Obama's Killing Liberalism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.

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Diversity Over Competence

From the outset of this administration it has been clear that “diversity” (which to Obama means advancing the careers of every one of his cronies at the expense of non-Hispanic whites and males) over competence has been a major goal. And each week we see how much that harms national needs and shatters national unity.

This week’s big domestic fail, amusingly spun as “data exfiltration” of the over 21 million personnel files at the OPM, reveals the utter incompetence of Obama’s select OPM (Office of Personnel Management) head, Katherine Achuleta, who finally was axed.

It's hard to top the Office of Personnel Management when it comes to government incompetence. The agency -- which houses data on millions of current and former government workers, including security clearance files -- had been repeatedly warned that its network was vulnerable and that it was not in compliance with federal information security requirements. And it did next to nothing.

In May 2009, OPM's inspector general issued a "flash audit alert" noting its "security policies and procedures continue to remain severely outdated" and this was "compromising the confidentiality, integrity and/or availability of information."

By 2012, the IG was still complaining that OPM "does not have the ability to detect unauthorized devices connected to the OPM network."

Last year, it said OPM lacked "a comprehensive inventory of servers, databases and network devices," didn't do routine scans of its network for trouble and had substandard authentication requirements.

In the weeks since OPM revealed the latest attacks, it has managed to look even more incompetent. First, it downplayed the attack, then repeatedly revised the numbers upward, and even now laughably calls the attack an "incident" that involved "data exfiltration."

How significant was the incompetence?

Business Insider explains:

Contractors in Argentina and China were given "direct access to every row of data in every database" when they were hired by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to manage the personnel records of more than 14 million federal employees, a federal consultant told ArsTechnica.

The massive breach of OPM's database -- made public by the Obama administration this month -- prompted speculation over why the agency hadn't encrypted its systems, which contain the sensitive security clearance and background information for intelligence and military personnel.

Encryption, however, according to Ars, would not have helped in this case because administrators responsible for managing these records had root access to the system, Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity Dr. Andy Ozment testified yesterday at a two-hour hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

And it turns out that a systems administrator responsible for handling the agency's records "was in Argentina and his co-worker was physically located in the [People's Republic of China]," a consultant who worked with an OPM-contracted company told ArsTechnica.

"Both had direct access to every row of data in every database: they were root."[snip] The OPM IT team frequently outsources its work to foreign contractors working in their home country. Those holding Chinese passports are no exception.

"Another team that worked with these databases had at its head two team members with [People's Republic of China] passports," the consultant told Ars. "I know that because I challenged them personally and revoked their privileges."
He doesn't care about Steinle; she doesn't look like his daughters.

He does care about rewarding political cronies with patronage jobs for which they are unqualified.
The War On (Heterosexual) Sex

The bizarre inconsistencies involving sexual education and conduct must be creating a generation of celibate nutters.

At the same time that children are being exposed in the classrooms to the sort of sex education only sailors on leave in major ports once had, we are making heterosexual conduct by young people fraught with criminal consequences. In tony Fairfax, Virginia, for example, elementary students will be taught about oral, anal sex, and incest from which lessons parents cannot opt out. This sexualization of the young in our schools is not unique.

Federal tax dollars are being withheld from school systems that do not conduct gender identity classes and educators are taking this to be an order to sexualize our children already bombarded by twerking, rap culture, and other execrable behavior.

Oregon, home of the multimillion dollar ObamaCare state healthcare fail, is now allowing 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized sex change operations without parental notification.

The list of things 15-year-olds are not legally allowed to do in Oregon is long: Drive, smoke, donate blood, get a tattoo -- even go to a tanning bed.

But, under a first-in-the-nation policy quietly enacted in January that many parents are only now finding out about, 15-year-olds are now allowed to get a sex-change operation. Many residents are stunned to learn they can do it without parental notification -- and the state will even pay for it through its Medicaid program, the Oregon Health Plan.

My online friend “Ignatz Ratzkvwatzkv” asks if Oregon will provide name tags:

“so when the parents get home they know who the strange girl on the couch staring vacantly at the TV is instead of the strange boy that was there when they left?”

