Obama's Killing Liberalism

A Baltimore woman was arrested after she dumped what appeared to be water on Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake as she greeted residents Saturday morning at the Mondawmin Festival.

The woman, identified by police as Lacheisa Pailin-Sheffer, ran up to Rawlings-Blake and poured a large cup of liquid over the mayor's head. Aides rushed to the mayor to help her dry off while a member of her executive protection unit grabbed the woman and placed her in handcuffs.

Police said Pailin-Sheffer, 37, was charged with second-degree assault.

  • 300x169

Community events such as the festival can help bring in customers, said Bridgette Cifton, an assistant manager of Shoe City at Mondawmin. "It's been pretty good," she said of the traffic through the store on Saturday.

Many attendees came in search of help — finding housing, jobs or legal services.

"A lot of people are looking for work," said Mallory Crawford, enrollment coordinator for Bon Secours Community Works, which offers career development, family support, financial services and help for women in crisis.

While attending a festival at Mondawmin mall, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake talked about focusing on the city of Baltimore and not former Mayor Sheila Dixon. (Kevin Richardson/Baltimore Sun video)

Aeisha Morrison, 36, who has been living in shelters with four children and a grandchild since October, made her way from booth to booth inside the mall, seeking help with permanent housing as well as finding part-time jobs for her teenagers. Morrison, accompanied by two of her teenage children, said it helped to find so many services in one spot.

"A lot of times you don't know who to call," she said.

Donna Carolina, a case manger at Catholic Charities, handed out fliers for free laboratory training at the BioTecnical Institute of Maryland Inc. to passers-by.

"If we get everyone working, we can build the community," Carolina said.

By late afternoon as the festival wound down, musician Menes Yahudah led a drum performance by children and adults in Urban Foli, a musical theater performance group that specializes in traditional African drumming. The festival performance was the second "drum circle" in response to the rioting — Yahudah had also led one shortly after the riots in the city's hard-hit Penn North neighborhood.

"It's another opportunity for him to touch the community with his drumming," said his fiancee, Eboni Wiggins, as she watched the performance.

Nearby, about 300 children had bounced their way through the Maryland National Guard-staffed inflatable obstacles course, where Lucy Stuckey waited to give a turn to her 1-year-old grandson.

After a spring marked by violence in her neighborhood, Stuckey said she was happy to see the community come together for enjoyment.

"It's beautiful here," Stuckey said. "It's something good for the kids."

Mayor hit in the face with water at Mondawmin festival - Baltimore Sun
A Baltimore woman was arrested after she dumped what appeared to be water on Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake as she greeted residents Saturday morning at the Mondawmin Festival.

The woman, identified by police as Lacheisa Pailin-Sheffer, ran up to Rawlings-Blake and poured a large cup of liquid over the mayor's head. Aides rushed to the mayor to help her dry off while a member of her executive protection unit grabbed the woman and placed her in handcuffs.

Police said Pailin-Sheffer, 37, was charged with second-degree assault.

  • 300x169

Community events such as the festival can help bring in customers, said Bridgette Cifton, an assistant manager of Shoe City at Mondawmin. "It's been pretty good," she said of the traffic through the store on Saturday.

Many attendees came in search of help — finding housing, jobs or legal services.

"A lot of people are looking for work," said Mallory Crawford, enrollment coordinator for Bon Secours Community Works, which offers career development, family support, financial services and help for women in crisis.

While attending a festival at Mondawmin mall, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake talked about focusing on the city of Baltimore and not former Mayor Sheila Dixon. (Kevin Richardson/Baltimore Sun video)

Aeisha Morrison, 36, who has been living in shelters with four children and a grandchild since October, made her way from booth to booth inside the mall, seeking help with permanent housing as well as finding part-time jobs for her teenagers. Morrison, accompanied by two of her teenage children, said it helped to find so many services in one spot.

"A lot of times you don't know who to call," she said.

