Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?


You have to wonder what kinds of jobs were created under Obama.

Another fucking idiot?

Who is supplyin' the dimes?

You can go to BLS to find out what type of jobs...


You must not like the fact that the line goes up in the chart that I posted. Just for you I'll give you one where the line goes down. Hope that helps.

Not at all.....you're just another Drudge fed imbecile......

It is now Jan 2017.......instead of gorging on click bait, you can go to the sources of the data, and be CURRENT......

Here is an example..


You funny little boy. Welfare is still at record highs and the employment participation rate remains at a record low. From the BLS:

"The labor force participation rate, at 62.7 percent, changed little in December and was unchanged over the year."

Employment Situation Summary

If someone stops looking for work they are not counted as unemployed, which sadly makes the employment rate look better. If it weren't for the high numbers of people on welfare it would probably be less noticeable.



Show me your data on welfare...

LFPR is primarily a function of age demographics.....the measure is nominal employment gains, and to a lesser extent, those gains as a share of work force additions.....

You have to wonder what kinds of jobs were created under Obama.

Another fucking idiot?

Who is supplyin' the dimes?

You can go to BLS to find out what type of jobs...


You must not like the fact that the line goes up in the chart that I posted. Just for you I'll give you one where the line goes down. Hope that helps.

Not at all.....you're just another Drudge fed imbecile......

It is now Jan 2017.......instead of gorging on click bait, you can go to the sources of the data, and be CURRENT......

Here is an example..


You funny little boy. Welfare is still at record highs and the employment participation rate remains at a record low. From the BLS:

"The labor force participation rate, at 62.7 percent, changed little in December and was unchanged over the year."

Employment Situation Summary

If someone stops looking for work they are not counted as unemployed, which sadly makes the employment rate look better. If it weren't for the high numbers of people on welfare it would probably be less noticeable.


If someone stops looking for work they are not counted as unemployed, which sadly makes the employment rate look better.

U3 for Idiots....now tell me what that has to do with NOMINAL JOBS DATA.......
In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's
WASHINGTON — Now an elder statesman, Barack Obama is returning to Chicago where he launched his unlikely political career to tell Americans not to lose faith in their future, no matter what they think about their next president.

Obama's final speech as president, before thousands who will gather at McCormick Place, is his last chance to try to define what his presidency meant for America. It's a fitting bookend to what he started eight years ago. It was in Chicago in 2008 that the nation's first black president declared victory, and where over the years he tried to cultivate his brand of optimism in American politics.

Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.
"would of"? LOL.

What is your first language? I ask this because obviously it isn't English.

I bet you are one of those uneducated morons who says this about people who emigrate here from a country where English isn't their native language.

"When dey come here, dey bedder leern how ta speek amerikan".
"Would of been a great leader". That is the proper grammar, but as I can tell, you must be from the Grammar Police, from some public education system who "Thinks" that you are high and righteous. But, and liberals are always big butts, you have just made yourself look the tard that many think you are. By the way, I never completed college as I have seen many morons come out of higher education, without improved communications skills. I laugh at your lack of intelligence.
For future reference, I don't think you really need to tell people that you never completed college. Its like telling someone its raining when they are standing in the rain. Not exactly something they were not aware of.
I am proud not to be a liberal college puke with about as much knowledge about life as Obama had with being president. He even admitted that he had to use affirmative action(a liberal policy to put people of color without skills above others) to get where he was today. I on the other hand, had to start work at minimum wage $2.10 an hour, find out how screwed up that life was, so got skills to use to make my wealth. I learned about the stock market, how to play up sides and down sides, so can increase my wealth 6 times, not steal money from one group of money to give to another. I have helped other achieve great wealth also, not sit there in my parents basement feeling sorry for myself sucking off the government teat, and using my parents Netflix to have a floozy girlfriend to screw like a rabbit. But and once again liberals have big butts, that is why they have an ass for their political party, I love it when libtards bash me, I have very thick skin and can take it, for I know where I am today, while they moan and groan how their lives suck, so want the government to punish me. I no longer feel sorry for them, but instead laugh at them.
In final speech, Obama must reconcile his hopes with Trump's
WASHINGTON — Now an elder statesman, Barack Obama is returning to Chicago where he launched his unlikely political career to tell Americans not to lose faith in their future, no matter what they think about their next president.

Obama's final speech as president, before thousands who will gather at McCormick Place, is his last chance to try to define what his presidency meant for America. It's a fitting bookend to what he started eight years ago. It was in Chicago in 2008 that the nation's first black president declared victory, and where over the years he tried to cultivate his brand of optimism in American politics.

