Obama's Lead Looks Stronger in Polls that Include Cell phones

Aug 7, 2012
September 19, 2012

Obama’s Lead Looks Stronger in Polls That Include Cellphones


As I observed on Tuesday, and as The New Republic’s Nate Cohn also found, Barack Obama seems to have received a much clearer bounce in some types of polls than others.

Although there are exceptions on either side, like the Gallup national tracking poll, for the most part Mr. Obama seems to be getting stronger results in polls that use live interviewers and that include cellphones in their samples — enough to suggest that he has a clear advantage in the race.

In the polls that use an automated dialing method (“robopolls”) or which exclude cellphones, Mr. Obama’s bounce has been much harder to discern, and the race looks considerably closer.

The difference seems especially pronounced at the state level. Mr. Obama got very strong results in a series of NBC News/Marist College polls last week in Ohio, Florida and Virginia, which included cellphones and used live interviewers. Likewise, Tuesday morning’s series of New York Times / CBS News / Quinnipiac polls had reasonably good news for Mr. Obama in Virginia and Wisconsin.


These results are consistent with some past research.



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Uncle Ferd says dat's why Granny so goofy - `cause she always yakkin' on her cellphone...
Cancer cells: Italian court rules ‘mobile phones can cause brain tumors’
20 October, 2012, The Italian Supreme Court has ruled there is a causal link between mobile phone use and brain tumors in a landmark case. The ruling has set a legal precedent that could potentially trigger a deluge of lawsuits.
Innocente Marcolini, a 60-year-old retired businessman argued that the excessive use of his mobile phone for around six hours every day for 12 years caused a benign brain tumor that left his face partially paralyzed. The Italian court ruled in the businessman’s favor, conceding that there is a “causal link” between phone use and the development of the tumor. "This is significant for very many people. I wanted this problem to become public because many people still do not know the risks,” said Marcolini to Corriere della Sera. “I was always on the phone for at least five or six hours a day. Always with a mobile pressed to my ear.”

Marcolini’s tumor was located on the trigeminal nerve, close to where his cellphone touched his head. Although the tumor was non-cancerous, it endangered his life as it could have spread to the carotid artery and blocked one of the main blood vessels to the brain. In his case he argued that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by cellphones can damage cells, making tumors more likely to occur.

Oncologist and professor of environmental mutagenesis Angelo Gino Levis, who gave evidence during the court hearing, said that the ruling was “extremely important.” “Finally a correlation has been officially recognized between electromagnetic waves and development of tumors in spite of the anti-alarmist propaganda and research financed by mobile phone manufacturers,” Levis told the Corriere. He stressed that after working on several case studies the relationship between the use of mobile phones and the increased risk of brain tumors is proven. "It'll open, not a road, but a motorway to legal actions by victims. We're considering a class action,” Levis told UK newspaper The Sun.

More Cancer cells: Italian court rules
More straw grasping by COH.

Why is she spamming the board with her bulls**t ?
How many of these threads about the exact same thing are we going to be forced to endure from curseofhistory? Talk about spamming the board.
It is ultimately true, however.

Election sentiment tracking lags far behind technological advances.

Another good thing to look at... sentiment on social media. It's no scientific poll, but it certainly does give a picture of a block of people ordinarily overlooked with standard polling.


Again, no true poll, but a very telling sentiment indication.
Obama has never been behind in the electoral math. I know some will bring up RCP but, for some reason, it has PA, WI, an MI as still undecided; they were decided (with the exception of WI) months ago.
Obama has never been behind in the electoral math. I know some will bring up RCP but, for some reason, it has PA, WI, an MI as still undecided; they were decided (with the exception of WI) months ago.

It's because they are giving equal weighting to the nonsense Gallup poll giving Romney a +7. It skews the rolling avererage by more than a point.
I hear he looks strong in polls that only sample democrats...

In the real world, Barry is toast...
Obama has never been behind in the electoral math. I know some will bring up RCP but, for some reason, it has PA, WI, an MI as still undecided; they were decided (with the exception of WI) months ago.

What do you know that thousands of others don't.

Maybe you should write them and let them know that they are wasting their time.

That or shut up.
Obama has never been behind in the electoral math. I know some will bring up RCP but, for some reason, it has PA, WI, an MI as still undecided; they were decided (with the exception of WI) months ago.

What do you know that thousands of others don't.

Maybe you should write them and let them know that they are wasting their time.

That or shut up.

Perhaps you should show the polls (plural) that show Romney with a lead in electoral math. That or shut up.

PA, MI, and WI are Obama's. Get used to it and get used to posting somewhere else or start working on your new sock puppet. Your choice.
Obama has never been behind in the electoral math. I know some will bring up RCP but, for some reason, it has PA, WI, an MI as still undecided; they were decided (with the exception of WI) months ago.

It's because they are giving equal weighting to the nonsense Gallup poll giving Romney a +7. It skews the rolling avererage by more than a point.

Nationwide polls are meaningless--I've said that from the beginning--in Presidential elections. Electoral math is all that matters and it is firmly in the President's favor.

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