Donna Carolina, a case manger at Catholic Charities, handed out fliers for free laboratory training at the BioTecnical Institute of Maryland Inc. to passers-by.

"If we get everyone working, we can build the community," Carolina said.

By late afternoon as the festival wound down, musician Menes Yahudah led a drum performance by children and adults in Urban Foli, a musical theater performance group that specializes in traditional African drumming. The festival performance was the second "drum circle" in response to the rioting — Yahudah had also led one shortly after the riots in the city's hard-hit Penn North neighborhood.

"It's another opportunity for him to touch the community with his drumming," said his fiancee, Eboni Wiggins, as she watched the performance.

Nearby, about 300 children had bounced their way through the Maryland National Guard-staffed inflatable obstacles course, where Lucy Stuckey waited to give a turn to her 1-year-old grandson.

After a spring marked by violence in her neighborhood, Stuckey said she was happy to see the community come together for enjoyment.

"It's beautiful here," Stuckey said. "It's something good for the kids."

Mayor hit in the face with water at Mondawmin festival - Baltimore Sun

Good and decent black people are TIRED of the RACE BAIT PROMOTION of their fellow blacks!
Yet none of this matters as Obama can't run again, and ever since Obama took office the GOP has said it would impeach Obama but failed to, and it lost the Presidential election by millions of votes in 2012. So much butt-hurt in this thread.

You don't know the difference between butt hurt and DISGUST,,,, another 2 digit IQ'd subversive!
You don't know the difference between butt-hurt, and a logical fallacy. Because you just engaged in both.

But I kept you on ignore for a while now, as 90% of your posts are pointless insults, and this post of yours has been no different.
Yet none of this matters as Obama can't run again, and ever since Obama took office the GOP has said it would impeach Obama but failed to, and it lost the Presidential election by millions of votes in 2012. So much butt-hurt in this thread.

You don't know the difference between butt hurt and DISGUST,,,, another 2 digit IQ'd subversive!
You don't know the difference between butt-hurt, and a logical fallacy. Because you just engaged in both.

But I kept you on ignore for a while now, as 90% of your posts are pointless insults, and this post of yours has been no different.

I know COWARDS always put me on ignore, when THE TRUTH, and logic shuts you scum down, Please insult me, I find it invigorates my creativity!
A Baltimore woman was arrested after she dumped what appeared to be water on Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake as she greeted residents Saturday morning at the Mondawmin Festival.

The woman, identified by police as Lacheisa Pailin-Sheffer, ran up to Rawlings-Blake and poured a large cup of liquid over the mayor's head. Aides rushed to the mayor to help her dry off while a member of her executive protection unit grabbed the woman and placed her in handcuffs.

Police said Pailin-Sheffer, 37, was charged with second-degree assault.

  • 300x169

Community events such as the festival can help bring in customers, said Bridgette Cifton, an assistant manager of Shoe City at Mondawmin. "It's been pretty good," she said of the traffic through the store on Saturday.

Many attendees came in search of help — finding housing, jobs or legal services.

"A lot of people are looking for work," said Mallory Crawford, enrollment coordinator for Bon Secours Community Works, which offers career development, family support, financial services and help for women in crisis.

While attending a festival at Mondawmin mall, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake talked about focusing on the city of Baltimore and not former Mayor Sheila Dixon. (Kevin Richardson/Baltimore Sun video)

Aeisha Morrison, 36, who has been living in shelters with four children and a grandchild since October, made her way from booth to booth inside the mall, seeking help with permanent housing as well as finding part-time jobs for her teenagers. Morrison, accompanied by two of her teenage children, said it helped to find so many services in one spot.

"A lot of times you don't know who to call," she said.

Donna Carolina, a case manger at Catholic Charities, handed out fliers for free laboratory training at the BioTecnical Institute of Maryland Inc. to passers-by.

"If we get everyone working, we can build the community," Carolina said.

