Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?

Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.

And brought class and dignity back to the office........if only for 8 years....
Class and dignity went out the window on 11/8/16, and we won't see it again for another 4 years.
Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.

And brought class and dignity back to the office........if only for 8 years....
Class and dignity went out the window on 11/8/16, and we won't see it again for another 4 years.
It may have left 1600 Pennsylvania, but it is up to the rest of us to make sure it lives behind our own windows. Show the fucker up, I say.
Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.

And brought class and dignity back to the office........if only for 8 years....
Class and dignity went out the window on 11/8/16, and we won't see it again for another 4 years.
It may have left 1600 Pennsylvania, but it is up to the rest of us to make sure it lives behind our own windows. Show the fucker up, I say.
Yes, I dangled a preposition. I need another cup of coffee.
'Do us all a favor - go away. The only thing you can offer as an 'Ex-' is more partisanship and division. You said it yourself - 'Elections have consequences'. Your party lost. Accept that and encourage your part to work WITH the Republicans in the best interest of the country instead of being complete Obstructionists for the good of the DNC, which the current DNC leadership has proclaimed it will do.'
Thanks for the EPIC FAILS

1- Credit Card Reform
2- Obamacare
3- Iraq
4- Libya
5- Benghazi
6- Race Relations
7- Prayer Breakfast Comments
8- The Apology Tour
9- Syria-Red Line
10- ISIS

However, lets give credit, where credit is due

1- Gun Salesman of the year

Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.

And brought class and dignity back to the office........if only for 8 years....
No Class, and turned the office of the president into a joke. Yeah, maybe if you libtards pulled your heads out of your ass, you would of seen what this 2 bit dictator did to increase poverty in the US to record numbers. But then again, you don't give a shit about the poor, because you liberals, all have yours.
Thanks for the EPIC FAILS

1- Credit Card Reform
2- Obamacare
3- Iraq
4- Libya
5- Benghazi
6- Race Relations
7- Prayer Breakfast Comments
8- The Apology Tour
9- Syria-Red Line
10- ISIS

However, lets give credit, where credit is due

1- Gun Salesman of the year

Cash for clunkers, don't forget that one, and 1 trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs(yuk, yuk) that weren't really shovel ready. Boy did the liberal elites make their billions on that one.
My message to Barry O'Bama:

You never would of (sic) been nominated - or even taken seriously as a candidate - had you not been "Black." You rode the horse of White Guilt to the White House, in a country that is about evenly divided politically. Guilty white folks gave you that percent or two that you needed to win both elections. So don't be cocky about your elections or popularity. They are an illusion.

You had nothing in common with "Black" Americans, as you have no ancestors who were slaves, you were raised exclusively by White leftists, never lived in a "Black" neighborhood, never when to a "Black" school, and only adopted basketball and a "Black" patois when it became politically convenient to do so. So your claim to being the first "Black" president is, shall we acknowledge, very dubious.

Never having accomplished anything in the Real World, you came into office wanting to transform the U.S., into a pale, pathetic copy of a Western European "social democracy," and you attempted to run around the U.S. Constitution at every opportunity to get what you wanted. No previous president in our history would have had the "audacity" or the arrogance to say, "Congress wouldn't act so I had to do it myself." We do have a separation of powers built in to the Constitution, and you did everything you could to ignore it. Despite your oath of office, you ignored laws you didn't like, made up new "laws" that suited you, and had your minions fighting in court constantly to protect your unconstitutional excesses. Thankfully, the remaining Federal judges whom you did NOT appoint have not cooperated.

Any non-megalomaniac would be dramatically humbled by the diminishment and destruction of the Democrat party that resulted primarily from your failed and odious presidency: loss of both houses of Congress, loss of multiple governorships, loss of many, many legislative bodies in the respective states. Indeed, the results of the 2016 election are the most profound slap in the face of any President since the infamous resignation of Richard Nixon under threat of impeachment. Donald Trump, who defeated your hand-picked successor, is without any doubt the worst Republican candidate for President in at least three generations. And make no mistake, he beat YOU.

You have chosen to give your final Presidential address in the friendly confines of the city of Chicago, where they curiously still consider you a "favorite son." The same Chicago that has experienced a marvelously enlightening explosion of gun violence and homicides among your "Black brothers." The irony is absolutely priceless. (Maybe you can run for mayor now!). But don't mistake the cheers and tears that you will see in this isolated venue for an expression of the feelings of the American People, who are glad, glad, glad, to see your sorry ass vacating 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's
WASHINGTON — Now an elder statesman, Barack Obama is returning to Chicago where he launched his unlikely political career to tell Americans not to lose faith in their future, no matter what they think about their next president.

