not the one in the habit of relying on opinion pieces from Partisan media.....I just put up the objective evidence and challenge people to reconcile it with the slogans they've been told to bleat...

You Idiots never fare well...
You put up fake news, from liberal propaganda machines who are in the tank for the dictator in chief who loved to golf, more than his country.

View attachment 106195

He says.......shortly before citing.....

The Moonie Times....

I wish I was kidding.......
Big Ears once again lied numerous times in his dumb speech yesterday.

He said no terrorist attacks on the homeland, during his reign. LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!!

Have lefties already forgotten Fort Hood, Boston, Orlando, San Bernardino????

Obama can say anything he wants and NO ONE checks it. Trump says anything, and you know.

Major Hasan still lives.
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, and anxious, angry allies...

Mister Hopey-Changey...

Yes...when you have the entire corporate media behind Big Ears and blasting favorable propaganda into the heads of Americans, his wins were ordained. Of course, the Rs ran two big dumb asses against him, which sure helped.

funny how Ds like to cite BO's wins, but never cite how he lost majorities in both Houses quickly...and the D party is wiped out in many states around the country...and if he were so great, his chosen successor, the Criminal Hillary, would have easily won.

It clearly escaped your notice, but I'm not the one in the habit of relying on opinion pieces from Partisan media.....I just put up the objective evidence and challenge people to reconcile it with the slogans they've been told to bleat...

You Idiots never fare well...
You put up fake news, from liberal propaganda machines who are in the tank for the dictator in chief who loved to golf, more than his country.

View attachment 106195

He says.......shortly before citing.....

The Moonie Times....

I wish I was kidding.......
Big Ears once again lied numerous times in his dumb speech yesterday.

He said no terrorist attacks on the homeland, during his reign. LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!!

Have lefties already forgotten Fort Hood, Boston, Orlando, San Bernardino????

Obama can say anything he wants and NO ONE checks it. Trump says anything, and you know.

Major Hasan still lives.

You're an idiot.....that is NOT what he said........go to the transcript (assuming you can read).....
Yes...when you have the entire corporate media behind Big Ears and blasting favorable propaganda into the heads of Americans, his wins were ordained. Of course, the Rs ran two big dumb asses against him, which sure helped.

funny how Ds like to cite BO's wins, but never cite how he lost majorities in both Houses quickly...and the D party is wiped out in many states around the country...and if he were so great, his chosen successor, the Criminal Hillary, would have easily won.

It clearly escaped your notice, but I'm not the one in the habit of relying on opinion pieces from Partisan media.....I just put up the objective evidence and challenge people to reconcile it with the slogans they've been told to bleat...

You Idiots never fare well...
You put up fake news, from liberal propaganda machines who are in the tank for the dictator in chief who loved to golf, more than his country.

View attachment 106195

He says.......shortly before citing.....

The Moonie Times....

I wish I was kidding.......
Big Ears once again lied numerous times in his dumb speech yesterday.

He said no terrorist attacks on the homeland, during his reign. LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!!

Have lefties already forgotten Fort Hood, Boston, Orlando, San Bernardino????

Obama can say anything he wants and NO ONE checks it. Trump says anything, and you know.

Major Hasan still lives.

You're an idiot.....that is NOT what he said........go to the transcript (assuming you can read).....
BS...you clearly are a dupe. He has said this several times now. It is entirely disingenuous, but you like that about him. If Trump did this, you and the left media would condemn him as a liar. Big Ears says it and he is great.


In farewell address, Obama touts heavily caveated terror brag

By T. BECKET ADAMS (@BECKETADAMS) • 1/11/17 12:18 AM
President Obama isn't wrong when he says no terrorist group has pulled off a foreign-directed attack on U.S. soil under his watch, but that claim is heavily caveated to obscure the reality of terrorism in America.

"Because of the extraordinary courage of our men and women in uniform, and the intelligence officers, law enforcement, and diplomats who support them, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years," the president said during his farewell address in Chicago.

He added, "Although Boston and Orlando and San Bernardino and Fort Hood remind us about how dangerous radicalization can be, our law enforcement agencies are more effective and vigilant than ever."

Technically speaking, Obama's claim regarding attacks on the homeland is not wrong. Since his first inauguration in 2009, no foreign terrorist organization has planned and launched a successful attack on the U.S. from abroad.