At the same time, teenagers and young adults are facing criminal charges and college expulsion for engaging in sexual relations.

California legislators are doing their part to kill passion in a society where the young have been sexualized from kindergarten on:

The California legislature has passed a bill requiring colleges and universities that receive state funds to adopt policies on sexual assault, including a first-of-its-kind mandate that students engaging in sexual activity obtain "affirmative consent" -- commonly referred to as the "yes means yes" requirement.


Those would include a standard of "affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity" that is "ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time."[snip] The move comes amid increased federal scrutiny of U.S. colleges and universities over their handling of sexual-assault claims and a growing movement of sexual-assault victims sharing their stories and filing federal complaints against their schools.

The bill also calls for "victim-centered policies" that ensure victims' and witnesses' privacy as well as other support during an investigation.

Recall, if you will, the effect of “victim centered policies” in the Duke Lacrosse Case and the


University of Virginia made-up rape story. These policies uniformly deprive young males of any reasonable due process protections. Eventually, claims by these young men will foster a new source of law firm revenue and bankrupt those colleges that comply with these misbegotten policies.

Aside from the federal mandates on sex education and federal and state mandates on Star Chamber sex tribunals on campus, there is the awful overreach of the sex offender statutes.

First came the story of Elkhart, Indiana’s Zach Anderson, which hit the front page of the The New York Times on Sunday (you read it here first). Zach, 19, had sex with a girl who told him she was 17 but turned out to be 14, and a judge decided that makes Zach a sex offender for life. Learning about his case, another family in Elkhart couldn’t believe it.

Their son was living out the exact same story.

As Fox28 reports, Darian Yoder, also a 19-year-old, met a girl on the same app Zach used, "Hot or Not." The girl said she was 17 but turned out to be 13 -- a fact Darian learned months after the encounter, when he was arrested for sexual misconduct.

Judge Dennis Wiley, the same judge who sneeringly told Zach, "That seems to be part of our culture now: meet, hook up, have sex, sayonara. Totally inappropriate behavior,” presided over Darian’s trial and sentenced him to the same draconian fate. Darian, like Zach, is now officially a sex offender, for life. As such, he cannot be around anyone under the age 18, as if he were some insatiable child molester. That includes his younger brother and sister, whom he has not seen since he was sentenced. His devastated family has been torn apart.


The young man can't go to church, a park, or even a mall.

"It's just far too much," said Yoder. "I have no life. I can't do anything."


Darian says he can't be near anyone under age 18, including his younger brother and sister, whom he hasn't seen since his arrest.

"I mean we can't have Christmas," said Messick. "He can’t see them on his birthday, he can't... anything"


That is the power we give judges and prosecutors with our all-encompassing definition of what constitutes a sex offender. [snip] Of the 800,000 registered sex offenders, roughly a quarter of them were added as minors, because young people have sex with other young people.

The sex offender list is a dungeon we can throw people in on the slightest pretext. Politicians and grandstanders exhort us to fear those on it. But it’s a lot scarier to think about how easy it is for our sons to end up on that list themselves.
Illegal Immigrants

On the other hand, as we criminalize normal adolescent behavior which in fact we encourage in elementary-school classrooms, if you live in one of the left-wing enclaves which claim the high moral mantle of “sanctuary cities” and commit a crime you will not be held accountable and deported. And if you do this in the super left-wing city of San Francisco, the sheriff will even connive to spring you so you can take a privately-owned gun stolen from an FBI agent who carelessly left it in his car and use it to shoot dead a beautiful young woman walking with her father.

…according to a new report in the San Francisco Gate, San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi (who has a criminal history of his own) requested Sanchez be transferred into his jurisdiction.

San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi has deflected blame in the release of a Mexican national now facing murder charges in the Pier 14 slaying by demanding to know why federal authorities returned him to San Francisco to face a 20-year-old marijuana charge in the first place.

The answer, it turns out, is that the Sheriff’s Department asked federal officials to do so.

Mirkarimi’s agency requested custody of Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez as he was completing a 46-month stint in federal prison in March in San Bernardino County, according to a Sheriff’s Department letter obtained by The Chronicle. Lopez-Sanchez had been deported five times to Mexico and had been imprisoned for illegally re-entering the U.S.