Obama's final speech as president, before thousands who will gather at McCormick Place, is his last chance to try to define what his presidency meant for America. It's a fitting bookend to what he started eight years ago. It was in Chicago in 2008 that the nation's first black president declared victory, and where over the years he tried to cultivate his brand of optimism in American politics.

Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.
"would of"? LOL.

What is your first language? I ask this because obviously it isn't English.

I bet you are one of those uneducated morons who says this about people who emigrate here from a country where English isn't their native language.

"When dey come here, dey bedder leern how ta speek amerikan".
"Would of been a great leader". That is the proper grammar, but as I can tell, you must be from the Grammar Police, from some public education system who "Thinks" that you are high and righteous. But, and liberals are always big butts, you have just made yourself look the tard that many think you are. By the way, I never completed college as I have seen many morons come out of higher education, without improved communications skills. I laugh at your lack of intelligence.
"Would of been a great leader". That is the proper grammar

By the way, I never completed college as I have seen many morons come out of higher education, without improved communications skills.


I laugh at your lack of intelligence.

I kid you not.....You're a moron...
Yeah, sure I am, I didn't vote for Obama once and I sure as hell didn't vote for him twice. Those that voted for him once, were just duped, those that voted for him twice, were moronic.
Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?

"Run, get me a cup of coffee."
And he would look down at you and laugh.
Nice of people to look down at other citizens of the US, where everyone was supposed to be equal. If the shitfuck didn't have a bunch of heavily armed guards with fully automatic weapons around him, he wouldn't be quite as haughty as he thinks. He would just be a typical spineless liberal who would have a bloody nose.
Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.

And brought class and dignity back to the office........if only for 8 years....
No Class, and turned the office of the president into a joke. Yeah, maybe if you libtards pulled your heads out of your ass, you would of seen what this 2 bit dictator did to increase poverty in the US to record numbers. But then again, you don't give a shit about the poor, because you liberals, all have yours.
Trust me on this....

You don't want to go The Numbers with me......you don't have the onions for that job...
In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's
WASHINGTON — Now an elder statesman, Barack Obama is returning to Chicago where he launched his unlikely political career to tell Americans not to lose faith in their future, no matter what they think about their next president.

Obama's final speech as president, before thousands who will gather at McCormick Place, is his last chance to try to define what his presidency meant for America. It's a fitting bookend to what he started eight years ago. It was in Chicago in 2008 that the nation's first black president declared victory, and where over the years he tried to cultivate his brand of optimism in American politics.

Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.
"would of"? LOL.

What is your first language? I ask this because obviously it isn't English.

I bet you are one of those uneducated morons who says this about people who emigrate here from a country where English isn't their native language.

"When dey come here, dey bedder leern how ta speek amerikan".
"Would of been a great leader". That is the proper grammar, but as I can tell, you must be from the Grammar Police, from some public education system who "Thinks" that you are high and righteous. But, and liberals are always big butts, you have just made yourself look the tard that many think you are. By the way, I never completed college as I have seen many morons come out of higher education, without improved communications skills. I laugh at your lack of intelligence.
"Would of been a great leader". That is the proper grammar

By the way, I never completed college as I have seen many morons come out of higher education, without improved communications skills.


I laugh at your lack of intelligence.

I kid you not.....You're a moron...
Yeah, sure I am, I didn't vote for Obama once and I sure as hell didn't vote for him twice. Those that voted for him once, were just duped, those that voted for him twice, were moronic.
Feelin' quite good about it, actually...


Thank me later.
My message to Barry O'Bama:

You never would of (sic) been nominated - or even taken seriously as a candidate - had you not been "Black." You rode the horse of White Guilt to the White House, in a country that is about evenly divided politically. Guilty white folks gave you that percent or two that you needed to win both elections. So don't be cocky about your elections or popularity. They are an illusion.

You had nothing in common with "Black" Americans, as you have no ancestors who were slaves, you were raised exclusively by White leftists, never lived in a "Black" neighborhood, never when to a "Black" school, and only adopted basketball and a "Black" patois when it became politically convenient to do so. So your claim to being the first "Black" president is, shall we acknowledge, very dubious.