By late afternoon as the festival wound down, musician Menes Yahudah led a drum performance by children and adults in Urban Foli, a musical theater performance group that specializes in traditional African drumming. The festival performance was the second "drum circle" in response to the rioting — Yahudah had also led one shortly after the riots in the city's hard-hit Penn North neighborhood.

"It's another opportunity for him to touch the community with his drumming," said his fiancee, Eboni Wiggins, as she watched the performance.

Nearby, about 300 children had bounced their way through the Maryland National Guard-staffed inflatable obstacles course, where Lucy Stuckey waited to give a turn to her 1-year-old grandson.

After a spring marked by violence in her neighborhood, Stuckey said she was happy to see the community come together for enjoyment.

"It's beautiful here," Stuckey said. "It's something good for the kids."

Mayor hit in the face with water at Mondawmin festival - Baltimore Sun
I just stay away from Baltimore, as it is a messed up, high poverty, high-crime area. But as long as it stays in Baltimore, and doesn't cross into other countys, I don't worry too much. It is the St Louis of MD unfortunately.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake speaks in front of local faith leaders at a news conference regarding the death of Freddie Gray, Friday, April 24, 2015, in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) ** FILE ** more >

By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times - Friday, July 10, 2015

Hassan Giordano, a leader of a Baltimore branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), said he was told that hosting Republican outreach in his office is off limits.

Mr. Giordano, who calls himself “not the average conservative” because of his Muslim faith and criminal record, told The Daily Caller of irate phone calls he received for trying to work with Republicans.

“When National found out that I was bringing the governor [Larry Hogan, a Republican], the lieutenant governor [Boyd Rutherford, a Republican], and Dr. [Alveda] King to Baltimore and the Sandtown NAACP office, they literally called and said, ‘There’s no way in the world they can come into our office,’ ” Mr. Giordano told The Daily Caller on Friday. “Then the Mayor [Democrat, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake] — who kind of gave the us the NAACP office in Sandtown — called and said, ‘No, you’re not allowed. And then, the president [of the Baltimore NAACP branch, Tessa Hill-Aston] called me and she said, ‘You know they’re having a fit because you’re bringing in too many Republicans.’ “

Howard Libit, Director of Strategic Planning and Policy for the mayor’s office, told The Washington Times that Mrs. Rawlings-Blake “absolutely denies having any conversation as described” by Mr. Giordano.

Tessa Hill-Aston, President of the Baltimore City Branch NAACP, also denied that any such conversation took place. She told The Washington Times that the governor and and lieutenant governor walked with her through the community during a visit and were wholeheartedly welcomed.

Mr. Giorgano told The Daily Caller that the organization bows down to a “liberal machine” at the national level instead of looking for areas of agreement between different ideologies.

“[This] is what I hate about NAACP national: It’s more media-driven than being productive to help people,” Mr. Giordano said, The Daily Caller reported. “I’ve always stayed away from it because of that. And even being a part of it now kind of turns my stomach at times.”

Mr. Giordano has been an elected official on the executive board of the Baltimore NAACP for three years. He told the website he wants to foster an environment where it’s believed that “people are people regardless of party affiliation,” and that everyone can find a way to help protect civil rights.
Baltimore NAACP leader says Stephanie Rawlings-Blake told him he wasn t allowed to host Republicans - Washington Times
Yet none of this matters as Obama can't run again, and ever since Obama took office the GOP has said it would impeach Obama but failed to, and it lost the Presidential election by millions of votes in 2012. So much butt-hurt in this thread.

You don't know the difference between butt hurt and DISGUST,,,, another 2 digit IQ'd subversive!
You don't know the difference between butt-hurt, and a logical fallacy. Because you just engaged in both.

But I kept you on ignore for a while now, as 90% of your posts are pointless insults, and this post of yours has been no different.