Sanchez was released by the Sheriff's Department in March of this year. Four months later, he shot and killed Kate Steinle.

Sheriff Mirkarimi said in an interview with CNN earlier this week that he believes sanctuary city policies keep San Francisco citizens safe and said it's proper to keep those policies in place.

It seems to me that cities that treat the ICE (the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency) as enemies ought to be deprived of federal funds, but I guess that’s not as bad in the eyes of our “progressive” officeholders as refusing to teach gender identity, anal, and oral sex to kiddies, or depriving college men of the right to a fair trial when charged with sexual misconduct.

Urban Planners and the War on Suburbia

Americans like living in suburbs but the left is engaged in a war on the suburbs,one which is growing.

Theoretically, the suburbs should be the dominant politically force in America. Some 44 million Americans live in the core cities of America’s 51 major metropolitan areas, while nearly 122 million Americans live in the suburbs. In other words, nearly three-quarters of metropolitan Americans live in suburbs.

Yet it has been decided, mostly by self-described progressives, that suburban living is too unecological, not mention too uncool, and even too white for their future America. Density is their new holy grail, for both the world and the U.S. Across the country efforts are now being mounted -- through HUD, the EPA, and scores of local agencies -- to impede suburban home-building, or to raise its cost. Notably in coastal California, but other places, too, suburban housing is increasingly relegated to the affluent.

The obstacles being erected include incentives for density, urban growth boundaries, attempts to alter the race and class makeup of communities, and mounting environmental efforts to reduce sprawl. The EPA wants to designate even small, seasonal puddles as “wetlands,” creating a barrier to developers of middle-class housing, particularly in fast-growing communities in the Southwest. Denizens of free-market-oriented Texas could soon be experiencing what those in California, Oregon, and other progressive bastions have long endured: environmental laws that make suburban development all but impossible, or impossibly expensive. Suburban family favorites like cul-de-sacs are being banned under pressure from planners.

Like Hanson, the author of this article on the progressive assault on the suburbs predicts a coming political firestorm.

The left, however stupid, may sense this backlash, which along with their never-ending power grabs, might explain the increasingly outrageous assault on our constitutional rights. If I’m right that Obama’s failures expose them to a counterpunch, the left has and continues to violate the constitution to retain its hold on power.

The Assault on our Constitutional Rights

My friend Alex Bensky, the sage of Detroit, notes: “Let's see -- a leader who embodies the people, calls for national unity on his terms, and criticism of whom is ipso facto illegitimate and can only be motivated by illegitimate motives... the instruments of government suborned to promote the interests of the party and used to quash opposition and suppress dissent... a reorganization of the economy so it remains in private hands but not only is controlled by the government, but companies see the source of markets and profits to be the government, not customers... To quote Rocket J. Squirrel: "That voice... where have I heard that voice?"”

Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin, for example, who opposes the right ofcorporations to free speech, also opposes the rights of individuals to exercise it.

Does this cluelessness matter? I mean, she is the first woman Wisconsin elected to the Senate. Doesn’t that override her ignorance and tyranny?

She’s unfortunately not the only Wisconsin officeholder who wants to forbid any fightback against left-wing government.

This week we learned that former IRS apparatchik Lois Lerner was illegally conspiring to jail Obama opponents:

The FBI and Justice Department worked with Lois Lerner and the IRS to concoct some reason to put President Obama’s opponents in jail before his reelection, and this abuse resulted in the FBI’s illegally obtaining the IRS files of innocent Americans,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. The conservative watchdog group uncovered an IRS document that shows how the agency furnished the FBI with 21 computer disks bearing 1.25 million pages from some 113,000 tax records. This transfer included the improper disclosure of “confidential taxpayer information,” which is covered by two laws that carry criminal penalties: Internal Revenue Code Section 6103 and the federal Privacy Act. Given Team Obama’s Chinese-style stonewalling, congressional investigators are unlikely to solve this mystery. They also lack police power to do much about it.

