Obama's mentor

Not sure Obama has much patience for studying anything tbh. But certainly, his puppet masters are keenly aware of the likes of Alinsky and others.

Interesting. You don't believe that the president is a learned man? You believe that he is one who avoids reading and studying?

Is that your contention? If so....what gave you that impression?

Who are his puppet masters? Names, please.

BTW, TGG.....good news. Now that Templar Douchebag tried to hop behind the bar at the Tavern.....your place is no longer the least popular watering hole at the USMB. Congrats!
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Not sure Obama has much patience for studying anything tbh. But certainly, his puppet masters are keenly aware of the likes of Alinsky and others.

Interesting. You don't believe that the president is a learned man? You believe that he is one who avoids reading and studying?

Is that your contention? If so....what gave you that impression?

Who are his puppet masters? Names, please.

BTW, TGG.....good news. Now that Templar Douchebag tried to hop behind the bar at the Tavern.....your place is no longer the least popular watering hole at the USMB. Congrats!

Your post was disrespectful and trollish (juvenile frankly). As such, I will not be regarding it other than to say that I won't be regarding it.
Not sure Obama has much patience for studying anything tbh. But certainly, his puppet masters are keenly aware of the likes of Alinsky and others.

Interesting. You don't believe that the president is a learned man? You believe that he is one who avoids reading and studying?

Is that your contention? If so....what gave you that impression?

Who are his puppet masters? Names, please.

BTW, TGG.....good news. Now that Templar Douchebag tried to hop behind the bar at the Tavern.....your place is no longer the least popular watering hole at the USMB. Congrats!

Your post was disrespectful and trollish (juvenile frankly). As such, I will not be regarding it other than to say that I won't be regarding it.

Too late. I already read your deleted reply. You know....math problems and White Sox player names......

You misfired. It's OK. It happens.

By the way.....you are correct. I have very little respect for you. I have less respect for you than you have for YOUR president. Ya loser.
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It is hard to believe that conservatives will believe anything that shows up in their inbox

As long as it trashes Obama
Interesting. You don't believe that the president is a learned man? You believe that he is one who avoids reading and studying?

Is that your contention? If so....what gave you that impression?

Who are his puppet masters? Names, please.

BTW, TGG.....good news. Now that Templar Douchebag tried to hop behind the bar at the Tavern.....your place is no longer the least popular watering hole at the USMB. Congrats!

Your post was disrespectful and trollish (juvenile frankly). As such, I will not be regarding it other than to say that I won't be regarding it.

Too late. I already read your deleted reply. You know....math problems and White Sox player names......

You misfired. It's OK. It happens.

By the way.....you are correct. I have no respect for you. I have less respect for you than you have for YOUR president. Ya loser.

Well, you got your answer, then; and you did nothing with it. You only validate my reasoning for not taking you seriously.
Your post was disrespectful and trollish (juvenile frankly). As such, I will not be regarding it other than to say that I won't be regarding it.

Too late. I already read your deleted reply. You know....math problems and White Sox player names......

You misfired. It's OK. It happens.

By the way.....you are correct. I have no respect for you. I have less respect for you than you have for YOUR president. Ya loser.

Well, you got your answer, then; and you did nothing with it. You only validate my reasoning for not taking you seriously.

I got the answer...and then I got the lie that you replaced it with. So easy....it seems. How the lies just ooze from you.

Be honest for a change. Why would you come here and suggest that the president.....a lawyer.....is not one to have the patience to study? What could possibly prompt you to say such a ridiculous thing?
Too late. I already read your deleted reply. You know....math problems and White Sox player names......

You misfired. It's OK. It happens.

By the way.....you are correct. I have no respect for you. I have less respect for you than you have for YOUR president. Ya loser.

Well, you got your answer, then; and you did nothing with it. You only validate my reasoning for not taking you seriously.

I got the answer...and then I got the lie that you replaced it with. So easy....it seems. How the lies just ooze from you.

Be honest for a change. Why would you come here and suggest that the president.....a lawyer.....is not one to have the patience to study? What could possibly prompt you to say such a ridiculous thing?

Maybe, I've humored or weathered your vitriolic posts in the past. But I'll say this once more so that there is no misunderstanding. Don't expect me to engage you when you act in such a manner.
same message, different words. If you libs can't see that then there is nothing more to be said.