Never having accomplished anything in the Real World, you came into office wanting to transform the U.S., into a pale, pathetic copy of a Western European "social democracy," and you attempted to run around the U.S. Constitution at every opportunity to get what you wanted. No previous president in our history would have had the "audacity" or the arrogance to say, "Congress wouldn't act so I had to do it myself." We do have a separation of powers built in to the Constitution, and you did everything you could to ignore it. Despite your oath of office, you ignored laws you didn't like, made up new "laws" that suited you, and had your minions fighting in court constantly to protect your unconstitutional excesses. Thankfully, the remaining Federal judges whom you did NOT appoint have not cooperated.

Any non-megalomaniac would be dramatically humbled by the diminishment and destruction of the Democrat party that resulted primarily from your failed and odious presidency: loss of both houses of Congress, loss of multiple governorships, loss of many, many legislative bodies in the respective states. Indeed, the results of the 2016 election are the most profound slap in the face of any President since the infamous resignation of Richard Nixon under threat of impeachment. Donald Trump, who defeated your hand-picked successor, is without any doubt the worst Republican candidate for President in at least three generations. And make no mistake, he beat YOU.

You have chosen to give your final Presidential address in the friendly confines of the city of Chicago, where they curiously still consider you a "favorite son." The same Chicago that has experienced a marvelously enlightening explosion of gun violence and homicides among your "Black brothers." The irony is absolutely priceless. (Maybe you can run for mayor now!). But don't mistake the cheers and tears that you will see in this isolated venue for an expression of the feelings of the American People, who are glad, glad, glad, to see your sorry ass vacating 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
You're a moron....

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the vote.....the first to do so in 50 years....

He won the first because the guy who preceded him is the worst POTUS of the modern era....he won the second because he earned it....
Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Thank you Mister President for a job well done.

You were handed a huge pile of dogshit your first day as President by the previous administration, and it was also made very clear to you from day one that you would get no cooperation from the republicans no matter how much it harmed the country. They vowed to oppose anything and everything you tried to do, and they kept that promise.

Yet, you kept this country from sinking into a depression and put it back on course regardless of all of the attempts at undermining you by the right.

Thank you again Mister President and best wishes to you and your family.

And brought class and dignity back to the office........if only for 8 years....
No Class, and turned the office of the president into a joke. Yeah, maybe if you libtards pulled your heads out of your ass, you would of seen what this 2 bit dictator did to increase poverty in the US to record numbers. But then again, you don't give a shit about the poor, because you liberals, all have yours.
Trust me on this....

You don't want to go The Numbers with me......you don't have the onions for that job...
Obama's Got No Class
For all of my long years, I do not recall a President and First Lady with as little class than that of the Obamas.

Obama interjects himself into the minutiae of everyday happenings. Most Presidents keep themselves above the fray. He seems to not realize (or care about) the influence his offhand remarks have and that they go around the world.
Obama is a laughing stock: Column
Some critics are even comparing the collapse of American influence under Obama to the end of the Soviet Union. Well, that may be an exaggeration -- but Obama promised a "fundamental transformation," after all.

Our diplomacy is a joke, our president is a laughing stock, our enemies are emboldened, and we've still got over three years of this to go. Nothing funny there at all, alas.
Any time you want to bring your pea brain to the discussion, I am more than willing to go up against someone lacking the intellectual fortitude you have.
In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.
"would of"? LOL.

What is your first language? I ask this because obviously it isn't English.

I bet you are one of those uneducated morons who says this about people who emigrate here from a country where English isn't their native language.

"When dey come here, dey bedder leern how ta speek amerikan".
"Would of been a great leader". That is the proper grammar, but as I can tell, you must be from the Grammar Police, from some public education system who "Thinks" that you are high and righteous. But, and liberals are always big butts, you have just made yourself look the tard that many think you are. By the way, I never completed college as I have seen many morons come out of higher education, without improved communications skills. I laugh at your lack of intelligence.
"Would of been a great leader". That is the proper grammar

By the way, I never completed college as I have seen many morons come out of higher education, without improved communications skills.


I laugh at your lack of intelligence.

I kid you not.....You're a moron...
Yeah, sure I am, I didn't vote for Obama once and I sure as hell didn't vote for him twice. Those that voted for him once, were just duped, those that voted for him twice, were moronic.
Feelin' quite good about it, actually...


Thank me later.


Really nice of you to want to be thanked for voting for the guy who has the highest poverty ever in the History of the US. Slap yourself on the back for that one also.

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