Good riddance, scum like you would of been a great leader in Cuba, but the US doesn't like you or your policies and that is why Trump is going to be the next president.
"would of"? LOL.

What is your first language? I ask this because obviously it isn't English.

I bet you are one of those uneducated morons who says this about people who emigrate here from a country where English isn't their native language.

"When dey come here, dey bedder leern how ta speek amerikan".
"Would of been a great leader". That is the proper grammar, but as I can tell, you must be from the Grammar Police, from some public education system who "Thinks" that you are high and righteous. But, and liberals are always big butts, you have just made yourself look the tard that many think you are. By the way, I never completed college as I have seen many morons come out of higher education, without improved communications skills. I laugh at your lack of intelligence.
For future reference, I don't think you really need to tell people that you never completed college. Its like telling someone its raining when they are standing in the rain. Not exactly something they were not aware of.
I am proud not to be a liberal college puke with about as much knowledge about life as Obama had with being president. He even admitted that he had to use affirmative action(a liberal policy to put people of color without skills above others) to get where he was today. I on the other hand, had to start work at minimum wage $2.10 an hour, find out how screwed up that life was, so got skills to use to make my wealth. I learned about the stock market, how to play up sides and down sides, so can increase my wealth 6 times, not steal money from one group of money to give to another. I have helped other achieve great wealth also, not sit there in my parents basement feeling sorry for myself sucking off the government teat, and using my parents Netflix to have a floozy girlfriend to screw like a rabbit. But and once again liberals have big butts, that is why they have an ass for their political party, I love it when libtards bash me, I have very thick skin and can take it, for I know where I am today, while they moan and groan how their lives suck, so want the government to punish me. I no longer feel sorry for them, but instead laugh at them.
I think I read into that last post I responded to wrong. I agree with you 100% on this. Well, close to 100%, there is something to be said about the sex starved floozy that will have non-stop sex just for the chance to watch netflix.
Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide than at any other time since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, a shattered Ukraine and Syria, and anxious, angry allies, everywhere...

Never mind phukking-up the healthcare system even more than it already was, for everyone else, just to cover several million who were un-covered...

Never mind floating a disasterous TPP that would have harmed even more Americans than have already been harmed by greedy corporatists off-shoring jobs...

Mister Hopey-Changey...

Last edited:
Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, and anxious, angry allies...

Mister Hopey-Changey...

Yes...when you have the entire corporate media behind Big Ears and blasting favorable propaganda into the heads of Americans, his wins were ordained. Of course, the Rs ran two big dumb asses against him, which sure helped.

funny how Ds like to cite BO's wins, but never cite how he lost majorities in both Houses quickly...and the D party is wiped out in many states around the country...and if he were so great, his chosen successor, the Criminal Hillary, would have easily won.

Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, and anxious, angry allies...

Mister Hopey-Changey...

Yes...when you have the entire corporate media behind Big Ears and blasting favorable propaganda into the heads of Americans, his wins were ordained. Of course, the Rs ran two big dumb asses against him, which sure helped.

funny how Ds like to cite BO's wins, but never cite how he lost majorities in both Houses quickly...and the D party is wiped out in many states around the country...and if he were so great, his chosen successor, the Criminal Hillary, would have easily won.

It clearly escaped your notice, but I'm not the one in the habit of relying on opinion pieces from Partisan media.....I just put up the objective evidence and challenge people to reconcile it with the slogans they've been told to bleat...

You Idiots never fare well...
Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, and anxious, angry allies...

Mister Hopey-Changey...

Yes...when you have the entire corporate media behind Big Ears and blasting favorable propaganda into the heads of Americans, his wins were ordained. Of course, the Rs ran two big dumb asses against him, which sure helped.

funny how Ds like to cite BO's wins, but never cite how he lost majorities in both Houses quickly...and the D party is wiped out in many states around the country...and if he were so great, his chosen successor, the Criminal Hillary, would have easily won.

It clearly escaped your notice, but I'm not the one in the habit of relying on opinion pieces from Partisan media.....I just put up the objective evidence and challenge people to reconcile it with the slogans they've been told to bleat...

You Idiots never fare well...
Lib Think:



proof of mental illness.
Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, and anxious, angry allies...

Mister Hopey-Changey...

Yes...when you have the entire corporate media behind Big Ears and blasting favorable propaganda into the heads of Americans, his wins were ordained. Of course, the Rs ran two big dumb asses against him, which sure helped.

funny how Ds like to cite BO's wins, but never cite how he lost majorities in both Houses quickly...and the D party is wiped out in many states around the country...and if he were so great, his chosen successor, the Criminal Hillary, would have easily won.

