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Obama's goal is to secularize everything, including religion itself.

Nope no one is forcing a single person to take contraceptives.

Your Muslim comparison doesn't work. Now if they were forcing Catholic shops to sell condoms or RU486 pills it might work.....

No the government only FORCING THE CHURCH TO PAY FOR THEM.. Much like a Muslim would be FORCED to pay for and sell pork..


I don't think you're intelligent or knowledgeable enough to comprehend my point either...

Bullshit. I am forced to by the government to buy insurance for my cars and motorcycles. I think the insurance companies pay for them. The hospitals or other Catholic businesses would have to pay the premimums, just like every other business that employs over 15 people.

It has nothing to do with religious beliefs or forcing the Catholic Church to change it's belief.

You're NOT forced to buy insurance via the federal government - you're forced to buy insurance via the STATE GOVERNMENT - big fucking difference there buddy..

Once again you're too ignorant to understand...........
The secularists of the French Revolution regarded the Roman Catholic Church as the last obstacle to atheism's final triumph. Blurting this out, the French dilettante Denis Diderot proposed to his fellow revolutionaries that they strangle the last priest with the "guts of the last king."

Under this spirit, the forces of secularism picked up speed in the 18th and 19th century, went into overdrive in the 20th, and now floor it in the 21st. Barack Obama is the one these revolutionaries have been "waiting for." He is the stealth radical, soft in temperament but hard in thought, who seeks to use religiosity without religion to purge all traces of God from public life.


Obama's secularism is like an acid that burns through everything it touches. His poisonous ideology authorizes him not just to "separate church and state" but to dominate church and state. The goal of this control is to secularize everything, including religion itself.

Contained within his secularism is a totalitarian seed, which will grow and grow until nothing is a "private" matter. As the hapless executives at the Komen Foundation recently learned--after committing the thought crime of withholding private donations from abortionists--no one is free to leave Obama's Animal Farm.

Some pigs on it are more equal than others, and, remember, the secularist Napoleons can never be wrong. Listen carefully enough to Kathleen Sebelius's defense of Obama's raping of religious freedom and one can hear the thuggish voice of totalitarianism. Did you see what she cited as proof of Obamacare's respect for conscience? That the government will refrain from injecting Catholic women with birth control! Wow, what a thoughtful regime. Even one of Stalin's party hacks might have grinned at the crude logic of that one.

The American Spectator : The Audacity of Obama's Secularism

Requiring employers to offer this service as part of the insurance package is hardly like acid or an attempt to dominate the church.

It's not like he's demanding the Church change it's position that using birth control is a sin. They are free to continue to sell that bit to their followers aren't they?

Yeah, because free exercise of religion is all about what you SAY. Who cares if you're being legally forced to commit a sin, as long as no one's stopping you from SAYING it's a sin?
Requiring employers to offer this service as part of the insurance package is hardly like acid or an attempt to dominate the church.

It's not like he's demanding the Church change it's position that using birth control is a sin. They are free to continue to sell that bit to their followers aren't they?

the Church doesn't want anything to do with buying/selling insurance that provides contraceptives...

using a bureaucratic rule to squelch the First Amendment is one damned sneaky trick....

for a President who claims to be a "Constitutional scholar"....he's being pretty obtuse....

Couldn't they just inform their employees who use this feature of their insurance that they might be risking an eternity in hell for doing so? I mean it seems to work so well for the most of the Catholic women.......:lol:

Oh, yeah, that'll fix the problem. "Here's some money to go commit this act, but remember that this act WE'RE PAYING FOR is a sin!"

Are you really this stupid, shitbird, or is it that you just don't give a fuck about the freedoms of other people to do things if you, in your infinite wisdom, have decided it's not worth doing? Because you should remember that many people out there think the freedoms YOU treasure aren't worth a bucket of warm spit, either.
Liberals think that it is not possible to refuse to pay for someone else's elective medical care without being religious. They are wrong.
The part before the underlined part. Specifically, "respecting."