I know COWARDS always put me on ignore, when THE TRUTH, and logic shuts you scum down, Please insult me, I find it invigorates my creativity!
No. I put people on ignore until I feel they have calmed down or posted something sensible. It is just like not picking up a newspaper that has sucky content, until it puts out a good story. What you call truth, I call face-palm material.
Yet none of this matters as Obama can't run again, and ever since Obama took office the GOP has said it would impeach Obama but failed to, and it lost the Presidential election by millions of votes in 2012. So much butt-hurt in this thread.

You don't know the difference between butt hurt and DISGUST,,,, another 2 digit IQ'd subversive!
You don't know the difference between butt-hurt, and a logical fallacy. Because you just engaged in both.

But I kept you on ignore for a while now, as 90% of your posts are pointless insults, and this post of yours has been no different.

I know COWARDS always put me on ignore, when THE TRUTH, and logic shuts you scum down, Please insult me, I find it invigorates my creativity!
No. I put people on ignore until I feel they have calmed down or posted something sensible. It is just like not picking up a newspaper that has sucky content, until it puts out a good story. What you call truth, I call face-palm material.

A low IQer, such as yourself would, where others are always interested at laughing at stupid people!
Yet none of this matters as Obama can't run again, and ever since Obama took office the GOP has said it would impeach Obama but failed to, and it lost the Presidential election by millions of votes in 2012. So much butt-hurt in this thread.

You don't know the difference between butt hurt and DISGUST,,,, another 2 digit IQ'd subversive!
You don't know the difference between butt-hurt, and a logical fallacy. Because you just engaged in both.

But I kept you on ignore for a while now, as 90% of your posts are pointless insults, and this post of yours has been no different.

I know COWARDS always put me on ignore, when THE TRUTH, and logic shuts you scum down, Please insult me, I find it invigorates my creativity!
No. I put people on ignore until I feel they have calmed down or posted something sensible. It is just like not picking up a newspaper that has sucky content, until it puts out a good story. What you call truth, I call face-palm material.

A low IQer, such as yourself would, where others are always interested at laughing at stupid people!
I would work on your grammar before you start going on about IQ score.

I have never taken an IQ test that hasn't put me high in the hundreds (or higher than that), and that is without trying.

Though, the intelligence of a poster still doesn't undermine the validity of an argument, so keep up the nonsense and make yourself look silly.

It is like claiming because someone claims that a ball is round, and someone with a higher IQ claims the ball is a square, that the later argument wins on basis of a higher IQ - even if the ball is round.
You don't know the difference between butt hurt and DISGUST,,,, another 2 digit IQ'd subversive!
You don't know the difference between butt-hurt, and a logical fallacy. Because you just engaged in both.

But I kept you on ignore for a while now, as 90% of your posts are pointless insults, and this post of yours has been no different.

I know COWARDS always put me on ignore, when THE TRUTH, and logic shuts you scum down, Please insult me, I find it invigorates my creativity!
No. I put people on ignore until I feel they have calmed down or posted something sensible. It is just like not picking up a newspaper that has sucky content, until it puts out a good story. What you call truth, I call face-palm material.

A low IQer, such as yourself would, where others are always interested at laughing at stupid people!
I would work on your grammar before you start going on about IQ score.

I have never taken an IQ test that hasn't put me high in the hundreds (or higher than that), and that is without trying.

Though, the intelligence of a poster still doesn't undermine the validity of an argument, so keep up the nonsense and make yourself look silly.

It is like claiming because someone claims that a ball is round, and someone with a higher IQ claims the ball is a square, that the later argument wins on basis of a higher IQ - even if the ball is round.

Just to show people, HOW do you get "an IQ test that hasn't put me high in the hundreds (or higher than that)?.... Can someone show me an IQ test that's 200 or more? Do I really have to deal with this idiot? These people simply pull SHIT out of their ass, throw it on the NET and expect YOU to believe them.... They are MY ENTERTAINMENT!
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.


Dims need liberals about as much as the GOP needs conservatives.