It clearly escaped your notice, but I'm not the one in the habit of relying on opinion pieces from Partisan media.....I just put up the objective evidence and challenge people to reconcile it with the slogans they've been told to bleat...

You Idiots never fare well...
You put up fake news, from liberal propaganda machines who are in the tank for the dictator in chief who loved to golf, more than his country.

Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, and anxious, angry allies...

Mister Hopey-Changey...

Yes...when you have the entire corporate media behind Big Ears and blasting favorable propaganda into the heads of Americans, his wins were ordained. Of course, the Rs ran two big dumb asses against him, which sure helped.

funny how Ds like to cite BO's wins, but never cite how he lost majorities in both Houses quickly...and the D party is wiped out in many states around the country...and if he were so great, his chosen successor, the Criminal Hillary, would have easily won.

It clearly escaped your notice, but I'm not the one in the habit of relying on opinion pieces from Partisan media.....I just put up the objective evidence and challenge people to reconcile it with the slogans they've been told to bleat...

You Idiots never fare well...
Better look now, tard, but your side lost big, not only for the president, but seats in the senate and congress, and many state governorships. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, you would of seen such a landslide election of 2016.

Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide than at any other time since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, a shattered Ukraine and Syria, and anxious, angry allies, everywhere...

Never mind phukking-up the healthcare system even more than it already was, for everyone else, just to cover several million who were un-covered...

Never mind floating a disasterous TPP that would have harmed even more Americans than have already been harmed by greedy corporatists off-shoring jobs...

Mister Hopey-Changey...


I would care, but you're no more tethered than the overt Trumpkins....

Did white people not take any of the more than 11 million net new jobs since Feb 2009?

Did they not get any part of the largest annual increase in real median household income since the stat was first tracked?

Were they not among the millions who now have health insurance?

If not, maybe these people should turn off FOX and Rush, put down the banjo, get off the fucking porch and take one of the 5 million jobs currently going begging.
Obama's Fairwell Speech, do you want to say something to him?
Yeah, make sure the place is thoroughly clean and all the dog feces in the Rose Garden are removed, otherwise we're not giving you your security deposit back.
Yo Barack...aren't you embarrassed by the energy and optimism of the Trump organization? I have a feeling you have no idea what I'm talking sbout.

Why would he?

Obama won two elections with more than 51% of the popular vote.......the first to do so since Eisenhower....


Not so much......
Of course he did.

He was The Magic Negro.

Mister Hopey-Changey.

For Blacks, maybe...

For Illegal Alien kids, maybe...

For culturally-suicidal Whites who would rather stand with an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens than with their own countrymen, maybe...

Not for Mainstream (White, Working Class) America, however...

Resulting in a shattered Democratic Party and the fewest Democrats holding elective office nationwide than at any other time since 1929...

Never mind an inflamed Middle East that is in far worse shape (did not think that possible, after Shrub) than he inherited...

Never mind a broadly disasterous foreign policy, an emboldened Russia and China, a shattered Ukraine and Syria, and anxious, angry allies, everywhere...

Never mind phukking-up the healthcare system even more than it already was, for everyone else, just to cover several million who were un-covered...

Never mind floating a disasterous TPP that would have harmed even more Americans than have already been harmed by greedy corporatists off-shoring jobs...

Mister Hopey-Changey...


I would care, but you're no more tethered than the overt Trumpkins....

Did white people not take any of the more than 11 million net new jobs since Feb 2009?

Did they not get any part of the largest annual increase in real median household income since the stat was first tracked?

Were they not among the millions who now have health insurance?

If not, maybe these people should turn off FOX and Rush, put down the banjo, get off the fucking porch and take one of the 5 million jobs currently going begging.
Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years
Two-thirds of those who have found employment under President Obama are immigrants, both legal and illegal, according to an analysis that suggests immigration has soaked up a large portion of what little job growth there has been over the past three years.
Did you have a thrill run up your leg(like Chris Mathews) when Obama took over the office of the president? Because if you did, no matter what we show you, like Chris Mathews, you would suck Obama's penis if he presented it to you, you are such a goose stepping, kool aid drinking. low information, mind numbed, useful idiot. The reason why HRC(the vagina candidate) lost was because more working class US citizens were tired of being treated like 2nd or worse 3rd class, so they went out and voted against 4 more years of Obama's failed policies. So continue to suck his penis, he has loved it for those 8 years, and if you don't like what is being said, Cuba is open, freely take your sorry ass, and leave for that socialist utopian paradise, as the US Citizens have spoken, we don't want you here.

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