We also learned that Lerner was quite obviously working with the ironically named Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) and Obama supporters elsewhere to stifle opposition:

Wisconsin prosecutors saw their pursuit of independent groups as part of a common agenda with national Democrats.[snip]

These interconnections matter because they reveal that the use of tax and campaign laws to limit political speech was part of a larger and systematic Democratic campaign. Speaking at the University of Wisconsin in 2010, President Obama sent his own political message to investigators.


Conservative nonprofits like the Wisconsin Club for Growth and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce were later subpoenaed and bound by secrecy orders as their fundraising all but ceased. Liberals worked together to turn the IRS and the GAB into partisan political weapons.

Fed up yet?

You can get sharpened pikes and pitchforks from my conveniently located shop on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. Better yet, work hard to oust these leftist elites; ridicule and resist them at every opportunity; and join together state by state to refuse to follow their ill-conceived dictates. Your choice, but do something, don’t just stand there.


Articles Obama s Killing the Left Let s Help Him

Blog DeBlasio presiding over rapid decline in NY city quality of life
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.


President Obama is NOT a liberal. Closer to the conservative end of the democratic spectrum.
July 11, 2015
Confederate Flag Grabber Exploits Murder Victims for Spotlight
By M Catharine Evans

Why would Brittany "Bree" Newsome, daughter of the Reverend Dr. Clarence G. Newsome, break the law and tear down a confederate flag from its flagpole if she didn't intend to cause a scene?

On Friday, South Carolina State Troopers cranked the confederate flag down the same 30-foot pole Newsome scaled on June 27, folded it, rolled it up, and marched away.

Newsome said she decided not to attend the “historic” flag removal ceremony on the grounds of the Statehouse in Columbia, S.C. because “my presence would only be a distraction."

Newsome’s decision must have been difficult, considering the woman’s lifelong record of craving for attention.

Bree’s activism has been all about drawing attention to herself in the guise of a cause that she describes as combating "white supremacist ideology and end the legacy of hate."

This "legacy of hate" has been good to Newsome and her family. Dr. Newsomewas a longtime Dean of Howard University’s School of Divinity, a faculty member at Duke University, a past president of Shaw University and currently the president of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Lynne Newsome, Bree’s mother, is a 30-year veteran educator and consultant on a variety of projects aimed at accelerating minority student achievement.

Newsome is hardly a poster woman for oppressed blacks. In 2004, YM magazine named her "one of the 20 coolest teens in America. The same year the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences awarded the aspiring filmmaker a $40,000 scholarship to New York University’s prestigious Tisch School of the Arts. Both YM and NATAS, at the time, were owned and managed by white people. Newsome's good fortune and privileged upbringing apparently wasn’t enough to secure the kind of fame she coveted.

In 2012, after participating in a Martha Vineyard’s African-American Film Fest, Newsome told an interviewer she “wouldn’t mind winning the most Oscars, Emmys, Tonys and Grammys of anyone in the world.” The wannabe director said she wanted to work in the entertainment field professionally. Nowhere in the online Q & A does Newsome mention a desire to save poor, black people from their white oppressors.

In 2014, during a panel discussion at Spelman College, Newsome all but admitted a career in activism beats trying to work her way up the ladder of success.

For as long as I can remember, I just became aware that simply being myself was an act of defiance. The space that exists for many of us, as a young black girl, is so extremely limited so that you really can’t go very far without being an activist, without being in defiance of something.

With past projects in film and music falling flat, including a short horror flick about a daughter who murders her domineering father, Newsome lent her limp talents to the black grievance industry.

In 2013, as a participant in the Moral Monday movement in North Carolina, Newsome staged a sit-in at House Speaker Thom Tillis' office along with other activists. The group claimed requiring voters to show an ID before casting a ballot was racist.

Newsome's family ties to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who also considers voter ID laws discriminatory, no doubt influenced Newsome to choose the lucrative and ego boosting work of "defiant" activism.

Dr. Newsome shared the story of his family's close relationship with Lynch at a Senate Judiciary hearing in January 2015. Speaking on behalf of Obama’s nominee to head the Department of Justice, Bree's father addressed the committee:

It is my pleasure and honor to appear before you to support the nomination of Attorney Loretta Elizabeth Lynch for the position of United States Attorney General.

