Obama's gas policy


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mr President,
I need to drive a truck for my construction business, can you and the government do something about gas prices?

F you cracker, you need to buy a new electric car sold by my eeerrrrr General Motors. It will only set you back about $40,000 unless you want air conditioning.
What do you want big government to do about gas prices? Regulate supply and demand? At least the Republicans on board will come on against this.

The thing to do IS to use more efficient vehicles for our daily commutes. Probably no need to force you to buy American, but get some fuel efficient car for non HD use. If everyone, enough people do, demand for fuel will go down and so will prices. Capitalism.

Thanks to the emerging markets in China and the rest of the world I doubt fuel prices will ever hit $1 a gallon again.

Think of it this way. If my 98 MarkVIII got better fuel economy than my 89 Toronado I would be using less fuel now. Apply that to the country on the whole and prices would go down. Obviously if I am driving a 280HP vehicle where a 160HP vehicle used to do I could be doing my part too.

I'm back to siding with you Rambunctious, I want big government to raise the CAFE standards even more to help us support the troops and ourselves.
Mr President,
I need to drive a truck for my construction business, can you and the government do something about gas prices?

F you cracker, you need to buy a new electric car sold by my eeerrrrr General Motors. It will only set you back about $40,000 unless you want air conditioning.

Dont you pass on your gas expenses to the consumers? And why should government do anything about gas prices? You a Socialist? Do you want Capitalism and a free market or not??:lol: Love to hear Cons whine..............
What do you want big government to do about gas prices? Regulate supply and demand? At least the Republicans on board will come on against this.

The thing to do IS to use more efficient vehicles for our daily commutes. Probably no need to force you to buy American, but get some fuel efficient car for non HD use. If everyone, enough people do, demand for fuel will go down and so will prices. Capitalism.

Thanks to the emerging markets in China and the rest of the world I doubt fuel prices will ever hit $1 a gallon again.

Think of it this way. If my 98 MarkVIII got better fuel economy than my 89 Toronado I would be using less fuel now. Apply that to the country on the whole and prices would go down. Obviously if I am driving a 280HP vehicle where a 160HP vehicle used to do I could be doing my part too.

I'm back to siding with you Rambunctious, I want big government to raise the CAFE standards even more to help us support the troops and ourselves.

I want them to open more drilling in the USA. Increase the supply that is already here.
What do you want big government to do about gas prices? Regulate supply and demand? At least the Republicans on board will come on against this.

The thing to do IS to use more efficient vehicles for our daily commutes. Probably no need to force you to buy American, but get some fuel efficient car for non HD use. If everyone, enough people do, demand for fuel will go down and so will prices. Capitalism.

Thanks to the emerging markets in China and the rest of the world I doubt fuel prices will ever hit $1 a gallon again.

Think of it this way. If my 98 MarkVIII got better fuel economy than my 89 Toronado I would be using less fuel now. Apply that to the country on the whole and prices would go down. Obviously if I am driving a 280HP vehicle where a 160HP vehicle used to do I could be doing my part too.

I'm back to siding with you Rambunctious, I want big government to raise the CAFE standards even more to help us support the troops and ourselves.

I want them to open more drilling in the USA. Increase the supply that is already here.

Increasing production at home will only help a bit, and it is only a short term solution. Most of our remaining reserves will be very expensive to draw from which will just bump prices even higher. It would help some though, but it is not the golden egg you may hope it to be. Our largest reserves are in shale, and as of yet, they haven't figured out a way to get the oil out in a cost effective way or an environmentally effective way. If they ever do figure it out, we have more oil than the rest of the world combined, but I wouldn't count on that at this point.

As much as it hurts, with oil prices going up, other forms of energy will become less expensive comparatively and eventually may actually bring down the prices of those alternatives.
What do you want big government to do about gas prices? Regulate supply and demand? At least the Republicans on board will come on against this.

The thing to do IS to use more efficient vehicles for our daily commutes. Probably no need to force you to buy American, but get some fuel efficient car for non HD use. If everyone, enough people do, demand for fuel will go down and so will prices. Capitalism.

Thanks to the emerging markets in China and the rest of the world I doubt fuel prices will ever hit $1 a gallon again.

Think of it this way. If my 98 MarkVIII got better fuel economy than my 89 Toronado I would be using less fuel now. Apply that to the country on the whole and prices would go down. Obviously if I am driving a 280HP vehicle where a 160HP vehicle used to do I could be doing my part too.