The only question becomes, will it be Hillary or Jeb?
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.


Polling questions your thread:

Party Affiliation Gallup Historical Trends

Liberal Self-Identification Edges Up to New High in 2013


"Democrats hold advantages in party identification among blacks, Asians, Hispanics, well-educated adults and Millennials. Republicans have leads among whites – particularly white men, those with less education and evangelical Protestants – as well as members of the Silent Generation."
A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation Pew Research Center
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.


Polling questions your thread:

Party Affiliation Gallup Historical Trends

Liberal Self-Identification Edges Up to New High in 2013


"Democrats hold advantages in party identification among blacks, Asians, Hispanics, well-educated adults and Millennials. Republicans have leads among whites – particularly white men, those with less education and evangelical Protestants – as well as members of the Silent Generation."
A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation Pew Research Center
Your signature cements you in the moron classification. And liberal growth is to be expected with the rampant cheating y'all do. 1 liberal voting 3 times or 1 liberal signing up illegal registrants does not equate to the liberal party growing.
America is becoming more and more fed up with the left. With every symbolic victory they are almost certainly assuring their electoral defeat in the next election.


July 12, 2015
Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him
By Clarice Feldman

I have enormous respect for Victor Davis Hanson and read with great interesthis account this week that the people are getting fed up with the liberal elites.

Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable.

Europe and the United States are seeing glimpses of the ultimate leftist trajectory -- a mixture of Greece and Detroit, de facto non-enforcement of the law, the Iranian nuke deal, a new McCarthyism, and race, class, and gender hatred -- and are becoming afraid and perhaps appalled. A growing number of people sense that 21st century leftist elites are not pragmatic working people, but a privileged sect that callously experiments with other people’s lives on the understanding that they are insulated and immune from the inevitable disasters that follow from their own ideas.

A great pushback is awakening here and abroad, but its timing, nature, and future remain mysterious.

And there is plenty of evidence to support his view. For example, 70% of the people who voted for Obama’s re-election now regret doing so, according to a YouGov poll, and the astounding response Donald Trump is getting suggests that it is not just name recognition and “nativism” in play.

Indeed, if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset you might conclude that Obama’s a deep undercover conservative who decided that making crystal clear the idiocies of the liberal elite would force people to finally reject them for good. Here are just a few of this week’s epic fails by Obama and his fellow travelers and supporters which evince a deliberate plan to disaffect us from the left.


President Obama is NOT a liberal. Closer to the conservative end of the democratic spectrum.

Oh puhleeze. Obama is a Stalinist.
You don't know the difference between butt-hurt, and a logical fallacy. Because you just engaged in both.

But I kept you on ignore for a while now, as 90% of your posts are pointless insults, and this post of yours has been no different.

I know COWARDS always put me on ignore, when THE TRUTH, and logic shuts you scum down, Please insult me, I find it invigorates my creativity!
No. I put people on ignore until I feel they have calmed down or posted something sensible. It is just like not picking up a newspaper that has sucky content, until it puts out a good story. What you call truth, I call face-palm material.

A low IQer, such as yourself would, where others are always interested at laughing at stupid people!
I would work on your grammar before you start going on about IQ score.

I have never taken an IQ test that hasn't put me high in the hundreds (or higher than that), and that is without trying.

Though, the intelligence of a poster still doesn't undermine the validity of an argument, so keep up the nonsense and make yourself look silly.

It is like claiming because someone claims that a ball is round, and someone with a higher IQ claims the ball is a square, that the later argument wins on basis of a higher IQ - even if the ball is round.

Just to show people, HOW do you get "an IQ test that hasn't put me high in the hundreds (or higher than that)?.... Can someone show me an IQ test that's 200 or more? Do I really have to deal with this idiot? These people simply pull SHIT out of their ass, throw it on the NET and expect YOU to believe them.... They are MY ENTERTAINMENT!

Well, there is several ways to take "high in the hundreds"

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