I have known Loretta virtually all of her life. Our family relationships cover a period of 40 or more years. Her family has been associated with several branches of my family by way of the Baptist Church connection and the network of educators in the great state of North Carolina.

Her brother continues in that tradition of leadership even now. Her father and I have been ministerial colleagues since the 1970s. It was my privilege to teach her brother during the years that I served on the Duke Divinity School faculty. I have been able to maintain a warm personal association with her mother, an esteemed church leader and educator in her own right, for decades.

With strong connections to race-based operatives like Loretta Lynch and unable to hack it in the cut-throat business of moviemaking, Newsome appears to have decided to make a name for herself on the backs of the black murder victims in Charleston. That tragedy, along with the fabricated Confederate flag controversy, was evidenlty too good to pass up for the “defiant” flag-snatcher.

Fresh off a gig in West Baltimore, Newsome headed to Charleston where she said she was “shaken.” Before the curtain rose in Columbia, South Carolina, Newsome and 10 other activists rehearsed the daring pole-climbing stunt for two days in her hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina. Newsome’s opening act on June 27 was as close to an Oscar performance as the poseur has achieved so far.

The publicity and subsequent arrest led to media appearances, recognition, and big bucks. Newsome has been active in the Black Lives Matter movement since Ferguson but the Confederate flag snatch raised nearly $100,000 in less than 24 hours, ostensibly to bail her out of jail. The director of the movie Selma lauded her as a ‘superhero” while the president of the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP compared her to Rosa Parks. She has appeared on most major network and cable media shows. As a member of the scripted, manufactured, black elite stirring up the masses, Newsome is a pathetic and opportunistic representative of her “people.”
Articles Confederate Flag Grabber Exploits Murder Victims for Spotlight
July 12, 2015
The most amazing truth about California's water crisis
By Newsmachete

I read with great interest an article by Republican Rep. Devin Nunes about thereal cause of the water shortages in California.

In the summer of 2002, shortly before I was elected to Congress, I sat through an eye-opening meeting with representatives from the Natural Resources Defense Council... they told me something astonishing:

Their goal was to remove 1.3 million acres of farmland from production. They showed me maps that laid out their whole plan: From Merced all the way down to Bakersfield, and on the entire west side of the Valley as well as part of the east side, productive agriculture would end and the land would return to some ideal state of nature.

... large Democratic majorities in Congress passed [a water restriction act] in 1992... [Bush #1 was President in 1992] The act stipulated that 800,000 acre-feet of water — or 260 billion gallons — on the Valley's west side had to be diverted annually to environmental causes, with an additional 400,000 acre-feet later being diverted annually to wildlife refuges.

Lawsuits filed by the NRDC and similar organizations forced the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service to issue, respectively, biological opinions on smelt (in 2008) and on salmon (in 2009). These opinions virtually ended operation of the Jones and Banks pumping plants — the two major pumping stations that move San Joaquin River Delta water — and resulted in massive diversions of water for environmental purposes.

... on average, due to environmental regulations as well as a lack of water storage capacity (attributable, in large part, to activist groups' opposition to new storage projects), 70% of the water that enters the Delta is simply flushed into the ocean. California's water infrastructure was designed to withstand five years of drought, so the current crisis, which began about three years ago, should not be a crisis at all. During those three years, the state has flushed more than 2 million acre-feet of water — or 652 billion gallons — into the ocean due to the aforementioned biological opinions, which have prevented the irrigation infrastructure from operating at full capacity.

So in other words, there is plenty of water available, but more than 200 billion acre-feet a year is simply discarded to favor the fish.

Because the environmentalists need enemies, they perpetuate a lie that farmers use 80% of the state's water, but:

This statistic, widely parroted by the media and some politicians, is a gross distortion. Of the water that is captured for use, farmers get 40%, cities get 10% and a full 50% goes to environmental purposes

Read the LA Slimes, as Mark Levin calls it, or any other major newspaper covering this crisis, and you will read about evil homeowners who water their lawns, or farmers taking water for their own evil purposes (creating food and keeping people employed). You will read almost nowhere that this crisis was caused by the environmentalists. It is well-known that they have blocked the construction of new dams and water transmission facilities, but beyond that, we are literally flushing water into the sea to protect a bunch of insignificant fish.

