Obama's going to try Guantanamo detainees in US criminal courts

This holding of detainees without being charged is nothing new. Think of the Japanese who were put in camps after Pearl Harbor. When do these trials begin?
but the war isn't over. Close Gitmo. Where do you put them?

You put them where we put all of the other criminals because that's exactly what they are .. criminals. And, you prosecute them jst as you would anyother criminal.

You cannot bomb, strafe, and murder terrorism .. it's a tactic .. thus the "war on terrorism" is a war on a tactic. That would be stupid.

But once again, Americans cannot deal with truth. Truth is the red pill and we don't want it because our illusions are much more comfortable in a land where you don't have to think .. our thinking is being done for us and we call that freedom.

Underneath the slogan "war on terrorism" is a plot that we don't see .. no differently than underneath the "war on drugs" is a plot that we don't see.

We don't see it because we are blessed to live in a land where our thinking is done for us .. truly we are blessed.
Were these people AT WAR and captured? no they weren't. You comparing them to soliders captured during combat is utterly ridiculous IMO.

Some of these people were turned in for reward that was offered by the U.S. for information on terrorist activity....

Again I ask, Allie, where should they be tried? They are being held for supposed crimes against the U.S.

Perhaps a federal court should handle it or an international court but then charges need to be filed and attorney's appointed for these defendants and evidence shared....

and I love it when Repubs act like they can detain people forever without trial and recourse. If as you say they are POWs then why are they still being held?

You have no idea what kind of people are in Gitmo. I have talked to a few soldiers who served there. Most of the lesser detainees have been moved to other locations/countries already. Of the remaining 200 or so insurgents that are left,they are the WORST of the WORST and the reason they are there still is because no other countries will take them because they are dangerous. So sure... bring these terrorits to the USA now, maybe this time when they try to fly a plane into the white house they wont miss...asshat.:cuckoo:
Reclassify them as POWs and proceed from there. Otherwise, sort them out and send them through the Immigration system ... but then we might be seeing them again (too) soon.

Fuck that... terrorists do not deserve the honor of being classified a POW
The 9/11 report, if you read it, said that going after terrorists in a law enforcement manner was the wrong thing to do. This is what we'll be doing now.
Enemy combatants are not tried in US courts because they don't have the jurisdiction. It's a huge mistake and a Supreme Court Justice said the same a few months ago. "Americans will be less safe as a result" was the quote I believe.
Now Achmed the Terrorist will be given an OJ jury who will say: "I don't trust none of that DNA and forensic evidence".
Then they will be released into our streets where they will continue with their plans because no foreign country will want them. And when they do the cries from the left will be:

"It's Bushs' fault!"
well, not ALL of em
KSM shouldnt ever be let go
he was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attack, he should ROT there

if he was the mastermind of 9/11 why in the heck should he NOT be tried, convicted and imprisoned?

he should be....this would be justice.

If Obama doesn't shut down that travesty of American justice we call GITMO, then he is a fruad.
The 9/11 report, if you read it, said that going after terrorists in a law enforcement manner was the wrong thing to do. This is what we'll be doing now.
Enemy combatants are not tried in US courts because they don't have the jurisdiction. It's a huge mistake and a Supreme Court Justice said the same a few months ago. "Americans will be less safe as a result" was the quote I believe.
Now Achmed the Terrorist will be given an OJ jury who will say: "I don't trust none of that DNA and forensic evidence".
Then they will be released into our streets where they will continue with their plans because no foreign country will want them. And when they do the cries from the left will be:

"It's Bushs' fault!"

The 9/11 report is a joke from top to bottom and the failure of the war on terror is just more proof of its useless conclusions.

"they will be released into our streets" is just a really really silly comment said for effect.

... and yeah .. it is Bush's fault.
The Liberals are in Charge. There is no war on terror. These people are innocent shepards. Let them go.

why are we still arguing?
You have no idea what kind of people are in Gitmo. I have talked to a few soldiers who served there. Most of the lesser detainees have been moved to other locations/countries already. Of the remaining 200 or so insurgents that are left,they are the WORST of the WORST and the reason they are there still is because no other countries will take them because they are dangerous. So sure... bring these terrorits to the USA now, maybe this time when they try to fly a plane into the white house they wont miss...asshat.:cuckoo:

Then bring them to trial and sentence them for their crimes. Seems pretty simple to me....and they weren't aiming for the white house...it was the pentagon.... but good to know what the hell you are talking about :cuckoo:

yesterday it was revealed that no decision has been made how to handle the Gitmo detainees. Obama's first concern is protecting national security and not trying these people in civilian courts where everything is public record. So this entire thread is just more rumor and fear mongering from the right.

But there is also the problem of evidence gathered during questionable interogations, using water boarding and other forms of torture. That information will never stand up in court or shouldn't anyway.
if he was the mastermind of 9/11 why in the heck should he NOT be tried, convicted and imprisoned?

he should be....this would be justice.

oh, maybe because there is no evidence that would hold up in a court because he wasnt captured by law enforcement people

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