Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?

I think he is the first president to ever purposely try to set up the next president for discontent and failure. obama has been the biggest piece of shit to ever occupy the white house, he certainly taught this country a lesson about electing N(the n word) to president. Not black people mind you, but N(the n word) because there is a difference, and obama has proven himself to be nothing but a common street N***** ghetto thug.
My hopes for his future involves a very long debilitating and extremely painful illness that eventually ends in death after he has suffered for at least 8 years.
I have no respect for that N, I have no compassion for him or concern for him. I really just cant express how much hatred I do have for that common pile of crap.
If he continues trying to fan the flames of racial divide after he is out of the office, I hope Trump has him arrested for trying to incite riots.
Actually, Nixon was the biggest piece of sh!t without a doubt.

Buchanan was in a close tie with Nixon however.

Carter and Ford would have been tied for 3rd and 4th.

The Trump victory will relegate BHO to obscurity -- neither good nor bad.
wait, Nixon was in your opinion the biggest because his admin hacked the DNC. Yet you will give a free pass to hillary for giving away top secret information? seriously? you are digging way to deep to try and cover up for the piece of shit that you and the illegals voted in to office twice.
a free pass to hillary for giving away top secret information?

Probably because it never happened......

You're a moron....


As a heart attack...
if you believed the cover up, then you are the moron, seriously.

uh......yeah.........why not claim she's an alien while you're at it?
because I do not believe that to be true. A worthless traitorous piece of shit yes, but an alien? No.
Why are you trying to start such a rumor?
Actually, Nixon was the biggest piece of sh!t without a doubt.

Buchanan was in a close tie with Nixon however.

Carter and Ford would have been tied for 3rd and 4th.

The Trump victory will relegate BHO to obscurity -- neither good nor bad.
wait, Nixon was in your opinion the biggest because his admin hacked the DNC. Yet you will give a free pass to hillary for giving away top secret information? seriously? you are digging way to deep to try and cover up for the piece of shit that you and the illegals voted in to office twice.
a free pass to hillary for giving away top secret information?

Probably because it never happened......

You're a moron....


As a heart attack...
if you believed the cover up, then you are the moron, seriously.

uh......yeah.........why not claim she's an alien while you're at it?
because I do not believe that to be true. A worthless traitorous piece of shit yes, but an alien? No.
Why are you trying to start such a rumor?

If I was, I've sure found fertile ground....
Is it true he says "I" 123,456 times?
Just as many times as Reagan said "well"..

Reagan's use of "well" was used as stall tactic or crutch to delay when you are thinking of an answer. Notice Obama has no such thing, so the bullshit flows without any thought process occurring!
Was that before or after Reagan would smirk?

You aren't worth a pimple on Reagan's ass.

Educate yourself lest you appear like the moron you seem to be.
I voted for Reagan, he was my commander in chief..I don't know why you have a stick up your ass about it...

Just as many times as Reagan said "well"..

Reagan's use of "well" was used as stall tactic or crutch to delay when you are thinking of an answer. Notice Obama has no such thing, so the bullshit flows without any thought process occurring!
Was that before or after Reagan would smirk?

You aren't worth a pimple on Reagan's ass.

Educate yourself lest you appear like the moron you seem to be.
I voted for Reagan, he was my commander in chief..I don't know why you have a stick up your ass about it...

I was at Fart Belvoir, VA and got to see him several times...
Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.

And brought class and dignity back to the office........if only for 8 years....

Comeon now Bush was kinda intellectually embarrassing, but he did have some class and dignity, certainly more so than Clinton with his under-desk associates.
Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.

And brought class and dignity back to the office........if only for 8 years....
Class and dignity went out the window on 11/8/16, and we won't see it again for another 4 years.
It may have left 1600 Pennsylvania, but it is up to the rest of us to make sure it lives behind our own windows. Show the fucker up, I say.
So classy. So dignified. What a good example you set :laugh:
Puleeeeeeeeeeze don't fake cry...
Or real cry......
Just don't

wait, Nixon was in your opinion the biggest because his admin hacked the DNC. Yet you will give a free pass to hillary for giving away top secret information? seriously? you are digging way to deep to try and cover up for the piece of shit that you and the illegals voted in to office twice.
a free pass to hillary for giving away top secret information?

Probably because it never happened......

You're a moron....


As a heart attack...
if you believed the cover up, then you are the moron, seriously.

uh......yeah.........why not claim she's an alien while you're at it?
because I do not believe that to be true. A worthless traitorous piece of shit yes, but an alien? No.
Why are you trying to start such a rumor?

If I was, I've sure found fertile ground....
evidently not, but Im not convinced that you are smart enough to actually understand.
Thanks for the hard work. You shouldn't have tried to have a bob each way you tried to achieve something. The repubs don't understand compromise. You should have stuck it to them constantly..
Thanks for the hard work. You shouldn't have tried to have a bob each way you tried to achieve something. The repubs don't understand compromise. You should have stuck it to them constantly..

Compromise= Capitulation.

We'll pass.
Why do we have to have a fake we'll address? Get the fuck out of our White House.

You have to wonder what kinds of jobs were created under Obama.

Another fucking idiot?

Who is supplyin' the dimes?

You can go to BLS to find out what type of jobs...


You must not like the fact that the line goes up in the chart that I posted. Just for you I'll give you one where the line goes down. Hope that helps.

Not at all.....you're just another Drudge fed imbecile......

It is now Jan 2017.......instead of gorging on click bait, you can go to the sources of the data, and be CURRENT......

Here is an example..


You funny little boy. Welfare is still at record highs and the employment participation rate remains at a record low. From the BLS:

"The labor force participation rate, at 62.7 percent, changed little in December and was unchanged over the year."

Employment Situation Summary

If someone stops looking for work they are not counted as unemployed, which sadly makes the employment rate look better. If it weren't for the high numbers of people on welfare it would probably be less noticeable.



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