But there's obviously a lot more to the story, as survivors from San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Orlando, Boston, etc. will tell you.
It clearly escaped your notice, but I'm not the one in the habit of relying on opinion pieces from Partisan media.....I just put up the objective evidence and challenge people to reconcile it with the slogans they've been told to bleat...

You Idiots never fare well...
You put up fake news, from liberal propaganda machines who are in the tank for the dictator in chief who loved to golf, more than his country.

View attachment 106195

He says.......shortly before citing.....

The Moonie Times....

I wish I was kidding.......
Big Ears once again lied numerous times in his dumb speech yesterday.

He said no terrorist attacks on the homeland, during his reign. LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!!

Have lefties already forgotten Fort Hood, Boston, Orlando, San Bernardino????

Obama can say anything he wants and NO ONE checks it. Trump says anything, and you know.

Major Hasan still lives.

You're an idiot.....that is NOT what he said........go to the transcript (assuming you can read).....
BS...you clearly are a dupe. He has said this several times now. It is entirely disingenuous, but you like that about him. If Trump did this, you and the left media would condemn him as a liar. Big Ears says it and he is great.


In farewell address, Obama touts heavily caveated terror brag

By T. BECKET ADAMS (@BECKETADAMS) • 1/11/17 12:18 AM
President Obama isn't wrong when he says no terrorist group has pulled off a foreign-directed attack on U.S. soil under his watch, but that claim is heavily caveated to obscure the reality of terrorism in America.

"Because of the extraordinary courage of our men and women in uniform, and the intelligence officers, law enforcement, and diplomats who support them, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years," the president said during his farewell address in Chicago.

He added, "Although Boston and Orlando and San Bernardino and Fort Hood remind us about how dangerous radicalization can be, our law enforcement agencies are more effective and vigilant than ever."

Technically speaking, Obama's claim regarding attacks on the homeland is not wrong. Since his first inauguration in 2009, no foreign terrorist organization has planned and launched a successful attack on the U.S. from abroad.

But there's obviously a lot more to the story, as survivors from San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Orlando, Boston, etc. will tell you.
Obama's words:

Because of the extraordinary courage of our men and women in uniform, and the intelligence officers, law enforcement, and diplomats who support them, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years

And now, your citation...

Technically speaking, Obama's claim regarding attacks on the homeland is not wrong. Since his first inauguration in 2009, no foreign terrorist organization has planned and launched a successful attack on the U.S. from abroad.

"is not wrong"?

From what fucking rag did you pull this? (rhetorical)
Is it true he says "I" 123,456 times?
Just as many times as Reagan said "well"..
"Well" is a situational reference.

"I" is a narcissistic personal reference.

Big difference.
Yet Trumpet say "I" a lot also... Yet no post from his butt sniffers about that......
Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.....

and so it goes....
They must not have, he almost double them and is a hero to the right...

You have to wonder what kinds of jobs were created under Obama.

Another fucking idiot?

Who is supplyin' the dimes?

You can go to BLS to find out what type of jobs...


You must not like the fact that the line goes up in the chart that I posted. Just for you I'll give you one where the line goes down. Hope that helps.

Not at all.....you're just another Drudge fed imbecile......

It is now Jan 2017.......instead of gorging on click bait, you can go to the sources of the data, and be CURRENT......

Here is an example..


You funny little boy. Welfare is still at record highs and the employment participation rate remains at a record low. From the BLS:

"The labor force participation rate, at 62.7 percent, changed little in December and was unchanged over the year."

Employment Situation Summary

If someone stops looking for work they are not counted as unemployed, which sadly makes the employment rate look better. If it weren't for the high numbers of people on welfare it would probably be less noticeable.



Show me your data on welfare...

LFPR is primarily a function of age demographics.....the measure is nominal employment gains, and to a lesser extent, those gains as a share of work force additions.....

As per your request:

"The welfare statistics below represent anyone who receives any of the following government subsidies:
– Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), better known as food stamps
– Housing assistance
– Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
– Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), or cash benefits
– General Assistance
DOES NOT INCLUDE the 70.5 million people enrolled in Medicaid"

"Total number of Americans receiving welfare government assistance 67,891,000"


Graph showing history of welfare can be found here:


Date research was conducted: September 20, 2016

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