I'm back to siding with you Rambunctious, I want big government to raise the CAFE standards even more to help us support the troops and ourselves.

I want them to open more drilling in the USA. Increase the supply that is already here.

Increasing production at home will only help a bit, and it is only a short term solution. Most of our remaining reserves will be very expensive to draw from which will just bump prices even higher. It would help some though, but it is not the golden egg you may hope it to be. Our largest reserves are in shale, and as of yet, they haven't figured out a way to get the oil out in a cost effective way or an environmentally effective way. If they ever do figure it out, we have more oil than the rest of the world combined, but I wouldn't count on that at this point.

As much as it hurts, with oil prices going up, other forms of energy will become less expensive comparatively and eventually may actually bring down the prices of those alternatives.

Independent companies drill about 90% of the wells in this country, and they produce the majority of our oil. There is no mechanism for them to "pass on" expenses to the consumer. They take the price of crude and products as it is - not make it.
The government can effect prices in many ways. Here are three ideas:

1) Open up more areas, esp off shore to drilling.

2) Relax stupid regulations on what can and cannot be blended into gasoline. The ethanol directive has added significantly to the cost of gas.

3) Defend the value of the U.S. dollar. Since oil is traded in dollars, when the dollar is weak oil prices go up.

Of course the Obamarrhoidal Lib-tards will scream about the environment. Fuck them. There has been little positive effect on the environment from all these laws.

What is Obama's policy? "I've got mine, everyone else can just eat arugula."
Each oil well has its break even price per barrell. As pointed out elsewhere thanks to capitalism ours shut down when oil prices drop below $?? A barrell. Bring it up to $150 or $200 a barrel and our companies probably get more excited.

I view only pumping at xx% of our capacity as a conservative military strategy.

To over simplify, Imagine how terrible it would be to use up our oil before the Iranians do. Then we would be at their mercy. I am conservative in this respect. Will not be the one wildly doing something just hoping wind power saves the day.

If we can also keep a nicer encironment than China in the process I am double for this.

What else can be blended into gasoline? This idea has my attention.
Mr President,
I need to drive a truck for my construction business, can you and the government do something about gas prices?

F you cracker, you need to buy a new electric car sold by my eeerrrrr General Motors. It will only set you back about $40,000 unless you want air conditioning.

What would you like Obama to do, cracker? Are you actually asking the Federal Government to help out your private business? Sure sounds like Socialism to me.....:eusa_whistle:
The government can effect prices in many ways. Here are three ideas:

1) Open up more areas, esp off shore to drilling.

2) Relax stupid regulations on what can and cannot be blended into gasoline. The ethanol directive has added significantly to the cost of gas.

3) Defend the value of the U.S. dollar. Since oil is traded in dollars, when the dollar is weak oil prices go up.

Of course the Obamarrhoidal Lib-tards will scream about the environment. Fuck them. There has been little positive effect on the environment from all these laws.

What is Obama's policy? "I've got mine, everyone else can just eat arugula."

#1. Floridians will never allow offshore oil rigs. Tourism is too big an industry there. Of course if no one comes to Florida because of the cost of gas...

#2. Not to mention the cost of corn because of the increased use of ethanol. Some of the increase in gas prices in the current month is because of the refineries changing over to summer blended gas. The summer blend does not evaporate as fast because of the additives so technically this is an advantage for the consumer and the environment because these fumes are not added to the pollution of the country.

#3. Maybe oil should be traded in Euros or better yet, Yuan since they are the most vibrant economy in the world today!
Mr President,
I need to drive a truck for my construction business, can you and the government do something about gas prices?

F you cracker, you need to buy a new electric car sold by my eeerrrrr General Motors. It will only set you back about $40,000 unless you want air conditioning.

Obama says you need to trade in your 8mpg vehicle. I'm not sure what he wants the folks driving those big trucks that move our goods, construction type heavy work, or them folks that have those furnace thingies, are supposed to do.

I can't believe the idiot laughs like he's some kinda funny man when he says something so fuckin arrogant and stupid.
Mr President,
I need to drive a truck for my construction business, can you and the government do something about gas prices?

F you cracker, you need to buy a new electric car sold by my eeerrrrr General Motors. It will only set you back about $40,000 unless you want air conditioning.

Maybe the government should step in and regulate gasoline prices.

Is that what you want, cracker?
Mr President,
I need to drive a truck for my construction business, can you and the government do something about gas prices?

F you cracker, you need to buy a new electric car sold by my eeerrrrr General Motors. It will only set you back about $40,000 unless you want air conditioning.

