obama's monster (blacklivesmatter) strikes again!!! Yeeeah! Brutally beats down white Marine.

Blacks always gang up 3 to 4 on one. Any black thugs asking if black lives matter should be presumed a danger and shot on site. Shame on the bystanders who didn't help him.
They gang up because they are like animals. If you had thrown a pork chop off to the side they would have gone after that instead.

We need is to stop being afraid of these negroids. They are human beings. If you hit them they will fall. If you shoot them they will bleed. I know they look big and scary, but so what? Cold cock that motherfucker with an upper cut to the jaw and it will fall like a sack of potatoes. I get that nobody wants to touch one, as they appear dirty and chalky (what the fuck is that chalky crap?!?). But if we do not defend ourselves then we are implicitly encouraging more violence; we are enabling their negro ways. If we are truly going to help them become human and assimilate into society then we need to set aside outlet prejudices and beat the hell out of them!
Give you the warm fuzzies to know these are the people who is giving your President ADVICE on how to run YOUR LIVES?

President Obama Meets With, Praises #BlackLivesMatter’s DeRay McKesson, His ‘Outstanding Work Mobilizing In Baltimore’




What outstanding work would that be? Helping it burn? Defending looting, which is the workshop he taught at Yale?

And they talked about things like this completely unconstitutional possibility…

Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
The gang identified him as a racist. Once identifying a racist, they are entitled to do anything they want.
When I saw the title of this thread that read "Obama's monster black.......", I was expecting quite a different sort of discussion.
Uh…guy… you say it very casually that "they were just committing a robbery" like it is equivalent to "oh..they just went to buy some ice cream…..."

When you have obscene levels of poverty and income inequality, you shouldn't get horribly upset about crime. You should kind of expect it.

If you have been there and done that, I take my hat off for you.
Joey may be a victim of the public education system and brainwashed and if so deserves our sympathy.
The gang identified him as a racist. Once identifying a racist, they are entitled to do anything they want.

Apparently. What people don't pay attention to is that these five sacks of shit are what breeds people like me.... the guy who goes armed at almost all tines and lives in a "Condition Orange" state of mind at all times.
The gang identified him as a racist. Once identifying a racist, they are entitled to do anything they want.

Apparently. What people don't pay attention to is that these five sacks of shit are what breeds people like me.... the guy who goes armed at almost all tines and lives in a "Condition Orange" state of mind at all times.

I am always at Condition 1 after Vietnam. Take no slaves or quarter given. Shoot first and ask questions later.
I was spit on, cursed and called a baby killer by hippies in Los Angeles International Airport, LAX. A Marine Officer that I did not know came to my defense and wanted to beat them up. I was just back from the Vietnam War and told the Marine Officer that I do not want any trouble and heading back home on leave. I had to pull the Marine Officer away from the hippies because he was going to do it.

Why are you lying?
My avatar is a MIG-19 that did not make it back to Hanoi.
Cool story, Bro.
This I prepare for every day when they make the mistake on assuming me to be a liberal victim

You so bad you have a gun that never runs out of ammo. Now that is a BAD muttafooka.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. I have it from good sources that BLM has your name on a list. Be wary and afraid. Your life may depend on it.

But with the gun that never empties, you will be fine.
I was spit on, cursed and called a baby killer by hippies in Los Angeles International Airport, LAX. A Marine Officer that I did not know came to my defense and wanted to beat them up. I was just back from the Vietnam War and told the Marine Officer that I do not want any trouble and heading back home on leave. I had to pull the Marine Officer away from the hippies because he was going to do it.

Why are you lying?
My avatar is a MIG-19 that did not make it back to Hanoi.
Cool story, Bro.

Almost as "cool" as some of your BS, sock
I am always at Condition 1 after Vietnam. Take no slaves or quarter given. Shoot first and ask questions later.

Shoot, stab, spray, kick, punch, etc... first and don't bother with the questions at all.
You so bad you have a gun that never runs out of ammo. Now that is a BAD muttafooka......

.....But with the gun that never empties, you will be fine.

Who needs an endless supply of ammo? This works out quite nicely with a 5 shot S&W J frame revolver. The moment Thug 1 gets shot Thugs 2-5 are lookung for the door. Thug 2 gets shot before he can move sufficiently to prove he's no longer a threat. If necessary 3 rounds remain to deal with further threats from Thugs 1 and 2.
I was spit on, cursed and called a baby killer by hippies in Los Angeles International Airport, LAX. A Marine Officer that I did not know came to my defense and wanted to beat them up. I was just back from the Vietnam War and told the Marine Officer that I do not want any trouble and heading back home on leave. I had to pull the Marine Officer away from the hippies because he was going to do it.

Why are you lying?
I doubt you can prove he is lying. Why are you a lying libtard?
I was spit on, cursed and called a baby killer by hippies in Los Angeles International Airport, LAX. A Marine Officer that I did not know came to my defense and wanted to beat them up. I was just back from the Vietnam War and told the Marine Officer that I do not want any trouble and heading back home on leave. I had to pull the Marine Officer away from the hippies because he was going to do it.

Why are you lying?
My avatar is a MIG-19 that did not make it back to Hanoi.
Cool story, Bro.
You are a fucking joke.

Yeap, in predictable fashion, the pathetic left display their outrage over the senseless act by being pissed at the person posting the story.

SO here we are again...yet another fine example showing the lunacy of liberal apologist.
5 low-life thugs attack an innocent person alone....because the color of their skin - and all the apologist have to say is "where is the audio?...Fox News is not credible...you can't prove they are BLM members"
Who gives a flying f*ck what the reasons are??????
5 people attack one guy, who happens to be a war veteran because of racism!!!!...that is all that matters!

No, 5 people attack one guy because they wanted his stuff. The point is you assumed that they had motives you could't prove beyond a chronic attention whore claiming they said stuff.
Joey may be a victim of the public education system and brainwashed and if so deserves our sympathy.

Naw, man, I was a victim of CATHOLIC EDUCATION. I'm just glad I got out with my bunghole intact.

But to the point, the OP is a lie, there's no evidence these were the evil minions of BLM.

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