Apparently the First Amendment IS too difficult for some to understand..

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

That means government has NO BUSINESS getting involved in religion PERIOD..


That's what it means......

It means that religious beliefs can't be force on any citizen. The Catholics are still free to believe that using birth control is a sin. The Catholic elders are still free to tell all the Catholic women to not use birth control too.

But don't worry I sure the Cave-Man will show up at the WH any minute now.....

More brilliance. "The Catholics are still free to think and say anything they want. All we're doing is forcing them to DO things they disagree with. It shouldn't matter if we force them to commit sins as long as we don't stop them from SAYING it's a sin, should it?"

What an utter fucking retard you are.
It means that religious beliefs can't be force on any citizen. The Catholics are still free to believe that using birth control is a sin. The Catholic elders are still free to tell all the Catholic women to not use birth control too.

But don't worry I sure the Cave-Man will show up at the WH any minute now.....

No it means government needs to stay the fuck out of religion...........

Besides, FORCING contraceptives is hindering the practice of the faith..

You may as well FORCE a Muslim shop owner to sell pork products - because that is a perfect analogy to what is happening here.

I bet progressives would go batshit crazy if the government forced Muslim stores to carry pork products, however since we're only talking about Catholics here (the enemy of progressives) then apparently forcing them to pay for something that goes against their beliefs is perfectly fine.

Nope no one is forcing a single person to take contraceptives.

Your Muslim comparison doesn't work. Now if they were forcing Catholic shops to sell condoms or RU486 pills it might work.....

And as long as they're not personally taking them, it's okay to force them to participate in someone else taking them?

That's like saying it's okay to force me to perform an abortion, as long as you don't force me to have one myself.
Organized religion is the oldest and least productive industry in human history.
The sooner we shed some silly notion of a white bearded sky-grandpa who judges ALL humans throughout history for the deeds of two of our distant ancestors, the sooner we'll move out into the light of rational thought and all that dropping the baggage of GOD will allow us.

The sooner you shed the notion that it's your place to tell others what they should and shouldn't believe - or, indeed, shed the notion that anyone gives a rat's ass what you think at all - the better off we all will be.

I lived through a goodly portion of the twentieth century, with it's many monuments to the wonder and glories of atheist nations who had shed their silly religious notions - the Soviet Union, Mao Tse Tung's revolution in China, the killing fields in Cambodia, not to mention the Nazi regime of Germany - and I'll pass on what shitstains like you have to offer, thanks.
Couldn't they just inform their employees who use this feature of their insurance that they might be risking an eternity in hell for doing so? I mean it seems to work so well for the most of the Catholic women.......:lol:

no.....because buying/selling insurance with contraceptives would imply consent to the practice and be violating Church teachings....

Implied consent but that doesn't change the Churches teachings does it?

Yeah, why should they give a fuck about LIVING by their teachings, as long as they get to talk about them?

Fucking moron.
Nope no one is forcing a single person to take contraceptives.

Your Muslim comparison doesn't work. Now if they were forcing Catholic shops to sell condoms or RU486 pills it might work.....

No the government only FORCING THE CHURCH TO PAY FOR THEM.. Much like a Muslim would be FORCED to pay for and sell pork..


I don't think you're intelligent or knowledgeable enough to comprehend my point either...

Bullshit. I am forced to by the government to buy insurance for my cars and motorcycles. I think the insurance companies pay for them. The hospitals or other Catholic businesses would have to pay the premimums, just like every other business that employs over 15 people.

It has nothing to do with religious beliefs or forcing the Catholic Church to change it's belief.

Actually, you're not. You're required to have insurance in order to use government-owned roadways. No insurance is needed simply to own the vehicle.

As for your continued brilliance with "I think the insurance companies pays for them", where do you think the insurance company gets the money to pay for things, shitforbrains? Huh? Where do you think they get that money? From the premiums you and their other customers pay, maybe? Or do the cash fairies flitter down and deliver it to them?

My God, your IQ must be in negative integers by now.

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