Actually they want to tax you for the miles you drive, and top of the tax they have on gas.

Aside from that, reducing non-safety regs will lower the cost of doing biz that can lead to a lower cost of oil.

Of course he can stop causing the suffering of some unemployed workers by allowing companies to drill for more oil. More oil leads to lower prices.

but that is not the plan. The plan is to make it worse and worse knowing full well all the "green" crap of his is too far off to be a legit source.
Mr President,
I need to drive a truck for my construction business, can you and the government do something about gas prices?

F you cracker, you need to buy a new electric car sold by my eeerrrrr General Motors. It will only set you back about $40,000 unless you want air conditioning.

What would you like Obama to do, cracker? Are you actually asking the Federal Government to help out your private business? Sure sounds like Socialism to me.....:eusa_whistle:
Well, he could stop printing up money, like paper and ink are going out of style.

Sounds like monetary malpractice to me.
When gas was over $4.00 a gallon when Bush was President all you heard was bitching and moaning about what a hobo he was for allowing the gas prices to get this high. With Obama, hardly anything is being said. What's up with that? Were they bitching because Bush was a Republican, white, and not a muslim or did they show real concern for high gas prices and now that we have a black, Democrat muslim President it doesn't matter any more? Which is it?
Mr President,
I need to drive a truck for my construction business, can you and the government do something about gas prices?

F you cracker, you need to buy a new electric car sold by my eeerrrrr General Motors. It will only set you back about $40,000 unless you want air conditioning.

What would you like Obama to do, cracker? Are you actually asking the Federal Government to help out your private business? Sure sounds like Socialism to me.....:eusa_whistle:

I understood that he was asking for government to get out of the way of his business. Government for the last six years has been trying to legislate behavior. Using food for fuel when fuel is available is .... stupid. It is driving up the food prices that drive up the oil prices (ME countries import grains that are paid for with oil money), that drives up the food prices .... vicious circle.
Mr President,
I need to drive a truck for my construction business, can you and the government do something about gas prices?

F you cracker, you need to buy a new electric car sold by my eeerrrrr General Motors. It will only set you back about $40,000 unless you want air conditioning.

Actually they want to tax you for the miles you drive, and top of the tax they have on gas.

Aside from that, reducing non-safety regs will lower the cost of doing biz that can lead to a lower cost of oil.

Of course he can stop causing the suffering of some unemployed workers by allowing companies to drill for more oil. More oil leads to lower prices.

but that is not the plan. The plan is to make it worse and worse knowing full well all the "green" crap of his is too far off to be a legit source.

:lol: That's funny as long as you remove the main function of a corporation is to make more money. If corps agreed to make less money then yeah.
When gas was over $4.00 a gallon when Bush was President all you heard was bitching and moaning about what a hobo he was for allowing the gas prices to get this high. With Obama, hardly anything is being said. What's up with that? Were they bitching because Bush was a Republican, white, and not a muslim or did they show real concern for high gas prices and now that we have a black, Democrat muslim President it doesn't matter any more? Which is it?
I believe the terms were "obscene profits" and "windfall profits"...Both of which need to have the shit taxed out of them.

Now, all you need to do is go trade in your car for an Obammymobile. :doubt:
When gas was over $4.00 a gallon when Bush was President all you heard was bitching and moaning about what a hobo he was for allowing the gas prices to get this high. With Obama, hardly anything is being said. What's up with that? Were they bitching because Bush was a Republican, white, and not a muslim or did they show real concern for high gas prices and now that we have a black, Democrat muslim President it doesn't matter any more? Which is it?
I believe the terms were "obscene profits" and "windfall profits"...Both of which need to have the shit taxed out of them.

Now, all you need to do is go trade in your car for an Obammymobile. :doubt:

Or, a Pelosi!

Mr President,
I need to drive a truck for my construction business, can you and the government do something about gas prices?

F you cracker, you need to buy a new electric car sold by my eeerrrrr General Motors. It will only set you back about $40,000 unless you want air conditioning.

What would you like Obama to do, cracker? Are you actually asking the Federal Government to help out your private business? Sure sounds like Socialism to me.....:eusa_whistle:

I understood that he was asking for government to get out of the way of his business. Government for the last six years has been trying to legislate behavior. Using food for fuel when fuel is available is .... stupid. It is driving up the food prices that drive up the oil prices (ME countries import grains that are paid for with oil money), that drives up the food prices .... vicious circle.

Now that I am through laughing. I assume you have data to support this assertion?

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