I say insignificant because, in my view, compared to the livelihoods of human beings, fish are insignificant. Unfortunately, this is not the view held by those in power, or by most of their silent Republican co-conspirators. Rep. Nunes has spoken out, but most other Republicans keep silent, for fear of being painted as "against the environment." They completely fail to see the opportunity of being painted "pro-people."
Blog The most amazing truth about California s water crisis
By Joseph Curl - The Washington Times - Thursday, June 11, 2015

President Obama wants to “diversify” wealthy neighborhoods in America, and his administration plans to to force affluent communities to accept affordable housing, such as Section 8.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is set to release new regulations that would set aside taxpayer money to build cheap housing for poor people in richer areas. Under the rules, the federal government would be able to overrule zoning laws of more than 1,200 local governments and force communities to comply.

But on Wednesday, the House move to preemptively limit the power ofHUD, now headed up by Julian Castro, a top candidate to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate should she win the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.

The House voted 229-193 for a measure that prevents HUD from implementing the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation.

The measure was put forward by Arizona Republican Rep. Paul A. Gosar, who has been a vocal foe of the new regulations.

“As the president reaches the end of his second term, he has made it clear that his top priorities during his waning days are furthering his far-left political agenda by forcing big government programs on the American people. His new AFFH regulation is one of the most far-reaching attempts yet to punish communities that don’t submit to the president’s liberal ideology. American citizens and communities should be free to choose where they would like to live and not be subject to federal neighborhood engineering at the behest of an overreaching federal government,” Gosar said in a statement.

“Furthermore, HUD officials shouldn’t be holding hostage grant monies aimed at community improvement based on its unrealistic utopian ideas of what every community should resemble. Local zoning decisions have traditionally been, and should always be, made by local communities, not bureaucrats in Washington DC. I am extremely pleased to see the House put a stop to this attempt by the Obama Administration to control a fundamental aspect of the American dream.”

HUD claims the new rules would simple provide equal opportunity, breaking down barriers that have long been in place. “This rule is not about forcing anyone to live anywhere they don’t want to,” Margery Turner, senior vice president at the left-leaning Urban Institute, told The Hill. “It’s really about addressing long-standing practices that prevent people from living where they want to.”

Stanley Kurtz writes in National Review that the regulation “would be one of the most radical and transformative actions ever taken by the Obama administration.”

“In the early stages, the AFFH rule will mandate the collection of information on the precise racial, ethnic, and income distribution of housing in nearly every census tract in the nation. Once that information has been gathered, escalating pressure will be placed on municipalities across the country to abandon local zoning policies and re-engineer housing stock at local expense. Municipalities will be pressured to join regional consortia that will have the effect of taking housing decisions out of the hands of elected officials and the citizens they represent. And the federal government will pressure localities to build dense housing developments near transportation hubs and business areas,” Kurtz writes.

The measure now goes to the Senate, also controlled by Republicans.The Supreme Court is also set to rule on a separate matter of housing discrimination that revolves around whether local governments are guilty of segregation through their policies.


Obama set to force affordable housing into affluent communities - Washington Times
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.


President Obama is NOT a liberal. Closer to the conservative end of the democratic spectrum.


Obama is on the Totalitarian end of the spectrum - with Liberty on the opposite end.

That is NOT conservative.
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.


President Obama is NOT a liberal. Closer to the conservative end of the democratic spectrum.


Obama is on the Totalitarian end of the spectrum - with Liberty on the opposite end.

That is NOT conservative.

Think a lot of that is simply a candidate can run as and say whatever they truly believe. But once in office they realize how obligated they are to maintain the status quo.
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.


President Obama is NOT a liberal. Closer to the conservative end of the democratic spectrum.


Obama is on the Totalitarian end of the spectrum - with Liberty on the opposite end.

That is NOT conservative.

Think a lot of that is simply a candidate can run as and say whatever they truly believe. But once in office they realize how obligated they are to maintain the status quo.

If you think being Conservative means maintaining the status quo wrought by Leftiests Big Government agendas, then you are sorely mistaken.