The sad thing is that Alinsky's tactics work.

Should both parties implement them? Would that make the USA a better society?

Does the end always justify the means?

Is a win by cheating a good win?

Sorry, dude - It's NOT the same message - not by a mile! What you posted was misinformation and never attributed to Alinsky.

A complete misquote.

Also, there's this matter of Alinsky being Obama's "mentor."

This is very similar to attempts to tie Obama to Bill Ayers - they barely knew one another and the only real connection to Ayers, was a fundraiser and serving on the same comity together.

Wonder what the connection to Alinsky was??? Did he once actually say "bless you" when Obama sneezed or something?
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Well, you got your answer, then; and you did nothing with it. You only validate my reasoning for not taking you seriously.

I got the answer...and then I got the lie that you replaced it with. So easy....it seems. How the lies just ooze from you.

Be honest for a change. Why would you come here and suggest that the president.....a lawyer.....is not one to have the patience to study? What could possibly prompt you to say such a ridiculous thing?

Maybe, I've humored or weathered your vitriolic posts in the past. But I'll say this once more so that there is no misunderstanding. Don't expect me to engage you when you act in such a manner.

What manner is that? The one that mocks you for stupidity and dishonesty?

You still haven't explained what makes you think that the President of the United States is not a studious person. What is it?
come on libs, cat got your tongue?

What's the point.

I am willing to bet you've never read anything by Alinsky, you've just read how the Right Wing Media characterizes his work.

Okay, look I know that you guys think that Obama is some kind of closet marxist or something, but the reality is, compared to FDR, JFK and LBJ, the guy is actually pretty moderate.

Seriously, his 'Big government takeover" of health care largely relies on writing checks to private sector insurance companies. The kind of Corporate Welfare that the GOP just loves, loves, loves... until the Black Guy Did It.
come on libs, cat got your tongue?


What has become of Redfish's tongue?

He was so sassy when he was taunting Liberals with his alleged Alinsky/Obama connection. Once it was proven to be complete and total bullshit....he ran away

Most of the crap stories that get posted here are easily debunked within a few minutes.

I realize that it seems counter-productive to debunk something favorable to your cause, but it lends credibility to the poster when at least a small attempt gets made to post actual FACTS.

What has become of Redfish's tongue?

He was so sassy when he was taunting Liberals with his alleged Alinsky/Obama connection. Once it was proven to be complete and total bullshit....he ran away

Most of the crap stories that get posted here are easily debunked within a few minutes.

I realize that it seems counter-productive to debunk something favorable to your cause, but it lends credibility to the poster when at least a small attempt gets made to post actual FACTS.

These morons will repost anything that shows up in their inbox. If it is anti-Obama, it must be true. They can't wait to be the first to start a thread

The sad part is they will come back in a few weeks trying to pass the same bullshit story
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Sal Alinsky is the author of the Obama agenda. Remember, Obama's state senate district included UIC and it is also home to HQ of Socialist Party of Illinois.
You know...I'm as liberal as the day is long, but I'd never heard of Alinsky until the RWers starting insisting that, as a liberal, he is the author of my "playbook"...so I Wiki'd him. The fart-in idea was funny.
You know...I'm as liberal as the day is long, but I'd never heard of Alinsky until the RWers starting insisting that, as a liberal, he is the author of my "playbook"...so I Wiki'd him. The fart-in idea was funny.

Conservatives obsess over Alinsky much more than Liberals do

They are also much more likely to use his tactics

In todays society, it is the Conservatives who are radicals
same message, different words. If you libs can't see that then there is nothing more to be said.

The sad thing is that Alinsky's tactics work.

Should both parties implement them? Would that make the USA a better society?

Does the end always justify the means?

Is a win by cheating a good win?

Sorry, dude - It's NOT the same message - not by a mile! What you posted was misinformation and never attributed to Alinsky.

A complete misquote.

Also, there's this matter of Alinsky being Obama's "mentor."

This is very similar to attempts to tie Obama to Bill Ayers - they barely knew one another and the only real connection to Ayers, was a fundraiser and serving on the same comity together.

Wonder what the connection to Alinsky was??? Did he once actually say "bless you" when Obama sneezed or something?

Of course Obama was in fourth grade while Alinsky was writing his "Rules"

To Redfish....I guess that makes him a mentor
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