Obama's Min. Wage = 27 Million/17% of Americans Get A Raise

What's the matter snookers. Truth of the situation to much for your fucked up mind to handle. If there were better paying jobs out there for the Walmart workers of the country, they would already have them.

Haven't you ever read where assholes like you are always going on about how the UE rate is SO much worse than reported? How Bill Clinton shipped all those good paying jobs out of the country. Or are you such a liar that now you will say no republican ever said that? Probably.

SO we get decent job creation in the lowest wage sector. And those wages allow for the employee to qualify for government assistance and assholes like you think all the low wage worker has to do is QUIT that nasty low pay job and go get them a good job. Like these workers CHOOSE to work for the lowest possible wages.

What the fuck is wrong with you aside from being an asshole?

s0n.......you spend too much time on this site!! Virtually every post you make displays a pronounced level of misery.

Republicans and Dems both suck..........the whole minimum wage concept is but another feel good goofball idea to keep the sheeple happy-happy!!:happy-1::happy-1:
What's the matter snookers. Truth of the situation to much for your fucked up mind to handle. If there were better paying jobs out there for the Walmart workers of the country, they would already have them.

Haven't you ever read where assholes like you are always going on about how the UE rate is SO much worse than reported? How Bill Clinton shipped all those good paying jobs out of the country. Or are you such a liar that now you will say no republican ever said that? Probably.

SO we get decent job creation in the lowest wage sector. And those wages allow for the employee to qualify for government assistance and assholes like you think all the low wage worker has to do is QUIT that nasty low pay job and go get them a good job. Like these workers CHOOSE to work for the lowest possible wages.

What the fuck is wrong with you aside from being an asshole?

This from Wiki:

"With much consideration and emotional discussion, the House of Representatives approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. NAFTA passed the Senate 61-38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; it went into effect on January 1, 1994. Clinton, while signing the NAFTA bill, stated that "NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement."

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce credits NAFTA with increasing US trade in goods and services with Canada and Mexico from $337 billion in 1993 to $1.2 trillion in 2011, while the AFL-CIO blames the agreement for sending 700,000 American manufacturing jobs to Mexico over that time."

I seriously doubt that the AFL-CIO are Republicans.
Having a dictator is something isn't is? You get something for doing NOTHING
No, of course not. As everyone knows, the reason a business exists is to maximize shareholder value, not to put food on someone's table.

An employee is responsible for making sure their skills and effort make them worth more to their employer or another.

Yes, we have to raise MW's, since we have created an underclass via lowered standards and political correctness. But blaming this on an employer is absurd.

Let's not pretend that the Left is pro-employer. Business is nothing more than another cash register for the Left.

So workers are just at the mercy of their employers? They don't deserve a living wage despite being a key factor in a business's shareholder value?

Workers exist as a mass production mechanism for the business. The business would exist without them, by plugging in someone else.

They are paid whatever their fair market value is. That is the only obligation of the business.

No American worker is "at the mercy" of their employer. Find another job. Improve your skills and find a better job. Start your own business.

How lucky we are to live in a country that (currently) allows such freedom.

Why are you so convinced workers are being paid at market value?

There's never an efficient pricing mechanism. Some are paid more than they're worth, others paid less.

That's why it's so nice that we have the freedom to improve our skill sets - if we're not paid what we're worth here, we can look elsewhere.

For many, they're not worth what they think they are, and the market - usually - will rectify that by removing them when a better value presents itself.

If you want $20 an hour and someone else will do the same job just as well for $12, that's an easy call. Your value is not as high as you think it is.

But if businesses exist to maximize profit workers are less and less at an advantage. Mobility nowadays is not anything like it used to be. Millions of people have no choice but to accept shitty paying jobs.
What? Are you seriously arguing people are less mobile today than they were 50 years ago?

Interesting headline to the article linked in the OP:

Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Save Safety Net Programs Billions and Help Ensure Businesses Are Doing Their Fair Share

"Ensure that business are doing their fair share".


Add another one to the list. Sure is good they didn't build that. It wouldn't be worth the effort.

If someone is working for an employer at the maximum amount of hours the employer allows, doesn't that business owe it to the worker to pay them a wage they can live off of?

No, of course not. As everyone knows, the reason a business exists is to maximize shareholder value, not to put food on someone's table.

An employee is responsible for making sure their skills and effort make them worth more to their employer or another.

Yes, we have to raise MW's, since we have created an underclass via lowered standards and political correctness. But blaming this on an employer is absurd.

Let's not pretend that the Left is pro-employer. Business is nothing more than another cash register for the Left.


However, in our modern economy, we don't have commons to which the public can grow their food on or graze the animals that they will later slaughter for food.

So 99% of the population is dependent upon a job to survive. If businesses ONLY look out for shareholders' interests, then this country will cease to exist.
Having a dictator is something isn't is? You get something for doing NOTHING

I think the price is right is on. You might want to go watch that. And if Obama was a dictator, don't you think you should have been arrested by now?
So workers are just at the mercy of their employers? They don't deserve a living wage despite being a key factor in a business's shareholder value?

Well trained and valuable workers are not at the mercy of anyone.

Yup and well trained and valuable workers are payed what they are worth.

The op seems to think everyone should be payed whether they are worth or not.

Of course he's a lefty idiot. What else is new??
Don't be a moron. 17 millilon people make less than 10 an hour. People have no choice but to accept shitty paying jobs.

Moron? Yep thats you. How many of those 17 million are worth your ten bucks an hour?

I would venture to say not to many.

You and your living wage bullshit. People are payed what they are worth. If they don't like the pay they get another job.

Catch a clue you idiot.
Who the fuck decides they aren't worth paying over 10 an hour? Because businesses choose not to? You are such a retard. Businesses exist to maximize profit. They achieve this partially by paying employees as little as they can get away with. Due to inflation, the last time someone could live comfortably off 10 per hour was the 1970s.

I hope a day comes when you lose your job from being laid off and you are forced into a shitty paying job. Then we'll see how you feel.

Aren't you full of love for being a caring tolerant liberal.

You negotiate with your employer about wages and it is not all about wages for everyone, it is about the company and people you work for and with.

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