If anything, Obama is just a Value-Free Pragmatist Narcissist. He does want he thinks will promote his Legacy, regardless of the consequences after he leaves office.
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.


President Obama is NOT a liberal. Closer to the conservative end of the democratic spectrum.
Bull, you wouldn't be supporting Obama no matter what. If he were closer to being a republican.
Yet none of this matters as Obama can't run again, and ever since Obama took office the GOP has said it would impeach Obama but failed to, and it lost the Presidential election by millions of votes in 2012. So much butt-hurt in this thread.
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.


President Obama is NOT a liberal. Closer to the conservative end of the democratic spectrum.

He's brought Liberalism to it's proper place and identity....Socialism/Communism/Marxism/Fascism and a hatred of the American dream! Thanks for playing!
Yet none of this matters as Obama can't run again, and ever since Obama took office the GOP has said it would impeach Obama but failed to, and it lost the Presidential election by millions of votes in 2012. So much butt-hurt in this thread.

You don't know the difference between butt hurt and DISGUST,,,, another 2 digit IQ'd subversive!
July 12, 2015, 11:00 am
Fiorina: Trump tapping into an ‘anger’

By Kyle Balluck


Carly Fiorina said in an interview Sunday that fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is “tapping into an anger that I hear every day.”

“People are angry that a commonsense thing like securing the border or ending sanctuary cities is somehow considered extreme,” she told ABC’s “This Week.” “It's not extreme, it's commonsense. We need to secure the border.”
“People are also angry at a professional political class of both parties that talks a good game, gives good speeches, but somehow nothing ever really changes,” she added. “And people are angry as well at a double standard in the media.”

Fiorina said she had not been asked a “single question” about Trump’s comments on immigration during six days in New Hampshire.

Fiorina also blasted Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton during the ABC interview, saying the former secretary of State’s polices create more income inequality.

“Why? Because bigger government creates crony capitalism,” she said. “When you have a 70,000 page tax code, you've got to be very wealthy, very powerful, very well connected to dig your way through that tax code. … I will continue to point out … the fact that every policy she is pursuing will make income inequality worse, not better, crony capitalism even worse, not better. “

Clinton is scheduled to deliver a major economic policy speech in New York on Monday, when she is expected to call for a boost to the stagnating incomes of middle-class families.
Fiorina Trump tapping into an anger TheHill
A shopper perusing the merchandise at the Redwood Country Flea Market was so offended by a vendor selling Confederate and Nazi historical memorabilia, the person actually called 911.

Wallingford, Connecticut police were dispatched to the flea market to investigate.

Confederate memorabilia. (Example)

The police chief William Wright tells News 8 “the reason no one was arrested was because the items were being sold on private property” — not to mention no laws were broken.

“There was a table set up with this material,” Wright says, according toJournal-Record. “It’s not criminally illegal, but obviously it offended this person. It causes some people a sense of being uncomfortable. Certainly the owner could preclude this merchandise.”

The town resident who called 911 said there were helmets with swastikas, images of Hitler and other historical Nazi items.

“I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he tells the paper. “I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,” referring to the digits the Nazis would tattoo on prisoners.

The caller complained that the Confederate items were “not authentic” and were replicas of flags and weapons.

He says the seller told him “he was selling so much he can’t keep it in stock.”

Jason Teal, president of the Meriden-Wallingford NAACP, was contacted to see what he thought.

“It’s difficult because it’s on private property and it’s considered free speech,” Teal says.

According to the paper, the complainant also called Mayor William W. Dickinson Jr., who promptly called Chief Wright.

“I had to check with the chief over what is actionable and what isn’t,” according to the mayor. “Unless something violates state or federal law, there’s no jurisdiction for government to do anything. We had to ask, is it something controlled by law?”

And the assistant regional director of the Anti-Defamation League in Connecticut sees a difference between authentic memorabilia and “cheap replicas” “used as symbols of hate.”

“It’s unfortunate that under the law people have the right to sell these things; but it doesn’t mean they should sell these things,” Joshua Sayles says.

“It’s not a crime but I would call it hate. People look at the situation in Charleston and say it’s down in the South. But this stuff is here in Connecticut.”

Offended flea market shopper calls 911 over Confederate merchandise The American Mirror

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